define(['components/paperdialoghelper', 'paper-dialog', 'paper-fab', 'paper-input'], function (paperDialogHelper) { var currentItem; var currentDeferred; var hasChanges = false; var currentSearchResult; function onIdentificationFormSubmitted() { var page = $(this).parents('paper-dialog'); searchForIdentificationResults(page); return false; } function searchForIdentificationResults(page) { var lookupInfo = { ProviderIds: {} }; $('.identifyField', page).each(function () { var value = this.value; if (value) { if (this.type == 'number') { value = parseInt(value); } lookupInfo[this.getAttribute('data-lookup')] = value; } }); var hasId = false; $('.txtLookupId', page).each(function () { var value = this.value; if (value) { hasId = true; } lookupInfo.ProviderIds[this.getAttribute('data-providerkey')] = value; }); if (!hasId && !lookupInfo.Name) { Dashboard.alert(Globalize.translate('MessagePleaseEnterNameOrId')); return; } if (currentItem.GameSystem) { lookupInfo.GameSystem = currentItem.GameSystem; } lookupInfo = { SearchInfo: lookupInfo, IncludeDisabledProviders: true }; Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); ApiClient.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ApiClient.getUrl("Items/RemoteSearch/" + currentItem.Type), data: JSON.stringify(lookupInfo), contentType: "application/json", dataType: 'json' }).then(function (results) { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); showIdentificationSearchResults(page, results); }); } function showIdentificationSearchResults(page, results) { $('.popupIdentifyForm', page).hide(); $('.identificationSearchResults', page).show(); $('.identifyOptionsForm', page).hide(); $('.btnIdentifyBack', page).show(); var html = ''; for (var i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { var result = results[i]; html += getSearchResultHtml(result, i); } var elem = $('.identificationSearchResultList', page).html(html).trigger('create'); $('.searchImage', elem).on('click', function () { var index = parseInt(this.getAttribute('data-index')); var currentResult = results[index]; showIdentifyOptions(page, currentResult); }); } function showIdentifyOptions(page, identifyResult) { $('.popupIdentifyForm', page).hide(); $('.identificationSearchResults', page).hide(); $('.identifyOptionsForm', page).show(); $('.btnIdentifyBack', page).show(); $('#chkIdentifyReplaceImages', page).checked(true); currentSearchResult = identifyResult; var lines = []; lines.push(identifyResult.Name); if (identifyResult.ProductionYear) { lines.push(identifyResult.ProductionYear); } if (identifyResult.GameSystem) { lines.push(identifyResult.GameSystem); } var resultHtml = lines.join('
'); if (identifyResult.ImageUrl) { var displayUrl = getSearchImageDisplayUrl(identifyResult.ImageUrl, identifyResult.SearchProviderName); resultHtml = '
' + resultHtml; } $('.selectedSearchResult', page).html(resultHtml); } function getSearchResultHtml(result, index) { var html = ''; var cssClass = "card"; if (currentItem.Type == "Episode") { cssClass += " backdropCard"; } else if (currentItem.Type == "MusicAlbum" || currentItem.Type == "MusicArtist") { cssClass += " squareCard"; } else { cssClass += " portraitCard"; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
' + result.Name + '
'; html += '
'; html += result.ProductionYear || ' '; html += '
'; if (result.GameSystem) { html += '
'; html += result.GameSystem; html += '
'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; return html; } function getSearchImageDisplayUrl(url, provider) { return ApiClient.getUrl("Items/RemoteSearch/Image", { imageUrl: url, ProviderName: provider }); } function onIdentificationOptionsSubmit() { var page = $(this).parents('paper-dialog'); submitIdentficationResult(page); return false; } function submitIdentficationResult(page) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var options = { ReplaceAllImages: $('#chkIdentifyReplaceImages', page).checked() }; ApiClient.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ApiClient.getUrl("Items/RemoteSearch/Apply/" + currentItem.Id, options), data: JSON.stringify(currentSearchResult), contentType: "application/json" }).then(function () { hasChanges = true; Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); paperDialogHelper.close(document.querySelector('.identifyDialog')); }, function () { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); paperDialogHelper.close(document.querySelector('.identifyDialog')); }); } function initEditor(page) { $('.popupIdentifyForm', page).off('submit', onIdentificationFormSubmitted).on('submit', onIdentificationFormSubmitted); $('.identifyOptionsForm', page).off('submit', onIdentificationOptionsSubmit).on('submit', onIdentificationOptionsSubmit); } function showIdentificationForm(page, item) { ApiClient.getJSON(ApiClient.getUrl("Items/" + item.Id + "/ExternalIdInfos")).then(function (idList) { var html = ''; var providerIds = item.ProviderIds || {}; for (var i = 0, length = idList.length; i < length; i++) { var idInfo = idList[i]; var id = "txtLookup" + idInfo.Key; html += '
'; var idLabel = Globalize.translate('LabelDynamicExternalId').replace('{0}', idInfo.Name); var value = providerIds[idInfo.Key] || ''; html += ''; html += '
'; } $('#txtLookupName', page).val(item.Name); if (item.Type == "Person" || item.Type == "BoxSet") { $('.fldLookupYear', page).hide(); $('#txtLookupYear', page).val(''); } else { $('.fldLookupYear', page).show(); $('#txtLookupYear', page).val(item.ProductionYear); } $('.identifyProviderIds', page).html(html).trigger('create'); page.querySelector('.dialogHeaderTitle').innerHTML = Globalize.translate('HeaderIdentify'); }); } function showEditor(itemId) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'components/itemidentifier/itemidentifier.template.html', true); xhr.onload = function (e) { var template = this.response; ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), itemId).then(function (item) { currentItem = item; var dlg = paperDialogHelper.createDialog({ size: 'medium' }); var html = ''; html += Globalize.translateDocument(template); dlg.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(dlg); // Has to be assigned a z-index after the call to .open() $(dlg).on('iron-overlay-closed', onDialogClosed);; initEditor(dlg); $('.btnCancel', dlg).on('click', function () { paperDialogHelper.close(dlg); }); dlg.classList.add('identifyDialog'); showIdentificationForm(dlg, item); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); }); } xhr.send(); } function onDialogClosed() { $(this).remove(); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); currentDeferred.resolveWith(null, [hasChanges]); } window.ItemIdentifier = { show: function (itemId) { var deferred = DeferredBuilder.Deferred(); currentDeferred = deferred; hasChanges = false; showEditor(itemId); return deferred.promise(); } }; });