define(['browser', 'connectionManager', 'playbackManager', 'dom', 'css!./style'], function (browser, connectionManager, playbackManager, dom) { 'use strict'; function enableAnimation(elem) { if (browser.slow) { return false; } return true; } function enableRotation() { if ( { return false; } return true; } function Backdrop() { var self = this; var isDestroyed; var currentAnimatingElement; self.load = function (url, parent, existingBackdropImage) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { if (isDestroyed) { return; } var backdropImage = document.createElement('div'); backdropImage.classList.add('backdropImage'); backdropImage.classList.add('displayingBackdropImage'); = "url('" + url + "')"; backdropImage.setAttribute('data-url', url); = 'backdrop-fadein ' + 800 + 'ms ease-in normal both'; parent.appendChild(backdropImage); if (!enableAnimation(backdropImage)) { if (existingBackdropImage && existingBackdropImage.parentNode) { existingBackdropImage.parentNode.removeChild(existingBackdropImage); } internalBackdrop(true); return; } setTimeout(function () { if (backdropImage === currentAnimatingElement) { currentAnimatingElement = null; } if (existingBackdropImage && existingBackdropImage.parentNode) { existingBackdropImage.parentNode.removeChild(existingBackdropImage); } }, 800); internalBackdrop(true); }; img.src = url; }; function cancelAnimation() { var elem = currentAnimatingElement; if (elem) { = ''; currentAnimatingElement = null; } } self.destroy = function () { isDestroyed = true; cancelAnimation(); }; } var backdropContainer; function getBackdropContainer() { if (!backdropContainer) { backdropContainer = document.querySelector('.backdropContainer'); } if (!backdropContainer) { backdropContainer = document.createElement('div'); backdropContainer.classList.add('backdropContainer'); document.body.insertBefore(backdropContainer, document.body.firstChild); } return backdropContainer; } function clearBackdrop(clearAll) { clearRotation(); if (currentLoadingBackdrop) { currentLoadingBackdrop.destroy(); currentLoadingBackdrop = null; } var elem = getBackdropContainer(); elem.innerHTML = ''; if (clearAll) { hasExternalBackdrop = false; } internalBackdrop(false); } var backgroundContainer; function getBackgroundContainer() { if (!backgroundContainer) { backgroundContainer = document.querySelector('.backgroundContainer'); } return backgroundContainer; } function setBackgroundContainerBackgroundEnabled() { if (hasInternalBackdrop || hasExternalBackdrop) { getBackgroundContainer().classList.add('withBackdrop'); } else { getBackgroundContainer().classList.remove('withBackdrop'); } } var hasInternalBackdrop; function internalBackdrop(enabled) { hasInternalBackdrop = enabled; setBackgroundContainerBackgroundEnabled(); } var hasExternalBackdrop; function externalBackdrop(enabled) { hasExternalBackdrop = enabled; setBackgroundContainerBackgroundEnabled(); } function getRandom(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } var currentLoadingBackdrop; function setBackdropImage(url) { if (currentLoadingBackdrop) { currentLoadingBackdrop.destroy(); currentLoadingBackdrop = null; } var elem = getBackdropContainer(); var existingBackdropImage = elem.querySelector('.displayingBackdropImage'); if (existingBackdropImage && existingBackdropImage.getAttribute('data-url') === url) { if (existingBackdropImage.getAttribute('data-url') === url) { return; } existingBackdropImage.classList.remove('displayingBackdropImage'); } var instance = new Backdrop(); instance.load(url, elem, existingBackdropImage); currentLoadingBackdrop = instance; } function getItemImageUrls(item) { var apiClient = connectionManager.getApiClient(item.ServerId); if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length > 0) { return (imgTag, index) { return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.Id, { type: "Backdrop", tag: imgTag, maxWidth: Math.min(dom.getWindowSize().innerWidth, 1920), index: index }); }); } if (item.ParentBackdropItemId && item.ParentBackdropImageTags && item.ParentBackdropImageTags.length) { return (imgTag, index) { return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.ParentBackdropItemId, { type: "Backdrop", tag: imgTag, maxWidth: Math.min(dom.getWindowSize().innerWidth, 1920), index: index }); }); } return []; } function getImageUrls(items) { var list = []; var onImg = function (img) { list.push(img); }; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var itemImages = getItemImageUrls(items[i]); itemImages.forEach(onImg); } return list; } function arraysEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (a == null || b == null) { return false; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } // If you don't care about the order of the elements inside // the array, you should sort both arrays here. for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } var rotationInterval; var currentRotatingImages = []; var currentRotationIndex = -1; function setBackdrops(items, imageSetId) { var images = getImageUrls(items); imageSetId = imageSetId || new Date().getTime(); if (images.length) { startRotation(images, imageSetId); } else { clearBackdrop(); } } function startRotation(images) { if (arraysEqual(images, currentRotatingImages)) { return; } clearRotation(); currentRotatingImages = images; currentRotationIndex = -1; if (images.length > 1 && enableRotation()) { rotationInterval = setInterval(onRotationInterval, 20000); } onRotationInterval(); } function onRotationInterval() { if (playbackManager.isPlayingVideo()) { return; } var newIndex = currentRotationIndex + 1; if (newIndex >= currentRotatingImages.length) { newIndex = 0; } currentRotationIndex = newIndex; setBackdropImage(currentRotatingImages[newIndex]); } function clearRotation() { var interval = rotationInterval; if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } rotationInterval = null; currentRotatingImages = []; currentRotationIndex = -1; } function setBackdrop(url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { url = getImageUrls([url])[0]; } if (url) { clearRotation(); setBackdropImage(url); } else { clearBackdrop(); } } return { setBackdrops: setBackdrops, setBackdrop: setBackdrop, clear: clearBackdrop, externalBackdrop: externalBackdrop }; });