(function () { $.ajaxSetup({ crossDomain: true }); if ($.browser.msie) { // This is unfortunately required due to IE's over-aggressive caching. // https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/issues/179 $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); } })(); // TODO: Deprecated in 1.9 $.support.cors = true; $(document).one('click', WebNotifications.requestPermission); var Dashboard = { jQueryMobileInit: function () { // Page //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.theme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.headerTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.contentTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.footerTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.button.prototype.options.theme = "c"; //$.mobile.listview.prototype.options.dividerTheme = "b"; //$.mobile.popup.prototype.options.theme = "c"; $.mobile.popup.prototype.options.transition = "fade"; if ($.browser.mobile) { $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "slide"; } else { $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "none"; } //$.mobile.collapsible.prototype.options.contentTheme = "a"; // Make panels a little larger than the defaults $.mobile.panel.prototype.options.classes.modalOpen = "largePanelModalOpen ui-panel-dismiss-open"; $.mobile.panel.prototype.options.classes.panel = "largePanel ui-panel"; }, isConnectMode: function () { if (AppInfo.isNativeApp) { return true; } var url = getWindowUrl().toLowerCase(); return url.indexOf('mediabrowser.tv') != -1 || url.indexOf('emby.media') != -1; }, isRunningInCordova: function () { return window.appMode == 'cordova'; }, onRequestFail: function (e, data) { if (data.status == 401) { var url = data.url.toLowerCase(); // Bounce to the login screen, but not if a password entry fails, obviously if (url.indexOf('/password') == -1 && url.indexOf('/authenticate') == -1 && !$($.mobile.activePage).is('.standalonePage')) { if (data.errorCode == "ParentalControl") { Dashboard.alert({ message: Globalize.translate('MessageLoggedOutParentalControl'), callback: function () { Dashboard.logout(false); } }); } else { Dashboard.logout(false); } } return; } Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); if (!Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors && data.type != 'GET') { setTimeout(function () { var msg = data.errorCode || Dashboard.defaultErrorMessage; Dashboard.showError(msg); }, 500); } }, getCurrentUser: function () { if (!Dashboard.getUserPromise) { Dashboard.getUserPromise = window.ApiClient.getCurrentUser().fail(Dashboard.logout); } return Dashboard.getUserPromise; }, validateCurrentUser: function () { Dashboard.getUserPromise = null; if (Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()) { Dashboard.getCurrentUser(); } }, serverAddress: function () { if (Dashboard.isConnectMode()) { var apiClient = window.ApiClient; if (apiClient) { return apiClient.serverAddress(); } return null; } // Try to get the server address from the browser url // This will preserve protocol, hostname, port and subdirectory var urlLower = getWindowUrl().toLowerCase(); var index = urlLower.indexOf('/web'); if (index == -1) { index = urlLower.indexOf('/dashboard'); } if (index != -1) { return urlLower.substring(0, index); } // If the above failed, just piece it together manually var loc = window.location; var address = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname; if (loc.port) { address += ':' + loc.port; } return address; }, getCurrentUserId: function () { var apiClient = window.ApiClient; if (apiClient) { return apiClient.getCurrentUserId(); } return null; }, onServerChanged: function (userId, accessToken, apiClient) { apiClient = apiClient || window.ApiClient; window.ApiClient = apiClient; Dashboard.getUserPromise = null; }, logout: function (logoutWithServer) { function onLogoutDone() { var loginPage; if (Dashboard.isConnectMode()) { loginPage = 'connectlogin.html'; window.ApiClient = null; } else { loginPage = 'login.html'; } Dashboard.navigate(loginPage); } if (logoutWithServer === false) { onLogoutDone(); } else { ConnectionManager.logout().done(onLogoutDone); } }, importCss: function (url) { if (document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet(url); } else { $('').appendTo('head'); } }, showError: function (message) { $.mobile.loading('show', { text: message, textonly: true, textVisible: true }); setTimeout(function () { $.mobile.loading('hide'); }, 3000); }, updateSystemInfo: function (info) { Dashboard.lastSystemInfo = info; Dashboard.ensureWebSocket(); if (!Dashboard.initialServerVersion) { Dashboard.initialServerVersion = info.Version; } if (info.HasPendingRestart) { Dashboard.hideDashboardVersionWarning(); Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) { if (currentUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.showServerRestartWarning(info); } }); } else { Dashboard.hideServerRestartWarning(); if (Dashboard.initialServerVersion != info.Version) { Dashboard.showDashboardRefreshNotification(); } } Dashboard.showInProgressInstallations(info.InProgressInstallations); }, showInProgressInstallations: function (installations) { installations = installations || []; for (var i = 0, length = installations.length; i < length; i++) { var installation = installations[i]; var percent = installation.PercentComplete || 0; if (percent < 100) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(installation, "progress"); } } if (installations.length) { Dashboard.ensureInstallRefreshInterval(); } else { Dashboard.stopInstallRefreshInterval(); } }, ensureInstallRefreshInterval: function () { if (!Dashboard.installRefreshInterval) { if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { ApiClient.sendWebSocketMessage("SystemInfoStart", "0,500"); } Dashboard.installRefreshInterval = 1; } }, stopInstallRefreshInterval: function () { if (Dashboard.installRefreshInterval) { if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { ApiClient.sendWebSocketMessage("SystemInfoStop"); } Dashboard.installRefreshInterval = null; } }, cancelInstallation: function (id) { ApiClient.cancelPackageInstallation(id).always(Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer); }, showServerRestartWarning: function (systemInfo) { var html = '' + Globalize.translate('MessagePleaseRestart') + ''; if (systemInfo.CanSelfRestart) { html += ''; } Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ id: "serverRestartWarning", html: html, forceShow: true, allowHide: false }); }, hideServerRestartWarning: function () { $('#serverRestartWarning').remove(); }, showDashboardRefreshNotification: function () { var html = '' + Globalize.translate('MessagePleaseRefreshPage') + ''; html += ''; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ id: "dashboardVersionWarning", html: html, forceShow: true, allowHide: false }); }, reloadPage: function () { var currentUrl = getWindowUrl().toLowerCase(); var newUrl; // If they're on a plugin config page just go back to the dashboard // The plugin may not have been loaded yet, or could have been uninstalled if (currentUrl.indexOf('configurationpage') != -1) { newUrl = "dashboard.html"; } else { newUrl = getWindowUrl(); } window.location.href = newUrl; }, hideDashboardVersionWarning: function () { $('#dashboardVersionWarning').remove(); }, showFooterNotification: function (options) { if (!AppInfo.enableFooterNotifications) { return; } var removeOnHide = !options.id; options.id = options.id || "notification" + new Date().getTime() + parseInt(Math.random()); var footer = $(".footer").css("top", "initial").show(); var parentElem = $('#footerNotifications', footer); var elem = $('#' + options.id, parentElem); if (!elem.length) { elem = $('

').appendTo(parentElem); } var onclick = removeOnHide ? "$(\"#" + options.id + "\").trigger(\"notification.remove\").remove();" : "$(\"#" + options.id + "\").trigger(\"notification.hide\").hide();"; if (options.allowHide !== false) { options.html += ""; } if (options.forceShow) { elem.slideDown(400); } elem.html(options.html).trigger("create"); if (options.timeout) { setTimeout(function () { if (removeOnHide) { elem.trigger("notification.remove").remove(); } else { elem.trigger("notification.hide").hide(); } }, options.timeout); } footer.on("notification.remove notification.hide", function (e) { setTimeout(function () { // give the DOM time to catch up if (!parentElem.html()) { footer.slideUp(); } }, 50); }); }, getConfigurationPageUrl: function (name) { return "ConfigurationPage?name=" + encodeURIComponent(name); }, navigate: function (url, preserveQueryString, transition) { if (!url) { throw new Error('url cannot be null or empty'); } var queryString = getWindowLocationSearch(); if (preserveQueryString && queryString) { url += queryString; } var options = {}; if (transition) { options.transition = transition; } $.mobile.changePage(url, options); }, showLoadingMsg: function () { $.mobile.loading("show"); }, hideLoadingMsg: function () { $.mobile.loading("hide"); }, getModalLoadingMsg: function () { var elem = $('.modalLoading'); if (!elem.length) { elem = $('
').appendTo(document.body); } return elem; }, showModalLoadingMsg: function () { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); Dashboard.getModalLoadingMsg().show(); }, hideModalLoadingMsg: function () { Dashboard.getModalLoadingMsg().hide(); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); }, processPluginConfigurationUpdateResult: function () { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); Dashboard.alert("Settings saved."); }, defaultErrorMessage: Globalize.translate('DefaultErrorMessage'), processServerConfigurationUpdateResult: function (result) { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); Dashboard.alert(Globalize.translate('MessageSettingsSaved')); }, alert: function (options) { if (typeof options == "string") { var message = options; $.mobile.loading('show', { text: message, textonly: true, textVisible: true }); setTimeout(function () { $.mobile.loading('hide'); }, 3000); return; } // Cordova if (navigator.notification && navigator.notification.alert && options.message.indexOf('<') == -1) { navigator.notification.alert(options.message, options.callback || function () { }, options.title || Globalize.translate('HeaderAlert')); } else { Dashboard.confirmInternal(options.message, options.title || Globalize.translate('HeaderAlert'), false, options.callback); } }, confirm: function (message, title, callback) { // Cordova if (navigator.notification && navigator.notification.alert && message.indexOf('<') == -1) { var buttonLabels = [Globalize.translate('ButtonOk'), Globalize.translate('ButtonCancel')]; navigator.notification.confirm(message, function (index) { callback(index == 1); }, title || Globalize.translate('HeaderAlert'), buttonLabels.join(',')); } else { Dashboard.confirmInternal(message, title, true, callback); } }, confirmInternal: function (message, title, showCancel, callback) { $('.confirmFlyout').popup("close").remove(); var html = '
'; html += '
'; html += '

' + title + '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += message; html += '
'; html += '

'; if (showCancel) { html += '

'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; $(document.body).append(html); $('.confirmFlyout').popup({ history: false }).trigger('create').popup("open").on("popupafterclose", function () { if (callback) { callback(this.confirm == true); } $(this).off("popupafterclose").remove(); }); }, refreshSystemInfoFromServer: function () { var apiClient = ApiClient; if (apiClient && apiClient.accessToken()) { if (apiClient.enableFooterNotifications) { apiClient.getSystemInfo().done(function (info) { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(info); }); } else { Dashboard.ensureWebSocket(); } } }, restartServer: function () { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = true; Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); ApiClient.restartServer().done(function () { setTimeout(function () { Dashboard.reloadPageWhenServerAvailable(); }, 250); }).fail(function () { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = false; }); }, reloadPageWhenServerAvailable: function (retryCount) { // Don't use apiclient method because we don't want it reporting authentication under the old version ApiClient.getJSON(ApiClient.getUrl("System/Info")).done(function (info) { // If this is back to false, the restart completed if (!info.HasPendingRestart) { Dashboard.reloadPage(); } else { Dashboard.retryReload(retryCount); } }).fail(function () { Dashboard.retryReload(retryCount); }); }, retryReload: function (retryCount) { setTimeout(function () { retryCount = retryCount || 0; retryCount++; if (retryCount < 10) { Dashboard.reloadPageWhenServerAvailable(retryCount); } else { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = false; } }, 500); }, getPluginSecurityInfo: function () { var apiClient = ApiClient; if (!apiClient) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.reject(); return deferred.promise(); } if (!Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); // Don't let this blow up the dashboard when it fails apiClient.ajax({ type: "GET", url: apiClient.getUrl("Plugins/SecurityInfo"), dataType: 'json', error: function () { // Don't show normal dashboard errors } }).done(function (result) { deferred.resolveWith(null, [result]); }); Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise = deferred; } return Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise; }, resetPluginSecurityInfo: function () { Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise = null; }, ensureHeader: function (page) { if (page.hasClass('standalonePage') && !page.hasClass('noHeaderPage')) { Dashboard.renderHeader(page); } }, renderHeader: function (page) { var header = $('.header', page); if (!header.length) { var headerHtml = ''; headerHtml += '
'; headerHtml += ''; headerHtml += '
'; page.prepend(headerHtml); } }, ensureToolsMenu: function (page) { var sidebar = $('.toolsSidebar', page); if (!sidebar.length) { var html = '
'; html += ''; // content-secondary html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '


'; html += ''; html += '
'; $('.content-primary', page).before(html); $(page).trigger('create'); } }, getToolsMenuLinks: function (page) { var pageElem = page[0]; var isServicesPage = page.hasClass('appServicesPage'); var context = getParameterByName('context'); return [{ name: Globalize.translate('TabServer'), href: "dashboard.html", selected: page.hasClass("dashboardHomePage"), icon: 'fa-dashboard', color: '#38c' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabDevices'), href: "devices.html", selected: page.hasClass("devicesPage"), icon: 'fa-tablet', color: '#ECA403' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabUsers'), href: "userprofiles.html", selected: page.hasClass("userProfilesPage"), icon: 'fa-users', color: '#679C34' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabLibrary'), divider: true, href: "library.html", selected: page.hasClass("mediaLibraryPage"), icon: 'fa-film' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabMetadata'), href: "metadata.html", selected: page.hasClass('metadataConfigurationPage'), icon: 'fa-file-text' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabPlayback'), href: "playbackconfiguration.html", selected: page.hasClass('playbackConfigurationPage'), icon: 'fa-play-circle' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabSync'), href: "syncactivity.html", selected: page.hasClass('syncConfigurationPage') || (isServicesPage && context == 'sync'), icon: 'fa-refresh' }, { divider: true, name: Globalize.translate('TabExtras') }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabAutoOrganize'), href: "autoorganizelog.html", selected: page.hasClass("organizePage"), icon: 'fa-files-o', color: '#01C0DD' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabDLNA'), href: "dlnasettings.html", selected: page.hasClass("dlnaPage"), icon: 'fa-film', color: '#E5342E' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabLiveTV'), href: "livetvstatus.html", selected: page.hasClass("liveTvSettingsPage") || (isServicesPage && context == 'livetv'), icon: 'fa-video-camera', color: '#293AAE' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabNotifications'), href: "notificationsettings.html", selected: page.hasClass("notificationConfigurationPage"), icon: 'fa-wifi', color: 'brown' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabPlugins'), href: "plugins.html", selected: page.hasClass("pluginConfigurationPage"), icon: 'fa-plus-circle', color: '#9D22B1' }, { divider: true, name: Globalize.translate('TabExpert') }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabAdvanced'), href: "advanced.html", selected: page.hasClass("advancedConfigurationPage"), icon: 'fa-gears', color: '#F16834' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabScheduledTasks'), href: "scheduledtasks.html", selected: page.hasClass("scheduledTasksConfigurationPage"), icon: 'fa-clock-o', color: '#38c' }, { name: Globalize.translate('TabHelp'), divider: true, href: "support.html", selected: pageElem.id == "supportPage" || pageElem.id == "logPage" || pageElem.id == "supporterPage" || pageElem.id == "supporterKeyPage" || pageElem.id == "aboutPage", icon: 'fa-info-circle', color: '#679C34' }]; }, ensureWebSocket: function () { if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpenOrConnecting() || !ApiClient.isWebSocketSupported()) { return; } ApiClient.openWebSocket(); if (!Dashboard.isConnectMode()) { ApiClient.reportCapabilities(Dashboard.capabilities()); } }, processGeneralCommand: function (cmd) { // Full list // https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/blob/master/MediaBrowser.Model/Session/GeneralCommand.cs#L23 switch (cmd.Name) { case 'GoHome': Dashboard.navigate('index.html'); break; case 'GoToSettings': Dashboard.navigate('dashboard.html'); break; case 'DisplayContent': Dashboard.onBrowseCommand(cmd.Arguments); break; case 'GoToSearch': Search.showSearchPanel($.mobile.activePage); break; case 'DisplayMessage': { var args = cmd.Arguments; if (args.TimeoutMs) { Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ html: "
" + args.Header + "
" + args.Text, timeout: args.TimeoutMs }); } else { Dashboard.alert({ title: args.Header, message: args.Text }); } break; } case 'VolumeUp': case 'VolumeDown': case 'Mute': case 'Unmute': case 'ToggleMute': case 'SetVolume': case 'SetAudioStreamIndex': case 'SetSubtitleStreamIndex': case 'ToggleFullscreen': break; default: console.log('Unrecognized command: ' + cmd.Name); break; } }, onWebSocketMessageReceived: function (e, data) { var msg = data; if (msg.MessageType === "LibraryChanged") { Dashboard.processLibraryUpdateNotification(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "ServerShuttingDown") { Dashboard.hideServerRestartWarning(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "ServerRestarting") { Dashboard.hideServerRestartWarning(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "UserDeleted") { Dashboard.validateCurrentUser(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "SystemInfo") { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "RestartRequired") { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "UserUpdated" || msg.MessageType === "UserConfigurationUpdated") { var user = msg.Data; if (user.Id == Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()) { Dashboard.validateCurrentUser(); $('.currentUsername').html(user.Name); } } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationCompleted") { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) { if (currentUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "completed"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } }); } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationFailed") { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) { if (currentUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "failed"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } }); } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationCancelled") { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) { if (currentUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "cancelled"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } }); } else if (msg.MessaapiclientcgeType === "PackageInstalling") { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) { if (currentUser.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "progress"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } }); } else if (msg.MessageType === "GeneralCommand") { var cmd = msg.Data; // Media Controller should catch this //Dashboard.processGeneralCommand(cmd); } }, onBrowseCommand: function (cmd) { var url; var type = (cmd.ItemType || "").toLowerCase(); if (type == "genre") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } else if (type == "musicgenre") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } else if (type == "gamegenre") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } else if (type == "studio") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } else if (type == "person") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } else if (type == "musicartist") { url = "itembynamedetails.html?id=" + cmd.ItemId; } if (url) { Dashboard.navigate(url); return; } ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), cmd.ItemId).done(function (item) { Dashboard.navigate(LibraryBrowser.getHref(item, null, '')); }); }, showPackageInstallNotification: function (installation, status) { var html = ''; if (status == 'completed') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'cancelled') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'failed') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'progress') { html += ''; } html += ''; if (status == 'completed') { html += Globalize.translate('LabelPackageInstallCompleted').replace('{0}', installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version); } else if (status == 'cancelled') { html += Globalize.translate('LabelPackageInstallCancelled').replace('{0}', installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version); } else if (status == 'failed') { html += Globalize.translate('LabelPackageInstallFailed').replace('{0}', installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version); } else if (status == 'progress') { html += Globalize.translate('LabelInstallingPackage').replace('{0}', installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version); } html += ''; if (status == 'progress') { var percentComplete = Math.round(installation.PercentComplete || 0); html += ''; html += '' + percentComplete + '%'; html += ''; if (percentComplete < 100) { var btnId = "btnCancel" + installation.Id; html += ''; } } var timeout = 0; if (status == 'cancelled') { timeout = 2000; } var forceShow = status != "progress"; var allowHide = status != "progress" && status != 'cancelled'; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ html: html, id: installation.Id, timeout: timeout, forceShow: forceShow, allowHide: allowHide }); }, processLibraryUpdateNotification: function (data) { var newItems = data.ItemsAdded; if (!newItems.length) { return; } ApiClient.getItems(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), { Recursive: true, Limit: 3, Filters: "IsNotFolder", SortBy: "DateCreated", SortOrder: "Descending", ImageTypes: "Primary", Ids: newItems.join(',') }).done(function (result) { var items = result.Items; for (var i = 0, length = Math.min(items.length, 2) ; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var notification = { title: "New " + item.Type, body: item.Name, timeout: 5000 }; var imageTags = item.ImageTags || {}; if (imageTags.Primary) { notification.icon = ApiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.Id, { width: 60, tag: imageTags.Primary, type: "Primary" }); } WebNotifications.show(notification); } }); }, ensurePageTitle: function (page) { if (!page.hasClass('type-interior')) { return; } if ($('.pageTitle', page).length) { return; } var parent = $('.content-primary', page); if (!parent.length) { parent = $('.ui-content', page)[0]; } var helpUrl = page.attr('data-helpurl'); var html = '
'; html += '

' + (document.title || ' ') + '

'; if (helpUrl) { html += '' + Globalize.translate('ButtonHelp') + ''; } html += '
'; $(parent).prepend(html); }, setPageTitle: function (title) { $('.pageTitle', $.mobile.activePage).html(title); if (title) { document.title = title; } }, getDisplayTime: function (ticks) { var ticksPerHour = 36000000000; var ticksPerMinute = 600000000; var ticksPerSecond = 10000000; var parts = []; var hours = ticks / ticksPerHour; hours = Math.floor(hours); if (hours) { parts.push(hours); } ticks -= (hours * ticksPerHour); var minutes = ticks / ticksPerMinute; minutes = Math.floor(minutes); ticks -= (minutes * ticksPerMinute); if (minutes < 10 && hours) { minutes = '0' + minutes; } parts.push(minutes); var seconds = ticks / ticksPerSecond; seconds = Math.floor(seconds); if (seconds < 10) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } parts.push(seconds); return parts.join(':'); }, populateLanguages: function (select, languages) { var html = ""; html += ""; for (var i = 0, length = languages.length; i < length; i++) { var culture = languages[i]; html += ""; } $(select).html(html).selectmenu("refresh"); }, populateCountries: function (select, allCountries) { var html = ""; html += ""; for (var i = 0, length = allCountries.length; i < length; i++) { var culture = allCountries[i]; html += ""; } $(select).html(html).selectmenu("refresh"); }, getSupportedRemoteCommands: function () { // Full list // https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/blob/master/MediaBrowser.Model/Session/GeneralCommand.cs return [ "GoHome", "GoToSettings", "VolumeUp", "VolumeDown", "Mute", "Unmute", "ToggleMute", "SetVolume", "SetAudioStreamIndex", "SetSubtitleStreamIndex", "DisplayContent", "GoToSearch", "DisplayMessage" ]; }, isServerlessPage: function () { var url = getWindowUrl().toLowerCase(); return url.indexOf('connectlogin.html') != -1 || url.indexOf('selectserver.html') != -1 || url.indexOf('login.html') != -1 || url.indexOf('forgotpassword.html') != -1 || url.indexOf('forgotpasswordpin.html') != -1; }, capabilities: function () { var caps = { PlayableMediaTypes: ['Audio', 'Video'], SupportedCommands: Dashboard.getSupportedRemoteCommands(), SupportsPersistentIdentifier: AppInfo.isNativeApp, SupportsMediaControl: true, SupportedLiveMediaTypes: ['Audio', 'Video'] }; if (Dashboard.isRunningInCordova() && $.browser.android) { caps.SupportsOfflineAccess = true; caps.SupportsSync = true; caps.SupportsContentUploading = true; } return caps; }, getDefaultImageQuality: function (imageType) { var quality = 90; var isBackdrop = imageType.toLowerCase() == 'backdrop'; if (isBackdrop) { quality -= 10; } if (AppInfo.hasLowImageBandwidth) { // The native app can handle a little bit more than safari if (AppInfo.isNativeApp) { quality -= 20; if (isBackdrop) { quality -= 20; } } else { quality -= 40; } } return quality; }, normalizeImageOptions: function (options) { if (AppInfo.hasLowImageBandwidth) { options.enableImageEnhancers = false; } if (AppInfo.forcedImageFormat && options.type != 'Logo') { options.format = AppInfo.forcedImageFormat; options.backgroundColor = '#1f1f1f'; } }, getAppInfo: function (appName, deviceId, deviceName) { function generateDeviceName() { var name = "Web Browser"; if ($.browser.chrome) { name = "Chrome"; } else if ($.browser.safari) { name = "Safari"; } else if ($.browser.msie) { name = "Internet Explorer"; } else if ($.browser.opera) { name = "Opera"; } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { name = "Firefox"; } if ($.browser.version) { name += " " + $.browser.version; } if ($.browser.ipad) { name += " Ipad"; } else if ($.browser.iphone) { name += " Iphone"; } else if ($.browser.android) { name += " Android"; } return name; } var appVersion = window.dashboardVersion; appName = appName || "Emby Web Client"; deviceName = deviceName || generateDeviceName(); var seed = []; var keyName = 'randomId'; deviceId = deviceId || MediaBrowser.generateDeviceId(keyName, seed.join(',')); return { appName: appName, appVersion: appVersion, deviceName: deviceName, deviceId: deviceId }; }, loadSwipebox: function () { var deferred = DeferredBuilder.Deferred(); require([ 'thirdparty/swipebox-master/js/jquery.swipebox.min', 'css!thirdparty/swipebox-master/css/swipebox.min' ], function () { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise(); }, loadLocalAssetManager: function () { var deferred = DeferredBuilder.Deferred(); var file = 'thirdparty/apiclient/localassetmanager'; if (AppInfo.isNativeApp && $.browser.android) { file = 'thirdparty/cordova/android/localassetmanager'; } require([ file ], function () { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise(); }, ready: function (fn) { if (Dashboard.initPromiseDone) { fn(); return; } Dashboard.initPromise.done(fn); }, firePageEvent: function (page, name) { Dashboard.ready(function () { $(page).trigger(name); }); }, loadExternalPlayer: function () { var deferred = DeferredBuilder.Deferred(); require(['scripts/externalplayer.js'], function () { if (Dashboard.isRunningInCordova()) { require(['thirdparty/cordova/externalplayer.js'], function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } else { deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise(); } }; var AppInfo = {}; (function () { function isTouchDevice() { return (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)); } function setAppInfo() { if (isTouchDevice()) { AppInfo.isTouchPreferred = true; } var isCordova = Dashboard.isRunningInCordova(); AppInfo.enableDetailPageChapters = true; AppInfo.enableDetailsMenuImages = true; AppInfo.enableMovieHomeSuggestions = true; AppInfo.enableAppStorePolicy = isCordova; var isIOS = $.browser.safari || $.browser.ipad || $.browser.iphone; var isAndroid = $.browser.android; var isMobile = $.browser.mobile; if (isIOS) { if (isMobile) { AppInfo.hasLowImageBandwidth = true; } if (isCordova) { AppInfo.enableBottomTabs = true; AppInfo.cardMargin = 'mediumCardMargin'; } else { if (isMobile) { AppInfo.enableDetailPageChapters = false; AppInfo.enableDetailsMenuImages = false; AppInfo.enableMovieHomeSuggestions = false; AppInfo.cardMargin = 'largeCardMargin'; AppInfo.forcedImageFormat = 'jpg'; } } } else { if (!$.browser.tv) { AppInfo.enableHeadRoom = true; } } AppInfo.enableMusicSongsTab = true; if (!AppInfo.hasLowImageBandwidth) { AppInfo.enableLatestChannelItems = true; AppInfo.enableStudioTabs = true; AppInfo.enablePeopleTabs = true; AppInfo.enableTvEpisodesTab = true; AppInfo.enableMusicArtistsTab = true; AppInfo.enableMovieTrailersTab = true; } if (isCordova) { AppInfo.enableAppLayouts = true; AppInfo.hasKnownExternalPlayerSupport = true; AppInfo.isNativeApp = true; } else { AppInfo.enableFooterNotifications = true; AppInfo.enableSupporterMembership = true; if (!isAndroid && !isIOS) { AppInfo.enableAppLayouts = true; } } AppInfo.enableUserImage = true; AppInfo.hasPhysicalVolumeButtons = isCordova || isMobile; AppInfo.enableBackButton = (isIOS && window.navigator.standalone) || (isCordova && isIOS); AppInfo.supportsFullScreen = isCordova && isAndroid; } function initializeApiClient(apiClient) { apiClient.enableAppStorePolicy = AppInfo.enableAppStorePolicy; $(apiClient).off('.dashboard') .on("websocketmessage.dashboard", Dashboard.onWebSocketMessageReceived) .on('requestfail.dashboard', Dashboard.onRequestFail); } //localStorage.clear(); function createConnectionManager(capabilities) { var credentialProvider = new MediaBrowser.CredentialProvider(); window.ConnectionManager = new MediaBrowser.ConnectionManager(Logger, credentialProvider, AppInfo.appName, AppInfo.appVersion, AppInfo.deviceName, AppInfo.deviceId, capabilities); $(ConnectionManager).on('apiclientcreated', function (e, newApiClient) { initializeApiClient(newApiClient); }); var apiClient; if (Dashboard.isConnectMode()) { apiClient = ConnectionManager.getLastUsedApiClient(); if (!Dashboard.isServerlessPage()) { if (apiClient && apiClient.serverAddress() && apiClient.getCurrentUserId() && apiClient.accessToken()) { initializeApiClient(apiClient); } } } else { apiClient = new MediaBrowser.ApiClient(Logger, Dashboard.serverAddress(), AppInfo.appName, AppInfo.appVersion, AppInfo.deviceName, AppInfo.deviceId); apiClient.enableAutomaticNetworking = false; ConnectionManager.addApiClient(apiClient); } window.ApiClient = apiClient; if (window.ApiClient) { ApiClient.getDefaultImageQuality = Dashboard.getDefaultImageQuality; ApiClient.normalizeImageOptions = Dashboard.normalizeImageOptions; if (!AppInfo.isNativeApp) { Dashboard.importCss(ApiClient.getUrl('Branding/Css')); } } } function initFastClick() { requirejs(["thirdparty/fastclick"], function (FastClick) { FastClick.attach(document.body); // Have to work around this issue of fast click breaking the panel dismiss $(document.body).on('touchstart', '.ui-panel-dismiss', function () { $(this).trigger('click'); }); }); } function onDocumentReady() { if (AppInfo.isTouchPreferred) { $(document.body).addClass('touch'); } if ($.browser.safari && $.browser.mobile) { initFastClick(); } if (AppInfo.cardMargin) { $(document.body).addClass(AppInfo.cardMargin); } if (!AppInfo.enableLatestChannelItems) { $(document.body).addClass('latestChannelItemsDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enableStudioTabs) { $(document.body).addClass('studioTabDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enablePeopleTabs) { $(document.body).addClass('peopleTabDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enableTvEpisodesTab) { $(document.body).addClass('tvEpisodesTabDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enableMusicSongsTab) { $(document.body).addClass('musicSongsTabDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enableMusicArtistsTab) { $(document.body).addClass('musicArtistsTabDisabled'); } if (!AppInfo.enableMovieTrailersTab) { $(document.body).addClass('movieTrailersTabDisabled'); } if (AppInfo.enableBottomTabs) { $(document.body).addClass('bottomSecondaryNav'); } if (!AppInfo.enableSupporterMembership) { $(document.body).addClass('supporterMembershipDisabled'); } if (AppInfo.isNativeApp) { $(document).addClass('nativeApp'); } if (AppInfo.enableBackButton) { $(document.body).addClass('enableBackButton'); } var videoPlayerHtml = ''; // mediaPlayer $(document.body).append(videoPlayerHtml); var mediaPlayerElem = $('#mediaPlayer', document.body); mediaPlayerElem.trigger('create'); var footerHtml = ''; $(document.body).append(footerHtml); $(window).on("beforeunload", function () { var apiClient = window.ApiClient; // Close the connection gracefully when possible if (apiClient && apiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { var localActivePlayers = MediaController.getPlayers().filter(function (p) { return p.isLocalPlayer && p.isPlaying(); }); if (!localActivePlayers.length) { console.log('Sending close web socket command'); apiClient.closeWebSocket(); } } }); $(document).on('contextmenu', '.ui-popup-screen', function (e) { $('.ui-popup').popup('close'); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); if (Dashboard.isRunningInCordova()) { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/connectsdk', 'scripts/registrationservices']); if ($.browser.android) { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/android/androidcredentials', 'thirdparty/cordova/android/immersive', 'thirdparty/cordova/android/filesystem']); } else { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/filesystem']); } if ($.browser.safari) { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/remotecontrols', 'thirdparty/cordova/ios/orientation']); } } else { if ($.browser.chrome) { requirejs(['scripts/chromecast']); } requirejs(['thirdparty/filesystem']); } } function init(deferred, capabilities, appName, deviceId, deviceName, resolveOnReady) { requirejs.config({ map: { '*': { 'css': 'thirdparty/requirecss' // or whatever the path to require-css is } }, urlArgs: "v=" + window.dashboardVersion }); // Required since jQuery is loaded before requireJs define('jquery', [], function () { return jQuery; }); //requirejs(['http://viblast.com/player/free-version/qy2fdwajo1/viblast.js']); setAppInfo(); $.extend(AppInfo, Dashboard.getAppInfo(appName, deviceId, deviceName)); createConnectionManager(capabilities); if (!resolveOnReady) { Dashboard.initPromiseDone = true; deferred.resolve(); } $(function () { onDocumentReady(); if (resolveOnReady) { Dashboard.initPromiseDone = true; deferred.resolve(); } }); } function initCordovaWithDeviceId(deferred, deviceId) { var screenWidth = Math.max(screen.height, screen.width); initCordovaWithDeviceProfile(deferred, deviceId, MediaPlayer.getDeviceProfile(screenWidth)); } function initCordovaWithDeviceProfile(deferred, deviceId, deviceProfile) { if ($.browser.android) { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/android/imagestore.js']); } else { requirejs(['thirdparty/cordova/imagestore.js']); } var capablities = Dashboard.capabilities(); capablities.DeviceProfile = deviceProfile; init(deferred, capablities, "Emby Mobile", deviceId, device.model, true); } function initCordova(deferred) { document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () { window.plugins.uniqueDeviceID.get(function (uuid) { initCordovaWithDeviceId(deferred, uuid); }, function () { // Failure. Use cordova uuid initCordovaWithDeviceId(deferred, device.uuid); }); }, false); } var initDeferred = $.Deferred(); Dashboard.initPromise = initDeferred.promise(); if (Dashboard.isRunningInCordova()) { initCordova(initDeferred); } else { init(initDeferred, Dashboard.capabilities()); } })(); Dashboard.jQueryMobileInit(); $(document).on('pagecreate', ".page", function () { var page = $(this); var current = page.data('theme'); if (!current) { var newTheme; if (page.hasClass('libraryPage')) { newTheme = 'b'; } else { newTheme = 'a'; } current = page.page("option", "theme"); if (current && current != newTheme) { page.page("option", "theme", newTheme); } current = newTheme; } if (current == 'b') { $(document.body).addClass('darkScrollbars'); } else { $(document.body).removeClass('darkScrollbars'); } }).on('pageinit', ".page", function () { var page = this; var require = this.getAttribute('data-require'); if (require) { requirejs(require.split(','), function () { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pageinitdepends'); }); } else { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pageinitdepends'); } $('.localnav a, .libraryViewNav a').attr('data-transition', 'none'); }).on('pagebeforeshow', ".page", function () { var page = this; var require = this.getAttribute('data-require'); if (require) { requirejs(require.split(','), function () { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pagebeforeshowready'); }); } else { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pagebeforeshowready'); } }).on('pageshow', ".page", function () { var page = this; var require = this.getAttribute('data-require'); if (require) { requirejs(require.split(','), function () { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pageshowbeginready'); }); } else { Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pageshowbeginready'); } }).on('pageshowbeginready', ".page", function () { var page = $(this); var apiClient = window.ApiClient; if (apiClient && apiClient.accessToken() && Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()) { var isSettingsPage = page.hasClass('type-interior'); if (isSettingsPage) { Dashboard.ensureToolsMenu(page); Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (user) { if (!user.Policy.IsAdministrator) { Dashboard.logout(); return; } }); } } else { var isConnectMode = Dashboard.isConnectMode(); if (isConnectMode) { if (!Dashboard.isServerlessPage()) { Dashboard.logout(); return; } } if (!isConnectMode && this.id !== "loginPage" && !page.hasClass('forgotPasswordPage') && !page.hasClass('wizardPage')) { console.log('Not logged into server. Redirecting to login.'); Dashboard.logout(); return; } } Dashboard.firePageEvent(page, 'pageshowready'); Dashboard.ensureHeader(page); Dashboard.ensurePageTitle(page); if (apiClient && !apiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } });