define(['appStorage', 'browser'], function (appStorage, browser) { function getDeviceProfile() { // TODO return null; } function getCapabilities() { var caps = { PlayableMediaTypes: ['Audio', 'Video'], SupportsPersistentIdentifier: false, DeviceProfile: getDeviceProfile() }; return caps; } function generateDeviceId() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { require(["cryptojs-sha1"], function () { var keys = []; keys.push(navigator.userAgent); keys.push(new Date().getTime()); resolve(CryptoJS.SHA1(keys.join('|')).toString()); }); }); } function getDeviceId() { var key = '_deviceId2'; var deviceId = appStorage.getItem(key); if (deviceId) { return Promise.resolve(deviceId); } else { return generateDeviceId().then(function (deviceId) { appStorage.setItem(key, deviceId); return deviceId; }); } } function getDeviceName() { var deviceName; if (browser.tizen) { deviceName = "Samsung Smart TV"; } else if (browser.web0S) { deviceName = "LG Smart TV"; } else if (browser.operaTv) { deviceName = "Opera TV"; } else if (browser.xboxOne) { deviceName = "Xbox One"; } else if (browser.ps4) { deviceName = "Sony PS4"; } else if ( { deviceName = "Chrome"; } else if (browser.edge) { deviceName = "Edge"; } else if (browser.firefox) { deviceName = "Firefox"; } else if (browser.msie) { deviceName = "Internet Explorer"; } else { deviceName = "Web Browser"; } if (browser.version) { deviceName += " " + browser.version; } if (browser.ipad) { deviceName += " Ipad"; } else if (browser.iphone) { deviceName += " Iphone"; } else if ( { deviceName += " Android"; } return deviceName; } function supportsVoiceInput() { if ( { return false; } return window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition || window.mozSpeechRecognition || window.oSpeechRecognition || window.msSpeechRecognition; } function supportsFullscreen() { if ( { return false; }; var element = document.documentElement; return element.requestFullscreen || element.mozRequestFullScreen || element.webkitRequestFullscreen || element.msRequestFullscreen; } var supportedFeatures = function () { var features = [ 'filedownload', 'sharing', 'externalpremium' ]; if (browser.operaTv || browser.tizen || browser.web0s) { features.push('exit'); } else { features.push('exitmenu'); } if (!browser.operaTv) { features.push('externallinks'); } if (supportsVoiceInput()) { features.push('voiceinput'); } if (! || browser.edgeUwp) { features.push('htmlaudioautoplay'); features.push('htmlvideoautoplay'); } if (window.SyncRegistered) { //features.push('sync'); } if (supportsFullscreen()) { features.push('fullscreen'); } if (!browser.slow) { features.push('imageanalysis'); } return features; }(); var appInfo; var version = window.dashboardVersion || '3.0'; return { dvrFeatureCode: Dashboard.isConnectMode() ? 'dvr' : 'dvrl', getWindowState: function () { return document.windowState || 'Normal'; }, setWindowState: function (state) { alert('setWindowState is not supported and should not be called'); }, exit: function () { if (browser.tizen) { try { tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().exit(); } catch (err) { console.log('error closing application: ' + err); } return; } window.close(); }, supports: function (command) { return supportedFeatures.indexOf(command.toLowerCase()) != -1; }, unlockedFeatures: function () { var features = []; features.push('playback'); return features; }, appInfo: function () { if (appInfo) { return Promise.resolve(appInfo); } return getDeviceId().then(function (deviceId) { appInfo = { deviceId: deviceId, deviceName: getDeviceName(), appName: 'Emby Mobile', appVersion: version }; return appInfo; }); }, capabilities: getCapabilities, moreIcon: browser.safari || browser.edge ? 'dots-horiz' : 'dots-vert' }; });