define(['appSettings', 'backdrop', 'browser', 'globalize', 'require', 'paper-icon-button-light'], function (appSettings, backdrop, browser, globalize, require) { 'use strict'; var lastSound = 0; var iconCreated; var destroyed; var currentSound; var cancelKey = 'cancelHalloween2015'; var cancelValue = '6'; function onPageShow() { var page = this; if (!destroyed) { if (appSettings.get(cancelKey) == cancelValue) { destroyed = true; return; } if (! { require(['css!./style.css']); if (!page.classList.contains('itemDetailPage')) { backdrop.setBackdrop('themes/halloween/bg.jpg'); } if (lastSound == 0) { playSound('', .1); } else if ((new Date().getTime() - lastSound) > 30000) { playSound(''); } addIcon(); } } } function addIcon() { if (iconCreated) { return; } iconCreated = true; var viewMenuSecondary = document.querySelector('.viewMenuSecondary'); if (viewMenuSecondary) { var html = ''; viewMenuSecondary.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html); viewMenuSecondary.querySelector('.halloweenInfoButton').addEventListener('click', onIconClick); } } function onIconClick() { require(['dialog'], function (dialog) { dialog({ title: "Happy Halloween", text: "Happy Halloween from the Emby Team. We hope your Halloween is spooktacular! Would you like to allow the Halloween theme to continue?", buttons: [ { id: 'yes', name: globalize.translate('ButtonYes'), type: 'submit' }, { id: 'no', name: globalize.translate('ButtonNo'), type: 'cancel' } ] }).then(function (result) { if (result == 'no') { destroyTheme(); } }); }); } function destroyTheme() { destroyed = true; var halloweenInfoButton = document.querySelector('.halloweenInfoButton'); if (halloweenInfoButton) { halloweenInfoButton.parentNode.removeChild(halloweenInfoButton); } if (currentSound) { currentSound.stop(); } backdrop.clear(); appSettings.set(cancelKey, cancelValue); window.location.reload(true); } pageClassOn('pageshow', "libraryPage", onPageShow); function playSound(path, volume) { require(['howler'], function (howler) { var sound = new Howl({ urls: [path], volume: volume || .3 });; currentSound = sound; lastSound = new Date().getTime(); }); } });