(function () { var updatedProducts = []; function getStoreFeatureId(feature) { if (feature == 'embypremieremonthly') { return 'emby.subscription.monthly'; } return 'appunlock'; } function updateProductInfo(product) { updatedProducts = updatedProducts.filter(function (r) { return r.id != product.id; }); updatedProducts.push(product); Events.trigger(IapManager, 'productupdated', [product]); } function getProduct(feature) { var id = getStoreFeatureId(feature); var products = updatedProducts.filter(function (r) { return r.id == id; }); return products.length ? products[0] : null; } function isPurchaseAvailable(feature) { var product = getProduct(feature); return product != null && product.valid /*&& product.canPurchase*/; } function beginPurchase(feature, email) { var id = getStoreFeatureId(feature); store.order(id); } function restorePurchase(id) { store.refresh(); } function validateProduct(product, callback) { // product attributes: // https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase/blob/master/doc/api.md#validation-error-codes callback(true, { }); //callback(true, { ... transaction details ... }); // success! //// OR //callback(false, { // error: { // code: store.PURCHASE_EXPIRED, // message: "XYZ" // } //}); //// OR //callback(false, "Impossible to proceed with validation"); } function initProduct(id, alias, type) { store.register({ id: id, alias: alias, type: type }); // When purchase of the full version is approved, // show some logs and finish the transaction. store.when(id).approved(function (order) { order.finish(); }); store.when(id).verified(function (p) { p.finish(); }); // The play button can only be accessed when the user // owns the full version. store.when(id).updated(function (product) { if (product.loaded && product.valid && product.state == store.APPROVED) { Logger.log('finishing previously created transaction'); product.finish(); } updateProductInfo(product); }); } function initializeStore() { // Let's set a pretty high verbosity level, so that we see a lot of stuff // in the console (reassuring us that something is happening). store.verbosity = store.INFO; store.validator = validateProduct; initProduct(getStoreFeatureId(""), "premium features", store.NON_CONSUMABLE); initProduct(getStoreFeatureId("embypremieremonthly"), "emby premiere monthly", store.PAID_SUBSCRIPTION); // When every goes as expected, it's time to celebrate! // The "ready" event should be welcomed with music and fireworks, // go ask your boss about it! (just in case) store.ready(function () { Logger.log("Store ready"); }); // After we've done our setup, we tell the store to do // it's first refresh. Nothing will happen if we do not call store.refresh() store.refresh(); } function getSubscriptionOptions() { var deferred = DeferredBuilder.Deferred(); var options = []; options.push({ feature: 'embypremieremonthly', buttonText: 'EmbyPremiereMonthlyWithPrice' }); options = options.filter(function (o) { return getProduct(o.feature) != null; }).map(function (o) { o.buttonText = Globalize.translate(o.buttonText, o.price); return o; }); deferred.resolveWith(null, [options]); return deferred.promise(); } window.IapManager = { isPurchaseAvailable: isPurchaseAvailable, getProductInfo: getProduct, beginPurchase: beginPurchase, restorePurchase: restorePurchase, getStoreFeatureId: getStoreFeatureId, getSubscriptionOptions: getSubscriptionOptions }; initializeStore(); })();