(function (globalScope, $, JSON, WebSocket, setTimeout, devicePixelRatio, FileReader) { if (!globalScope.MediaBrowser) { globalScope.MediaBrowser = {}; } /** * Creates a new api client instance * @param {String} serverAddress * @param {String} clientName * @param {String} applicationVersion */ globalScope.MediaBrowser.ApiClient = function (serverAddress, clientName, applicationVersion, deviceName, deviceId, capabilities) { if (!serverAddress) { throw new Error("Must supply a serverAddress"); } console.log('ApiClient serverAddress: ' + serverAddress); console.log('ApiClient clientName: ' + clientName); console.log('ApiClient applicationVersion: ' + applicationVersion); console.log('ApiClient deviceName: ' + deviceName); console.log('ApiClient deviceId: ' + deviceId); var self = this; var currentUserId; var accessToken; var webSocket; var serverInfo; /** * Gets the server address. */ self.serverAddress = function (val) { if (val != null) { var changed = val != serverAddress; serverAddress = val; if (changed) { $(this).trigger('serveraddresschanged'); } } return serverAddress; }; self.apiPrefix = function () { return "/mediabrowser"; }; self.serverInfo = function (info) { serverInfo = info || serverInfo; return serverInfo; }; /** * Gets or sets the current user id. */ self.getCurrentUserId = function () { return currentUserId; }; self.accessToken = function () { return accessToken; }; self.setCurrentUserId = function (userId, token) { currentUserId = userId; accessToken = token; }; self.deviceName = function () { return deviceName; }; self.deviceId = function () { return deviceId; }; self.clearAuthenticationInfo = function () { accessToken = null; currentUserId = null; }; self.setAuthenticationInfo = function (accessKey, userId) { accessToken = accessKey; currentUserId = userId; }; self.encodeName = function (name) { name = name.split('/').join('-'); name = name.split('&').join('-'); name = name.split('?').join('-'); var val = $.param({ name: name }); return val.substring(val.indexOf('=') + 1).replace("'", '%27'); }; function onRequestFail(e) { $(self).trigger('requestfail', [ { url: this.url, status: e.status, errorCode: e.getResponseHeader("X-Application-Error-Code") }]); } function onRetryRequestFail(request) { $(self).trigger('requestfail', [ { url: request.url }]); } /** * Wraps around jQuery ajax methods to add additional info to the request. */ self.ajax = function (request, includeAuthorization) { if (!request) { throw new Error("Request cannot be null"); } if (includeAuthorization !== false) { if (clientName) { var auth = 'MediaBrowser Client="' + clientName + '", Device="' + deviceName + '", DeviceId="' + deviceId + '", Version="' + applicationVersion + '"'; if (currentUserId) { auth += ', UserId="' + currentUserId + '"'; } request.headers = { Authorization: auth }; } if (accessToken) { request.headers['X-MediaBrowser-Token'] = accessToken; } } if (!self.enableAutomaticNetwork || !self.serverInfo() || self.connectionMode == null) { console.log('Requesting url without automatic networking: ' + request.url); return $.ajax(request).fail(onRequestFail); } var deferred = $.Deferred(); self.ajaxWithFailover(request, deferred, true); return deferred.promise(); }; function switchConnectionMode(connectionMode) { var newConnectionMode; if (connectionMode == MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Local && serverInfo.RemoteAddress) { newConnectionMode = MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Remote; } else if (connectionMode == MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Remote && serverInfo.LocalAddress) { newConnectionMode = MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Local; } else { newConnectionMode = connectionMode; } return newConnectionMode; } function tryReconnectInternal(deferred, connectionMode, currentRetryCount) { var url = connectionMode == MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Local ? self.serverInfo().LocalAddress : self.serverInfo().RemoteAddress; console.log("Attempting reconnection to " + url); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url + "/mediabrowser/system/info/public", dataType: "json", timeout: 3000 }).done(function () { console.log("Reconnect succeeeded to " + url); self.connectionMode = connectionMode; self.serverAddress(url); deferred.resolve(); }).fail(function () { console.log("Reconnect attempt failed to " + url); if (currentRetryCount <= 6) { var newConnectionMode = switchConnectionMode(connectionMode); setTimeout(function () { tryReconnectInternal(deferred, newConnectionMode, currentRetryCount + 1); }, 500); } else { deferred.reject(); } }); } function tryReconnect() { var deferred = $.Deferred(); setTimeout(function () { tryReconnectInternal(deferred, self.connectionMode, 0); }, 500); return deferred.promise(); } function replaceServerAddress(url, newBaseUrl) { var index = url.toLowerCase().indexOf("/mediabrowser"); if (index != -1) { return newBaseUrl + url.substring(index); } return url; } self.ajaxWithFailover = function (request, deferred, enableReconnection, replaceUrl) { if (replaceUrl) { var baseUrl = self.connectionMode == MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Local ? self.serverInfo().LocalAddress : self.serverInfo().RemoteAddress; request.url = replaceServerAddress(request.url, baseUrl); } console.log("Requesting " + request.url); request.timeout = 3000; $.ajax(request).done(function (response) { deferred.resolve(response, 0); }).fail(function (e, textStatus) { console.log("Request failed with textStatus " + textStatus + " to " + request.url); var statusCode = parseInt(e.status || '0'); var isUserErrorCode = statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500; // http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ if (enableReconnection && !isUserErrorCode) { tryReconnect().done(function () { console.log("Reconnect succeesed"); self.ajaxWithFailover(request, deferred, false, true); }).fail(function () { console.log("Reconnect failed"); onRetryRequestFail(request); deferred.reject(); }); } else { onRetryRequestFail(request); deferred.reject(); } }); }; self.get = function (url) { return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url }); }; self.getJSON = function (url) { return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Creates an api url based on a handler name and query string parameters * @param {String} name * @param {Object} params */ self.getUrl = function (name, params) { if (!name) { throw new Error("Url name cannot be empty"); } var url = serverAddress; url += self.apiPrefix() + "/" + name; if (params) { url += "?" + $.param(params); } return url; }; self.enableAutomaticNetworking = function (server, connectionMode) { self.serverInfo(server); self.connectionMode = connectionMode; self.enableAutomaticNetwork = true; var url = connectionMode == MediaBrowser.ConnectionMode.Local ? self.serverInfo().LocalAddress : self.serverInfo().RemoteAddress; self.serverAddress(url); }; self.isWebSocketSupported = function () { return WebSocket != null; }; self.openWebSocket = function () { var url = serverAddress + self.apiPrefix(); url = url.replace('http', 'ws'); webSocket = new WebSocket(url); webSocket.onmessage = function (msg) { msg = JSON.parse(msg.data); $(self).trigger("websocketmessage", [msg]); }; webSocket.onopen = function () { console.log('web socket connection opened'); setTimeout(function () { self.sendWebSocketMessage("Identity", clientName + "|" + deviceId + "|" + applicationVersion + "|" + deviceName); self.reportCapabilities(capabilities); $(self).trigger("websocketopen"); }, 500); }; webSocket.onerror = function () { setTimeout(function () { $(self).trigger("websocketerror"); }, 0); }; webSocket.onclose = function () { setTimeout(function () { $(self).trigger("websocketclose"); }, 0); }; }; self.closeWebSocket = function () { if (webSocket && webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { webSocket.close(); } }; self.sendWebSocketMessage = function (name, data) { console.log('Sending web socket message: ' + name); var msg = { MessageType: name }; if (data) { msg.Data = data; } msg = JSON.stringify(msg); webSocket.send(msg); }; self.isWebSocketOpen = function () { return webSocket && webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN; }; self.isWebSocketOpenOrConnecting = function () { return webSocket && (webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN || webSocket.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING); }; self.getProductNews = function (options) { options = options || {}; var url = self.getUrl("News/Product", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets an item from the server * Omit itemId to get the root folder. */ self.getItem = function (userId, itemId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the root folder from the server */ self.getRootFolder = function (userId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/Root"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getNotificationSummary = function (userId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Notifications/" + userId + "/Summary"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getNotifications = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Notifications/" + userId, options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.markNotificationsRead = function (userId, idList, isRead) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!idList) { throw new Error("null idList"); } var suffix = isRead ? "Read" : "Unread"; var params = { UserId: userId, Ids: idList.join(',') }; var url = self.getUrl("Notifications/" + userId + "/" + suffix, params); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.logout = function () { var done = function () { self.setCurrentUserId(null, null); }; if (accessToken) { var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/Logout"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }).done(done); } var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.resolveWith(null, []); return deferred.promise().done(done); }; function getRemoteImagePrefix(options) { var urlPrefix; if (options.artist) { urlPrefix = "Artists/" + self.encodeName(options.artist); delete options.artist; } else if (options.person) { urlPrefix = "Persons/" + self.encodeName(options.person); delete options.person; } else if (options.genre) { urlPrefix = "Genres/" + self.encodeName(options.genre); delete options.genre; } else if (options.musicGenre) { urlPrefix = "MusicGenres/" + self.encodeName(options.musicGenre); delete options.musicGenre; } else if (options.gameGenre) { urlPrefix = "GameGenres/" + self.encodeName(options.gameGenre); delete options.gameGenre; } else if (options.studio) { urlPrefix = "Studios/" + self.encodeName(options.studio); delete options.studio; } else { urlPrefix = "Items/" + options.itemId; delete options.itemId; } return urlPrefix; } self.getRemoteImageProviders = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } var urlPrefix = getRemoteImagePrefix(options); var url = self.getUrl(urlPrefix + "/RemoteImages/Providers", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getAvailableRemoteImages = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } var urlPrefix = getRemoteImagePrefix(options); var url = self.getUrl(urlPrefix + "/RemoteImages", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.downloadRemoteImage = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } var urlPrefix = getRemoteImagePrefix(options); var url = self.getUrl(urlPrefix + "/RemoteImages/Download", options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.getLiveTvInfo = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Info", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvGuideInfo = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/GuideInfo", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvChannel = function (id, userId) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var options = { }; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Channels/" + id, options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvChannels = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Channels", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvPrograms = function (options) { options = options || {}; if (options.channelIds && options.channelIds.length > 1800) { return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: self.getUrl("LiveTv/Programs"), data: JSON.stringify(options), contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json" }); } else { return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: self.getUrl("LiveTv/Programs", options), dataType: "json" }); } }; self.getLiveTvRecommendedPrograms = function (options) { options = options || {}; return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: self.getUrl("LiveTv/Programs/Recommended", options), dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvRecordings = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Recordings", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvRecordingGroups = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Recordings/Groups", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvRecordingGroup = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Recordings/Groups/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvRecording = function (id, userId) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var options = { }; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Recordings/" + id, options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvProgram = function (id, userId) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var options = { }; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Programs/" + id, options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.deleteLiveTvRecording = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Recordings/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.cancelLiveTvTimer = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.getLiveTvTimers = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getLiveTvTimer = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getNewLiveTvTimerDefaults = function (options) { options = options || {}; var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers/Defaults", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.createLiveTvTimer = function (item) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(item), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.updateLiveTvTimer = function (item) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Timers/" + item.Id); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(item), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.resetLiveTvTuner = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/Tuners/" + id + "/Reset"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.getLiveTvSeriesTimers = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/SeriesTimers", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getFileOrganizationResults = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Library/FileOrganization", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.deleteOriginalFileFromOrganizationResult = function (id) { var url = self.getUrl("Library/FileOrganizations/" + id + "/File"); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.clearOrganizationLog = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Library/FileOrganizations"); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.performOrganization = function (id) { var url = self.getUrl("Library/FileOrganizations/" + id + "/Organize"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.performEpisodeOrganization = function (id, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Library/FileOrganizations/" + id + "/Episode/Organize", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.getLiveTvSeriesTimer = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/SeriesTimers/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.cancelLiveTvSeriesTimer = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/SeriesTimers/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.createLiveTvSeriesTimer = function (item) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/SeriesTimers"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(item), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.updateLiveTvSeriesTimer = function (item) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } var url = self.getUrl("LiveTv/SeriesTimers/" + item.Id); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(item), contentType: "application/json" }); }; /** * Gets the current server status */ self.getSystemInfo = function () { var url = self.getUrl("System/Info"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the current server status */ self.getPublicSystemInfo = function () { var url = self.getUrl("System/Info/Public"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }, false); }; self.getInstantMixFromSong = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Songs/" + itemId + "/InstantMix", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getInstantMixFromAlbum = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Albums/" + itemId + "/InstantMix", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getInstantMixFromArtist = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Artists/InstantMix", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getInstantMixFromMusicGenre = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("MusicGenres/InstantMix", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getEpisodes = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Shows/" + itemId + "/Episodes", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getDisplayPreferences = function (id, userId, app) { var url = self.getUrl("DisplayPreferences/" + id, { userId: userId, client: app }); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.updateDisplayPreferences = function (id, obj, userId, app) { var url = self.getUrl("DisplayPreferences/" + id, { userId: userId, client: app }); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(obj), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.getSeasons = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Shows/" + itemId + "/Seasons", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSimilarMovies = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Movies/" + itemId + "/Similar", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSimilarTrailers = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Trailers/" + itemId + "/Similar", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSimilarShows = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Shows/" + itemId + "/Similar", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSimilarAlbums = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Albums/" + itemId + "/Similar", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSimilarGames = function (itemId, options) { var url = self.getUrl("Games/" + itemId + "/Similar", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets all cultures known to the server */ self.getCultures = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Localization/cultures"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets all countries known to the server */ self.getCountries = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Localization/countries"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets plugin security info */ self.getPluginSecurityInfo = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Plugins/SecurityInfo"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the directory contents of a path on the server */ self.getDirectoryContents = function (path, options) { if (!path) { throw new Error("null path"); } options = options || {}; options.path = path; var url = self.getUrl("Environment/DirectoryContents", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets shares from a network device */ self.getNetworkShares = function (path) { if (!path) { throw new Error("null path"); } var options = {}; options.path = path; var url = self.getUrl("Environment/NetworkShares", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the parent of a given path */ self.getParentPath = function (path) { if (!path) { throw new Error("null path"); } var options = {}; options.path = path; var url = self.getUrl("Environment/ParentPath", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url }); }; /** * Gets a list of physical drives from the server */ self.getDrives = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Environment/Drives"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a list of network devices from the server */ self.getNetworkDevices = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Environment/NetworkDevices"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Cancels a package installation */ self.cancelPackageInstallation = function (installationId) { if (!installationId) { throw new Error("null installationId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Packages/Installing/" + installationId); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Refreshes metadata for an item */ self.refreshItem = function (itemId, options) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Refresh", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Installs or updates a new plugin */ self.installPlugin = function (name, guid, updateClass, version) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } if (!updateClass) { throw new Error("null updateClass"); } var options = { updateClass: updateClass, AssemblyGuid: guid }; if (version) { options.version = version; } var url = self.getUrl("Packages/Installed/" + name, options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Instructs the server to perform a restart. */ self.restartServer = function () { var url = self.getUrl("System/Restart"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Instructs the server to perform a shutdown. */ self.shutdownServer = function () { var url = self.getUrl("System/Shutdown"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Gets information about an installable package */ self.getPackageInfo = function (name, guid) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = { AssemblyGuid: guid }; var url = self.getUrl("Packages/" + name, options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the latest available application update (if any) */ self.getAvailableApplicationUpdate = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Packages/Updates", { PackageType: "System" }); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the latest available plugin updates (if any) */ self.getAvailablePluginUpdates = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Packages/Updates", { PackageType: "UserInstalled" }); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the virtual folder list */ self.getVirtualFolders = function (userId) { var url = userId ? "Users/" + userId + "/VirtualFolders" : "Library/VirtualFolders"; url = self.getUrl(url); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets all the paths of the locations in the physical root. */ self.getPhysicalPaths = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Library/PhysicalPaths"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the current server configuration */ self.getServerConfiguration = function () { var url = self.getUrl("System/Configuration"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getNamedConfiguration = function (name) { var url = self.getUrl("System/Configuration/" + name); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets the server's scheduled tasks */ self.getScheduledTasks = function (options) { options = options || {}; var url = self.getUrl("ScheduledTasks", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Starts a scheduled task */ self.startScheduledTask = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("ScheduledTasks/Running/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Gets a scheduled task */ self.getScheduledTask = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("ScheduledTasks/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getNextUpEpisodes = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Shows/NextUp", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Stops a scheduled task */ self.stopScheduledTask = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("ScheduledTasks/Running/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Gets the configuration of a plugin * @param {String} Id */ self.getPluginConfiguration = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null Id"); } var url = self.getUrl("Plugins/" + id + "/Configuration"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a list of plugins that are available to be installed */ self.getAvailablePlugins = function (options) { options = $.extend({}, options || {}); options.PackageType = "UserInstalled"; var url = self.getUrl("Packages", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Uninstalls a plugin * @param {String} Id */ self.uninstallPlugin = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null Id"); } var url = self.getUrl("Plugins/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Removes a virtual folder * @param {String} name */ self.removeVirtualFolder = function (name, refreshLibrary) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var url = "Library/VirtualFolders"; url = self.getUrl(url, { refreshLibrary: refreshLibrary ? true : false, name: name }); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Adds a virtual folder * @param {String} name */ self.addVirtualFolder = function (name, type, refreshLibrary) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (type) { options.collectionType = type; } options.refreshLibrary = refreshLibrary ? true : false; options.name = name; var url = "Library/VirtualFolders"; url = self.getUrl(url, options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Renames a virtual folder * @param {String} name */ self.renameVirtualFolder = function (name, newName, refreshLibrary) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var url = "Library/VirtualFolders/Name"; url = self.getUrl(url, { refreshLibrary: refreshLibrary ? true : false, newName: newName, name: name }); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Adds an additional mediaPath to an existing virtual folder * @param {String} name */ self.addMediaPath = function (virtualFolderName, mediaPath, refreshLibrary) { if (!virtualFolderName) { throw new Error("null virtualFolderName"); } if (!mediaPath) { throw new Error("null mediaPath"); } var url = "Library/VirtualFolders/Paths"; url = self.getUrl(url, { refreshLibrary: refreshLibrary ? true : false, path: mediaPath, name: virtualFolderName }); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; /** * Removes a media path from a virtual folder * @param {String} name */ self.removeMediaPath = function (virtualFolderName, mediaPath, refreshLibrary) { if (!virtualFolderName) { throw new Error("null virtualFolderName"); } if (!mediaPath) { throw new Error("null mediaPath"); } var url = "Library/VirtualFolders/Paths"; url = self.getUrl(url, { refreshLibrary: refreshLibrary ? true : false, path: mediaPath, name: virtualFolderName }); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Deletes a user * @param {String} id */ self.deleteUser = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; /** * Deletes a user image * @param {String} userId * @param {String} imageType The type of image to delete, based on the server-side ImageType enum. */ self.deleteUserImage = function (userId, imageType, imageIndex) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!imageType) { throw new Error("null imageType"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Images/" + imageType); if (imageIndex != null) { url += "/" + imageIndex; } return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.deleteItemImage = function (itemId, imageType, imageIndex) { if (!imageType) { throw new Error("null imageType"); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Images"); url += "/" + imageType; if (imageIndex != null) { url += "/" + imageIndex; } return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.deleteItem = function (itemId) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.stopActiveEncodings = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Videos/ActiveEncodings", { deviceId: deviceId }); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url }); }; self.reportCapabilities = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/Capabilities", options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.updateItemImageIndex = function (itemId, imageType, imageIndex, newIndex) { if (!imageType) { throw new Error("null imageType"); } var options = { newIndex: newIndex }; var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Images/" + imageType + "/" + imageIndex + "/Index", options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.getItemImageInfos = function (itemId) { var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Images"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getCriticReviews = function (itemId, options) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/CriticReviews", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSessions = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Sessions", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Uploads a user image * @param {String} userId * @param {String} imageType The type of image to delete, based on the server-side ImageType enum. * @param {Object} file The file from the input element */ self.uploadUserImage = function (userId, imageType, file) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!imageType) { throw new Error("null imageType"); } if (!file) { throw new Error("File must be an image."); } if (file.type != "image/png" && file.type != "image/jpeg" && file.type != "image/jpeg") { throw new Error("File must be an image."); } var deferred = $.Deferred(); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = function () { deferred.reject(); }; reader.onabort = function () { deferred.reject(); }; // Closure to capture the file information. reader.onload = function (e) { // Split by a comma to remove the url: prefix var data = e.target.result.split(',')[1]; var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Images/" + imageType); self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: data, contentType: "image/" + file.name.substring(file.name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) }).done(function (result) { deferred.resolveWith(null, [result]); }).fail(function () { deferred.reject(); }); }; // Read in the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsDataURL(file); return deferred.promise(); }; self.uploadItemImage = function (itemId, imageType, file) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } if (!imageType) { throw new Error("null imageType"); } if (!file) { throw new Error("File must be an image."); } if (file.type != "image/png" && file.type != "image/jpeg" && file.type != "image/jpeg") { throw new Error("File must be an image."); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Images"); url += "/" + imageType; var deferred = $.Deferred(); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = function () { deferred.reject(); }; reader.onabort = function () { deferred.reject(); }; // Closure to capture the file information. reader.onload = function (e) { // Split by a comma to remove the url: prefix var data = e.target.result.split(',')[1]; self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: data, contentType: "image/" + file.name.substring(file.name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) }).done(function (result) { deferred.resolveWith(null, [result]); }).fail(function () { deferred.reject(); }); }; // Read in the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsDataURL(file); return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Gets the list of installed plugins on the server */ self.getInstalledPlugins = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Plugins"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a user by id * @param {String} id */ self.getUser = function (id) { if (!id) { throw new Error("Must supply a userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + id); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a studio */ self.getStudio = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Studios/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a genre */ self.getGenre = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Genres/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getMusicGenre = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("MusicGenres/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getGameGenre = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("GameGenres/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets an artist */ self.getArtist = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Artists/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets a Person */ self.getPerson = function (name, userId) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Persons/" + self.encodeName(name), options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getPublicUsers = function () { var url = self.getUrl("users/public"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }, false); }; /** * Gets all users from the server */ self.getUsers = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("users", options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets all available parental ratings from the server */ self.getParentalRatings = function () { var url = self.getUrl("Localization/ParentalRatings"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; function normalizeImageOptions(options) { var ratio = devicePixelRatio || 1; if (ratio) { if (options.minScale) { ratio = Math.max(options.minScale, ratio); } if (options.width) { options.width = Math.round(options.width * ratio); } if (options.height) { options.height = Math.round(options.height * ratio); } if (options.maxWidth) { options.maxWidth = Math.round(options.maxWidth * ratio); } if (options.maxHeight) { options.maxHeight = Math.round(options.maxHeight * ratio); } } options.quality = options.quality || (options.type.toLowerCase() == 'backdrop' ? 80 : 90); } /** * Constructs a url for a user image * @param {String} userId * @param {Object} options * Options supports the following properties: * width - download the image at a fixed width * height - download the image at a fixed height * maxWidth - download the image at a maxWidth * maxHeight - download the image at a maxHeight * quality - A scale of 0-100. This should almost always be omitted as the default will suffice. * For best results do not specify both width and height together, as aspect ratio might be altered. */ self.getUserImageUrl = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || { }; var url = "Users/" + userId + "/Images/" + options.type; if (options.index != null) { url += "/" + options.index; } normalizeImageOptions(options); // Don't put these on the query string delete options.type; delete options.index; return self.getUrl(url, options); }; /** * Constructs a url for an item image * @param {String} itemId * @param {Object} options * Options supports the following properties: * type - Primary, logo, backdrop, etc. See the server-side enum ImageType * index - When downloading a backdrop, use this to specify which one (omitting is equivalent to zero) * width - download the image at a fixed width * height - download the image at a fixed height * maxWidth - download the image at a maxWidth * maxHeight - download the image at a maxHeight * quality - A scale of 0-100. This should almost always be omitted as the default will suffice. * For best results do not specify both width and height together, as aspect ratio might be altered. */ self.getImageUrl = function (itemId, options) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("itemId cannot be empty"); } options = options || {}; var url = "Items/" + itemId + "/Images/" + options.type; if (options.index != null) { url += "/" + options.index; } options.quality = options.quality || (options.type.toLowerCase() == 'backdrop' ? 80 : 90); // Don't put these on the query string delete options.type; delete options.index; return self.getUrl(url, options); }; self.getScaledImageUrl = function (itemId, options) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("itemId cannot be empty"); } options = options || {}; var url = "Items/" + itemId + "/Images/" + options.type; if (options.index != null) { url += "/" + options.index; } normalizeImageOptions(options); // Don't put these on the query string delete options.type; delete options.index; delete options.minScale; return self.getUrl(url, options); }; self.getThumbImageUrl = function (item, options) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } options = options || { }; options.imageType = "thumb"; var itemId = item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Thumb ? item.Id : item.ParentThumbItemId; return itemId ? self.getImageUrl(itemId, options) : null; }; /** * Authenticates a user * @param {String} name * @param {String} password */ self.authenticateUserByName = function (name, password) { if (!name) { throw new Error("null name"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/authenticatebyname"); var postData = { password: CryptoJS.SHA1(password || "").toString(), Username: name }; return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(postData), dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json" }).done(function (result) { $(self).trigger('authenticated', [result]); }); }; /** * Updates a user's password * @param {String} userId * @param {String} currentPassword * @param {String} newPassword */ self.updateUserPassword = function (userId, currentPassword, newPassword) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Password"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { currentPassword: CryptoJS.SHA1(currentPassword).toString(), newPassword: CryptoJS.SHA1(newPassword).toString() } }); }; /** * Resets a user's password * @param {String} userId */ self.resetUserPassword = function (userId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Password"); var postData = { }; postData.resetPassword = true; return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: postData }); }; /** * Updates the server's configuration * @param {Object} configuration */ self.updateServerConfiguration = function (configuration) { if (!configuration) { throw new Error("null configuration"); } var url = self.getUrl("System/Configuration"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(configuration), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.updateNamedConfiguration = function (name, configuration) { if (!configuration) { throw new Error("null configuration"); } var url = self.getUrl("System/Configuration/" + name); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(configuration), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.updateItem = function (item) { if (!item) { throw new Error("null item"); } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + item.Id); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(item), contentType: "application/json" }); }; /** * Updates plugin security info */ self.updatePluginSecurityInfo = function (info) { var url = self.getUrl("Plugins/SecurityInfo"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(info), contentType: "application/json" }); }; /** * Creates a user * @param {Object} user */ self.createUser = function (name) { var url = self.getUrl("Users/New"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: { Name: name }, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Updates a user * @param {Object} user */ self.updateUser = function (user) { if (!user) { throw new Error("null user"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + user.Id); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(user), contentType: "application/json" }); }; /** * Updates the Triggers for a ScheduledTask * @param {String} id * @param {Object} triggers */ self.updateScheduledTaskTriggers = function (id, triggers) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null id"); } if (!triggers) { throw new Error("null triggers"); } var url = self.getUrl("ScheduledTasks/" + id + "/Triggers"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(triggers), contentType: "application/json" }); }; /** * Updates a plugin's configuration * @param {String} Id * @param {Object} configuration */ self.updatePluginConfiguration = function (id, configuration) { if (!id) { throw new Error("null Id"); } if (!configuration) { throw new Error("null configuration"); } var url = self.getUrl("Plugins/" + id + "/Configuration"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(configuration), contentType: "application/json" }); }; self.getAncestorItems = function (itemId, userId) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/Ancestors", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets items based on a query, typically for children of a folder * @param {String} userId * @param {Object} options * Options accepts the following properties: * itemId - Localize the search to a specific folder (root if omitted) * startIndex - Use for paging * limit - Use to limit results to a certain number of items * filter - Specify one or more ItemFilters, comma delimeted (see server-side enum) * sortBy - Specify an ItemSortBy (comma-delimeted list see server-side enum) * sortOrder - ascending/descending * fields - additional fields to include aside from basic info. This is a comma delimited list. See server-side enum ItemFields. * index - the name of the dynamic, localized index function * dynamicSortBy - the name of the dynamic localized sort function * recursive - Whether or not the query should be recursive * searchTerm - search term to use as a filter */ self.getItems = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } var url; if ((typeof userId).toString().toLowerCase() == 'string') { url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items", options); } else { options = userId; url = self.getUrl("Items", options || {}); } return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getUserViews = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Views", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** Gets artists from an item */ self.getArtists = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("Artists", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** Gets artists from an item */ self.getAlbumArtists = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("Artists/AlbumArtists", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** Gets genres from an item */ self.getGenres = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("Genres", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getMusicGenres = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("MusicGenres", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getGameGenres = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("GameGenres", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** Gets people from an item */ self.getPeople = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("Persons", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** Gets studios from an item */ self.getStudios = function (userId, options) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } options = options || {}; options.userId = userId; var url = self.getUrl("Studios", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets local trailers for an item */ self.getLocalTrailers = function (userId, itemId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/LocalTrailers"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getAdditionalVideoParts = function (userId, itemId) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Videos/" + itemId + "/AdditionalParts", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getThemeMedia = function (userId, itemId, inherit) { if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } options.InheritFromParent = inherit || false; var url = self.getUrl("Items/" + itemId + "/ThemeMedia", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getSearchHints = function (options) { var url = self.getUrl("Search/Hints", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Gets special features for an item */ self.getSpecialFeatures = function (userId, itemId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/SpecialFeatures"); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getDateParamValue = function (date) { function formatDigit(i) { return i < 10 ? "0" + i : i; } var d = date; return "" + d.getFullYear() + formatDigit(d.getMonth() + 1) + formatDigit(d.getDate()) + formatDigit(d.getHours()) + formatDigit(d.getMinutes()) + formatDigit(d.getSeconds()); }; self.markPlayed = function (userId, itemId, date) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var options = {}; if (date) { options.DatePlayed = self.getDateParamValue(date); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayedItems/" + itemId, options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.markUnplayed = function (userId, itemId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/PlayedItems/" + itemId); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Updates a user's favorite status for an item. * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId * @param {Boolean} isFavorite */ self.updateFavoriteStatus = function (userId, itemId, isFavorite) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/FavoriteItems/" + itemId); var method = isFavorite ? "POST" : "DELETE"; return self.ajax({ type: method, url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Updates a user's personal rating for an item * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId * @param {Boolean} likes */ self.updateUserItemRating = function (userId, itemId, likes) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Rating", { likes: likes }); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; self.getItemCounts = function (userId) { var options = {}; if (userId) { options.userId = userId; } var url = self.getUrl("Items/Counts", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Clears a user's personal rating for an item * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId */ self.clearUserItemRating = function (userId, itemId) { if (!userId) { throw new Error("null userId"); } if (!itemId) { throw new Error("null itemId"); } var url = self.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId + "/Rating"); return self.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; /** * Reports the user has started playing something * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId */ self.reportPlaybackStart = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } if (self.isWebSocketOpen()) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var msg = JSON.stringify(options); self.sendWebSocketMessage("ReportPlaybackStart", msg); deferred.resolveWith(null, []); return deferred.promise(); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/Playing"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(options), contentType: "application/json", url: url }); }; /** * Reports progress viewing an item * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId */ self.reportPlaybackProgress = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } if (self.isWebSocketOpen()) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var msg = JSON.stringify(options); self.sendWebSocketMessage("ReportPlaybackProgress", msg); deferred.resolveWith(null, []); return deferred.promise(); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/Playing/Progress"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(options), contentType: "application/json", url: url }); }; /** * Reports a user has stopped playing an item * @param {String} userId * @param {String} itemId */ self.reportPlaybackStopped = function (options) { if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } if (self.isWebSocketOpen()) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); var msg = JSON.stringify(options); self.sendWebSocketMessage("ReportPlaybackStopped", msg); deferred.resolveWith(null, []); return deferred.promise(); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/Playing/Stopped"); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(options), contentType: "application/json", url: url }); }; self.sendPlayCommand = function (sessionId, options) { if (!sessionId) { throw new Error("null sessionId"); } if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/" + sessionId + "/Playing", options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.sendCommand = function (sessionId, command) { if (!sessionId) { throw new Error("null sessionId"); } if (!command) { throw new Error("null command"); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/" + sessionId + "/Command"); var ajaxOptions = { type: "POST", url: url }; ajaxOptions.data = JSON.stringify(command); ajaxOptions.contentType = "application/json"; return self.ajax(ajaxOptions); }; self.sendMessageCommand = function (sessionId, options) { if (!sessionId) { throw new Error("null sessionId"); } if (!options) { throw new Error("null options"); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/" + sessionId + "/Message", options); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.sendPlayStateCommand = function (sessionId, command, options) { if (!sessionId) { throw new Error("null sessionId"); } if (!command) { throw new Error("null command"); } var url = self.getUrl("Sessions/" + sessionId + "/Playing/" + command, options || {}); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url }); }; self.createPackageReview = function (review) { var url = self.getUrl("Packages/Reviews/" + review.id, review); return self.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, }); }; self.getPackageReviews = function (packageId, minRating, maxRating, limit) { if (!packageId) { throw new Error("null packageId"); } var options = {}; if (minRating) { options.MinRating = minRating; } if (maxRating) { options.MaxRating = maxRating; } if (limit) { options.Limit = limit; } var url = self.getUrl("Packages/" + packageId + "/Reviews", options); return self.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "json" }); }; }; })(window, jQuery, window.JSON, window.WebSocket, window.setTimeout, window.devicePixelRatio, window.FileReader);