define(['components/paperdialoghelper', 'paper-fab'], function () { var currentItem; function showLocalSubtitles(page, index) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var popup = $('.popupSubtitleViewer', page).popup('open'); $('.subtitleContent', page).html(''); var url = 'Videos/' + currentItem.Id + '/Subtitles/' + index; ApiClient.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url }).then(function (result) { $('.subtitleContent', page).html(result); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); popup.popup('reposition', {}); }); } function showRemoteSubtitles(page, id) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var popup = $('.popupSubtitleViewer', page).popup('open'); $('.subtitleContent', page).html(''); var url = 'Providers/Subtitles/Subtitles/' + id; ApiClient.get(ApiClient.getUrl(url)).then(function (result) { $('.subtitleContent', page).html(result); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); popup.popup('reposition', {}); }); } function downloadRemoteSubtitles(page, id) { var url = 'Items/' + currentItem.Id + '/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/' + id; ApiClient.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ApiClient.getUrl(url) }).then(function () { Dashboard.alert(Globalize.translate('MessageDownloadQueued')); }); } function deleteLocalSubtitle(page, index) { var msg = Globalize.translate('MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles'); Dashboard.confirm(msg, Globalize.translate('HeaderConfirmDeletion'), function (result) { if (result) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var itemId = currentItem.Id; var url = 'Videos/' + itemId + '/Subtitles/' + index; ApiClient.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: ApiClient.getUrl(url) }).then(function () { reload(page, itemId); }); } }); } function fillSubtitleList(page, item) { var streams = item.MediaStreams || []; var subs = streams.filter(function (s) { return s.Type == 'Subtitle'; }); var html = ''; if (subs.length) { html += '

' + Globalize.translate('HeaderCurrentSubtitles') + '

'; html += '
'; html += (s) { var itemHtml = ''; itemHtml += ''; itemHtml += ''; var atts = []; atts.push(s.Codec); if (s.IsDefault) { atts.push('Default'); } if (s.IsForced) { atts.push('Forced'); } if (atts.length == 3) { itemHtml += ''; } else { itemHtml += ''; } itemHtml += '
'; itemHtml += (s.Language || Globalize.translate('LabelUnknownLanaguage')); itemHtml += '
'; itemHtml += '
' + atts.join(' - ') + '
'; if (s.Path) { itemHtml += '
' + (s.Path) + '
'; } html += ''; itemHtml += '
'; if (s.Path) { itemHtml += ''; } itemHtml += '
'; return itemHtml; }).join(''); html += '
'; } var elem = $('.subtitleList', page).html(html).trigger('create'); $('.btnViewSubtitles', elem).on('click', function () { var index = this.getAttribute('data-index'); showLocalSubtitles(page, index); }); $('.btnDelete', elem).on('click', function () { var index = this.getAttribute('data-index'); deleteLocalSubtitle(page, index); }); } function fillLanguages(page, languages) { $('#selectLanguage', page).html( (l) { return ''; })); var lastLanguage = appStorage.getItem('subtitleeditor-language'); if (lastLanguage) { $('#selectLanguage', page).val(lastLanguage); } else { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().then(function (user) { var lang = user.Configuration.SubtitleLanguagePreference; if (lang) { $('#selectLanguage', page).val(lang); } }); } } function renderSearchResults(page, results) { var lastProvider = ''; var html = ''; if (!results.length) { $('.noSearchResults', page).show(); $('.subtitleResults', page).html(''); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); return; } $('.noSearchResults', page).hide(); for (var i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { var result = results[i]; var provider = result.ProviderName; if (provider != lastProvider) { if (i > 0) { html += ''; } html += '

' + provider + '

'; html += '
'; lastProvider = provider; } html += ''; html += ''; if (result.Comment) { html += ''; } else { html += ''; } //html += ''; html += '
' + (result.Name) + '
'; html += '
' + (result.Format) + '
'; if (result.Comment) { html += '
' + (result.Comment) + '
'; } //html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + /*(result.CommunityRating || 0) + ' / ' +*/ (result.DownloadCount || 0) + '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; } if (results.length) { html += '
'; } var elem = $('.subtitleResults', page).html(html).trigger('create'); $('.btnViewSubtitle', elem).on('click', function () { var id = this.getAttribute('data-subid'); showRemoteSubtitles(page, id); }); $('.btnDownload', elem).on('click', function () { var id = this.getAttribute('data-subid'); downloadRemoteSubtitles(page, id); }); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); } function searchForSubtitles(page, language) { appStorage.setItem('subtitleeditor-language', language); Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var url = ApiClient.getUrl('Items/' + currentItem.Id + '/RemoteSearch/Subtitles/' + language); ApiClient.getJSON(url).then(function (results) { renderSearchResults(page, results); }); } function reload(page, itemId) { $('.noSearchResults', page).hide(); function onGetItem(item) { currentItem = item; fillSubtitleList(page, item); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); } if (typeof itemId == 'string') { ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), itemId).then(onGetItem); } else { onGetItem(itemId); } } function onSearchSubmit() { var form = this; var lang = $('#selectLanguage', form).val(); searchForSubtitles($(form).parents('.editorContent'), lang); return false; } function showEditor(itemId) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'components/subtitleeditor/subtitleeditor.template.html', true); xhr.onload = function (e) { var template = this.response; ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), itemId).then(function (item) { var dlg = PaperDialogHelper.createDialog(); var html = ''; html += '

'; html += ''; html += '
' + item.Name + '
'; html += '

'; html += '
'; html += Globalize.translateDocument(template); html += '
'; dlg.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(dlg); $('.subtitleSearchForm', dlg).off('submit', onSearchSubmit).on('submit', onSearchSubmit); // Has to be assigned a z-index after the call to .open() $(dlg).on('iron-overlay-closed', onDialogClosed); PaperDialogHelper.openWithHash(dlg, 'subtitleeditor'); var editorContent = dlg.querySelector('.editorContent'); reload(editorContent, item); ApiClient.getCultures().then(function (languages) { fillLanguages(editorContent, languages); }); $('.btnCloseDialog', dlg).on('click', function () { PaperDialogHelper.close(dlg); }); }); } xhr.send(); } function onDialogClosed() { $(this).remove(); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); } return { show: showEditor }; });