2016-09-07 03:07:56 -04:00

2139 lines
130 KiB

"LabelExit": "Quitter",
"LabelApiDocumentation": "Documentation Api",
"LabelBrowseLibrary": "Parcourir la Biblioth\u00e8que",
"LabelConfigureServer": "Configurer Emby",
"LabelPrevious": "Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent",
"LabelFinish": "Terminer",
"LabelNext": "Suivant",
"LabelYoureDone": "Vous avez termin\u00e9!",
"WelcomeToProject": "Bienvenue dans Emby!",
"ThisWizardWillGuideYou": "Cet assistant va vous guider \u00e0 travers le processus d'installation. Pour commencer, s'il vous pla\u00eet s\u00e9lectionner votre langue pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9e.",
"TellUsAboutYourself": "Parlez-nous de vous",
"ButtonQuickStartGuide": "Guide de d\u00e9marrage rapide",
"LabelYourFirstName": "Your first name:",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater": "Plus d'utilisateurs peuvent \u00eatre ajout\u00e9s plus tard dans le tableau de bord.",
"UserProfilesIntro": "Emby comporte un support int\u00e9gr\u00e9 pour les profils utilisateur, ce qui permet \u00e0 chaque utilisateur d'avoir leur propres param\u00e8tres d'affichage, de reprise de lecture et de contr\u00f4le parental.",
"LabelWindowsService": "service Windows",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled": "Un service Windows a \u00e9t\u00e9 install\u00e9.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1": "Le serveur Emby fonctionne normalement comme une application de bureau avec une ic\u00f4ne dans la barre syst\u00e8me, mais si vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rez le faire fonctionner comme un service d'arri\u00e8re-plan, il peut \u00eatre d\u00e9marr\u00e9 \u00e0 partir du panneau de contr\u00f4le des services Windows \u00e0 la place.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2": "If using the windows service, please note that it cannot be run at the same time as the tray icon, so you'll need to exit the tray in order to run the service. The service will also need to be configured with administrative privileges via the control panel. When running as a service, you will need to ensure that the service account has access to your media folders.",
"WizardCompleted": "That's all we need for now. Emby has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish<\/b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard<\/b>.",
"LabelConfigureSettings": "Configurer les param\u00e8tres",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping": "Activer le mappage de port automatique",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp": "UPnP allows automated router configuration for easy remote access. This may not work with some router models.",
"HeaderTermsOfService": "Conditions d'utilisation d'Emby",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfService": "S'il vous pla\u00eet accepter les conditions d'utilisation et la politique de confidentialit\u00e9 avant de continuer.",
"OptionIAcceptTermsOfService": "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation",
"ButtonPrivacyPolicy": "Politique de confidentialit\u00e9",
"ButtonTermsOfService": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"HeaderDeveloperOptions": "Options pour les d\u00e9veloppeurs",
"OptionEnableWebClientResponseCache": "Enable web response caching",
"OptionDisableForDevelopmentHelp": "Configure these as needed for web development purposes.",
"OptionEnableWebClientResourceMinification": "Enable web resource minification",
"LabelDashboardSourcePath": "Web client source path:",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp": "If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"ButtonConvertMedia": "Convert media",
"ButtonOrganize": "Organiser",
"HeaderSupporterBenefits": "Emby Premiere Benefits",
"HeaderAddUser": "Add User",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp": "To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Emby Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelPinCode": "Pin code:",
"OptionHideWatchedContentFromLatestMedia": "Hide watched content from latest media",
"HeaderSync": "Sync",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonCancel": "Cancel",
"ButtonExit": "Exit",
"ButtonNew": "New",
"HeaderTaskTriggers": "Task Triggers",
"HeaderTV": "TV",
"HeaderAudio": "Audio",
"HeaderVideo": "Video",
"HeaderPaths": "Paths",
"CategorySync": "Sync",
"TabPlaylist": "Playlist",
"HeaderEasyPinCode": "Easy Pin Code",
"HeaderInstalledServices": "Installed Services",
"HeaderAvailableServices": "Available Services",
"MessageNoServicesInstalled": "No services are currently installed.",
"HeaderToAccessPleaseEnterEasyPinCode": "To access, please enter your easy pin code",
"KidsModeAdultInstruction": "Click the lock icon in the bottom right to configure or leave kids mode. Your pin code will be required.",
"ButtonConfigurePinCode": "Configure pin code",
"RegisterWithPayPal": "Register with PayPal",
"HeaderEnjoyDayTrial": "Enjoy a 14 Day Free Trial",
"LabelSyncTempPath": "Temporary file path:",
"LabelSyncTempPathHelp": "Specify a custom sync working folder. Converted media created during the sync process will be stored here.",
"LabelCustomCertificatePath": "Custom certificate path:",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp": "Supply your own ssl certificate .pfx file. If omitted, the server will create a self-signed certificate.",
"TitleNotifications": "Notifications",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia": "Detect archive files as media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp": "If enabled, files with .rar and .zip extensions will be detected as media files.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName": "Username or email:",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp": "This is your Emby online account username or email.",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMovies": "Enable enhanced movie displays",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMoviesHelp": "When enabled, movies will be displayed as folders to include trailers, extras, cast & crew, and other related content.",
"HeaderSyncJobInfo": "Sync Job",
"FolderTypeMixed": "Contenu m\u00e9lang\u00e9",
"FolderTypeMovies": "Movies",
"FolderTypeMusic": "Music",
"FolderTypePhotos": "Photos",
"FolderTypeMusicVideos": "Music videos",
"FolderTypeGames": "Games",
"FolderTypeBooks": "Books",
"FolderTypeTvShows": "TV",
"FolderTypeInherit": "Inherit",
"LabelContentType": "Content type:",
"TitleScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"HeaderSetupLibrary": "Setup your media libraries",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder": "Add media folder",
"LabelFolderType": "Folder type:",
"LabelCountry": "Country:",
"LabelLanguage": "Language:",
"LabelTimeLimitHours": "Time limit (hours):",
"HeaderPreferredMetadataLanguage": "Preferred metadata language:",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata": "Save artwork and metadata into media folders",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp": "Saving artwork and metadata directly into media folders will put them in a place where they can be easily edited.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata": "Download artwork and metadata from the internet",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp": "Emby Server can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"TabPreferences": "Preferences",
"TabPassword": "Password",
"TabLibraryAccess": "Library Access",
"TabAccess": "Access",
"TabImage": "Image",
"TabProfile": "Profile",
"TabMetadata": "Metadata",
"TabImages": "Images",
"TabNotifications": "Notifications",
"TabCollectionTitles": "Titles",
"HeaderDeviceAccess": "Device Access",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices": "Enable access from all devices",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels": "Enable access to all channels",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries": "Enable access to all libraries",
"DeviceAccessHelp": "This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Display missing episodes within seasons",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons": "Display unaired episodes within seasons",
"HeaderVideoPlaybackSettings": "Video Playback Settings",
"HeaderPlaybackSettings": "Playback Settings",
"LabelAudioLanguagePreference": "Audio language preference:",
"LabelSubtitleLanguagePreference": "Subtitle language preference:",
"OptionDefaultSubtitles": "Default",
"OptionSmartSubtitles": "Smart",
"OptionSmartSubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded when the audio is in a foreign language.",
"OptionOnlyForcedSubtitles": "Only forced subtitles",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitles": "Always play subtitles",
"OptionDefaultSubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles are loaded based on the default and forced flags in the embedded metadata. Language preferences are considered when multiple options are available.",
"OptionOnlyForcedSubtitlesHelp": "Only subtitles marked as forced will be loaded.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded regardless of the audio language.",
"OptionNoSubtitlesHelp": "Subtitles will not be loaded by default.",
"TabProfiles": "Profiles",
"TabSecurity": "Security",
"ButtonAddUser": "Add User",
"ButtonInviteUser": "Invite User",
"ButtonSave": "Save",
"ButtonResetPassword": "Reset Password",
"LabelNewPassword": "New password:",
"LabelNewPasswordConfirm": "New password confirm:",
"HeaderCreatePassword": "Create Password",
"LabelCurrentPassword": "Current password:",
"LabelMaxParentalRating": "Maximum allowed parental rating:",
"MaxParentalRatingHelp": "Content with a higher rating will be hidden from this user.",
"LibraryAccessHelp": "Select the media folders to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all folders using the metadata manager.",
"ChannelAccessHelp": "Select the channels to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all channels using the metadata manager.",
"ButtonDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"LabelSelectUsers": "Select users:",
"ButtonUpload": "Upload",
"HeaderUploadNewImage": "Upload New Image",
"ImageUploadAspectRatioHelp": "1:1 Aspect Ratio Recommended. JPG\/PNG only.",
"MessageNothingHere": "Nothing here.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata": "Please ensure downloading of internet metadata is enabled.",
"TabSuggested": "Suggested",
"TabSuggestions": "Suggestions",
"TabLatest": "Latest",
"TabUpcoming": "Upcoming",
"TabShows": "Shows",
"TabEpisodes": "Episodes",
"TabGenres": "Genres",
"TabPeople": "People",
"TabNetworks": "Networks",
"HeaderUsers": "Users",
"HeaderFilters": "Filters",
"ButtonFilter": "Filter",
"OptionFavorite": "Favorites",
"OptionLikes": "Likes",
"OptionDislikes": "Dislikes",
"OptionActors": "Actors",
"OptionGuestStars": "Guest Stars",
"OptionDirectors": "Directors",
"OptionWriters": "Writers",
"OptionProducers": "Producers",
"HeaderResume": "Resume",
"HeaderNextUp": "Next Up",
"NoNextUpItemsMessage": "None found. Start watching your shows!",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "Latest Episodes",
"HeaderPersonTypes": "Person Types:",
"TabSongs": "Songs",
"TabAlbums": "Albums",
"TabArtists": "Artists",
"TabAlbumArtists": "Album Artists",
"TabMusicVideos": "Music Videos",
"ButtonSort": "Sort",
"OptionPlayed": "Played",
"OptionUnplayed": "Unplayed",
"OptionAscending": "Ascending",
"OptionDescending": "Descending",
"OptionRuntime": "Runtime",
"OptionReleaseDate": "Date de release",
"OptionPlayCount": "Play Count",
"OptionDatePlayed": "Date Played",
"OptionDateAdded": "Date Added",
"OptionAlbumArtist": "Album Artist",
"OptionArtist": "Artist",
"OptionAlbum": "Album",
"OptionTrackName": "Track Name",
"OptionCommunityRating": "Community Rating",
"OptionNameSort": "Name",
"OptionFolderSort": "Folders",
"OptionBudget": "Budget",
"OptionRevenue": "Revenue",
"OptionPoster": "Poster",
"OptionPosterCard": "Poster card",
"OptionBackdrop": "Backdrop",
"OptionTimeline": "Timeline",
"OptionThumb": "Thumb",
"OptionThumbCard": "Thumb card",
"OptionBanner": "Banner",
"OptionCriticRating": "Critic Rating",
"OptionVideoBitrate": "Video Bitrate",
"OptionResumable": "Resumable",
"ScheduledTasksHelp": "Click a task to adjust its schedule.",
"ScheduledTasksTitle": "Scheduled Tasks",
"TabMyPlugins": "My Plugins",
"TabCatalog": "Catalog",
"TitlePlugins": "Plugins",
"HeaderAutomaticUpdates": "Automatic Updates",
"HeaderNowPlaying": "Now Playing",
"HeaderLatestAlbums": "Latest Albums",
"HeaderLatestSongs": "Latest Songs",
"HeaderRecentlyPlayed": "Recently Played",
"HeaderFrequentlyPlayed": "Frequently Played",
"DevBuildWarning": "Dev builds are the bleeding edge. Released often, these build have not been tested. The application may crash and entire features may not work at all.",
"LabelVideoType": "Video Type:",
"OptionBluray": "Bluray",
"OptionDvd": "Dvd",
"OptionIso": "Iso",
"Option3D": "3D",
"LabelStatus": "Status:",
"LabelLastResult": "Last result:",
"OptionHasSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"OptionHasTrailer": "Trailer",
"OptionHasThemeSong": "Theme Song",
"OptionHasThemeVideo": "Theme Video",
"TabMovies": "Movies",
"TabStudios": "Studios",
"TabTrailers": "Trailers",
"LabelArtists": "Artists:",
"LabelArtistsHelp": "Separate multiple using ;",
"HeaderLatestTrailers": "Latest Trailers",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures": "Special Features",
"OptionImdbRating": "IMDb Rating",
"OptionParentalRating": "Parental Rating",
"OptionPremiereDate": "Premiere Date",
"TabBasic": "Basic",
"TabAdvanced": "Advanced",
"OptionContinuing": "Continuing",
"OptionEnded": "Ended",
"HeaderAirDays": "Air Days",
"OptionSundayShort": "Sun",
"OptionMondayShort": "Mon",
"OptionTuesdayShort": "Tue",
"OptionWednesdayShort": "Wed",
"OptionThursdayShort": "Thu",
"OptionFridayShort": "Fri",
"OptionSaturdayShort": "Sat",
"OptionSunday": "Sunday",
"OptionMonday": "Monday",
"OptionTuesday": "Tuesday",
"OptionWednesday": "Wednesday",
"OptionThursday": "Thursday",
"OptionFriday": "Friday",
"OptionSaturday": "Saturday",
"HeaderManagement": "Management",
"LabelManagement": "Management:",
"OptionMissingImdbId": "Missing IMDb Id",
"OptionMissingTvdbId": "Missing TheTVDB Id",
"OptionMissingOverview": "Missing Overview",
"TabGeneral": "General",
"TitleSupport": "Support",
"TabAbout": "About",
"TabSupporterKey": "Emby Premiere Key",
"TabBecomeSupporter": "Get Emby Premiere",
"TabEmbyPremiere": "Emby Premiere",
"ProjectHasCommunity": "Emby has a thriving community of users and contributors.",
"CheckoutKnowledgeBase": "Check out our knowledge base to help you get the most out of Emby.",
"SearchKnowledgeBase": "Search the Knowledge Base",
"VisitTheCommunity": "Visit the Community",
"VisitProjectWebsite": "Visit the Emby Web Site",
"VisitProjectWebsiteLong": "Visit the Emby Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"OptionHideUser": "Hide this user from login screens",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp": "Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionDisableUser": "Disable this user",
"OptionDisableUserHelp": "If disabled the server will not allow any connections from this user. Existing connections will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderAdvancedControl": "Advanced Control",
"LabelName": "Name:",
"ButtonHelp": "Help",
"OptionAllowUserToManageServer": "Allow this user to manage the server",
"HeaderFeatureAccess": "Feature Access",
"OptionAllowMediaPlayback": "Allow media playback",
"OptionAllowBrowsingLiveTv": "Allow Live TV access",
"OptionAllowDeleteLibraryContent": "Allow media deletion",
"OptionAllowManageLiveTv": "Allow Live TV recording management",
"OptionAllowRemoteControlOthers": "Allow remote control of other users",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevices": "Allow remote control of shared devices",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevicesHelp": "Dlna devices are considered shared until a user begins controlling it.",
"OptionAllowLinkSharing": "Allow social media sharing",
"OptionAllowLinkSharingHelp": "Only web pages containing media information are shared. Media files are never shared publicly. Shares are time-limited and will expire based on your server sharing settings.",
"HeaderSharing": "Sharing",
"HeaderRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"OptionMissingTmdbId": "Missing Tmdb Id",
"OptionIsHD": "HD",
"OptionIsSD": "SD",
"OptionMetascore": "Metascore",
"ButtonSelect": "Select",
"PismoMessage": "Utilizing Pismo File Mount through a donated license.",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage": "Utilizing Tangible Solutions Java\/C# converters through a donated license.",
"HeaderCredits": "Credits",
"PleaseSupportOtherProduces": "Please support other free products we utilize:",
"VersionNumber": "Version {0}",
"TabPaths": "Paths",
"TabServer": "Server",
"TabTranscoding": "Transcoding",
"TitleAdvanced": "Advanced",
"OptionRelease": "Official Release",
"OptionBeta": "Beta",
"OptionDev": "Dev (Unstable)",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestart": "Allow the server to restart automatically to apply updates",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestartHelp": "The server will only restart during idle periods, when no users are active.",
"LabelRunServerAtStartup": "Run server at startup",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp": "This will start the tray icon on windows startup. To start the windows service, uncheck this and run the service from the windows control panel. Please note that you cannot run both at the same time, so you will need to exit the tray icon before starting the service.",
"ButtonSelectDirectory": "Select Directory",
"LabelCachePath": "Cache path:",
"LabelCachePathHelp": "Specify a custom location for server cache files, such as images. Leave blank to use the server default.",
"LabelRecordingPath": "Chemin d'enregistrement par d\u00e9faut",
"LabelMovieRecordingPath": "Emplacement des films (optionnel)",
"LabelSeriesRecordingPath": "Emplacement des s\u00e9ries (optionnel)",
"LabelRecordingPathHelp": "Sp\u00e9cifiez le r\u00e9pertoire d'enregistrement par d\u00e9faut. Si non renseign\u00e9, le r\u00e9pertoire Program Data du serveur sera utilis\u00e9.",
"LabelMetadataPath": "Metadata path:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp": "Specify a custom location for downloaded artwork and metadata.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPath": "Transcoding temporary path:",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp": "This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"TabBasics": "Basics",
"TabTV": "TV",
"TabGames": "Games",
"TabMusic": "Music",
"TabOthers": "Others",
"HeaderExtractChapterImagesFor": "Extract chapter images for:",
"OptionMovies": "Movies",
"OptionEpisodes": "Episodes",
"OptionOtherVideos": "Other Videos",
"TitleMetadata": "Metadata",
"LabelFanartApiKey": "Personal api key:",
"LabelFanartApiKeyHelp": "Requests to fanart without a personal API key return results that were approved over 7 days ago. With a personal API key that drops to 48 hours and if you are also a fanart VIP member that will further drop to around 10 minutes.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp": "Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadLanguage": "Preferred download language:",
"ButtonSignIn": "Sign In",
"TitleSignIn": "Sign In",
"HeaderPleaseSignIn": "Please sign in",
"LabelUser": "User:",
"LabelPassword": "Password:",
"ButtonManualLogin": "Manual Login",
"TabGuide": "Guide",
"TabChannels": "Channels",
"TabCollections": "Collections",
"HeaderChannels": "Channels",
"TabRecordings": "Recordings",
"TabScheduled": "Scheduled",
"TabSeries": "Series",
"TabFavorites": "Favorites",
"TabMyLibrary": "My Library",
"ButtonCancelRecording": "Cancel Recording",
"LabelPrePaddingMinutes": "Pre-padding minutes:",
"LabelPostPaddingMinutes": "Post-padding minutes:",
"HeaderWhatsOnTV": "What's On",
"TabStatus": "Status",
"TabSettings": "Settings",
"ButtonRefreshGuideData": "Refresh Guide Data",
"ButtonRefresh": "Refresh",
"OptionPriority": "Priority",
"OptionRecordOnAllChannels": "Record on all channels",
"OptionRecordAnytime": "Record at any time",
"OptionRecordOnlyNewEpisodes": "Record only new episodes",
"HeaderRepeatingOptions": "Repeating Options",
"HeaderDays": "Days",
"HeaderActiveRecordings": "Active Recordings",
"HeaderLatestRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"HeaderAllRecordings": "All Recordings",
"ButtonPlay": "Play",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonRecord": "Record",
"ButtonDelete": "Delete",
"ButtonRemove": "Remove",
"OptionRecordSeries": "Record Series",
"HeaderDetails": "Details",
"TitleLiveTV": "Live TV",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays": "Number of days of guide data to download:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp": "Downloading more days worth of guide data provides the ability to schedule out further in advance and view more listings, but it will also take longer to download. Auto will choose based on the number of channels.",
"OptionAutomatic": "Auto",
"HeaderServices": "Services",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType": "Customize for media type:",
"OptionDownloadThumbImage": "Thumb",
"OptionDownloadMenuImage": "Menu",
"OptionDownloadLogoImage": "Logo",
"OptionDownloadBoxImage": "Box",
"OptionDownloadDiscImage": "Disc",
"OptionDownloadBannerImage": "Banner",
"OptionDownloadBackImage": "Back",
"OptionDownloadArtImage": "Art",
"OptionDownloadPrimaryImage": "Primary",
"HeaderFetchImages": "Fetch Images:",
"HeaderImageSettings": "Image Settings",
"TabOther": "Other",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem": "Maximum number of backdrops per item:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem": "Maximum number of screenshots per item:",
"LabelMinBackdropDownloadWidth": "Minimum backdrop download width:",
"LabelMinScreenshotDownloadWidth": "Minimum screenshot download width:",
"ButtonAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Add Trigger",
"HeaderAddScheduledTaskTrigger": "Add Trigger",
"ButtonAdd": "Add",
"LabelTriggerType": "Trigger Type:",
"OptionDaily": "Daily",
"OptionWeekly": "Weekly",
"OptionOnInterval": "On an interval",
"OptionOnAppStartup": "On application startup",
"OptionAfterSystemEvent": "After a system event",
"LabelDay": "Day:",
"LabelTime": "Time:",
"LabelEvent": "Event:",
"OptionWakeFromSleep": "Wake from sleep",
"LabelEveryXMinutes": "Every:",
"HeaderTvTuners": "Tuners",
"HeaderLatestGames": "Latest Games",
"HeaderRecentlyPlayedGames": "Recently Played Games",
"TabGameSystems": "Game Systems",
"TitleMediaLibrary": "Media Library",
"TabFolders": "Folders",
"TabPathSubstitution": "Path Substitution",
"LabelSeasonZeroDisplayName": "Season 0 display name:",
"LabelEnableRealtimeMonitor": "Enable real time monitoring",
"LabelEnableRealtimeMonitorHelp": "Changes will be processed immediately, on supported file systems.",
"ButtonScanLibrary": "Scan Library",
"HeaderNumberOfPlayers": "Players",
"OptionAnyNumberOfPlayers": "Any",
"Option1Player": "1+",
"Option2Player": "2+",
"Option3Player": "3+",
"Option4Player": "4+",
"HeaderMediaFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderThemeVideos": "Theme Videos",
"HeaderThemeSongs": "Theme Songs",
"HeaderScenes": "Scenes",
"HeaderAwardsAndReviews": "Awards and Reviews",
"HeaderSoundtracks": "Soundtracks",
"HeaderMusicVideos": "Music Videos",
"HeaderSpecialFeatures": "Special Features",
"HeaderCastCrew": "Cast & Crew",
"HeaderAdditionalParts": "Additional Parts",
"ButtonSplitVersionsApart": "Split Versions Apart",
"ButtonPlayTrailer": "Trailer",
"LabelMissing": "Missing",
"LabelOffline": "Offline",
"PathSubstitutionHelp": "Path substitutions are used for mapping a path on the server to a path that clients are able to access. By allowing clients direct access to media on the server they may be able to play them directly over the network and avoid using server resources to stream and transcode them.",
"HeaderFrom": "From",
"HeaderTo": "To",
"LabelFrom": "From:",
"LabelTo": "To:",
"LabelToHelp": "Example: \\\\MyServer\\Movies (a path clients can access)",
"ButtonAddPathSubstitution": "Add Substitution",
"OptionSpecialEpisode": "Specials",
"OptionMissingEpisode": "Missing Episodes",
"OptionUnairedEpisode": "Unaired Episodes",
"OptionEpisodeSortName": "Episode Sort Name",
"OptionSeriesSortName": "Series Name",
"OptionTvdbRating": "Tvdb Rating",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp": "Add or remove any movies, series, albums, books or games you wish to group within this collection.",
"HeaderAddTitles": "Add Titles",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayTo": "Enable DLNA Play To",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayToHelp": "Emby can detect devices within your network and offer the ability to remote control them.",
"LabelEnableDlnaDebugLogging": "Enable DLNA debug logging",
"LabelEnableDlnaDebugLoggingHelp": "This will create large log files and should only be used as needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
"LabelEnableDlnaClientDiscoveryInterval": "Client discovery interval (seconds)",
"LabelEnableDlnaClientDiscoveryIntervalHelp": "Determines the duration in seconds between SSDP searches performed by Emby.",
"HeaderCustomDlnaProfiles": "Custom Profiles",
"HeaderSystemDlnaProfiles": "System Profiles",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp": "Create a custom profile to target a new device or override a system profile.",
"SystemDlnaProfilesHelp": "System profiles are read-only. Changes to a system profile will be saved to a new custom profile.",
"TitleDashboard": "Dashboard",
"TabHome": "Home",
"TabInfo": "Info",
"HeaderLinks": "Links",
"LinkCommunity": "Community",
"LinkGithub": "Github",
"LinkApi": "Api",
"LabelFriendlyServerName": "Friendly server name:",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp": "This name will be used to identify this server. If left blank, the computer name will be used.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguage": "Preferred display language:",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp": "Translating Emby is an ongoing project.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute": "Learn how you can contribute.",
"ButtonSubmit": "Submit",
"ButtonCreate": "Create",
"LabelCustomCss": "Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp": "Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber": "Local http port number:",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp": "The tcp port number that Emby's http server should bind to.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort": "Public http port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp": "The public port number that should be mapped to the local http port.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort": "Public https port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp": "The public port number that should be mapped to the local https port.",
"LabelEnableHttps": "Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp": "If enabled, the server will report an https url to clients as it's external address.",
"LabelHttpsPort": "Local https port number:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp": "The tcp port number that Emby's https server should bind to.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap": "Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp": "Attempt to automatically map the public port to the local port via UPnP. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelExternalDDNS": "Domaine externe",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp": "Si vous poss\u00e9dez un DNS dynamique, entrez-le ici. L'application Emby l'utilisera lors de la connexion \u00e0 distance. Ce champ est obligatoire lorsqu'il est utilis\u00e9 avec un certificat ssl personnel.",
"TitleAppSettings": "App Settings",
"LabelMinResumePercentage": "Min resume percentage:",
"LabelMaxResumePercentage": "Max resume percentage:",
"LabelMinResumeDuration": "Min resume duration (seconds):",
"LabelMinResumePercentageHelp": "Titles are assumed unplayed if stopped before this time",
"LabelMaxResumePercentageHelp": "Titles are assumed fully played if stopped after this time",
"LabelMinResumeDurationHelp": "Titles shorter than this will not be resumable",
"TitleAutoOrganize": "Auto-Organize",
"TabActivityLog": "Activity Log",
"TabSmartMatches": "Smart Matches",
"TabSmartMatchInfo": "Manage your smart matches that were added using the Auto-Organize correction dialog",
"HeaderName": "Name",
"HeaderDate": "Date",
"HeaderSource": "Source",
"HeaderStatus": "Status",
"HeaderDestination": "Destination",
"HeaderProgram": "Program",
"HeaderClients": "Clients",
"LabelCompleted": "Completed",
"LabelFailed": "echec",
"LabelSkipped": "Skipped",
"LabelSeries": "Series:",
"LabelSeasonNumber": "Saison num\u00e9ro:",
"LabelEpisodeNumber": "Episode num\u00e9ro:",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumber": "Ending episode number:",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp": "Only required for multi-episode files",
"OptionRememberOrganizeCorrection": "Save and apply this correction to future files with similiar names",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam": "Support the Emby Team",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp": "Help ensure the continued development of this project by purchasing Emby Premiere. A portion of all income will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"DonationNextStep": "Once complete, please return and enter your Emby Premiere key, which you will receive by email.",
"AutoOrganizeHelp": "Auto-organize monitors your download folders for new files and moves them to your media directories.",
"AutoOrganizeTvHelp": "TV file organizing will only add episodes to existing series. It will not create new series folders.",
"OptionEnableEpisodeOrganization": "Enable new episode organization",
"LabelWatchFolder": "Watch folder:",
"LabelWatchFolderHelp": "The server will poll this folder during the 'Organize new media files' scheduled task.",
"LabelMinFileSizeForOrganize": "Minimum file size (MB):",
"LabelMinFileSizeForOrganizeHelp": "Files under this size will be ignored.",
"LabelSeasonFolderPattern": "Season folder pattern:",
"LabelSeasonZeroFolderName": "Season zero folder name:",
"HeaderEpisodeFilePattern": "Episode file pattern",
"LabelEpisodePattern": "Episode pattern:",
"LabelMultiEpisodePattern": "Multi-Episode pattern:",
"HeaderSupportedPatterns": "Supported Patterns",
"HeaderTerm": "Term",
"HeaderPattern": "Pattern",
"HeaderResult": "Result",
"LabelDeleteEmptyFolders": "Delete empty folders after organizing",
"LabelDeleteEmptyFoldersHelp": "Enable this to keep the download directory clean.",
"LabelDeleteLeftOverFiles": "Delete left over files with the following extensions:",
"LabelDeleteLeftOverFilesHelp": "Separate with ;. For example: .nfo;.txt",
"OptionOverwriteExistingEpisodes": "Overwrite existing episodes",
"LabelTransferMethod": "Transfer method",
"OptionCopy": "Copy",
"OptionMove": "Move",
"LabelTransferMethodHelp": "Copy or move files from the watch folder",
"HeaderLatestNews": "Latest News",
"HeaderRunningTasks": "Running Tasks",
"HeaderActiveDevices": "Active Devices",
"HeaderPendingInstallations": "Pending Installations",
"HeaderServerInformation": "Server Information",
"ButtonRestartNow": "Restart Now",
"ButtonRestart": "Restart",
"ButtonShutdown": "Shutdown",
"ButtonUpdateNow": "Update Now",
"TabHosting": "Hosting",
"PleaseUpdateManually": "Please shutdown the server and update manually.",
"NewServerVersionAvailable": "A new version of Emby Server is available!",
"ServerUpToDate": "Emby Server is up to date",
"LabelComponentsUpdated": "The following components have been installed or updated:",
"MessagePleaseRestartServerToFinishUpdating": "Please restart the server to finish applying updates.",
"LabelDownMixAudioScale": "Audio boost when downmixing:",
"LabelDownMixAudioScaleHelp": "Boost audio when downmixing. Set to 1 to preserve original volume value.",
"ButtonLinkKeys": "Transfer Key",
"LabelOldSupporterKey": "Old Emby Premiere key",
"LabelNewSupporterKey": "New Emby Premiere key",
"HeaderMultipleKeyLinking": "Transfer to New Key",
"MultipleKeyLinkingHelp": "If you received a new Emby Premiere key, use this form to transfer the old key's registrations to your new one.",
"LabelCurrentEmailAddress": "Current email address",
"LabelCurrentEmailAddressHelp": "The current email address to which your new key was sent.",
"HeaderForgotKey": "Forgot Key",
"LabelEmailAddress": "Email address",
"LabelSupporterEmailAddress": "The email address that was used to purchase the key.",
"ButtonRetrieveKey": "Retrieve Key",
"LabelSupporterKey": "Emby Premiere key (paste from email):",
"LabelSupporterKeyHelp": "Enter your Emby Premiere key to start enjoying additional benefits the community has developed for Emby.",
"MessageInvalidKey": "Emby Premiere key is missing or invalid.",
"ErrorMessageInvalidKey": "In order for any premium content to be registered, you must also have an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"TabPlayTo": "Play To",
"LabelEnableDlnaServer": "Enable Dlna server",
"LabelEnableDlnaServerHelp": "Allows UPnP devices on your network to browse and play Emby content.",
"LabelEnableBlastAliveMessages": "Blast alive messages",
"LabelEnableBlastAliveMessagesHelp": "Enable this if the server is not detected reliably by other UPnP devices on your network.",
"LabelBlastMessageInterval": "Alive message interval (seconds)",
"LabelBlastMessageIntervalHelp": "Determines the duration in seconds between server alive messages.",
"LabelDefaultUser": "Default user:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp": "Determines which user library should be displayed on connected devices. This can be overridden for each device using profiles.",
"TitleDlna": "DLNA",
"HeaderServerSettings": "Server Settings",
"HeaderRequireManualLogin": "Require manual username entry for:",
"HeaderRequireManualLoginHelp": "When disabled clients may present a login screen with a visual selection of users.",
"OptionOtherApps": "Other apps",
"OptionMobileApps": "Mobile apps",
"HeaderNotificationList": "Click on a notification to configure sending options.",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateAvailable": "Application update available",
"NotificationOptionApplicationUpdateInstalled": "Application update installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginUpdateInstalled": "Plugin update installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginInstalled": "Plugin installed",
"NotificationOptionPluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlayback": "Video playback started",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlayback": "Audio playback started",
"NotificationOptionGamePlayback": "Game playback started",
"NotificationOptionVideoPlaybackStopped": "Video playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionAudioPlaybackStopped": "Audio playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionGamePlaybackStopped": "Game playback stopped",
"NotificationOptionTaskFailed": "Scheduled task failure",
"NotificationOptionInstallationFailed": "Installation failure",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContent": "New content added",
"NotificationOptionNewLibraryContentMultiple": "New content added (multiple)",
"NotificationOptionCameraImageUploaded": "Camera image uploaded",
"NotificationOptionUserLockedOut": "User locked out",
"HeaderSendNotificationHelp": "Notifications are delivered to your Emby inbox. Additional options can be installed from the Services tab.",
"NotificationOptionServerRestartRequired": "Server restart required",
"LabelNotificationEnabled": "Enable this notification",
"LabelMonitorUsers": "Monitor activity from:",
"LabelSendNotificationToUsers": "Send the notification to:",
"LabelUseNotificationServices": "Use the following services:",
"CategoryUser": "User",
"CategorySystem": "System",
"CategoryApplication": "Application",
"CategoryPlugin": "Plugin",
"LabelAvailableTokens": "Available tokens:",
"AdditionalNotificationServices": "Browse the plugin catalog to install additional notification services.",
"OptionAllUsers": "All users",
"OptionAdminUsers": "Administrators",
"OptionCustomUsers": "Custom",
"ButtonArrowUp": "Up",
"ButtonArrowDown": "Down",
"ButtonArrowLeft": "Left",
"ButtonArrowRight": "Right",
"ButtonBack": "Back",
"ButtonInfo": "Info",
"ButtonOsd": "On screen display",
"ButtonPageUp": "Page Up",
"ButtonPageDown": "Page Down",
"ButtonHome": "Home",
"ButtonSearch": "Search",
"ButtonSettings": "Settings",
"ButtonTakeScreenshot": "Capture Screenshot",
"LetterButtonAbbreviation": "A",
"TabNowPlaying": "Now Playing",
"TabNavigation": "Navigation",
"TabControls": "Controls",
"ButtonScenes": "Scenes",
"ButtonSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"ButtonPreviousTrack": "Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent",
"ButtonNextTrack": "Suivant",
"ButtonStop": "Stop",
"ButtonPause": "Pause",
"ButtonNext": "Next",
"ButtonPrevious": "Previous",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollections": "Group movies into collections",
"LabelGroupMoviesIntoCollectionsHelp": "When displaying movie lists, movies belonging to a collection will be displayed as one grouped item.",
"NotificationOptionPluginError": "Plugin failure",
"ButtonVolumeUp": "Volume up",
"ButtonVolumeDown": "Volume down",
"HeaderLatestMedia": "Latest Media",
"OptionNoSubtitles": "No Subtitles",
"OptionSpecialFeatures": "Special Features",
"HeaderCollections": "Collections",
"LabelProfileCodecsHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all codecs.",
"LabelProfileContainersHelp": "Separated by comma. This can be left empty to apply to all containers.",
"HeaderResponseProfile": "Response Profile",
"LabelType": "Type:",
"LabelProfileContainer": "Container:",
"LabelProfileVideoCodecs": "Video codecs:",
"LabelProfileAudioCodecs": "Audio codecs:",
"LabelProfileCodecs": "Codecs:",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfile": "Direct Play Profile",
"HeaderTranscodingProfile": "Transcoding Profile",
"HeaderCodecProfile": "Codec Profile",
"HeaderContainerProfile": "Container Profile",
"OptionProfileVideo": "Video",
"OptionProfileAudio": "Audio",
"OptionProfileVideoAudio": "Video Audio",
"OptionProfilePhoto": "Photo",
"LabelUserLibrary": "User library:",
"LabelUserLibraryHelp": "Select which user library to display to the device. Leave empty to inherit the default setting.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders": "Display all folders as plain storage folders",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp": "If enabled, all folders are represented in DIDL as \"object.container.storageFolder\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.container.person.musicArtist\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems": "Display all videos as plain video items",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp": "If enabled, all videos are represented in DIDL as \"object.item.videoItem\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"\".",
"LabelSupportedMediaTypes": "Supported Media Types:",
"HeaderIdentification": "Identification",
"TabDirectPlay": "Direct Play",
"TabContainers": "Containers",
"TabCodecs": "Codecs",
"TabResponses": "Responses",
"HeaderProfileInformation": "Profile Information",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl": "Embed album art in Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp": "Some devices prefer this method for obtaining album art. Others may fail to play with this option enabled.",
"LabelAlbumArtPN": "Album art PN:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp": "PN used for album art, within the dlna:profileID attribute on upnp:albumArtURI. Some clients require a specific value, regardless of the size of the image.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidth": "Album art max width:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidthHelp": "Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeight": "Album art max height:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeightHelp": "Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelIconMaxWidth": "Icon max width:",
"LabelIconMaxWidthHelp": "Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIconMaxHeight": "Icon max height:",
"LabelIconMaxHeightHelp": "Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIdentificationFieldHelp": "A case-insensitive substring or regex expression.",
"HeaderProfileServerSettingsHelp": "These values control how Emby Server will present itself to the device.",
"LabelMaxBitrate": "Max bitrate:",
"LabelMaxBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate in bandwidth constrained environments, or if the device imposes it's own limit.",
"LabelMaxStreamingBitrate": "Max streaming bitrate:",
"LabelMaxStreamingBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate when streaming.",
"LabelMaxChromecastBitrate": "Max Chromecast bitrate:",
"LabelMusicStaticBitrate": "Music sync bitrate:",
"LabelMusicStaticBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate when syncing music",
"LabelMusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate": "Music transcoding bitrate:",
"LabelMusicStreamingTranscodingBitrateHelp": "Specify a max bitrate when streaming music",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests": "Ignore transcode byte range requests",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequestsHelp": "If enabled, these requests will be honored but will ignore the byte range header.",
"LabelFriendlyName": "Friendly name",
"LabelManufacturer": "Manufacturer",
"LabelManufacturerUrl": "Manufacturer url",
"LabelModelName": "Model name",
"LabelModelNumber": "Model number",
"LabelModelDescription": "Model description",
"LabelModelUrl": "Model url",
"LabelSerialNumber": "Serial number",
"LabelDeviceDescription": "Device description",
"HeaderIdentificationCriteriaHelp": "Enter at least one identification criteria.",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfileHelp": "Add direct play profiles to indicate which formats the device can handle natively.",
"HeaderTranscodingProfileHelp": "Add transcoding profiles to indicate which formats should be used when transcoding is required.",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp": "Container profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific formats. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the format is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp": "Codec profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific codecs. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the codec is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderResponseProfileHelp": "Response profiles provide a way to customize information sent to the device when playing certain kinds of media.",
"LabelXDlnaCap": "X-Dlna cap:",
"LabelXDlnaCapHelp": "Determines the content of the X_DLNACAP element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelXDlnaDoc": "X-Dlna doc:",
"LabelXDlnaDocHelp": "Determines the content of the X_DLNADOC element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelSonyAggregationFlags": "Sony aggregation flags:",
"LabelSonyAggregationFlagsHelp": "Determines the content of the aggregationFlags element in the urn:schemas-sonycom:av namespace.",
"LabelTranscodingContainer": "Container:",
"LabelTranscodingVideoCodec": "Video codec:",
"LabelTranscodingAudioCodec": "Audio codec:",
"OptionEnableM2tsMode": "Enable M2ts mode",
"OptionEnableM2tsModeHelp": "Enable m2ts mode when encoding to mpegts.",
"OptionEstimateContentLength": "Estimate content length when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding": "Report that the server supports byte seeking when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp": "This is required for some devices that don't time seek very well.",
"HeaderDownloadSubtitlesFor": "Download subtitles for:",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent": "Skip if the video already contains embedded subtitles",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp": "Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery and decrease the likelihood of video transcoding.",
"TabSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"TabChapters": "Chapters",
"LabelOpenSubtitlesUsername": "Open Subtitles username:",
"LabelOpenSubtitlesPassword": "Open Subtitles password:",
"LabelPlayDefaultAudioTrack": "Play default audio track regardless of language",
"LabelSubtitlePlaybackMode": "Subtitle mode:",
"LabelDownloadLanguages": "Download languages:",
"ButtonRegister": "Register",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresent": "Skip if the default audio track matches the download language",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresentHelp": "Uncheck this to ensure all videos have subtitles, regardless of audio language.",
"HeaderSendMessage": "Send Message",
"ButtonSend": "Send",
"LabelMessageText": "Message text:",
"LabelMessageTitle": "Message title:",
"MessageNoAvailablePlugins": "No available plugins.",
"LabelDisplayPluginsFor": "Display plugins for:",
"PluginTabAppClassic": "Emby Classic",
"PluginTabAppTheater": "Emby Theater",
"LabelEpisodeNamePlain": "Episode name",
"LabelSeriesNamePlain": "Series name",
"ValueSeriesNamePeriod": "",
"ValueSeriesNameUnderscore": "Series_name",
"ValueEpisodeNamePeriod": "",
"ValueEpisodeNameUnderscore": "Episode_name",
"LabelSeasonNumberPlain": "Season number",
"LabelEpisodeNumberPlain": "Episode number",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberPlain": "Ending episode number",
"HeaderTypeText": "Enter Text",
"LabelTypeText": "Text",
"HeaderSearchForSubtitles": "Search for Subtitles",
"MessageNoSubtitleSearchResultsFound": "No search results founds.",
"TabDisplay": "Display",
"TabLanguages": "Languages",
"TabAppSettings": "App Settings",
"LabelEnableThemeSongs": "Enable theme songs",
"LabelEnableBackdrops": "Enable backdrops",
"LabelEnableThemeSongsHelp": "If enabled, theme songs will be played in the background while browsing the library.",
"LabelEnableBackdropsHelp": "If enabled, backdrops will be displayed in the background of some pages while browsing the library.",
"HeaderHomePage": "Home Page",
"HeaderSettingsForThisDevice": "Settings for This Device",
"OptionAuto": "Auto",
"OptionYes": "Yes",
"OptionNo": "No",
"HeaderOptions": "Options",
"LabelHomePageSection1": "Home page section 1:",
"LabelHomePageSection2": "Home page section 2:",
"LabelHomePageSection3": "Home page section 3:",
"LabelHomePageSection4": "Home page section 4:",
"OptionMyMediaButtons": "My media (buttons)",
"OptionMyMedia": "My media",
"OptionMyMediaSmall": "My media (small)",
"OptionResumablemedia": "Resume",
"OptionLatestMedia": "Latest media",
"OptionLatestChannelMedia": "Latest channel items",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems": "Latest Channel Items",
"OptionNone": "None",
"HeaderLiveTv": "Live TV",
"HeaderReports": "Reports",
"HeaderSettings": "Settings",
"OptionDefaultSort": "Default",
"OptionCommunityMostWatchedSort": "Most Watched",
"TabNextUp": "Next Up",
"PlaceholderUsername": "Username",
"HeaderBecomeProjectSupporter": "Get Emby Premiere",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable": "No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable": "Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable": "Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"MessageNoPlaylistItemsAvailable": "This playlist is currently empty.",
"ButtonDismiss": "Dismiss",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences": "Edit this user's profile, image and personal preferences.",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality": "Preferred internet channel quality:",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp": "In a low bandwidth environment, limiting quality can help ensure a smooth streaming experience.",
"OptionBestAvailableStreamQuality": "Best available",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp": "Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"ViewTypePlaylists": "Playlists",
"ViewTypeMovies": "Movies",
"ViewTypeTvShows": "TV",
"ViewTypeGames": "Games",
"ViewTypeMusic": "Music",
"ViewTypeMusicGenres": "Genres",
"ViewTypeMusicArtists": "Artists",
"ViewTypeBoxSets": "Collections",
"ViewTypeChannels": "Channels",
"ViewTypeLiveTV": "Live TV",
"ViewTypeLiveTvNowPlaying": "Now Airing",
"ViewTypeLatestGames": "Latest Games",
"ViewTypeRecentlyPlayedGames": "Recently Played",
"ViewTypeGameFavorites": "Favorites",
"ViewTypeGameSystems": "Game Systems",
"ViewTypeGameGenres": "Genres",
"ViewTypeTvResume": "Resume",
"ViewTypeTvNextUp": "Next Up",
"ViewTypeTvLatest": "Latest",
"ViewTypeTvShowSeries": "Series",
"ViewTypeTvGenres": "Genres",
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteSeries": "Favorite Series",
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteEpisodes": "Favorite Episodes",
"ViewTypeMovieResume": "Resume",
"ViewTypeMovieLatest": "Latest",
"ViewTypeMovieMovies": "Movies",
"ViewTypeMovieCollections": "Collections",
"ViewTypeMovieFavorites": "Favorites",
"ViewTypeMovieGenres": "Genres",
"ViewTypeMusicLatest": "Latest",
"ViewTypeMusicPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ViewTypeMusicAlbums": "Albums",
"ViewTypeMusicAlbumArtists": "Album Artists",
"HeaderOtherDisplaySettings": "Display Settings",
"ViewTypeMusicSongs": "Songs",
"ViewTypeMusicFavorites": "Favorites",
"ViewTypeMusicFavoriteAlbums": "Favorite Albums",
"ViewTypeMusicFavoriteArtists": "Favorite Artists",
"ViewTypeMusicFavoriteSongs": "Favorite Songs",
"HeaderMyViews": "My Views",
"LabelSelectFolderGroups": "Automatically group content from the following folders into views such as Movies, Music and TV:",
"LabelSelectFolderGroupsHelp": "Folders that are unchecked will be displayed by themselves in their own view.",
"OptionDisplayAdultContent": "Display adult content",
"OptionLibraryFolders": "Media folders",
"TitleRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"OptionLatestTvRecordings": "Latest recordings",
"LabelProtocolInfo": "Protocol info:",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp": "The value that will be used when responding to GetProtocolInfo requests from the device.",
"TabNfoSettings": "Nfo Settings",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp": "Emby includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser": "Sync user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp": "Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Emby Server and Nfo files.",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormat": "Release date format:",
"LabelKodiMetadataDateFormatHelp": "All dates within nfo's will be read and written to using this format.",
"LabelKodiMetadataSaveImagePaths": "Save image paths within nfo files",
"LabelKodiMetadataSaveImagePathsHelp": "This is recommended if you have image file names that don't conform to Kodi guidelines.",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnablePathSubstitution": "Enable path substitution",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp": "Enables path substitution of image paths using the server's path substitution settings.",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp2": "See path substitution.",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInline": "Display channels inline within my views",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInlineHelp": "If enabled, channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView": "Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp": "This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs": "Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp": "When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"TabServices": "Services",
"TabLogs": "Logs",
"HeaderServerLogFiles": "Server log files:",
"TabBranding": "Branding",
"HeaderBrandingHelp": "Customize the appearance of Emby to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer": "Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp": "This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"OptionList": "List",
"TabDashboard": "Dashboard",
"TitleServer": "Server",
"LabelCache": "Cache:",
"LabelLogs": "Logs:",
"LabelMetadata": "Metadata:",
"LabelTranscodingTemporaryFiles": "Transcoding temporary files:",
"HeaderLatestMusic": "Latest Music",
"HeaderBranding": "Branding",
"HeaderApiKeys": "Api Keys",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp": "External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Emby Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Emby account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderApiKey": "Api Key",
"HeaderApp": "App",
"HeaderDevice": "Device",
"HeaderUser": "User",
"HeaderDateIssued": "Date Issued",
"LabelChapterName": "Chapter {0}",
"HeaderHttpHeaders": "Http Headers",
"HeaderIdentificationHeader": "Identification Header",
"LabelValue": "Value:",
"LabelMatchType": "Match type:",
"OptionEquals": "Equals",
"OptionRegex": "Regex",
"OptionSubstring": "Substring",
"TabView": "View",
"TabSort": "Sort",
"TabFilter": "Filter",
"ButtonView": "View",
"LabelPageSize": "Item limit:",
"LabelPath": "Path:",
"LabelView": "View:",
"TabUsers": "Users",
"HeaderFeatures": "Features",
"HeaderAdvanced": "Advanced",
"ButtonSync": "Sync",
"TabScheduledTasks": "Scheduled Tasks",
"HeaderChapters": "Chapters",
"HeaderResumeSettings": "Resume Settings",
"TabSync": "Sync",
"TitleUsers": "Users",
"LabelProtocol": "Protocol:",
"OptionProtocolHttp": "Http",
"OptionProtocolHls": "Http Live Streaming",
"LabelContext": "Context:",
"OptionContextStreaming": "Streaming",
"OptionContextStatic": "Sync",
"TabPlaylists": "Playlists",
"ButtonClose": "Close",
"LabelAllLanguages": "All languages",
"HeaderBrowseOnlineImages": "Browse Online Images",
"LabelSource": "Source:",
"OptionAll": "All",
"LabelImage": "Image:",
"HeaderImages": "Images",
"HeaderBackdrops": "Backdrops",
"HeaderScreenshots": "Screenshots",
"HeaderAddUpdateImage": "Add\/Update Image",
"LabelDropImageHere": "Drop image here",
"LabelJpgPngOnly": "JPG\/PNG only",
"LabelImageType": "Image type:",
"OptionPrimary": "Primary",
"OptionArt": "Art",
"OptionBox": "Box",
"OptionBoxRear": "Box rear",
"OptionDisc": "Disc",
"OptionIcon": "Icon",
"OptionLogo": "Logo",
"OptionMenu": "Menu",
"OptionScreenshot": "Screenshot",
"OptionLocked": "Locked",
"OptionUnidentified": "Unidentified",
"OptionMissingParentalRating": "Missing parental rating",
"OptionStub": "Stub",
"OptionSeason0": "Season 0",
"LabelReport": "Report:",
"OptionReportSongs": "Songs",
"OptionReportSeries": "Series",
"OptionReportSeasons": "Seasons",
"OptionReportTrailers": "Trailers",
"OptionReportMusicVideos": "Music videos",
"OptionReportMovies": "Movies",
"OptionReportHomeVideos": "Home videos",
"OptionReportGames": "Games",
"OptionReportEpisodes": "Episodes",
"OptionReportCollections": "Collections",
"OptionReportBooks": "Books",
"OptionReportArtists": "Artists",
"OptionReportAlbums": "Albums",
"ButtonMore": "Plus",
"HeaderActivity": "Activity",
"ScheduledTaskStartedWithName": "{0} started",
"ScheduledTaskCancelledWithName": "{0} was cancelled",
"ScheduledTaskCompletedWithName": "{0} completed",
"ScheduledTaskFailed": "Scheduled task completed",
"PluginInstalledWithName": "{0} was installed",
"PluginUpdatedWithName": "{0} was updated",
"PluginUninstalledWithName": "{0} was uninstalled",
"ScheduledTaskFailedWithName": "{0} failed",
"DeviceOnlineWithName": "{0} is connected",
"UserOnlineFromDevice": "{0} is online from {1}",
"DeviceOfflineWithName": "{0} has disconnected",
"UserOfflineFromDevice": "{0} has disconnected from {1}",
"SubtitlesDownloadedForItem": "Subtitles downloaded for {0}",
"SubtitleDownloadFailureForItem": "Subtitles failed to download for {0}",
"LabelRunningTimeValue": "Running time: {0}",
"LabelIpAddressValue": "Ip address: {0}",
"UserLockedOutWithName": "User {0} has been locked out",
"UserConfigurationUpdatedWithName": "User configuration has been updated for {0}",
"UserCreatedWithName": "User {0} has been created",
"UserPasswordChangedWithName": "Password has been changed for user {0}",
"UserDeletedWithName": "User {0} has been deleted",
"MessageServerConfigurationUpdated": "Server configuration has been updated",
"MessageNamedServerConfigurationUpdatedWithValue": "Server configuration section {0} has been updated",
"MessageApplicationUpdated": "Emby Server has been updated",
"UserDownloadingItemWithValues": "{0} is downloading {1}",
"UserStartedPlayingItemWithValues": "{0} has started playing {1}",
"UserStoppedPlayingItemWithValues": "{0} has stopped playing {1}",
"AppDeviceValues": "App: {0}, Device: {1}",
"ProviderValue": "Provider: {0}",
"HeaderRecentActivity": "Recent Activity",
"HeaderPeople": "People",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataFor": "Download biography and images for:",
"OptionComposers": "Composers",
"OptionOthers": "Others",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataForHelp": "Enabling additional options will provide more on-screen information but will result in slower library scans.",
"ViewTypeFolders": "Folders",
"OptionDisplayFolderView": "Display a folder view to show plain media folders",
"OptionDisplayFolderViewHelp": "If enabled, Emby apps will display a Folders category alongside your media library. This is useful if you'd like to have plain folder views.",
"ViewTypeLiveTvRecordingGroups": "Recordings",
"ViewTypeLiveTvChannels": "Channels",
"LabelEasyPinCode": "Easy pin code:",
"EasyPasswordHelp": "Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Emby apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPassword": "Enable in-network sign in with my easy pin code",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp": "If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Emby apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"HeaderPassword": "Password",
"HeaderViewOrder": "View Order",
"ButtonResetEasyPassword": "Reset easy pin code",
"LabelSelectUserViewOrder": "Choose the order your views will be displayed in within Emby apps",
"HeaderPersonInfo": "Person Info",
"HeaderConfirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion",
"LabelAlbumArtist": "Album artist:",
"LabelAlbumArtists": "Album artists:",
"LabelAlbum": "Album:",
"LabelCommunityRating": "Community rating:",
"LabelAwardSummary": "Award summary:",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release date:",
"LabelEndDate": "End date:",
"LabelAirDate": "Air days:",
"LabelAirTime:": "Air time:",
"LabelRuntimeMinutes": "Run time (minutes):",
"LabelRevenue": "Revenue ($):",
"HeaderAlternateEpisodeNumbers": "Alternate Episode Numbers",
"HeaderSpecialEpisodeInfo": "Special Episode Info",
"HeaderExternalIds": "External Id's:",
"LabelAirsBeforeSeason": "Airs before season:",
"LabelAirsAfterSeason": "Airs after season:",
"LabelAirsBeforeEpisode": "Airs before episode:",
"LabelDisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons": "Display specials within seasons they aired in",
"HeaderCountries": "Countries",
"HeaderGenres": "Genres",
"HeaderPlotKeywords": "Plot Keywords",
"HeaderStudios": "Studios",
"HeaderTags": "Tags",
"MessageLeaveEmptyToInherit": "Leave empty to inherit settings from a parent item, or the global default value.",
"OptionNoTrailer": "No Trailer",
"ButtonPurchase": "Purchase",
"OptionActor": "Actor",
"OptionComposer": "Composer",
"OptionDirector": "Director",
"OptionProducer": "Producer",
"OptionWriter": "Writer",
"LabelAirDays": "Air days:",
"LabelAirTime": "Air time:",
"HeaderMediaInfo": "Media Info",
"HeaderPhotoInfo": "Photo Info",
"HeaderInstall": "Install",
"LabelSelectVersionToInstall": "Select version to install:",
"LinkLearnMoreAboutSubscription": "Learn about Emby Premiere",
"MessagePluginRequiresSubscription": "This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription after the 14 day free trial.",
"MessagePremiumPluginRequiresMembership": "This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription in order to purchase after the 14 day free trial.",
"HeaderReviews": "Reviews",
"HeaderDeveloperInfo": "Developer Info",
"HeaderRevisionHistory": "Revision History",
"ButtonViewWebsite": "View website",
"HeaderXmlSettings": "Xml Settings",
"HeaderXmlDocumentAttributes": "Xml Document Attributes",
"HeaderXmlDocumentAttribute": "Xml Document Attribute",
"XmlDocumentAttributeListHelp": "These attributes are applied to the root element of every xml response.",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden": "Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan": "Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp": "If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelConnectGuestUserName": "Their Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserName": "Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp": "Connect this local user to an online Emby account to enable easy sign-in access from any Emby app without having to know the server ip address.",
"ButtonLearnMoreAboutEmbyConnect": "Learn more about Emby Connect",
"LabelExternalPlayers": "External players:",
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp": "Display buttons to play content in external players. This is only available on devices that support url schemes, generally Android and iOS. With external players there is generally no support for remote control or resuming.",
"LabelNativeExternalPlayersHelp": "Display buttons to play content in external players.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfile": "Subtitle Profile",
"HeaderSubtitleProfiles": "Subtitle Profiles",
"HeaderSubtitleProfilesHelp": "Subtitle profiles describe the subtitle formats supported by the device.",
"LabelFormat": "Format:",
"LabelMethod": "Method:",
"LabelDidlMode": "Didl mode:",
"OptionCaptionInfoExSamsung": "CaptionInfoEx (Samsung)",
"OptionResElement": "res element",
"OptionEmbedSubtitles": "Embed within container",
"OptionExternallyDownloaded": "External download",
"OptionHlsSegmentedSubtitles": "Hls segmented subtitles",
"LabelSubtitleFormatHelp": "Example: srt",
"ButtonLearnMore": "Learn more",
"TabPlayback": "Playback",
"HeaderAudioSettings": "Audio Settings",
"HeaderSubtitleSettings": "Subtitle Settings",
"TabCinemaMode": "Cinema Mode",
"TitlePlayback": "Playback",
"LabelEnableCinemaModeFor": "Enable cinema mode for:",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp": "Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMovies": "Include trailers from movies in my library",
"OptionUpcomingMoviesInTheaters": "Include trailers from new and upcoming movies",
"LabelLimitIntrosToUnwatchedContent": "Only use trailers from unwatched content",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControl": "Enable smart parental control",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp": "Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSubscriptionHelpAndTrailers": "These features require an active Emby Premiere subscription and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp": "Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelCustomIntrosPath": "Custom intros path:",
"LabelCustomIntrosPathHelp": "A folder containing video files. A video will be randomly selected and played after trailers.",
"LabelSelectInternetTrailersForCinemaMode": "Internet trailers:",
"OptionUpcomingDvdMovies": "Include trailers from new and upcoming movies on Dvd & Blu-ray",
"OptionUpcomingStreamingMovies": "Include trailers from new and upcoming movies on Netflix",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp2": "Emby apps will have a setting to enable or disable cinema mode. TV apps enable cinema mode by default.",
"LabelEnableCinemaMode": "Enable cinema mode",
"HeaderCinemaMode": "Cinema Mode",
"LabelDateAddedBehavior": "Date added behavior for new content:",
"OptionDateAddedImportTime": "Use date scanned into the library",
"OptionDateAddedFileTime": "Use file creation date",
"LabelDateAddedBehaviorHelp": "If a metadata value is present it will always be used before either of these options.",
"LabelNumberTrailerToPlay": "Number of trailers to play:",
"TitleDevices": "Devices",
"TabCameraUpload": "Camera Upload",
"TabDevices": "Devices",
"HeaderCameraUploadHelp": "Automatically upload photos and videos taken from your mobile devices into Emby.",
"MessageNoDevicesSupportCameraUpload": "You currently don't have any devices that support camera upload.",
"LabelCameraUploadPath": "Camera upload path:",
"LabelCameraUploadPathHelp": "Select a custom upload path, if desired. If unspecified a default folder will be used. If using a custom path it will also need to be added in the library setup area.",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolder": "Create a subfolder for each device",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolderHelp": "Specific folders can be assigned to a device by clicking on it from the Devices page.",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayName": "Display name:",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayNameHelp": "Supply a custom display name or leave empty to use the name reported by the device.",
"HeaderInviteUser": "Invite User",
"LabelConnectGuestUserNameHelp": "This is the username that your friend uses to sign in to the Emby website, or their email address.",
"HeaderInviteUserHelp": "Sharing your media with friends is easier than ever before with Emby Connect.",
"ButtonSendInvitation": "Send Invitation",
"HeaderSignInWithConnect": "Sign in with Emby Connect",
"HeaderGuests": "Guests",
"HeaderPendingInvitations": "Pending Invitations",
"TabParentalControl": "Parental Control",
"HeaderAccessSchedule": "Access Schedule",
"HeaderAccessScheduleHelp": "Create an access schedule to limit access to certain hours.",
"ButtonAddSchedule": "Add Schedule",
"LabelAccessDay": "Day of week:",
"LabelAccessStart": "Start time:",
"LabelAccessEnd": "End time:",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedule",
"OptionEveryday": "Every day",
"OptionWeekdays": "Weekdays",
"OptionWeekends": "Weekends",
"MessageProfileInfoSynced": "User profile information synced with Emby Connect.",
"HeaderOptionalLinkEmbyAccount": "Optional: Link your Emby account",
"ButtonTrailer": "Trailer",
"MessageNoTrailersFound": "No trailers found. Install the Trailer channel to enhance your movie experience by adding a library of internet trailers.",
"HeaderNewUsers": "New Users",
"ButtonSignUp": "Sign up",
"ButtonForgotPassword": "Forgot password",
"OptionDisableUserPreferences": "Disable access to user preferences",
"OptionDisableUserPreferencesHelp": "If enabled, only administrators will be able to configure user profile images, passwords, and language preferences.",
"HeaderSelectServer": "Select Server",
"MessageNoServersAvailableToConnect": "No servers are available to connect to. If you've been invited to share a server, make sure to accept it below or by clicking the link in the email.",
"TitleNewUser": "New User",
"ButtonConfigurePassword": "Configure Password",
"HeaderDashboardUserPassword": "User passwords are managed within each user's personal profile settings.",
"HeaderLibraryAccess": "Library Access",
"HeaderChannelAccess": "Channel Access",
"HeaderLatestItems": "Latest Items",
"LabelSelectLastestItemsFolders": "Include media from the following sections in Latest Items",
"HeaderShareMediaFolders": "Share Media Folders",
"MessageGuestSharingPermissionsHelp": "Most features are initially unavailable to guests but can be enabled as needed.",
"HeaderInvitations": "Invitations",
"LabelForgotPasswordUsernameHelp": "Enter your username, if you remember it.",
"HeaderForgotPassword": "Forgot Password",
"TitlePasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"LabelPasswordRecoveryPinCode": "Pin code:",
"HeaderPasswordReset": "Password Reset",
"HeaderParentalRatings": "Parental Ratings",
"HeaderVideoTypes": "Video Types",
"HeaderYears": "Ann\u00e9es",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating": "Block content with no or unrecognized rating information:",
"LabelBlockContentWithTags": "Block content with tags:",
"LabelEnableSingleImageInDidlLimit": "Limit to single embedded image",
"LabelEnableSingleImageInDidlLimitHelp": "Some devices will not render properly if multiple images are embedded within Didl.",
"TabActivity": "Activity",
"TitleSync": "Sync",
"OptionAllowSyncContent": "Allow Sync",
"OptionAllowContentDownloading": "Allow media downloading",
"NameSeasonUnknown": "Season Unknown",
"NameSeasonNumber": "Season {0}",
"LabelNewUserNameHelp": "Usernames can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-), underscores (_), apostrophes ('), and periods (.)",
"TabJobs": "Jobs",
"TabSyncJobs": "Sync Jobs",
"HeaderThisUserIsCurrentlyDisabled": "This user is currently disabled",
"MessageReenableUser": "See below to reenable",
"LabelEnableInternetMetadataForTvPrograms": "Download internet metadata for:",
"OptionTVMovies": "TV Movies",
"HeaderUpcomingMovies": "Upcoming Movies",
"HeaderUpcomingSports": "Upcoming Sports",
"HeaderUpcomingPrograms": "Upcoming Programs",
"ButtonMoreItems": "Plus",
"OptionEnableTranscodingThrottle": "Enable throttling",
"OptionEnableTranscodingThrottleHelp": "Throttling will automatically adjust transcoding speed in order to minimize server cpu utilization during playback.",
"LabelUploadSpeedLimit": "Upload speed limit (Mbps):",
"OptionAllowSyncTranscoding": "Allow syncing that requires transcoding",
"HeaderPlayback": "Media Playback",
"OptionAllowAudioPlaybackTranscoding": "Allow audio playback that requires transcoding",
"OptionAllowVideoPlaybackTranscoding": "Allow video playback that requires transcoding",
"OptionAllowVideoPlaybackRemuxing": "Allow video playback that requires conversion without re-encoding",
"OptionAllowMediaPlaybackTranscodingHelp": "Users will receive friendly messages when content is unplayable based on policy.",
"TabStreaming": "Streaming",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimit": "Internet streaming bitrate limit (Mbps):",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimitHelp": "An optional streaming bitrate limit for all out of network clients. This is useful to prevent clients from requesting a higher bitrate than your internet connection can handle.",
"LabelConversionCpuCoreLimit": "CPU core limit:",
"LabelConversionCpuCoreLimitHelp": "Limit the number of CPU cores that will be used during sync conversion.",
"OptionEnableFullSpeedConversion": "Enable full speed conversion",
"OptionEnableFullSpeedConversionHelp": "By default, sync conversion is performed at a low speed to minimize resource consumption.",
"HeaderPlaylists": "Playlists",
"HeaderViewStyles": "View Styles",
"TabPhotos": "Photos",
"TabVideos": "Videos",
"HeaderWelcomeToEmby": "Welcome to Emby",
"EmbyIntroMessage": "With Emby you can easily stream videos, music and photos to smart phones, tablets and other devices from your Emby Server.",
"ButtonSkip": "Skip",
"TextConnectToServerManually": "Connect to server manually",
"ButtonSignInWithConnect": "Sign in with Emby Connect",
"ButtonConnect": "Connect",
"LabelServerHost": "Host:",
"LabelServerHostHelp": " or https:\/\/",
"LabelServerPort": "Port:",
"HeaderNewServer": "New Server",
"ButtonChangeServer": "Change Server",
"HeaderConnectToServer": "Connect to Server",
"OptionReportList": "List View",
"OptionReportStatistics": "Statistics",
"OptionReportGrouping": "Grouping",
"HeaderExport": "Export",
"HeaderColumns": "Columns",
"ButtonReset": "Reset",
"OptionEnableExternalVideoPlayers": "Enable external video players",
"ButtonUnlockGuide": "Unlock Guide",
"LabelEnableFullScreen": "Enable fullscreen mode",
"LabelEmail": "Email:",
"LabelUsername": "Username:",
"HeaderSignUp": "Sign Up",
"LabelPasswordConfirm": "Password (confirm):",
"ButtonAddServer": "Add Server",
"TabHomeScreen": "Home Screen",
"HeaderDisplay": "Display",
"HeaderNavigation": "Navigation",
"OptionEnableAutomaticServerUpdates": "Enable automatic server updates",
"OptionOtherTrailers": "Include trailers from older movies",
"HeaderOverview": "Overview",
"HeaderShortOverview": "Short Overview",
"HeaderType": "Type",
"HeaderSeverity": "Severity",
"OptionReportActivities": "Activities Log",
"HeaderTunerDevices": "Tuner Devices",
"HeaderAddDevice": "Add Device",
"HeaderExternalServices": "External Services",
"LabelTunerIpAddress": "Tuner IP Address:",
"TabExternalServices": "External Services",
"HeaderGuideProviders": "Guide Providers",
"AddGuideProviderHelp": "Add a source for TV Guide information",
"LabelZipCode": "Zip Code:",
"GuideProviderSelectListings": "Select Listings",
"GuideProviderLogin": "Login",
"LabelLineup": "Lineup:",
"MessageTunerDeviceNotListed": "Is your tuner device not listed? Try installing an external service provider for more Live TV options.",
"LabelImportOnlyFavoriteChannels": "Restrict to channels marked as favorite",
"ImportFavoriteChannelsHelp": "If enabled, only channels that are marked as favorite on the tuner device will be imported.",
"ButtonRepeat": "Repeat",
"LabelEnableThisTuner": "Enable this tuner",
"LabelEnableThisTunerHelp": "Uncheck to prevent importing channels from this tuner.",
"HeaderUnidentified": "Unidentified",
"HeaderImagePrimary": "Primary",
"HeaderImageBackdrop": "Backdrop",
"HeaderImageLogo": "Logo",
"HeaderUserPrimaryImage": "User Image",
"ButtonProfile": "Profile",
"ButtonProfileHelp": "Set your profile image and password.",
"HeaderHomeScreenSettings": "Home Screen settings",
"HeaderProfile": "Profile",
"HeaderLanguage": "Language",
"LabelTranscodingThreadCount": "Transcoding thread count:",
"LabelTranscodingThreadCountHelp": "Select the maximum number of threads to use when transcoding. Reducing the thread count will lower cpu usage but may not convert fast enough for a smooth playback experience.",
"OptionMax": "Max",
"LabelSyncPath": "Synced content path:",
"OptionSyncOnlyOnWifi": "Sync only on Wifi",
"OptionSyncLosslessAudioOriginal": "Sync lossless audio at original quality",
"HeaderUpcomingForKids": "Upcoming for Kids",
"HeaderSetupLiveTV": "Setup Live TV",
"LabelTunerType": "Tuner type:",
"HelpMoreTunersCanBeAdded": "Additional tuners can be added later within the Live TV section.",
"AdditionalLiveTvProvidersCanBeInstalledLater": "Additional Live TV providers can be added later within the Live TV section.",
"HeaderSetupTVGuide": "Setup TV Guide",
"LabelDataProvider": "Data provider:",
"OptionSendRecordingsToAutoOrganize": "Automatically organize recordings into existing series folders in other libraries",
"HeaderDefaultPadding": "Default Padding",
"OptionEnableRecordingSubfolders": "Create sub-folders for categories such as Sports, Kids, etc.",
"HeaderSubtitles": "Subtitles",
"HeaderVideos": "Videos",
"LabelHardwareAccelerationType": "Hardware acceleration:",
"LabelHardwareAccelerationTypeHelp": "Available on supported systems only.",
"ButtonServerDashboard": "Server Dashboard",
"HeaderAdmin": "Admin",
"ButtonSignOut": "Sign out",
"HeaderCameraUpload": "Camera Upload",
"SelectCameraUploadServers": "Upload camera photos to the following servers:",
"ButtonClear": "Clear",
"LabelFolder": "Folder:",
"HeadersFolders": "Folders",
"LabelDisplayName": "Display name:",
"HeaderNewRecording": "New Recording",
"ButtonAdvanced": "Advanced",
"LabelCodecIntrosPath": "Codec intros path:",
"LabelCodecIntrosPathHelp": "A folder containing video files. If an intro video file name matches the video codec, audio codec, audio profile, or a tag, then it will be played prior to the main feature.",
"OptionConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormat": "Automatically convert recordings to a streaming friendly format",
"OptionConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormatHelp": "Recordings will be converted on the fly to MP4 for easy playback on your devices.",
"FeatureRequiresEmbyPremiere": "This feature requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"FileExtension": "File extension",
"OptionReplaceExistingImages": "Replace existing images",
"OptionPlayNextEpisodeAutomatically": "Play next episode automatically",
"OptionDownloadImagesInAdvance": "Download all images in advance",
"SettingsSaved": "Settings saved.",
"OptionDownloadImagesInAdvanceHelp": "By default, most secondary images are only downloaded when requested by an Emby app. Enable this option to download all images in advance, as new media is imported.",
"Users": "Users",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Password": "Password",
"DeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting": "Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessagePleaseSupportProject": "Please support Emby.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this image?",
"FileReadCancelled": "The file read has been canceled.",
"FileNotFound": "File not found.",
"FileReadError": "An error occurred while reading the file.",
"DeleteUser": "Delete User",
"DeleteUserConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this user?",
"PasswordResetHeader": "Reset Password",
"PasswordResetComplete": "The password has been reset.",
"PinCodeResetComplete": "The pin code has been reset.",
"PasswordResetConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to reset the password?",
"PinCodeResetConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to reset the pin code?",
"HeaderPinCodeReset": "Reset Pin Code",
"PasswordSaved": "Password saved.",
"PasswordMatchError": "Password and password confirmation must match.",
"UninstallPluginHeader": "Uninstall Plugin",
"UninstallPluginConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to uninstall {0}?",
"NoPluginConfigurationMessage": "This plugin has nothing to configure.",
"NoPluginsInstalledMessage": "You have no plugins installed.",
"BrowsePluginCatalogMessage": "Browse our plugin catalog to view available plugins.",
"HeaderNewApiKey": "New Api Key",
"LabelAppName": "App name",
"LabelAppNameExample": "Example: Sickbeard, NzbDrone",
"HeaderNewApiKeyHelp": "Grant an application permission to communicate with Emby Server.",
"MessageKeyEmailedTo": "Key emailed to {0}.",
"MessageKeysLinked": "Keys linked.",
"HeaderConfirmation": "Confirmation",
"MessageKeyUpdated": "Thank you. Your Emby Premiere key has been updated.",
"MessageKeyRemoved": "Thank you. Your Emby Premiere key has been removed.",
"TextEnjoyBonusFeatures": "Enjoy Bonus Features",
"ButtonCancelSyncJob": "Cancel sync",
"HeaderAddTag": "Add Tag",
"LabelTag": "Tag:",
"ButtonSelectView": "Select view",
"HeaderSelectDate": "Select Date",
"ServerUpdateNeeded": "This Emby Server needs to be updated. To download the latest version, please visit {0}",
"LabelFromHelp": "Example: {0} (on the server)",
"HeaderMyMedia": "My Media",
"LabelAutomaticUpdateLevel": "Automatic update level:",
"LabelAutomaticUpdateLevelForPlugins": "Automatic update level for plugins:",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast": "There was an error launching chromecast. Please ensure your device is connected to your wireless network.",
"MessageErrorLoadingSupporterInfo": "There was an error loading Emby Premiere information. Please try again later.",
"MessageLinkYourSupporterKey": "Link your Emby Premiere key with up to {0} Emby Connect members to enjoy free access to the following apps:",
"HeaderConfirmRemoveUser": "Remove User",
"MessageConfirmRemoveConnectSupporter": "Are you sure you wish to remove additional Emby Premiere benefits from this user?",
"ValueTimeLimitSingleHour": "Time limit: 1 hour",
"ValueTimeLimitMultiHour": "Time limit: {0} hours",
"PluginCategoryGeneral": "General",
"PluginCategoryContentProvider": "Content Providers",
"PluginCategoryScreenSaver": "Screen Savers",
"PluginCategoryTheme": "Themes",
"PluginCategorySync": "Sync",
"PluginCategorySocialIntegration": "Social Networks",
"PluginCategoryNotifications": "Notifications",
"PluginCategoryMetadata": "Metadata",
"PluginCategoryLiveTV": "Live TV",
"PluginCategoryChannel": "Channels",
"HeaderSearch": "Search",
"ValueDateCreated": "Date created: {0}",
"LabelArtist": "Artist",
"LabelMovie": "Movie",
"LabelMusicVideo": "Music Video",
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"Series": "Series",
"LabelStopping": "Stopping",
"LabelCancelled": "Cancelled",
"ButtonDownload": "Download",
"SyncJobStatusQueued": "Queued",
"SyncJobStatusConverting": "Converting",
"SyncJobStatusFailed": "Failed",
"SyncJobStatusCancelled": "Cancelled",
"SyncJobStatusCompleted": "Synced",
"SyncJobStatusReadyToTransfer": "Ready to Transfer",
"SyncJobStatusTransferring": "Transferring",
"SyncJobStatusCompletedWithError": "Synced with errors",
"SyncJobItemStatusReadyToTransfer": "Ready to Transfer",
"LabelCollection": "Collection",
"HeaderDevices": "Devices",
"ButtonScheduledTasks": "Scheduled tasks",
"MessageItemsAdded": "Items added",
"HeaderSelectCertificatePath": "Select Certificate Path",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton": "This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task and does not require any manual effort. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit": "An active Emby Premiere subscription provides additional benefits such as access to sync, premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToProjectServerDashboard": "Welcome to the Emby Server Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToProjectWebClient": "Welcome to Emby",
"ButtonTakeTheTour": "Take the tour",
"HeaderWelcomeBack": "Welcome back!",
"ButtonTakeTheTourToSeeWhatsNew": "Take the tour to see what's new",
"MessageNoSyncJobsFound": "No sync jobs found. Create sync jobs using the Sync buttons found throughout the web interface.",
"MessageDownloadsFound": "No offline downloads. Make your media available offline by clicking Make Available Offline throughout the app.",
"HeaderSelectDevices": "Select Devices",
"ButtonCancelItem": "Cancel item",
"ButtonQueueForRetry": "Queue for retry",
"ButtonReenable": "Re-enable",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval": "Marked for removal",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown": "(Aborted by server shutdown)",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan": "Last ran {0}, taking {1}.",
"HeaderDeleteTaskTrigger": "Delete Task Trigger",
"MessageDeleteTaskTrigger": "Are you sure you wish to delete this task trigger?",
"MessageNoPluginsInstalled": "You have no plugins installed.",
"MessageNoPluginsDueToAppStore": "To manage plugins, please use the Emby web app.",
"LabelVersionInstalled": "{0} installed",
"LabelNumberReviews": "{0} Reviews",
"LabelFree": "Free",
"HeaderPlaybackError": "Playback Error",
"MessagePlaybackErrorNotAllowed": "You're currently not authorized to play this content. Please contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorNoCompatibleStream": "No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorRateLimitExceeded": "Your playback rate limit has been exceeded. Please contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorPlaceHolder": "The content chosen is not playable from this device.",
"HeaderSelectAudio": "Select Audio",
"HeaderSelectSubtitles": "Select Subtitles",
"ButtonMarkForRemoval": "Remove from device",
"ButtonUnmarkForRemoval": "Cancel removal from device",
"LabelDefaultStream": "(Default)",
"LabelForcedStream": "(Forced)",
"LabelDefaultForcedStream": "(Default\/Forced)",
"LabelUnknownLanguage": "Unknown language",
"ButtonMute": "Mute",
"ButtonUnmute": "Unmute",
"ButtonPlaylist": "Playlist",
"LabelEnabled": "Enabled",
"LabelDisabled": "Disabled",
"ButtonMoreInformation": "More Information",
"LabelNoUnreadNotifications": "No unread notifications.",
"LabelAllPlaysSentToPlayer": "All plays will be sent to the selected player.",
"MessageInvalidUser": "Invalid username or password. Please try again.",
"HeaderLoginFailure": "Login Failure",
"RecommendationBecauseYouLike": "Because you like {0}",
"RecommendationBecauseYouWatched": "Because you watched {0}",
"RecommendationDirectedBy": "Directed by {0}",
"RecommendationStarring": "Starring {0}",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Confirm Recording Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmRecordingCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this recording?",
"MessageRecordingCancelled": "Recording cancelled.",
"MessageRecordingScheduled": "Recording scheduled.",
"HeaderConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Confirm Series Cancellation",
"MessageConfirmSeriesCancellation": "Are you sure you wish to cancel this series?",
"MessageSeriesCancelled": "Series cancelled.",
"HeaderConfirmRecordingDeletion": "Confirm Recording Deletion",
"MessageRecordingSaved": "Recording saved.",
"OptionWeekend": "Weekends",
"OptionWeekday": "Weekdays",
"MessageConfirmPathSubstitutionDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this path substitution?",
"LiveTvUpdateAvailable": "(Update available)",
"LabelVersionUpToDate": "Up to date!",
"ButtonResetTuner": "Reset tuner",
"HeaderResetTuner": "Reset Tuner",
"MessageConfirmResetTuner": "Are you sure you wish to reset this tuner? Any active players or recordings will be abruptly stopped.",
"ButtonCancelSeries": "Cancel Series",
"HeaderSeriesRecordings": "Series Recordings",
"LabelAnytime": "Any time",
"StatusRecording": "Recording",
"StatusWatching": "Watching",
"StatusRecordingProgram": "Recording {0}",
"StatusWatchingProgram": "Watching {0}",
"HeaderSplitMedia": "Split Media Apart",
"MessageConfirmSplitMedia": "Are you sure you wish to split the media sources into separate items?",
"HeaderError": "Error",
"MessageChromecastConnectionError": "Your Chromecast receiver is unable to connect to your Emby Server. Please check their connections and try again.",
"HeaderLibraryFolders": "Media Folders",
"HeaderFavoriteMovies": "Favorite Movies",
"HeaderFavoriteShows": "Favorite Shows",
"HeaderFavoriteEpisodes": "Favorite Episodes",
"HeaderFavoriteGames": "Favorite Games",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion": "Confirm Profile Deletion",
"MessageConfirmProfileDeletion": "Are you sure you wish to delete this profile?",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePath": "Select Server Cache Path",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPath": "Select Transcoding Temporary Path",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPath": "Select Metadata Path",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for server cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for transcoding temporary files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path you'd like to store metadata within. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPath": "Select Channel Download Path",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp": "Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"LabelChapterDownloaders": "Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp": "Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums": "Favorite Albums",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia": "Latest Channel Items",
"ButtonOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"ButtonDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"HeaderOrganizeFile": "Organize File",
"HeaderDeleteFile": "Delete File",
"StatusSkipped": "Skipped",
"StatusFailed": "Failed",
"StatusSuccess": "Success",
"MessageFileWillBeDeleted": "The following file will be deleted:",
"MessageSureYouWishToProceed": "Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"MessageDuplicatesWillBeDeleted": "In addition the following dupliates will be deleted:",
"MessageFollowingFileWillBeMovedFrom": "The following file will be moved from:",
"MessageDestinationTo": "to:",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolder": "Select Watch Folder",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolderHelp": "Browse or enter the path to your watch folder. The folder must be writeable.",
"OrganizePatternResult": "Result: {0}",
"AutoOrganizeError": "Error Organizing File",
"FileOrganizeManually": "Organize File",
"ErrorOrganizingFileWithErrorCode": "There was an error organizing the file. Error code: {0}.",
"HeaderRestart": "Restart",
"HeaderShutdown": "Shutdown",
"MessageConfirmRestart": "Are you sure you wish to restart Emby Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown": "Are you sure you wish to shutdown Emby Server?",
"ValueItemCount": "{0} item",
"ValueItemCountPlural": "{0} items",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable": "A new version of {0} is available!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload": "Version {0} is now available for download.",
"LabelVersionNumber": "Version {0}",
"LabelPlayMethodTranscoding": "Transcoding",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectStream": "Direct Streaming",
"LabelPlayMethodDirectPlay": "Direct Playing",
"LabelAudioCodec": "Audio: {0}",
"LabelVideoCodec": "Video: {0}",
"LabelLocalAccessUrl": "Local access: {0}",
"LabelRemoteAccessUrl": "Remote access: {0}",
"LabelRunningOnPort": "Running on http port {0}.",
"LabelRunningOnPorts": "Running on http port {0}, and https port {1}.",
"HeaderLatestFromChannel": "Latest from {0}",
"HeaderCurrentSubtitles": "Current Subtitles",
"ButtonRemoteControl": "Remote Control",
"HeaderLatestTvRecordings": "Latest Recordings",
"LabelCurrentPath": "Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath": "Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath": "Select Path",
"ButtonNetwork": "Network",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction": "Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerBSDInstruction": "For BSD, you may need to configure storage within your FreeNAS Jail in order to allow Emby to access it.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerLinuxInstruction": "For Linux on Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse, or Ubuntu, you must grant the Emby system user at least read access to your storage locations.",
"HeaderMenu": "Menu",
"ButtonOpen": "Open",
"ButtonShuffle": "Shuffle",
"ButtonResume": "Resume",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Audio Tracks",
"HeaderLibraries": "Libraries",
"HeaderVideoQuality": "Video Quality",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo": "There was an error playing the video.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner": "Please ensure there is an open tuner availalble.",
"ButtonDashboard": "Dashboard",
"ButtonReports": "Reports",
"MetadataManager": "Metadata Manager",
"HeaderTime": "Time",
"LabelAddedOnDate": "Added {0}",
"ButtonStart": "Start",
"OptionBlockOthers": "Others",
"OptionBlockTvShows": "TV Shows",
"OptionBlockTrailers": "Trailers",
"OptionBlockMusic": "Music",
"OptionBlockMovies": "Movies",
"OptionBlockBooks": "Books",
"OptionBlockGames": "Games",
"OptionBlockLiveTvPrograms": "Live TV Programs",
"OptionBlockLiveTvChannels": "Live TV Channels",
"OptionBlockChannelContent": "Internet Channel Content",
"ButtonRevoke": "Revoke",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Emby Server will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderConfirmRevokeApiKey": "Revoke Api Key",
"ValueContainer": "Container: {0}",
"ValueAudioCodec": "Audio Codec: {0}",
"ValueVideoCodec": "Video Codec: {0}",
"ValueCodec": "Codec: {0}",
"ValueConditions": "Conditions: {0}",
"LabelAll": "All",
"HeaderDeleteImage": "Delete Image",
"MessageFileNotFound": "File not found.",
"MessageFileReadError": "An error occurred reading this file.",
"ButtonNextPage": "Next Page",
"ButtonPreviousPage": "Previous Page",
"ButtonMoveLeft": "Move left",
"ButtonMoveRight": "Move right",
"ButtonBrowseOnlineImages": "Browse online images",
"HeaderDeleteItem": "Delete Item",
"ConfirmDeleteItem": "Deleting this item will delete it from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"ConfirmDeleteItems": "Deleting these items will delete them from both the file system and your media library. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"MessageValueNotCorrect": "The value entered is not correct. Please try again.",
"MessageItemSaved": "Item saved.",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfServiceBeforeContinuing": "Please accept the terms of service before continuing.",
"OptionOff": "Off",
"OptionOn": "On",
"ButtonUninstall": "Uninstall",
"HeaderEnabledFields": "Enabled Fields",
"HeaderEnabledFieldsHelp": "Uncheck a field to lock it and prevent it's data from being changed.",
"HeaderLiveTV": "Live TV",
"MissingPrimaryImage": "Missing primary image.",
"MissingBackdropImage": "Missing backdrop image.",
"MissingLogoImage": "Missing logo image.",
"MissingEpisode": "Missing episode.",
"OptionScreenshots": "Screenshots",
"OptionBackdrops": "Backdrops",
"OptionImages": "Images",
"OptionKeywords": "Keywords",
"OptionTags": "Tags",
"OptionStudios": "Studios",
"OptionName": "Name",
"OptionOverview": "Overview",
"OptionGenres": "Genres",
"OptionPeople": "People",
"OptionProductionLocations": "Production Locations",
"OptionBirthLocation": "Birth Location",
"LabelAllChannels": "All channels",
"AttributeNew": "New",
"AttributePremiere": "Premiere",
"AttributeLive": "Live",
"HeaderChangeFolderType": "Change Content Type",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp": "To change the type, please remove and rebuild the library with the new type.",
"HeaderAlert": "Alert",
"MessagePleaseRestart": "Please restart to finish updating.",
"ButtonHide": "Hide",
"MessageSettingsSaved": "Settings saved.",
"TabLibrary": "Library",
"TabDLNA": "DLNA",
"TabLiveTV": "Live TV",
"TabAutoOrganize": "Auto-Organize",
"TabPlugins": "Plugins",
"TabHelp": "Help",
"ButtonFullscreen": "Plein \u00e9cran",
"ButtonAudioTracks": "Piste audio",
"ButtonQuality": "Quality",
"HeaderNotifications": "Notifications",
"HeaderSelectPlayer": "Select Player",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm": "For best results with Internet Explorer please install the WebM playback plugin.",
"HeaderVideoError": "Video Error",
"ButtonViewSeriesRecording": "View series recording",
"HeaderSpecials": "Specials",
"HeaderTrailers": "Trailers",
"HeaderResolution": "Resolution",
"HeaderRuntime": "Runtime",
"HeaderParentalRating": "Parental rating",
"HeaderReleaseDate": "Release date",
"HeaderDateAdded": "Date added",
"HeaderSeries": "Series",
"HeaderSeason": "Season",
"HeaderSeasonNumber": "Season number",
"HeaderNetwork": "Network",
"HeaderYear": "Year",
"HeaderGameSystem": "Game system",
"HeaderEmbeddedImage": "Embedded image",
"HeaderTrack": "Track",
"OptionCollections": "Collections",
"OptionSeries": "Series",
"OptionSeasons": "Seasons",
"OptionGames": "Games",
"OptionGameSystems": "Game systems",
"OptionMusicArtists": "Music artists",
"OptionMusicAlbums": "Music albums",
"OptionMusicVideos": "Music videos",
"OptionSongs": "Songs",
"OptionHomeVideos": "Home videos",
"OptionBooks": "Books",
"ButtonUp": "Up",
"ButtonDown": "Down",
"LabelMetadataReaders": "Metadata readers:",
"LabelMetadataReadersHelp": "Rank your preferred local metadata sources in order of priority. The first file found will be read.",
"LabelMetadataDownloaders": "Metadata downloaders:",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp": "Enable and rank your preferred metadata downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"LabelMetadataSavers": "Metadata savers:",
"LabelMetadataSaversHelp": "Choose the file formats to save your metadata to.",
"LabelImageFetchers": "Image fetchers:",
"LabelImageFetchersHelp": "Enable and rank your preferred image fetchers in order of priority.",
"LabelDynamicExternalId": "{0} Id:",
"PersonTypePerson": "Person",
"OptionSortName": "Sort name",
"LabelDateOfBirth": "Date of birth:",
"LabelDeathDate": "Death date:",
"HeaderRemoveMediaLocation": "Remove Media Location",
"MessageConfirmRemoveMediaLocation": "Are you sure you wish to remove this location?",
"LabelNewName": "New name:",
"HeaderAddMediaFolder": "Add Media Folder",
"HeaderAddMediaFolderHelp": "Name (Movies, Music, TV, etc):",
"HeaderRemoveMediaFolder": "Remove Media Folder",
"MessageTheFollowingLocationWillBeRemovedFromLibrary": "The following media locations will be removed from your Emby library:",
"MessageAreYouSureYouWishToRemoveMediaFolder": "Are you sure you wish to remove this media folder?",
"ButtonRename": "Rename",
"ButtonChangeContentType": "Change content type",
"HeaderMediaLocations": "Media Locations",
"LabelContentTypeValue": "Content type: {0}",
"LabelPathSubstitutionHelp": "Optional: Path substitution can map server paths to network shares that clients can access for direct playback.",
"FolderTypeUnset": "Unset (mixed content)",
"BirthPlaceValue": "Birth place: {0}",
"DeathDateValue": "Died: {0}",
"BirthDateValue": "Born: {0}",
"HeaderLatestReviews": "Latest Reviews",
"HeaderPluginInstallation": "Plugin Installation",
"MessageAlreadyInstalled": "This version is already installed.",
"ValueReviewCount": "{0} Reviews",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled": "You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MessageTrialExpired": "The trial period for this feature has expired",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn": "The trial period for this feature will expire in {0} day(s)",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp": "This plugin must be installed from with in the app you intend to use it in.",
"ValuePriceUSD": "Price: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter": "You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountAdded": "Emby Account Added",
"MessageEmbyAccountAdded": "The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingEmbyAccountAdded": "The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountRemoved": "Emby Account Removed",
"MessageEmbyAccontRemoved": "The Emby account has been removed from this user.",
"TooltipLinkedToEmbyConnect": "Linked to Emby Connect",
"HeaderUnrated": "Unrated",
"ValueDiscNumber": "Disc {0}",
"HeaderUnknownDate": "Unknown Date",
"HeaderUnknownYear": "Unknown Year",
"ValueMinutes": "{0} min",
"HeaderSelectExternalPlayer": "Select External Player",
"HeaderExternalPlayerPlayback": "External Player Playback",
"ButtonImDone": "I'm Done",
"OptionWatched": "Watched",
"OptionUnwatched": "Unwatched",
"ExternalPlayerPlaystateOptionsHelp": "Specify how you would like to resume playing this video next time.",
"LabelMarkAs": "Mark as:",
"OptionInProgress": "In-Progress",
"LabelResumePoint": "Resume point:",
"ValueOneMovie": "1 movie",
"ValueMovieCount": "{0} movies",
"ValueOneTrailer": "1 trailer",
"ValueTrailerCount": "{0} trailers",
"ValueOneSeries": "1 series",
"ValueSeriesCount": "{0} series",
"ValueOneEpisode": "1 episode",
"ValueEpisodeCount": "{0} episodes",
"ValueOneGame": "1 game",
"ValueGameCount": "{0} games",
"ValueOneAlbum": "1 album",
"ValueAlbumCount": "{0} albums",
"ValueOneSong": "1 song",
"ValueSongCount": "{0} songs",
"ValueOneMusicVideo": "1 music video",
"ValueMusicVideoCount": "{0} music videos",
"HeaderOffline": "Offline",
"HeaderUnaired": "Unaired",
"HeaderMissing": "Missing",
"ButtonWebsite": "Website",
"ValueSeriesYearToPresent": "{0}-Present",
"ValueAwards": "Awards: {0}",
"ValueBudget": "Budget: {0}",
"ValueRevenue": "Revenue: {0}",
"ValuePremiered": "Premiered {0}",
"ValuePremieres": "Premieres {0}",
"ValueStudio": "Studio: {0}",
"ValueStudios": "Studios: {0}",
"ValueStatus": "Status: {0}",
"LabelLimit": "Limit:",
"ValueLinks": "Links: {0}",
"HeaderCastAndCrew": "Cast & Crew",
"ValueArtist": "Artist: {0}",
"ValueArtists": "Artists: {0}",
"MediaInfoCameraMake": "Camera make",
"MediaInfoCameraModel": "Camera model",
"MediaInfoAltitude": "Altitude",
"MediaInfoAperture": "Aperture",
"MediaInfoExposureTime": "Exposure time",
"MediaInfoFocalLength": "Focal length",
"MediaInfoOrientation": "Orientation",
"MediaInfoIsoSpeedRating": "Iso speed rating",
"MediaInfoLatitude": "Latitude",
"MediaInfoLongitude": "Longitude",
"MediaInfoShutterSpeed": "Shutter speed",
"MediaInfoSoftware": "Software",
"HeaderIfYouLikeCheckTheseOut": "If you like {0}, check these out...",
"HeaderMovies": "Movies",
"HeaderAlbums": "Albums",
"HeaderGames": "Games",
"HeaderBooks": "Books",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodes",
"HeaderSeasons": "Seasons",
"HeaderTracks": "Tracks",
"HeaderItems": "Items",
"HeaderOtherItems": "Other Items",
"ButtonFullReview": "Full review",
"ValueAsRole": "as {0}",
"ValueGuestStar": "Guest star",
"MediaInfoSize": "Size",
"MediaInfoPath": "Path",
"MediaInfoFile": "File",
"MediaInfoFormat": "Format",
"MediaInfoContainer": "Container",
"MediaInfoDefault": "Default",
"MediaInfoForced": "Forced",
"MediaInfoExternal": "External",
"MediaInfoTimestamp": "Timestamp",
"MediaInfoPixelFormat": "Pixel format",
"MediaInfoBitDepth": "Bit depth",
"MediaInfoSampleRate": "Sample rate",
"MediaInfoBitrate": "Bitrate",
"MediaInfoChannels": "Channels",
"MediaInfoLayout": "Layout",
"MediaInfoLanguage": "Language",
"MediaInfoCodec": "Codec",
"MediaInfoCodecTag": "Codec tag",
"MediaInfoProfile": "Profile",
"MediaInfoLevel": "Level",
"MediaInfoAspectRatio": "Aspect ratio",
"MediaInfoResolution": "Resolution",
"MediaInfoAnamorphic": "Anamorphic",
"MediaInfoInterlaced": "Interlaced",
"MediaInfoFramerate": "Framerate",
"MediaInfoStreamTypeAudio": "Audio",
"MediaInfoStreamTypeData": "Data",
"MediaInfoStreamTypeVideo": "Video",
"MediaInfoStreamTypeSubtitle": "Subtitle",
"MediaInfoStreamTypeEmbeddedImage": "Embedded Image",
"MediaInfoRefFrames": "Ref frames",
"TabExpert": "Expert",
"HeaderSelectCustomIntrosPath": "Select Custom Intros Path",
"HeaderRateAndReview": "Rate and Review",
"HeaderThankYou": "Thank You",
"MessageThankYouForYourReview": "Thank you for your review.",
"LabelYourRating": "Your rating:",
"LabelFullReview": "Full review:",
"LabelShortRatingDescription": "Short rating summary:",
"OptionIRecommendThisItem": "I recommend this item",
"ReleaseYearValue": "Ann\u00e9e de parution : {0}",
"OriginalAirDateValue": "Original air date: {0}",
"WebClientTourContent": "View your recently added media, next episodes, and more. The green circles indicate how many unplayed items you have.",
"WebClientTourMovies": "Play movies, trailers and more from any device with a web browser",
"WebClientTourMouseOver": "Hold the mouse over any poster for quick access to important information",
"WebClientTourTapHold": "Tap and hold or right click any poster for a context menu",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager": "Click edit to open the metadata manager",
"WebClientTourPlaylists": "Easily create playlists and instant mixes, and play them on any device",
"WebClientTourCollections": "Create movie collections to group box sets together",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1": "User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Emby apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2": "Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Emby app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3": "Design the web client home page to your liking",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4": "Configure backdrops, theme songs and external players",
"WebClientTourMobile1": "The web client works great on smartphones and tablets...",
"WebClientTourMobile2": "and easily controls other devices and Emby apps",
"WebClientTourMySync": "Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay": "Enjoy your stay",
"DashboardTourDashboard": "The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
"DashboardTourHelp": "In-app help provides easy buttons to open wiki pages relating to the on-screen content.",
"DashboardTourUsers": "Easily create user accounts for your friends and family, each with their own permissions, library access, parental controls and more.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode": "Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"DashboardTourChapters": "Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles": "Automatically download subtitles for your videos in any language.",
"DashboardTourPlugins": "Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications": "Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks": "Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile": "The Emby Server dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourSync": "Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageRefreshQueued": "Refresh queued",
"TabExtras": "Extras",
"HeaderUploadImage": "Upload Image",
"DeviceLastUsedByUserName": "Last used by {0}",
"HeaderDeleteDevice": "Delete Device",
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to delete this device? It will reappear the next time a user signs in with it.",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadFor": "Enable camera upload for:",
"HeaderSelectUploadPath": "Select Upload Path",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadForHelp": "Uploads will occur automatically in the background when signed into Emby.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd": "End time must be greater than the start time.",
"ButtonLibraryAccess": "Library access",
"ButtonParentalControl": "Parental control",
"HeaderInvitationSent": "Invitation Sent",
"MessageInvitationSentToUser": "An email has been sent to {0}, inviting them to accept your sharing invitation.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser": "An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Emby.",
"HeaderConnectionFailure": "Connection Failure",
"MessageUnableToConnectToServer": "We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.",
"ButtonSelectServer": "Select Server",
"MessagePluginConfigurationRequiresLocalAccess": "To configure this plugin please sign in to your local server directly.",
"MessageLoggedOutParentalControl": "Access is currently restricted. Please try again later.",
"DefaultErrorMessage": "There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"ButtonAccept": "Accept",
"ButtonReject": "Reject",
"MessageContactAdminToResetPassword": "Please contact your system administrator to reset your password.",
"MessageForgotPasswordInNetworkRequired": "Please try again within your home network to initiate the password reset process.",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileCreated": "The following file has been created on your server and contains instructions on how to proceed:",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileExpiration": "The reset pin will expire at {0}.",
"MessageInvalidForgotPasswordPin": "An invalid or expired pin was entered. Please try again.",
"MessagePasswordResetForUsers": "Passwords have been removed for the following users. To login, sign in with a blank password.",
"ButtonLinkMyEmbyAccount": "Link my account now",
"MessageConnectAccountRequiredToInviteGuest": "In order to invite guests you need to first link your Emby account to this server.",
"SyncMedia": "Sync Media",
"HeaderCancelSyncJob": "Cancel Sync",
"CancelSyncJobConfirmation": "Cancelling the sync job will remove synced media from the device during the next sync process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"MessagePleaseSelectDeviceToSyncTo": "Please select a device to sync to.",
"MessageSyncJobCreated": "Sync job created.",
"LabelQuality": "Quality:",
"OptionAutomaticallySyncNewContent": "Automatically sync new content",
"OptionAutomaticallySyncNewContentHelp": "New content added to will be automatically synced to the device.",
"MessageBookPluginRequired": "Requires installation of the Bookshelf plugin",
"MessageGamePluginRequired": "Requires installation of the GameBrowser plugin",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp": "Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"SyncJobItemStatusQueued": "Queued",
"SyncJobItemStatusConverting": "Converting",
"SyncJobItemStatusTransferring": "Transferring",
"SyncJobItemStatusSynced": "Synced",
"SyncJobItemStatusFailed": "Failed",
"SyncJobItemStatusRemovedFromDevice": "Removed from device",
"SyncJobItemStatusCancelled": "Cancelled",
"LabelProfile": "Profile:",
"LabelBitrateMbps": "Bitrate (Mbps):",
"EmbyIntroDownloadMessage": "To download and install Emby Server visit {0}.",
"EmbyIntroDownloadMessageWithoutLink": "To download and install Emby Server visit the Emby website.",
"ButtonNewServer": "New Server",
"MyDevice": "My Device",
"ButtonRemote": "Remote",
"TabCast": "Cast",
"TabScenes": "Scenes",
"HeaderUnlockApp": "Unlock App",
"HeaderUnlockSync": "Unlock Emby Sync",
"MessageUnlockAppWithPurchaseOrSupporter": "Unlock this feature with a small one-time purchase, or with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageUnlockAppWithSupporter": "Unlock this feature with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageToValidateSupporter": "If you have an active Emby Premiere subscription, ensure you've setup Emby Premiere in your Emby Server Dashboard under Help -> Emby Premiere.",
"MessagePaymentServicesUnavailable": "Payment services are currently unavailable. Please try again later.",
"ButtonUnlockWithPurchase": "Unlock with Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockPrice": "Unlock {0}",
"MessageLiveTvGuideRequiresUnlock": "The Live TV Guide is currently limited to {0} channels. Click the unlock button to learn how to enjoy the full experience.",
"OptionEnableFullscreen": "Enable Fullscreen",
"ButtonServer": "Server",
"HeaderLibrary": "Library",
"HeaderMedia": "Media",
"HeaderSaySomethingLike": "Say Something Like...",
"NoResultsFound": "No results found.",
"ButtonManageServer": "Manage Server",
"ButtonPreferences": "Preferences",
"ButtonViewArtist": "View artist",
"ButtonViewAlbum": "View album",
"ButtonEditImages": "Edit images",
"ErrorMessagePasswordNotMatchConfirm": "The password and password confirmation must match.",
"ErrorMessageUsernameInUse": "The username is already in use. Please choose a new name and try again.",
"ErrorMessageEmailInUse": "The email address is already in use. Please enter a new email address and try again, or use the forgot password feature.",
"MessageThankYouForConnectSignUp": "Thank you for signing up for Emby Connect. An email will be sent to your address with instructions on how to confirm your new account. Please confirm the account and then return here to sign in.",
"ButtonShare": "Share",
"HeaderConfirm": "Confirm",
"MessageConfirmDeleteTunerDevice": "Are you sure you wish to delete this device?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteGuideProvider": "Are you sure you wish to delete this guide provider?",
"HeaderDeleteProvider": "Delete Provider",
"ErrorAddingTunerDevice": "There was an error adding the tuner device. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorSavingTvProvider": "There was an error saving the TV provider. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorGettingTvLineups": "There was an error downloading tv lineups. Please ensure your information is correct and try again.",
"MessageCreateAccountAt": "Create an account at {0}",
"ErrorPleaseSelectLineup": "Please select a lineup and try again. If no lineups are available, then please check that your username, password, and postal code is correct.",
"HeaderTryEmbyPremiere": "Try Emby Premiere",
"ButtonBecomeSupporter": "Get Emby Premiere",
"ButtonClosePlayVideo": "Close and play my media",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode": "Did you know that with Emby Premiere, you can enhance your experience with features like Cinema Mode?",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode2": "Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"OptionEnableDisplayMirroring": "Enable display mirroring",
"HeaderSyncRequiresSupporterMembership": "Sync n\u00e9cessite un compte Emby Premiere actif",
"HeaderSyncRequiresSupporterMembershipAppVersion": "Sync requires connecting to an Emby Server with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"ErrorValidatingSupporterInfo": "There was an error validating your Emby Premiere information. Please try again later.",
"LabelLocalSyncStatusValue": "Status: {0}",
"MessageSyncStarted": "Sync started",
"NoSlideshowContentFound": "No slideshow images were found.",
"OptionPhotoSlideshow": "Photo slideshow",
"OptionBackdropSlideshow": "Backdrop slideshow",
"HeaderTopPlugins": "Top Plugins",
"ButtonOther": "Other",
"HeaderSortBy": "Sort By",
"HeaderSortOrder": "Sort Order",
"ButtonDisconnect": "Disconnect",
"ButtonMenu": "Menu",
"ForAdditionalLiveTvOptions": "For additional Live TV providers, click on the External Services tab to see the available options.",
"ButtonGuide": "Guide",
"ButtonRecordedTv": "Recorded TV",
"ConfirmEndPlayerSession": "Would you like to close Emby on the device?",
"ButtonYes": "Yes",
"AddUser": "Add User",
"ButtonNo": "No",
"ButtonRestorePreviousPurchase": "Restore Purchase",
"AlreadyPaid": "Already Paid?",
"AlreadyPaidHelp1": "If you already paid to install an older version of Media Browser for Android, you don't need to pay again in order to activate this app. Click OK to send us an email at {0} and we'll get it activated for you.",
"AlreadyPaidHelp2": "Got Emby Premiere? Just cancel this dialog, setup Emby Premiere in your Emby Server Dashboard under Help -> Emby Premiere, and it will be unlocked automatically.",
"ButtonNowPlaying": "Now Playing",
"HeaderLatestMovies": "Latest Movies",
"EmbyPremiereMonthly": "Emby Premiere Monthly",
"EmbyPremiereMonthlyWithPrice": "Emby Premiere Monthly {0}",
"HeaderEmailAddress": "E-Mail Address",
"TextPleaseEnterYourEmailAddressForSubscription": "Please enter your e-mail address.",
"LoginDisclaimer": "Emby is designed to help you manage your personal media library, such as home videos and photos. Please see our terms of use. The use of any Emby software constitutes acceptance of these terms.",
"TermsOfUse": "Terms of use",
"NumLocationsValue": "{0} folders",
"ButtonAddMediaLibrary": "Add Media Library",
"ButtonManageFolders": "Manage folders",
"MessageTryMicrosoftEdge": "For a better experience on Windows 10, try the new Microsoft Edge Browser.",
"MessageTryModernBrowser": "For a better experience on Windows, try a modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.",
"ErrorAddingListingsToSchedulesDirect": "There was an error adding the lineup to your Schedules Direct account. Schedules Direct only allows a limited number of lineups per account. You may need to log into the Schedules Direct website and remove others listings from your account before proceeeding.",
"PleaseAddAtLeastOneFolder": "Please add at least one folder to this library by clicking the Add button.",
"ErrorAddingMediaPathToVirtualFolder": "There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Emby Server process has access to that location.",
"ErrorRemovingEmbyConnectAccount": "There was an error removing the Emby Connect account. Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount1": "There was an error adding the Emby Connect account. Have you created an Emby account? Sign up at {0}.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount2": "Please ensure the Emby account has been activated by following the instructions in the email sent after creating the account. If you did not receive this email then please send an email to {0} from the email address used with the Emby account.",
"HeaderFavoriteArtists": "Favorite Artists",
"HeaderFavoriteSongs": "Favorite Songs",
"HeaderConfirmPluginInstallation": "Confirm Plugin Installation",
"PleaseConfirmPluginInstallation": "Please click OK to confirm you've read the above and wish to proceed with the plugin installation.",
"MessagePluginInstallDisclaimer": "Plugins built by Emby community members are a great way to enhance your Emby experience with additional features and benefits. Before installing, please be aware of the effects they may have on your Emby Server, such as longer library scans, additional background processing, and decreased system stability.",
"ButtonPlayOneMinute": "Play one minute",
"ThankYouForTryingEnjoyOneMinute": "Please enjoy one minute of playback. Thank you for trying Emby.",
"HeaderTryPlayback": "Try Playback",
"HeaderBenefitsEmbyPremiere": "Benefits of Emby Premiere",
"MobileSyncFeatureDescription": "Sync your media to your smart phones and tablets for easy offline access.",
"CoverArtFeatureDescription": "Cover Art creates fun covers and other treatments to help you personalize your media images.",
"HeaderMobileSync": "Mobile Sync",
"HeaderCloudSync": "Cloud Sync",
"CloudSyncFeatureDescription": "Sync your media to the cloud for easy backup, archiving, and converting.",
"HeaderFreeApps": "Free Emby Apps",
"FreeAppsFeatureDescription": "Enjoy free access to select Emby apps for your devices.",
"CinemaModeFeatureDescription": "Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the feature.",
"CoverArt": "Cover Art",
"ButtonOff": "Off",
"TitleHardwareAcceleration": "Hardware Acceleration",
"HardwareAccelerationWarning": "Enabling hardware acceleration may cause instability in some environments. Ensure that your operating system and video drivers are fully up to date. If you have difficulty playing video after enabling this, you'll need to change the setting back to Auto.",
"HeaderSelectCodecIntrosPath": "Select Codec Intros Path",
"ButtonAddMissingData": "Add missing data only",
"ValueExample": "1:00 PM",
"OptionEnableAnonymousUsageReporting": "Enable anonymous usage reporting",
"OptionEnableAnonymousUsageReportingHelp": "Allow Emby to collect anonymous data such as installed plugins, the version numbers of your Emby apps, etc. This information is only used for the purpose of improving the software.",
"LabelFileOrUrl": "File or url:",
"OptionEnableForAllTuners": "Enable for all tuner devices",
"HeaderTuners": "Tuners",
"LabelOptionalM3uUrl": "M3U url (optional):",
"LabelOptionalM3uUrlHelp": "Some devices support an M3U channel listing.",
"TabResumeSettings": "Resume Settings",
"HowDidYouPay": "How did you pay?",
"IHaveEmbyPremiere": "J'ai Emby Premiere",
"IPurchasedThisApp": "J'ai achet\u00e9 cette app",
"DrmChannelsNotImported": "Les chaines avec DRM ne seront pas import\u00e9es",
"LabelAllowHWTranscoding": "Autoriser le transcodage mat\u00e9riel",
"AllowHWTranscodingHelp": "Si activ\u00e9e, autorise le tuner \u00e0 transcoder les flux \u00e0 la vol\u00e9e. Cela peut aider \u00e0 r\u00e9duire le transcodage requis par le serveur Emby.",
"OptionRequirePerfectSubtitleMatch": "Uniquement t\u00e9l\u00e9charger les sous titres qui conviennent parfaitement pour mes fichiers vid\u00e9os",
"ErrorAddingGuestAccount1": "There was an error adding the Emby Connect account. Has your guest created an Emby account? They can sign up at {0}.",
"ErrorAddingGuestAccount2": "Please ensure your guest has completed activation by following the instructions in the email sent after creating the account. If they did not receive this email then please send an email to {0}, and include your email address as well as theirs.",
"GuestUserNotFound": "Utilisateur non trouv\u00e9. S'il vous pla\u00eet v\u00e9rifiez que le nom est correct et ressayez, ou essayez d'entrer leur adresse e-mail.",
"Yesterday": "Hier",
"DownloadImagesInAdvanceWarning": "Le t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement de toutes les images \u00e0 l'avance entrainera l'augmentation du temps de balayage de la biblioth\u00e8que.",
"MetadataSettingChangeHelp": "Changing metadata settings will affect new content that is added going forward. To refresh existing content, open the detail screen and click the refresh button, or perform bulk refreshes using the metadata manager.",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveAudio": "Pr\u00e9server l'audio originel lors de la conversion des enregistrements",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveAudioHelp": "Cela produira des sons de meilleurs qualit\u00e9, mais peut n\u00e9cessiter des transcodages pendant la lecture sur certains p\u00e9riph\u00e9riques.",
"CreateCollectionHelp": "Les collections vous permettent de cr\u00e9er des groupes personnalis\u00e9 de films et autre contenu.",
"AddItemToCollectionHelp": "Ajouter des items aux collections en les recherchant et en utilisant leurs menus contextuels.",
"HeaderHealthMonitor": "Moniteur de sant\u00e9",
"HealthMonitorNoAlerts": "Il n'y a pas d'alertes active.",
"RecordingPathChangeMessage": "Modifier votre dossier d'enregistrement migrera pas les enregistrements existants de l'ancien emplacement vers le nouveau . Vous aurez besoin de les d\u00e9placer manuellement.",
"VisualLoginFormHelp": "S\u00e9lectionner un utilisateur ou authentifiez vous manuellement",
"LabelSportsCategories": "Cat\u00e9gories sports:",
"XmlTvSportsCategoriesHelp": "Les programmes avec ces cat\u00e9gories seront affich\u00e9s comme des programmes sport. S\u00e9parez les champs par '|'.",
"LabelNewsCategories": "Nouvelles cat\u00e9gories :",
"XmlTvNewsCategoriesHelp": "Les programmes avec ces cat\u00e9gories seront affich\u00e9s comme des nouveaux programmes. S\u00e9parez les champs par '|'.",
"LabelKidsCategories": "Cat\u00e9gories enfants :",
"XmlTvKidsCategoriesHelp": "Les programmes avec ces cat\u00e9gories seront affich\u00e9s comme des programmes pour enfants. S\u00e9parez les champs par '|'.",
"LabelMovieCategories": "Cat\u00e9gorie films :",
"XmlTvMovieCategoriesHelp": "Les programmes avec ces cat\u00e9gories seront affich\u00e9s comme des films. S\u00e9parez les champs par '|'.",
"XmlTvPathHelp": "A path to an xml tv file. Emby will read this file and periodically check it for updates. You are responsible for creating and updating the file.",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddress": "Bind to local network address:",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddressHelp": "Optional. Override the local IP address to bind the http server to. If left empty, the server will bind to all availabile addresses. Changing this value requires restarting Emby Server.",
"TitleHostingSettings": "Hosting Settings",
"SettingsWarning": "Changing these values may cause instability or connectivity failures. If you experience any problems, we recommend changing them back to default.",
"MapChannels": "Map Channels",
"LabelffmpegPath": "FFmpeg chemin:",
"LabelffmpegVersion": "FFmpeg version:",
"LabelffmpegPathHelp": "The path to your downloaded FFmpeg application, or folder containing FFmpeg.",
"SetupFFmpeg": "Setup FFmpeg",
"SetupFFmpegHelp": "Emby may require a library or application to convert certain media types. There are many different applications available, however, Emby has been tested to work with ffmpeg. Emby is in no way affiliated with ffmpeg, its ownership, code or distribution.",
"EnterFFmpegLocation": "Enter FFmpeg path",
"DownloadFFmpeg": "Download FFmpeg",
"FFmpegSuggestedDownload": "Suggested download: {0}",
"UnzipFFmpegFile": "Unzip the downloaded file to a folder of your choice.",
"OptionUseSystemInstalledVersion": "Use system installed version",
"OptionUseMyCustomVersion": "Use a custom version",
"FFmpegSavePathNotFound": "We're unable to locate FFmpeg using the path you've entered. FFprobe is also required and must exist in the same folder. These components are normally bundled together in the same download. Please check the path and try again.",
"XmlTvPremiere": "By default, Emby will import {0} hours of guide data. Importing unlimited data requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MoreFromValue": "More from {0}",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHiddenHelp": "Changing this will apply to new metadata saved going forward. Existing metadata files will be updated the next time they are saved by Emby Server.",
"EnablePhotos": "Enable photos",
"EnablePhotosHelp": "Photos will be detected and displayed alongside other media files.",
"MakeAvailableOffline": "Make available offline",
"ConfirmRemoveDownload": "Remove download?",
"RemoveDownload": "Remove download",
"SyncToOtherDevices": "Sync to other devices",
"ManageOfflineDownloads": "Manage offline downloads",
"MessageDownloadScheduled": "Download scheduled",
"RememberMe": "Remember me",
"HeaderOfflineSync": "Offline Sync",
"LabelMaxAudioFileBitrate": "Max audio file bitrate:",
"LabelMaxAudioFileBitrateHelp": "Audio files with a higher bitrate will be converted by Emby Server. Select a higher value for better quality, or a lower value to conserve local storage space.",
"LabelVaapiDevice": "VA API Device:",
"LabelVaapiDeviceHelp": "This is the render node that is used for hardware acceleration.",
"HowToConnectFromEmbyApps": "How to Connect from Emby apps",
"MessageFolderRipPlaybackExperimental": "Support for playback of folder rips and ISOs in this app is only expirimental. For best results, try an Emby app that supports these formats natively, or use plain video files.",
"OptionExtractChapterImage": "Enable chapter image extraction",
"Downloads": "Downloads",
"LabelEnableDebugLogging": "Enable debug logging",
"OptionEnableExternalContentInSuggestions": "Enable external content in suggestions",
"OptionEnableExternalContentInSuggestionsHelp": "Allow internet trailers and live tv programs to be included within suggested content.",
"LabelH264EncodingPreset": "H264 encoding preset:",
"H264EncodingPresetHelp": "Choose a faster value to improve performance, or a slower value to improve quality.",
"LabelH264Crf": "H264 encoding CRF:",
"H264CrfHelp": "The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality (at the expense of higher file sizes). Sane values are between 18 and 28. The default for x264 is 23, so you can use this as a starting point.",
"Sports": "Sports",
"HeaderForKids": "For Kids",
"HeaderRecordingGroups": "Recording Groups"