define(['visibleinviewport', 'imageFetcher', 'layoutManager', 'events', 'browser'], function (visibleinviewport, imageFetcher, layoutManager, events, browser) { var thresholdX; var thresholdY; var windowSize; var supportsIntersectionObserver = function () { if (window.IntersectionObserver) { // The api exists in chrome 50 but doesn't work if ( { var version = parseInt(browser.version.split('.')[0]); return version >= 51; } return true; } return false; }(); function resetWindowSize() { windowSize = { innerHeight: window.innerHeight, innerWidth: window.innerWidth }; } function resetThresholds() { var x = screen.availWidth; var y = screen.availHeight; if ( { x *= 2; y *= 2; } thresholdX = x; thresholdY = y; resetWindowSize(); } if (!supportsIntersectionObserver) { window.addEventListener("orientationchange", resetThresholds); window.addEventListener('resize', resetThresholds); events.on(layoutManager, 'modechange', resetThresholds); resetThresholds(); } function isVisible(elem) { return visibleinviewport(elem, true, thresholdX, thresholdY, windowSize); } var wheelEvent = (document.implementation.hasFeature('Event.wheel', '3.0') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel'); var self = {}; var enableFade = browser.animate && ! && !browser.operaTv; function fillImage(elem, source, enableEffects) { if (!source) { source = elem.getAttribute('data-src'); } if (source) { if (enableFade && ! && enableEffects !== false) { imageFetcher.loadImage(elem, source).then(fadeIn); } else { imageFetcher.loadImage(elem, source); } elem.removeAttribute("data-src"); } } function fadeIn(elem) { var duration = ? 160 : 300; var keyframes = [ { opacity: '0', offset: 0 }, { opacity: '1', offset: 1 }]; var timing = { duration: duration, iterations: 1 }; elem.animate(keyframes, timing); } function cancelAll(tokens) { for (var i = 0, length = tokens.length; i < length; i++) { tokens[i] = true; } } var supportsCaptureOption = false; try { var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'capture', { get: function () { supportsCaptureOption = true; } }); window.addEventListener("test", null, opts); } catch (e) { } function addEventListenerWithOptions(target, type, handler, options) { var optionsOrCapture = options; if (!supportsCaptureOption) { optionsOrCapture = options.capture; } target.addEventListener(type, handler, optionsOrCapture); } function removeEventListenerWithOptions(target, type, handler, options) { var optionsOrCapture = options; if (!supportsCaptureOption) { optionsOrCapture = options.capture; } target.removeEventListener(type, handler, optionsOrCapture); } function unveilWithIntersection(images, root) { var filledCount = 0; var options = {}; //options.rootMargin = "300%"; var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) { for (var j = 0, length2 = entries.length; j < length2; j++) { var entry = entries[j]; var target =; observer.unobserve(target); fillImage(target); filledCount++; } }, options ); // Start observing an element for (var i = 0, length = images.length; i < length; i++) { observer.observe(images[i]); } } function unveilElements(images, root) { if (!images.length) { return; } if (supportsIntersectionObserver) { unveilWithIntersection(images, root); return; } var filledImages = []; var cancellationTokens = []; function unveilInternal(tokenIndex) { var anyFound = false; var out = false; // TODO: This out construct assumes left to right, top to bottom for (var i = 0, length = images.length; i < length; i++) { if (cancellationTokens[tokenIndex]) { return; } if (filledImages[i]) { continue; } var img = images[i]; if (!out && isVisible(img)) { anyFound = true; filledImages[i] = true; fillImage(img); } else { if (anyFound) { out = true; } } } if (!images.length) { removeEventListenerWithOptions(document, 'focus', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); removeEventListenerWithOptions(document, 'scroll', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); removeEventListenerWithOptions(document, wheelEvent, unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); removeEventListenerWithOptions(window, 'resize', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); } } function unveil() { cancelAll(cancellationTokens); var index = cancellationTokens.length; cancellationTokens.length++; setTimeout(function () { unveilInternal(index); }, 1); } addEventListenerWithOptions(document, 'focus', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); addEventListenerWithOptions(document, 'scroll', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); addEventListenerWithOptions(document, wheelEvent, unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); addEventListenerWithOptions(window, 'resize', unveil, { capture: true, passive: true }); unveil(); } function lazyChildren(elem) { unveilElements(elem.getElementsByClassName('lazy'), elem); } function getPrimaryImageAspectRatio(items) { var values = []; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var ratio = items[i].PrimaryImageAspectRatio || 0; if (!ratio) { continue; } values[values.length] = ratio; } if (!values.length) { return null; } // Use the median values.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); var half = Math.floor(values.length / 2); var result; if (values.length % 2) result = values[half]; else result = (values[half - 1] + values[half]) / 2.0; // If really close to 2:3 (poster image), just return 2:3 var aspect2x3 = 2 / 3; if (Math.abs(aspect2x3 - result) <= .15) { return aspect2x3; } // If really close to 16:9 (episode image), just return 16:9 var aspect16x9 = 16 / 9; if (Math.abs(aspect16x9 - result) <= .2) { return aspect16x9; } // If really close to 1 (square image), just return 1 if (Math.abs(1 - result) <= .15) { return 1; } // If really close to 4:3 (poster image), just return 2:3 var aspect4x3 = 4 / 3; if (Math.abs(aspect4x3 - result) <= .15) { return aspect4x3; } return result; } function fillImages(elems) { for (var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++) { var elem = elems[0]; fillImage(elem); } } self.fillImages = fillImages; self.lazyImage = fillImage; self.lazyChildren = lazyChildren; self.getPrimaryImageAspectRatio = getPrimaryImageAspectRatio; return self; });