define([], function () { function goNext() { require(['scripts/wizardcontroller'], function (wizardcontroller) { wizardcontroller.navigateToService(); }); } function loadDownloadInfo(view) { ApiClient.getSystemInfo().then(function (systemInfo) { if (systemInfo.OperatingSystem == 'Windows' && systemInfo.SystemArchitecture != 'Arm') { view.querySelector('.suggestedLocation').innerHTML = Globalize.translate('FFmpegSuggestedDownload', ''); var instructions = ''; if (systemInfo.SystemArchitecture == 'X86') { instructions = 'Download 32-Bit Static'; } else if (systemInfo.SystemArchitecture == 'X64') { instructions = 'Download 64-Bit Static'; } view.querySelector('.downloadInstructions').innerHTML = instructions; } else { view.querySelector('.suggestedLocation').innerHTML = Globalize.translate('FFmpegSuggestedDownload', ''); view.querySelector('.downloadInstructions').innerHTML = ''; } }); } function onSaveEncodingPathFailure(response) { var msg = ''; // This is a fallback that handles both 404 and 400 (no path entered) msg = Globalize.translate('FFmpegSavePathNotFound'); require(['alert'], function (alert) { alert(msg); }); } return function (view, params) { view.querySelector('#btnSelectEncoderPath').addEventListener("click", function () { require(['directorybrowser'], function (directoryBrowser) { var picker = new directoryBrowser();{ includeFiles: true, callback: function (path) { if (path) { view.querySelector('.txtEncoderPath').value = path; } picker.close(); } }); }); }); view.querySelector('form').addEventListener('submit', function (e) { var form = this; ApiClient.ajax({ url: ApiClient.getUrl('System/MediaEncoder/Path'), type: 'POST', data: { Path: form.querySelector('.txtEncoderPath').value } }).then(goNext, onSaveEncodingPathFailure); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); view.addEventListener('viewbeforeshow', function (e) { loadDownloadInfo(view); }); }; });