2016-10-31 13:19:17 -04:00

355 lines
18 KiB

"MessageUnlockAppWithPurchaseOrSupporter": "Unlock this feature with a small one-time purchase, or with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageUnlockAppWithSupporter": "Unlock this feature with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageToValidateSupporter": "If you have an active Emby Premiere subscription, ensure you've setup Emby Premiere in your Emby Server Dashboard, which you can access by clicking Emby Premiere within the main menu.",
"ValueSpecialEpisodeName": "Special - {0}",
"Share": "Compartir",
"Add": "A\u00f1adir",
"ServerUpdateNeeded": "El servidor necesita actualizarse. Para descargar la \u00faltima versi\u00f3n visita {0}",
"LiveTvGuideRequiresUnlock": "La gu\u00eda de la TV en directo est\u00e1 limitada a {0} canales. Haz clic en el bot\u00f3n de desbloquear para ver como disfrutar de la experiencia completa.",
"AttributeNew": "Nuevo",
"Premiere": "Premiere",
"Live": "Directo",
"Repeat": "Repetir",
"TrackCount": "{0} tracks",
"ItemCount": "\u00edtems {0}",
"ReleaseYearValue": "A\u00f1o de estreno: {0}",
"OriginalAirDateValue": "Fecha de emisi\u00f3n original: {0}",
"EndsAtValue": "Termina a las {0}",
"OptionSundayShort": "Dom",
"OptionMondayShort": "Lun",
"OptionTuesdayShort": "Mar",
"OptionWednesdayShort": "Mie",
"OptionThursdayShort": "Jue",
"OptionFridayShort": "Vie",
"OptionSaturdayShort": "S\u00e1b",
"HeaderSelectDate": "Seleccionar Fecha",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancelar",
"ButtonGotIt": "Lo tengo",
"ButtonRestart": "Reiniciar",
"RecordingCancelled": "Grabaci\u00f3n cancelada.",
"SeriesCancelled": "Series cancelled.",
"RecordingScheduled": "Grabaci\u00f3n programada.",
"SeriesRecordingScheduled": "Series recording scheduled.",
"HeaderNewRecording": "Nueva grabaci\u00f3n",
"Sunday": "Domingo",
"Monday": "Lunes",
"Tuesday": "Martes",
"Wednesday": "Mi\u00e9rcoles",
"Thursday": "Jueves",
"Friday": "Viernes",
"Saturday": "S\u00e1bado",
"Days": "D\u00edas",
"RecordSeries": "Record series",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Cinema Mode",
"HeaderCloudSync": "Cloud Sync",
"HeaderOfflineDownloads": "Offline Media",
"HeaderOfflineDownloadsDescription": "Download media to your devices for easy offline use.",
"CloudSyncFeatureDescription": "Sync your media to the cloud for easy backup, archiving, and converting.",
"CoverArtFeatureDescription": "Cover Art creates fun covers and other treatments to help you personalize your media images.",
"CoverArt": "Cover Art",
"CinemaModeFeatureDescription": "Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the feature.",
"HeaderFreeApps": "Free Emby Apps",
"FreeAppsFeatureDescription": "Enjoy free access to Emby apps for your devices.",
"HeaderBecomeProjectSupporter": "Consigue Emby Premiere",
"MessageActiveSubscriptionRequiredSeriesRecordings": "Se necesita una suscripci\u00f3n a Emby Premiere para poder crear grabaciones autom\u00e1ticas.",
"LabelEmailAddress": "E-mail address:",
"PromoConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormat": "Automatically convert recordings to a streaming friendly format with Emby Premiere. Recordings will be converted on the fly to MP4 or MKV, based on Emby server settings.",
"FeatureRequiresEmbyPremiere": "Esta caracter\u00edstica necesita una suscripci\u00f3n a Emby Premiere.",
"HeaderConvertYourRecordings": "Convert Your Recordings",
"Record": "Grabar",
"Save": "Grabar",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Download": "Descargar",
"Advanced": "Avanzado",
"Delete": "Borrar",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Borrar elemento",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Al borrar este \u00edtem se borrar\u00e1 del sistema de archivos y de la biblioteca. \u00bfQuieres continuar?",
"Refresh": "Refrescar",
"RefreshQueued": "Refresh queued.",
"AddToCollection": "A\u00f1adir a la colecci\u00f3n",
"HeaderAddToCollection": "Agregar a la colecci\u00f3n",
"NewCollection": "Nueva colecci\u00f3n",
"LabelCollection": "Collection:",
"Help": "Ayuda",
"NewCollectionHelp": "Collections allow you to create personalized groupings of movies and other library content.",
"SearchForCollectionInternetMetadata": "Buscar en internet ilustraciones y metadatos",
"LabelName": "Nombre:",
"NewCollectionNameExample": "Ejemplo: Colecci\u00f3n de Star Wars",
"MessageItemsAdded": "Items added.",
"OptionNew": "Nuevo...",
"LabelPlaylist": "Lista:",
"AddToPlaylist": "A\u00f1adir a la lista de reproducci\u00f3n",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist": "A\u00f1adir a la lista",
"Subtitles": "Subtitles",
"SearchForSubtitles": "B\u00fasqueda de Subt\u00edtulos",
"LabelLanguage": "Idioma:",
"Search": "Buscar",
"NoSubtitleSearchResultsFound": "No results found.",
"File": "Archivo",
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles": "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar este archivo de subt\u00edtulos?",
"ConfirmDeletion": "Confirmar borrado",
"MySubtitles": "My Subtitles",
"MessageDownloadQueued": "Download queued.",
"EditSubtitles": "Editar subt\u00edtulos",
"UnlockGuide": "Gu\u00eda de desbloqueo",
"RefreshMetadata": "Refresh Metadata",
"ReplaceExistingImages": "Reemplazar im\u00e1genes existentes",
"ReplaceAllMetadata": "Replace all metadata",
"SearchForMissingMetadata": "Search for missing metadata",
"LabelRefreshMode": "Refresh mode:",
"NoItemsFound": "No se han encontrado \u00edtems",
"HeaderSaySomethingLike": "Di algo como...",
"ButtonTryAgain": "Int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo",
"HeaderYouSaid": "Dijiste...",
"MessageWeDidntRecognizeCommand": "Lo sentimos, no reconocemos ese comando.",
"MessageIfYouBlockedVoice": "Si has denegado el acceso a la voz a la aplicaci\u00f3n tendr\u00e1s que reconfigurarlo antes de intentarlo de nuevo.",
"ValueDiscNumber": "Disco {0}",
"Unrated": "Sin clasificar",
"Favorite": "Favorito",
"Like": "Me gusta",
"Dislike": "No me gusta",
"RefreshDialogHelp": "Metadata is refreshed based on settings and internet services that are enabled in the Emby Server dashboard.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Play": "Reproducir",
"Queue": "En cola",
"Shuffle": "Mezclar",
"Identify": "Identificar",
"EditImages": "Editar im\u00e1genes",
"EditInfo": "Edit info",
"Sync": "Sync",
"InstantMix": "Mix instant\u00e1neo",
"ViewAlbum": "Ver album",
"ViewArtist": "Ver artista",
"QueueAllFromHere": "En cola todos desde aqu\u00ed",
"PlayAllFromHere": "Reproducir todos desde aqu\u00ed",
"PlayFromBeginning": "Play from beginning",
"ResumeAt": "Resume from {0}",
"RemoveFromPlaylist": "Quitar de la lista",
"RemoveFromCollection": "Remove from collection",
"Trailer": "Tr\u00e1iler",
"MarkPlayed": "Mark played",
"MarkUnplayed": "Mark unplayed",
"GroupVersions": "Group versions",
"PleaseSelectTwoItems": "Seleccione al menos dos elementos.",
"TryMultiSelect": "Try Multi-Select",
"TryMultiSelectMessage": "To edit multiple media items, just click and hold any poster and select the items you want to manage. Try it!",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Confirmar la cancelaci\u00f3n de la grabaci\u00f3n",
"MessageConfirmRecordingCancellation": "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea cancelar esta grabaci\u00f3n?",
"Error": "Error",
"VoiceInput": "Voice Input",
"LabelContentType": "Tipo de contenido:",
"LabelPath": "Ruta:",
"LabelTitle": "Title:",
"LabelOriginalTitle": "Original title:",
"LabelSortTitle": "Sort title:",
"LabelDateAdded": "Fecha a\u00f1adido:",
"ConfigureDateAdded": "Configura como la fecha a\u00f1adida se determina en el Panel de Control del servidor Emby en los ajustes de la biblioteca.",
"LabelStatus": "Estado:",
"LabelArtists": "Artistas:",
"LabelArtistsHelp": "Separar multiples usando ;",
"LabelAlbumArtists": "Artistas de los \u00e1lbumes",
"LabelAlbum": "\u00c1lbum",
"LabelCommunityRating": "Puntuaci\u00f3n de la comunidad",
"LabelVoteCount": "Contador de votos:",
"LabelMetascore": "Metapuntuaci\u00f3n:",
"LabelCriticRating": "Valoraci\u00f3n de la cr\u00edtica:",
"LabelCriticRatingSummary": "Resumen de la valoraci\u00f3n de la cr\u00edtica:",
"LabelAwardSummary": "Resumen de premios:",
"LabelWebsite": "Sitio web:",
"LabelTagline": "Lema:",
"LabelOverview": "Resumen:",
"LabelShortOverview": "Resumen corto:",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Fecha de lanzamiento:",
"LabelYear": "Year:",
"LabelPlaceOfBirth": "Lugar de nacimiento:",
"LabelAirDays": "D\u00edas de emisi\u00f3n:",
"LabelAirTime": "Tiempo de emisi\u00f3n:",
"LabelRuntimeMinutes": "Tiempo e ejecuci\u00f3n (minutos):",
"LabelParentalRating": "Clasificaci\u00f3n parental:",
"LabelCustomRating": "Valoraci\u00f3n pesonalizada:",
"LabelBudget": "Prespuesto",
"LabelRevenue": "ingresos ($):",
"LabelOriginalAspectRatio": "Relaci\u00f3n de aspecto original:",
"LabelPlayers": "Players:",
"Label3DFormat": "Formato 3D:",
"HeaderAlternateEpisodeNumbers": "Alternar el n\u00famero de episodios",
"LabelDvdSeasonNumber": "Temporada DVD n\u00famero:",
"LabelDvdEpisodeNumber": "Episodio DVD n\u00famero:",
"LabelAbsoluteEpisodeNumber": "N\u00famero absoluto de episodio:",
"HeaderSpecialEpisodeInfo": "Informaci\u00f3n del episodio especial",
"LabelAirsBeforeSeason": "Se emite antes de la temporada:",
"LabelAirsAfterSeason": "Se emite despu\u00e9s de la temporada:",
"LabelAirsBeforeEpisode": "Se emite antes del episodio:",
"HeaderExternalIds": "Id's externas:",
"HeaderDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"LabelTreatImageAs": "Tratar imagen como:",
"LabelDisplayOrder": "Mostrar orden:",
"Countries": "Countries",
"Genres": "Genres",
"HeaderPlotKeywords": "Palabras clave del reparto",
"Studios": "Studios",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"HeaderMetadataSettings": "Ajustes de metadatos",
"People": "People",
"LabelMetadataDownloadLanguage": "Idioma preferido visualizado",
"LabelLockItemToPreventChanges": "Bloquear este \u00edtem para evitar futuros cambios",
"MessageLeaveEmptyToInherit": "Dejar en blanco para heredar la configuraci\u00f3n de un elemento principal, o el valor predeterminado global.",
"LabelCountry": "Pa\u00eds:",
"LabelDynamicExternalId": "{0} id:",
"LabelBirthYear": "A\u00f1o de nacimiento:",
"LabelBirthDate": "Fecha de nacimiento:",
"LabelDeathDate": "Fecha de muerte:",
"LabelEndDate": "Fecha de fin:",
"LabelSeasonNumber": "Temporada n\u00famero:",
"LabelEpisodeNumber": "Episodio n\u00famero:",
"LabelTrackNumber": "N\u00famero de pista:",
"LabelNumber": "N\u00famero:",
"LabelDiscNumber": "N\u00famero de disco",
"LabelParentNumber": "N\u00famero de los padres",
"SortName": "Ordenar por nombre",
"ReleaseDate": "Release date",
"Continuing": "Continuando",
"Ended": "Finalizado",
"HeaderEnabledFields": "Campos activados",
"HeaderEnabledFieldsHelp": "Desmarca un campo para bloquearlo y evitar que se cambie su contenido.",
"Backdrops": "Im\u00e1genes de fondo",
"Images": "Im\u00e1genes",
"Keywords": "Palabras clave",
"Runtime": "Runtime",
"ProductionLocations": "Production locations",
"BirthLocation": "Birth location",
"ParentalRating": "Parental Rating",
"Name": "Name",
"Overview": "Overview",
"LabelType": "Tipo:",
"LabelPersonRole": "Rol:",
"LabelPersonRoleHelp": "Example: Ice cream truck driver",
"Actor": "Actor",
"Composer": "Compositor",
"Director": "Director",
"GuestStar": "Guest star",
"Producer": "Productor",
"Writer": "Escritor",
"InstallingPackage": "Instalando {0}",
"PackageInstallCompleted": "{0} instalaci\u00f3n completada.",
"PackageInstallFailed": "{0} instalaci\u00f3n fallida.",
"PackageInstallCancelled": "{0} instalaci\u00f3n cancelada.",
"SeriesYearToPresent": "{0}-Presente",
"ValueOneSong": "1 canci\u00f3n",
"ValueSongCount": "{0} canciones",
"ValueOneMovie": "1 pel\u00edcula",
"ValueMovieCount": "{0} pel\u00edculas",
"ValueOneSeries": "1 serie",
"ValueSeriesCount": "{0} series",
"ValueOneEpisode": "1 episodio",
"ValueEpisodeCount": "{0} episodios",
"ValueOneGame": "1 juego",
"ValueGameCount": "{0} juegos",
"ValueOneAlbum": "1 \u00e1lbum",
"ValueAlbumCount": "{0} \u00e1lbumes",
"ValueOneMusicVideo": "1 v\u00eddeo musical",
"ValueMusicVideoCount": "{0} v\u00eddeos musicales",
"ValueMinutes": "{0} min",
"HeaderIdentifyItemHelp": "Asigna uno o m\u00e1s criterios de b\u00fasqueda. Quita criterios para aumentar el n\u00famero de resultados de b\u00fasqueda",
"PleaseEnterNameOrId": "Introduzca un nombre o un identificador externo.",
"MessageItemSaved": "Elemento grabado.",
"SearchResults": "Search Results",
"SyncToOtherDevice": "Sync to other device",
"MakeAvailableOffline": "Make available offline",
"ServerNameIsRestarting": "Emby Server - {0} is restarting.",
"ServerNameIsShuttingDown": "Emby Server - {0} is shutting down.",
"HeaderDeleteItems": "Borrar \u00edtems",
"ConfirmDeleteItems": "Al borrar este \u00edtem se borrar\u00e1 del sistema de archivos y de la biblioteca. \u00bfQuieres continuar?",
"PleaseRestartServerName": "Please restart Emby Server - {0}.",
"SyncJobCreated": "Trabajo de sincronizaci\u00f3n creado.",
"LabelSyncTo": "Sincronizar en:",
"LabelSyncJobName": "Nombre del trabajo de sincronizaci\u00f3n:",
"LabelQuality": "Calidad:",
"LabelSyncNoTargetsHelp": "Parece que no tienes aplicaciones que soporten la sincronizaci\u00f3n.",
"DownloadScheduled": "Download scheduled",
"LearnMore": "Aprende m\u00e1s",
"LabelProfile": "Perfil:",
"LabelBitrateMbps": "Tasa de bits (Mbps):",
"SyncUnwatchedVideosOnly": "Sincronizar los v\u00eddeos no vistos s\u00f3lo",
"SyncUnwatchedVideosOnlyHelp": "S\u00f3lo se sincronizar\u00e1n los v\u00eddeos no vistos, conforme los vayas viendo se eliminar\u00e1n del dispositivo.",
"AutomaticallySyncNewContent": "Sincronizar autom\u00e1ticamente contenido nuevo",
"AutomaticallySyncNewContentHelp": "El contenido nuevo a\u00f1adido se sincronizar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente en el dispositivo.",
"LabelItemLimit": "L\u00edmite de \u00edtems:",
"LabelItemLimitHelp": "Opcional. Pon un l\u00edmite de cantidad de \u00edtems que se sincronizar\u00e1n.",
"PleaseSelectDeviceToSyncTo": "Por favor selecciona el dispositivo donde quieres sincronizar.",
"Screenshots": "Screenshots",
"MoveRight": "Move right",
"MoveLeft": "Move left",
"ConfirmDeleteImage": "Delete image?",
"HeaderEditImages": "Edit Images",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"ShowIndicatorsFor": "Show indicators for:",
"NewEpisodes": "New episodes",
"HDPrograms": "HD programs",
"LiveBroadcasts": "Live broadcasts",
"Premieres": "Premieres",
"RepeatEpisodes": "Repeat episodes",
"DvrSubscriptionRequired": "Emby DVR requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"CancelRecording": "Cancel recording",
"HeaderKeepRecording": "Keep Recording",
"HeaderCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderKeepSeries": "Keep Series",
"HeaderLearnMore": "Learn More",
"DeleteMedia": "Delete media",
"SeriesSettings": "Series settings",
"HeaderRecordingOptions": "Recording Options",
"CancelSeries": "Cancel series",
"DoNotRecord": "Do not record",
"HeaderSeriesOptions": "Series Options",
"LabelChannels": "Channels:",
"ChannelNameOnly": "Channel {0} only",
"Anytime": "Anytime",
"AroundTime": "Around {0}",
"LabelAirtime": "Airtime:",
"AllChannels": "All channels",
"LabelRecord": "Record:",
"NewEpisodesOnly": "New episodes only",
"AllEpisodes": "All episodes",
"LabelStartWhenPossible": "Start when possible:",
"LabelStopWhenPossible": "Stop when possible:",
"MinutesBefore": "minutes before",
"MinutesAfter": "minutes after",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibrary": "Skip episodes that are already in my library",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibraryHelp": "Episodes will be compared using season and episode numbers, when available.",
"LabelKeepUpTo": "Keep up to:",
"AsManyAsPossible": "As many as possible",
"DefaultErrorMessage": "Ha habido un error procesando la solicitud. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo m\u00e1s tarde.",
"LabelKeep:": "Keep:",
"UntilIDelete": "Until I delete",
"UntilSpaceNeeded": "Until space needed",
"Categories": "Categories",
"Sports": "Sports",
"News": "News",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Kids": "Kids",
"EnableColorCodedBackgrounds": "Enable color coded backgrounds",
"SortChannelsBy": "Sort channels by:",
"RecentlyWatched": "Recently watched",
"ChannelNumber": "Channel number",
"HeaderBenefitsEmbyPremiere": "Benefits of Emby Premiere",
"ThankYouForTryingEnjoyOneMinute": "Please enjoy one minute of playback. Thank you for trying Emby.",
"HeaderTryPlayback": "Try Playback",
"HowDidYouPay": "How did you pay?",
"IHaveEmbyPremiere": "I have Emby Premiere",
"IPurchasedThisApp": "I purchased this app",
"ButtonRestorePreviousPurchase": "Restore Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockWithPurchase": "Unlock with Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockPrice": "Unlock {0}",
"ButtonAlreadyPaid": "Already Paid?",
"ButtonPlayOneMinute": "Play One Minute",
"PlaceFavoriteChannelsAtBeginning": "Place favorite channels at the beginning",
"HeaderUnlockFeature": "Unlock Feature",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode": "Did you know that with Emby Premiere, you can enhance your experience with features like Cinema Mode?",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode2": "Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"HeaderPlayMyMedia": "Play my Media",
"HeaderDiscoverEmbyPremiere": "Discover Emby Premiere",
"OneChannel": "One channel"