var LibraryBrowser = (function (window, $) { return { getDetaultPageSize: function () { if (window.location.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('localhost') != -1) { return 100; } return 20; }, getPosterDetailViewHtml: function (options) { var items = options.items; var primaryImageAspectRatio = options.useAverageAspectRatio ? LibraryBrowser.getAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(items) : null; var html = ''; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; html += ''; if (options.preferBackdrop && item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (options.preferBackdrop && item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Thumb) { html += ""; } else if (item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Primary) { var height = 300; var width = primaryImageAspectRatio ? parseInt(height * primaryImageAspectRatio) : null; html += ""; } else if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (item.MediaType == "Audio" || item.Type == "MusicAlbum" || item.Type == "MusicArtist") { html += ""; } else if (item.MediaType == "Video" || item.Type == "Season" || item.Type == "Series") { html += ""; } else if (item.Type == "Person") { html += ""; } else if (item.MediaType == "Game") { html += ""; } else { html += ""; } html += '
'; if (item.SeriesName || item.Album) { var seriesName = item.SeriesName || item.Album; html += '
' + seriesName + '
'; } var name = item.Name; if (item.IndexNumber != null) { name = item.IndexNumber + " - " + name; } if (item.ParentIndexNumber != null) { name = item.ParentIndexNumber + "." + name; } html += '
' + name + '
'; if (item.CommunityRating) { html += '

' + LibraryBrowser.getFiveStarRatingHtml(item) + '

'; } var childText; if (item.Type == "BoxSet") { childText = item.ChildCount == 1 ? "1 Movie" : item.ChildCount + " Movies"; html += '

' + childText + '

'; } else if (item.Type == "Genre" || item.Type == "Studio" || item.Type == "Person") { childText = item.ChildCount == 1 ? "1 " + options.countNameSingular : item.ChildCount + " " + options.countNamePlural; html += '

' + childText + '

'; } else { html += '

' + LibraryBrowser.getMiscInfoHtml(item, false) + '

'; } html += '

' + LibraryBrowser.getUserDataIconsHtml(item) + '

'; html += '
'; html += LibraryBrowser.getNewIndicatorHtml(item); html += "
"; } return html; }, getHref: function (item) { if (item.url) { return item.url; } if (item.Type == "Series") { return "tvseries.html?id=" + item.Id; } if (item.Type == "Season") { return "tvseason.html?id=" + item.Id; } if (item.Type == "BoxSet") { return "boxset.html?id=" + item.Id; } if (item.Type == "Genre") { return "itembynamedetails.html?genre=" + item.Name; } if (item.Type == "Studio") { return "itembynamedetails.html?studio=" + item.Name; } if (item.Type == "Person") { return "itembynamedetails.html?person=" + item.Name; } return item.IsFolder ? (item.Id ? "itemList.html?parentId=" + item.Id : "#") : "itemdetails.html?id=" + item.Id; }, getPrimaryImageUrl: function (item, options) { options = options || {}; options.type = "Primary"; options.tag = item.ImageTags.Primary; if (item.Type == "Studio") { return ApiClient.getStudioImageUrl(item.Name, options); } if (item.Type == "Person") { return ApiClient.getPersonImageUrl(item.Name, options); } if (item.Type == "Genre") { return ApiClient.getGenreImageUrl(item.Name, options); } return ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, options); }, getPosterViewHtml: function (options) { var items = options.items; var primaryImageAspectRatio = options.useAverageAspectRatio ? LibraryBrowser.getAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(items) : null; var html = ""; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var hasPrimaryImage = item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Primary; var showText = options.showTitle || !hasPrimaryImage; var cssClass = showText ? "posterViewItem" : "posterViewItem posterViewItemWithNoText"; html += "
"; if (options.preferBackdrop && item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (hasPrimaryImage) { var height = 300; var width = primaryImageAspectRatio ? parseInt(height * primaryImageAspectRatio) : null; html += ""; } else if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (item.MediaType == "Audio" || item.Type == "MusicAlbum" || item.Type == "MusicArtist") { html += ""; } else if (item.MediaType == "Video" || item.Type == "Season" || item.Type == "Series") { html += ""; } else { html += ""; } if (showText) { html += "
"; html += item.Name; html += "
"; } if (options.showNewIndicator !== false) { html += LibraryBrowser.getNewIndicatorHtml(item); } html += "
"; } return html; }, getEpisodePosterViewHtml: function (options) { var items = options.items; var primaryImageAspectRatio = options.useAverageAspectRatio ? LibraryBrowser.getAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(items) : null; var html = ""; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var hasPrimaryImage = item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Primary; var showText = options.showTitle || !hasPrimaryImage || (item.Type !== 'Movie' && item.Type !== 'Series' && item.Type !== 'Season' && item.Type !== 'Trailer'); var cssClass = showText ? "posterViewItem posterViewItemWithDualText" : "posterViewItem posterViewItemWithNoText"; html += "
"; if (options.preferBackdrop && item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (hasPrimaryImage) { var height = 300; var width = primaryImageAspectRatio ? parseInt(height * primaryImageAspectRatio) : null; html += ""; } else if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else { html += ""; } if (showText) { html += "
"; if (item.SeriesName != null) { html += item.SeriesName; html += "
"; html += "
"; } if (item.ParentIndexNumber != null) { html += item.ParentIndexNumber + "."; } if (item.IndexNumber != null) { html += item.IndexNumber + " -"; } html += " " + item.Name; html += "
"; } if (options.showNewIndicator !== false) { html += LibraryBrowser.getNewIndicatorHtml(item); } html += "
"; } return html; }, getNewIndicatorHtml: function (item) { if (item.RecentlyAddedItemCount) { return '
' + item.RecentlyAddedItemCount + ' New
'; } if (!item.IsFolder && item.Type !== "Genre" && item.Type !== "Studio" && item.Type !== "Person") { var date = item.DateCreated; if (date && (new Date().getTime() - parseISO8601Date(date).getTime()) < 1209600000) { return "
"; } } return ''; }, getAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio: function (items) { var values = []; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var ratio = items[i].PrimaryImageAspectRatio || 0; if (!ratio) { continue; } values[values.length] = ratio; } if (!values.length) { return null; } // Use the median values.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); var half = Math.floor(values.length / 2); if (values.length % 2) return values[half]; else return (values[half - 1] + values[half]) / 2.0; }, metroColors: ["#6FBD45", "#4BB3DD", "#4164A5", "#E12026", "#800080", "#E1B222", "#008040", "#0094FF", "#FF00C7", "#FF870F", "#7F0037"], getRandomMetroColor: function () { var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (LibraryBrowser.metroColors.length - 1)); return LibraryBrowser.metroColors[index]; }, getMetroColor: function (str) { if (str) { var char = String(str.substr(0, 1).charCodeAt()); var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < char.length; i++) { sum += parseInt(char.charAt(i)); } var index = String(sum).substr(-1); return LibraryBrowser.metroColors[index]; } else { return LibraryBrowser.getRandomMetroColor(); } }, renderLinks: function (linksElem, item) { var links = []; if (item.HomePageUrl) { links.push('Website'); } var providerIds = item.ProviderIds || {}; if (providerIds.Imdb) { if (item.Type == "Movie" || item.Type == "Episode") links.push('IMDb'); else if (item.Type == "Person") links.push('IMDb'); } if (providerIds.Tmdb) { if (item.Type == "Movie") links.push('TMDB'); else if (item.Type == "Person") links.push('TMDB'); } if (providerIds.Tvdb) links.push('TVDB'); if (providerIds.Tvcom) { if (item.Type == "Episode") links.push(''); else if (item.Type == "Person") links.push(''); } if (providerIds.Musicbrainz) links.push('MusicBrainz'); if (providerIds.Gamesdb) links.push('GamesDB'); if (links.length) { var html = 'Links:  ' + links.join('  /  '); $(linksElem).html(html); } else { $(linksElem).hide(); } }, getPagingHtml: function (query, totalRecordCount, isTop) { var html = ''; var pageCount = Math.ceil(totalRecordCount / query.Limit); var pageNumber = (query.StartIndex / query.Limit) + 1; var dropdownHtml = ''; var recordsEnd = Math.min(query.StartIndex + query.Limit, totalRecordCount); html += isTop ? '
' : '
'; html += ''; html += (query.StartIndex + 1) + '-' + recordsEnd + ' of ' + totalRecordCount + ', page ' + dropdownHtml + ' of ' + pageCount; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; return html; }, getStarRatingHtml: function (item) { var rating = item.CommunityRating; var html = ""; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (rating < i - 1) { html += "
"; } else if (rating < i) { html += "
"; } else { html += "
"; } } return html; }, getFiveStarRatingHtml: function (item) { var rating = item.CommunityRating / 2; var html = ""; for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if (rating < i - 1) { html += "
"; } else if (rating < i) { html += "
"; } else { html += "
"; } } return html; }, getUserDataIconsHtml: function (item) { var html = ''; var tooltip; var pct; if (item.PlayedPercentage) { tooltip = ''; pct = item.PlayedPercentage; } else if (item.UserData && item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks && item.RunTimeTicks) { tooltip = DashboardPage.getDisplayText(item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks) + " / " + DashboardPage.getDisplayText(item.RunTimeTicks); pct = (item.UserData.PlaybackPositionTicks / item.RunTimeTicks) * 100; } if (pct) { pct = parseInt(pct); html += '' + pct + '%'; } var userData = item.UserData || {}; var itemId = item.Id; var type = item.Type; if (type == "Person") { itemId = item.Name; } else if (type == "Studio") { itemId = item.Name; } else if (type == "Genre") { itemId = item.Name; } if (item.MediaType || item.IsFolder) { if (userData.Played) { html += 'Played'; } else { html += 'Played'; } } if (typeof userData.Likes == "undefined") { html += 'Dislike'; html += 'Like'; } else if (userData.Likes) { html += 'Dislike'; html += 'Like'; } else { html += 'Dislike'; html += 'Like'; } if (userData.IsFavorite) { html += 'Favorite'; } else { html += 'Favorite'; } return html; }, markPlayed: function (link) { var id = link.getAttribute('data-itemid'); var $link = $(link); var markAsPlayed = $link.hasClass('imgPlayedOff'); ApiClient.updatePlayedStatus(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, markAsPlayed); if (markAsPlayed) { link.src = "css/images/userdata/played.png"; $link.addClass('imgPlayed').removeClass('imgPlayedOff'); } else { link.src = "css/images/userdata/unplayed.png"; $link.addClass('imgPlayedOff').removeClass('imgPlayed'); } }, markFavorite: function (link) { var id = link.getAttribute('data-itemid'); var type = link.getAttribute('data-type'); var $link = $(link); var markAsFavorite = $link.hasClass('imgFavoriteOff'); if (type == "Person" || type == "Studio" || type == "Genre") { ApiClient.updateItemByNameFavoriteStatus(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, markAsFavorite); } else { ApiClient.updateFavoriteStatus(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, markAsFavorite); } if (markAsFavorite) { link.src = "css/images/userdata/heart_on.png"; $link.addClass('imgFavorite').removeClass('imgFavoriteOff'); } else { link.src = "css/images/userdata/heart_off.png"; $link.addClass('imgFavoriteOff').removeClass('imgFavorite'); } }, markLike: function (link) { var id = link.getAttribute('data-itemid'); var type = link.getAttribute('data-type'); var $link = $(link); if ($link.hasClass('imgLikeOff')) { if (type == "Person" || type == "Studio" || type == "Genre") { ApiClient.updateItemByNameRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, true); } else { ApiClient.updateUserItemRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, true); } link.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_up_on.png"; $link.addClass('imgLike').removeClass('imgLikeOff'); } else { if (type == "Person" || type == "Studio" || type == "Genre") { ApiClient.clearItemByNameRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id); } else { ApiClient.clearUserItemRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id); } link.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_up_off.png"; $link.addClass('imgLikeOff').removeClass('imgLike'); } $link.prev().removeClass('imgDislike').addClass('imgDislikeOff').each(function () { this.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_down_off.png"; }); }, markDislike: function (link) { var id = link.getAttribute('data-itemid'); var type = link.getAttribute('data-type'); var $link = $(link); if ($link.hasClass('imgDislikeOff')) { if (type == "Person" || type == "Studio" || type == "Genre") { ApiClient.updateItemByNameRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, false); } else { ApiClient.updateUserItemRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id, false); } link.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_down_on.png"; $link.addClass('imgDislike').removeClass('imgDislikeOff'); } else { if (type == "Person" || type == "Studio" || type == "Genre") { ApiClient.clearItemByNameRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id); } else { ApiClient.clearUserItemRating(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), id); } link.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_down_off.png"; $link.addClass('imgDislikeOff').removeClass('imgDislike'); } $'imgLike').addClass('imgLikeOff').each(function () { this.src = "css/images/userdata/thumbs_up_off.png"; }); }, getDetailImageHtml: function (item) { var imageTags = item.ImageTags || {}; var html = ''; var url; var useBackgroundColor; var maxwidth; if (imageTags.Primary) { if (item.Type == "Person") { url = ApiClient.getPersonImageUrl(item.Name, { maxwidth: 800, tag: imageTags.Primary, type: "primary" }); } else if (item.Type == "Genre") { url = ApiClient.getGenreImageUrl(item.Name, { maxwidth: 800, tag: imageTags.Primary, type: "primary" }); } else if (item.Type == "Studio") { url = ApiClient.getStudioImageUrl(item.Name, { maxwidth: 800, tag: imageTags.Primary, type: "primary" }); } else { url = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, { type: "Primary", maxwidth: 800, tag: item.ImageTags.Primary }); } } else if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { url = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, { type: "Backdrop", maxwidth: 800, tag: item.BackdropImageTags[0] }); } else if (imageTags.Thumb) { url = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, { type: "Thumb", maxwidth: 800, tag: item.ImageTags.Thumb }); } else if (imageTags.Disc) { url = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, { type: "Disc", maxwidth: 800, tag: item.ImageTags.Disc }); } else if (item.MediaType == "Audio") { url = "css/images/items/detail/audio.png"; useBackgroundColor = true; maxwidth = 150; } else if (item.MediaType == "Game") { url = "css/images/items/detail/game.png"; useBackgroundColor = true; maxwidth = 150; } else if (item.Type == "Person") { url = "css/images/items/detail/person.png"; useBackgroundColor = true; maxwidth = 125; } else if (item.Type == "Genre" || item.Type == "Studio") { url = "css/images/items/detail/video.png"; useBackgroundColor = true; maxwidth = 125; } else { url = "css/images/items/detail/video.png"; useBackgroundColor = true; maxwidth = 150; } if (url) { var style = useBackgroundColor ? "background-color:" + LibraryBrowser.getMetroColor(item.Id) + ";" : ""; if (maxwidth) { style += "max-width:" + maxwidth + "px;"; } html += ""; } return html; }, getMiscInfoHtml: function (item, includeMediaInfo) { var miscInfo = []; if (item.ProductionYear) { miscInfo.push(item.ProductionYear); } if (item.OfficialRating) { miscInfo.push(item.OfficialRating); } if (item.RunTimeTicks) { var minutes = item.RunTimeTicks / 600000000; minutes = minutes || 1; miscInfo.push(parseInt(minutes) + "min"); } if (includeMediaInfo !== false) { if (item.DisplayMediaType) { miscInfo.push(item.DisplayMediaType); } if (item.VideoFormat && item.VideoFormat !== 'Standard') { miscInfo.push(item.VideoFormat); } } return miscInfo.join('     '); }, renderStudios: function (elem, item) { if (item.Studios && item.Studios.length) { var html = 'Studios:  '; for (var i = 0, length = item.Studios.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0) { html += '  /  '; } html += '' + item.Studios[i] + ''; }'create'); } else { elem.hide(); } }, renderGenres: function (elem, item) { if (item.Genres && item.Genres.length) { var html = 'Genres:  '; for (var i = 0, length = item.Genres.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0) { html += '  /  '; } html += '' + item.Genres[i] + ''; }'create'); } else { elem.hide(); } }, renderPremiereDate: function (elem, item) { if (item.PremiereDate) {'Premiered  ' + parseISO8601Date(item.PremiereDate, { toLocal: true }).toDateString()); } else { elem.hide(); } }, renderBudget: function (elem, item) { if (item.Budget) {'Budget:  $' + item.Budget); } else { elem.hide(); } }, renderRevenue: function (elem, item) { if (item.Revenue) {'Revenue:  $' + item.Revenue); } else { elem.hide(); } }, getGamePosterViewHtml: function (options) { var items = options.items; var primaryImageAspectRatio = options.useAverageAspectRatio ? LibraryBrowser.getAveragePrimaryImageAspectRatio(items) : null; var html = ""; for (var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var hasPrimaryImage = item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags.Primary; var showText = options.showTitle || !hasPrimaryImage; var cssClass = showText ? "posterViewItem" : "posterViewItem posterViewItemWithNoText"; html += "
"; if (options.preferBackdrop && item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else if (hasPrimaryImage) { var height = 300; var width = primaryImageAspectRatio ? parseInt(height * primaryImageAspectRatio) : null; html += ""; } else if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { html += ""; } else { html += ""; } if (showText) { html += "
"; html += item.Name; html += "
"; } if (options.showNewIndicator !== false) { html += LibraryBrowser.getNewIndicatorHtml(item); } html += "
"; } return html; }, shouldDisplayGallery: function (item) { var imageTags = item.ImageTags || {}; if (imageTags.Banner) { return true; } if (imageTags.Logo) { return true; } if (imageTags.Thumb) { return true; } if (imageTags.Art) { return true; } if (imageTags.Menu) { return true; } if (imageTags.Disc) { return true; } if (imageTags.Box) { return true; } if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { return true; } if (item.ScreenshotImageTags && item.ScreenshotImageTags.length) { return true; } return false; }, getGalleryHtml: function (item) { var html = ''; var i, length; var imageTags = item.ImageTags || {}; if (imageTags.Banner) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Banner", imageTags.Banner); } if (imageTags.Logo) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Logo", imageTags.Logo); } if (imageTags.Thumb) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Thumb", imageTags.Thumb); } if (imageTags.Art) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Art", imageTags.Art); } if (imageTags.Menu) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Menu", imageTags.Menu); } if (imageTags.Disc) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Disc", imageTags.Disc); } if (imageTags.Box) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Box", imageTags.Box); } if (item.BackdropImageTags) { for (i = 0, length = item.BackdropImageTags.length; i < length; i++) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Backdrop", item.BackdropImageTags[i], i); } } if (item.ScreenshotImageTags) { for (i = 0, length = item.ScreenshotImageTags.length; i < length; i++) { html += LibraryBrowser.createGalleryImage(item.Id, "Screenshot", item.ScreenshotImageTags[i], i); } } return html; }, createGalleryImage: function (itemId, type, tag, index) { var downloadWidth = 400; var lightboxWidth = 800; var html = ''; if (typeof (index) == "undefined") index = 0; html += '
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'; html += 'Close'; html += ''; html += '
'; return html; }, createCastImage: function (cast) { var html = ''; var role = cast.Role || cast.Type; html += ''; html += '
'; if (cast.PrimaryImageTag) { var imgUrl = ApiClient.getPersonImageUrl(cast.Name, { width: 185, tag: cast.PrimaryImageTag, type: "primary" }); html += ''; } else { var style = "background-color:" + LibraryBrowser.getMetroColor(cast.Name) + ";"; html += ''; } html += '
' + cast.Name + '
'; html += '
' + role + '
'; html += '
'; return html; } }; })(window, jQuery);