define(['jqmwidget'], function () { (function ($, window, undefined) { var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/; $.extend($.mobile, { // Namespace used framework-wide for data-attrs. Default is no namespace // Retrieve an attribute from an element and perform some massaging of the value getAttribute: function (element, key) { var data; element = element.jquery ? element[0] : element; if (element && element.getAttribute) { data = element.getAttribute("data-" + key); } // Copied from core's src/data.js:dataAttr() // Convert from a string to a proper data type try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test(data) ? JSON.parse(data) : data; } catch (err) { } return data; } }); })(jQuery, this); (function ($, undefined) { var rInitialLetter = /([A-Z])/g, // Construct iconpos class from iconpos value iconposClass = function (iconpos) { return ("ui-btn-icon-" + (iconpos === null ? "left" : iconpos)); }; $.widget("mobile.collapsible", { options: { enhanced: false, expandCueText: null, collapseCueText: null, collapsed: true, heading: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,legend", collapsedIcon: null, expandedIcon: null, iconpos: null, theme: null, contentTheme: null, inset: null, corners: null, mini: null }, _create: function () { var elem = this.element, ui = { accordion: elem .closest("[data-role='collapsible-set']," + "[data-role='collapsibleset']" + ($.mobile.collapsibleset ? ", :mobile-collapsibleset" : "")) .addClass("ui-collapsible-set") }; this._ui = ui; this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options); if (this.options.enhanced) { ui.heading = this.element.children(".ui-collapsible-heading"); ui.content =; ui.anchor = ui.heading.children(); ui.status = ui.anchor.children(".ui-collapsible-heading-status"); } else { this._enhance(elem, ui); } this._on(ui.heading, { "tap": function () { ui.heading.find("a").first().addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass); }, "click": function (event) { this._handleExpandCollapse(!ui.heading.hasClass("ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed")); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }); }, // Adjust the keys inside options for inherited values _getOptions: function (options) { var key, accordion = this._ui.accordion, accordionWidget = this._ui.accordionWidget; // Copy options options = $.extend({}, options); if (accordion.length && !accordionWidget) { this._ui.accordionWidget = accordionWidget ="mobile-collapsibleset"); } for (key in options) { // Retrieve the option value first from the options object passed in and, if // null, from the parent accordion or, if that's null too, or if there's no // parent accordion, then from the defaults. options[key] = (options[key] != null) ? options[key] : (accordionWidget) ? accordionWidget.options[key] : accordion.length ? $.mobile.getAttribute(accordion[0], key.replace(rInitialLetter, "-$1").toLowerCase()) : null; if (null == options[key]) { options[key] = $.mobile.collapsible.defaults[key]; } } return options; }, _themeClassFromOption: function (prefix, value) { return (value ? (value === "none" ? "" : prefix + value) : ""); }, _enhance: function (elem, ui) { var iconclass, opts = this._renderedOptions, contentThemeClass = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.contentTheme); elem.addClass("ui-collapsible " + (opts.inset ? "ui-collapsible-inset " : "") + (opts.inset && opts.corners ? "ui-corner-all " : "") + (contentThemeClass ? "ui-collapsible-themed-content " : "")); ui.originalHeading = elem.children(this.options.heading).first(), ui.content = elem .wrapInner("
") .children(".ui-collapsible-content"), ui.heading = ui.originalHeading; // Replace collapsibleHeading if it's a legend if ("legend")) { ui.heading = $("
" + ui.heading.html() + "
"); ui.placeholder = $("
").insertBefore(ui.originalHeading); ui.originalHeading.remove(); } iconclass = (opts.collapsed ? (opts.collapsedIcon ? "ui-icon-" + opts.collapsedIcon : "") : (opts.expandedIcon ? "ui-icon-" + opts.expandedIcon : "")); ui.status = $(""); ui.anchor = ui.heading .detach() //modify markup & attributes .addClass("ui-collapsible-heading") .append(ui.status) .wrapInner("") .find("a") .first() .addClass("ui-btn " + (iconclass ? iconclass + " " : "") + (iconclass ? iconposClass(opts.iconpos) + " " : "") + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", opts.theme) + " " + ( ? "ui-mini " : "")); //drop heading in before content ui.heading.insertBefore(ui.content); this._handleExpandCollapse(this.options.collapsed); return ui; }, refresh: function () { this._applyOptions(this.options); this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options); }, _applyOptions: function (options) { var isCollapsed, newTheme, oldTheme, hasCorners, hasIcon, elem = this.element, currentOpts = this._renderedOptions, ui = this._ui, anchor = ui.anchor, status = ui.status, opts = this._getOptions(options); // First and foremost we need to make sure the collapsible is in the proper // state, in case somebody decided to change the collapsed option at the // same time as another option if (options.collapsed !== undefined) { this._handleExpandCollapse(options.collapsed); } isCollapsed = elem.hasClass("ui-collapsible-collapsed"); // We only need to apply the cue text for the current state right away. // The cue text for the alternate state will be stored in the options // and applied the next time the collapsible's state is toggled if (isCollapsed) { if (opts.expandCueText !== undefined) { status.text(opts.expandCueText); } } else { if (opts.collapseCueText !== undefined) { status.text(opts.collapseCueText); } } // Update icon // Is it supposed to have an icon? hasIcon = // If the collapsedIcon is being set, consult that (opts.collapsedIcon !== undefined ? opts.collapsedIcon !== false : // Otherwise consult the existing option value currentOpts.collapsedIcon !== false); // If any icon-related options have changed, make sure the new icon // state is reflected by first removing all icon-related classes // reflecting the current state and then adding all icon-related // classes for the new state if (!(opts.iconpos === undefined && opts.collapsedIcon === undefined && opts.expandedIcon === undefined)) { // Remove all current icon-related classes anchor.removeClass([iconposClass(currentOpts.iconpos)] .concat((currentOpts.expandedIcon ? ["ui-icon-" + currentOpts.expandedIcon] : [])) .concat((currentOpts.collapsedIcon ? ["ui-icon-" + currentOpts.collapsedIcon] : [])) .join(" ")); // Add new classes if an icon is supposed to be present if (hasIcon) { anchor.addClass( [iconposClass(opts.iconpos !== undefined ? opts.iconpos : currentOpts.iconpos)] .concat(isCollapsed ? ["ui-icon-" + (opts.collapsedIcon !== undefined ? opts.collapsedIcon : currentOpts.collapsedIcon)] : ["ui-icon-" + (opts.expandedIcon !== undefined ? opts.expandedIcon : currentOpts.expandedIcon)]) .join(" ")); } } if (opts.theme !== undefined) { oldTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", currentOpts.theme); newTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", opts.theme); anchor.removeClass(oldTheme).addClass(newTheme); } if (opts.contentTheme !== undefined) { oldTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", currentOpts.contentTheme); newTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.contentTheme); ui.content.removeClass(oldTheme).addClass(newTheme); } if (opts.inset !== undefined) { elem.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-inset", opts.inset); hasCorners = !!(opts.inset && (opts.corners || currentOpts.corners)); } if (opts.corners !== undefined) { hasCorners = !!(opts.corners && (opts.inset || currentOpts.inset)); } if (hasCorners !== undefined) { elem.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", hasCorners); } if ( !== undefined) { anchor.toggleClass("ui-mini",; } }, _setOptions: function (options) { this._applyOptions(options); this._super(options); this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options); }, _handleExpandCollapse: function (isCollapse) { var opts = this._renderedOptions, ui = this._ui; ui.status.text(isCollapse ? opts.expandCueText : opts.collapseCueText); ui.heading .toggleClass("ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed", isCollapse) .find("a").first() .toggleClass("ui-icon-" + opts.expandedIcon, !isCollapse) // logic or cause same icon for expanded/collapsed state would remove the ui-icon-class .toggleClass("ui-icon-" + opts.collapsedIcon, (isCollapse || opts.expandedIcon === opts.collapsedIcon)) .removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass); this.element.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-collapsed", isCollapse); ui.content .toggleClass("ui-collapsible-content-collapsed", isCollapse) .attr("aria-hidden", isCollapse) .trigger("updatelayout"); this.options.collapsed = isCollapse; this._trigger(isCollapse ? "collapse" : "expand"); }, expand: function () { this._handleExpandCollapse(false); }, collapse: function () { this._handleExpandCollapse(true); }, _destroy: function () { var ui = this._ui, opts = this.options; if (opts.enhanced) { return; } if (ui.placeholder) { ui.originalHeading.insertBefore(ui.placeholder); ui.placeholder.remove(); ui.heading.remove(); } else { ui.status.remove(); ui.heading .removeClass("ui-collapsible-heading ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed") .children() .contents() .unwrap(); } ui.anchor.contents().unwrap(); ui.content.contents().unwrap(); this.element .removeClass("ui-collapsible ui-collapsible-collapsed " + "ui-collapsible-themed-content ui-collapsible-inset ui-corner-all"); } }); // Defaults to be used by all instances of collapsible if per-instance values // are unset or if nothing is specified by way of inheritance from an accordion. // Note that this hash does not contain options "collapsed" or "heading", // because those are not inheritable. $.mobile.collapsible.defaults = { expandCueText: " click to expand contents", collapseCueText: " click to collapse contents", collapsedIcon: "plus", contentTheme: "inherit", expandedIcon: "minus", iconpos: "left", inset: true, corners: true, theme: "inherit", mini: false }; })(jQuery); });