define([], function () { function isTv() { // This is going to be really difficult to get right var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (userAgent.indexOf('tv') != -1) { return true; } if (userAgent.indexOf('samsungbrowser') != -1) { return true; } if (userAgent.indexOf('nintendo') != -1) { return true; } if (userAgent.indexOf('viera') != -1) { return true; } if (userAgent.indexOf('webos') != -1) { return true; } return false; } function isStyleSupported(prop, value) { // If no value is supplied, use "inherit" value = arguments.length === 2 ? value : 'inherit'; // Try the native standard method first if ('CSS' in window && 'supports' in window.CSS) { return window.CSS.supports(prop, value); } // Check Opera's native method if ('supportsCSS' in window) { return window.supportsCSS(prop, value); } // need try/catch because it's failing on tizen try { // Convert to camel-case for DOM interactions var camel = prop.replace(/-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig, function (all, letter) { return (letter + '').toUpperCase(); }); // Check if the property is supported var support = (camel in; // Create test element var el = document.createElement('div'); // Assign the property and value to invoke // the CSS interpreter = prop + ':' + value; // Ensure both the property and value are // supported and return return support && ([camel] !== ''); } catch (err) { return false; } } var uaMatch = function (ua) { ua = ua.toLowerCase(); var match = /(edge)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opr)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(firefox)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || []; var platform_match = /(ipad)/.exec(ua) || /(iphone)/.exec(ua) || /(android)/.exec(ua) || []; var browser = match[1] || ""; if (browser == "edge") { platform_match = [""]; } else { if (ua.indexOf("windows phone") != -1 || ua.indexOf("iemobile") != -1) { // browser = "msie"; } else if (ua.indexOf("like gecko") != -1 && ua.indexOf('webkit') == -1 && ua.indexOf('opera') == -1 && ua.indexOf('chrome') == -1 && ua.indexOf('safari') == -1) { browser = "msie"; } } if (browser == 'opr') { browser = 'opera'; } return { browser: browser, version: match[2] || "0", platform: platform_match[0] || "" }; }; var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var matched = uaMatch(userAgent); var browser = {}; if (matched.browser) { browser[matched.browser] = true; browser.version = matched.version; } if (matched.platform) { browser[matched.platform] = true; } if (! && !browser.msie && !browser.edge && !browser.opera && userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webkit") != -1) { browser.safari = true; } if (userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("playstation 4") != -1) { browser.ps4 = true; = true; } if (userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mobi") != -1) { = true; } browser.xboxOne = userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('xbox') != -1; browser.animate = document.documentElement.animate != null; browser.tizen = userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('tizen') != -1 || userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('smarthub') != -1; browser.web0s = userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('Web0S'.toLowerCase()) != -1; = isTv(); browser.operaTv = && userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opr/') != -1; if (!isStyleSupported('display', 'flex')) { browser.noFlex = true; } //browser.noFlex = ( && ! && !browser.operaTv) || browser.ps4; return browser; });