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synced 2024-11-17 19:08:18 -07:00
Rewrite so we don't need to constantly update with every new Fedora release. This is especially useful when Fedora and Jellyfin release cycles don't line up. Version selection is as follows: * TARGET environment variable, which is currently used already * Currently running Fedora version * Hardcoded Fallback version that can be updated occasionally
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49 lines
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DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# install git and npm
$(info $(shell set -x; if [ "$$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then echo "Installing git"; dnf -y install git npm; fi))
NAME := jellyfin-web
VERSION := $(shell set -x; sed -ne '/^Version:/s/.* *//p' $(DIR)/$(NAME).spec)
RELEASE := $(shell set -x; sed -ne '/^Release:/s/.* *\(.*\)%{.*}.*/\1/p' $(DIR)/$(NAME).spec)
SRPM := jellyfin-web-$(subst -,~,$(VERSION))-$(RELEASE)$(shell rpm --eval %dist).src.rpm
TARBALL :=$(NAME)-$(subst -,~,$(VERSION)).tar.gz
epel-7-x86_64_repos := https://rpm.nodesource.com/pub_16.x/el/\$$releasever/\$$basearch/
fed_ver := $(shell rpm -E %fedora)
# fallback when not running on Fedora
fed_ver ?= 36
TARGET ?= fedora-$(fed_ver)-x86_64
outdir ?= $(PWD)/$(DIR)/
srpm: $(DIR)/$(SRPM)
tarball: $(DIR)/$(TARBALL)
cd $(DIR)/; \
WORKDIR="$${PWD}"; \
version=$(VERSION); \
tar \
--transform "s,^\.,$(NAME)-$(subst -,~,$(VERSION))," \
--exclude='.git*' \
--exclude='**/.git' \
--exclude='**/.hg' \
--exclude=deployment \
--exclude='*.deb' \
--exclude='*.rpm' \
--exclude=$(notdir $@) \
-czf $(notdir $@) \
-C $${SOURCE_DIR} ./
$(DIR)/$(SRPM): $(DIR)/$(TARBALL) $(DIR)/jellyfin-web.spec
cd $(DIR)/; \
rpmbuild -bs $(NAME).spec \
--define "_sourcedir $$PWD/" \
--define "_srcrpmdir $(outdir)"
rpms: $(DIR)/$(SRPM)
mock $(addprefix --addrepo=, $($(TARGET)_repos)) \
--enable-network \
-r $(TARGET) $<