/* Now playing bar */ .nowPlayingBar { border-top: 1px solid #444; text-align: center; /*box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(255,255,255,.4);*/ } .hiddenNowPlayingBar .nowPlayingBar { display: none !important; } .mediaButton, .nowPlayingBarUserDataButtons .btnUserItemRating { vertical-align: middle; color: #e8e8e8; margin: 0; text-align: center; } .mediaButton { height: 40px; width: 40px; } .mediaButton.remoteControlButton, .mediaButton.muteButton, .mediaButton.unmuteButton { height: 26px; } .nowPlayingDoubleText { top: -3px; } .nowPlayingBarInfoContainer { vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; } .nowPlayingImage { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 1em; } .nowPlayingImage img { vertical-align: bottom; } .nowPlayingBar, .nowPlayingImage img { height: 80px; } .nowPlayingBarText { display: inline-block; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; font-size: 15px; max-width: 130px; } .toggleRepeatButton { height: 32px; } .repeatActive { color: #52B54B; } @media (min-width: 500px) { .nowPlayingBarText { max-width: 180px; } } @media (min-width: 600px) { .nowPlayingBarText { max-width: 200px; } } @media (min-width: 700px) { .nowPlayingBarText { max-width: 240px; } } @media (min-width: 800px) { .nowPlayingBarText { max-width: 300px; margin-right: 30px; } } @media (min-width: 900px) { .nowPlayingBarText { max-width: 400px; } } .nowPlayingBarCenter { vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; margin-top: 12px; position: relative; /* Need this to make sure it's on top of nowPlayingBarPositionContainer so that buttons are fully clickable */ z-index: 2; } .nowPlayingBarPositionContainer { position: absolute; left: 80px; top: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1; } .noMediaProgress .nowPlayingBarPositionContainer { display: none; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider paper-progress { height: 3px !important; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #sliderBar { top: 0; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #sliderContainer { width: 100%; margin-left: -15px; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #sliderKnob { top: -15px !important; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #progressContainer { background-color: transparent !important; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #sliderKnobInner { width: 14px; height: 14px; } .nowPlayingBarRight { position: absolute; bottom: 12px; right: 10px; vertical-align: middle; /* Need this to make sure it's on top of nowPlayingBarPositionContainer so that buttons are fully clickable */ z-index: 2; } .mediaButton img { height: 24px; } .nowPlayingBarCurrentTime { vertical-align: middle; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; display: inline-block; margin: 0 auto; padding-left: 50px; } .nowPlayingBarVolumeSlider { margin-left: -1em; } .nowPlayingBarUserDataButtons { display: inline-block; margin-left: 2em; margin-right: 2em; } @media all and (max-width: 1300px) { .nowPlayingBarUserDataButtons { display: none; } } @media all and (max-width: 1000px) { .nowPlayingBarVolumeSlider, .nowPlayingBar .muteButton, .nowPlayingBar .unmuteButton { display: none !important; } .nowPlayingBar .playlistButton { display: none !important; } .nowPlayingBarRight { bottom: 18px; } } @media all and (max-width: 800px) { .nowPlayingBarCurrentTime { padding-left: 0; top: 12px; right: 130px; position: absolute; } .nowPlayingBarCenter > *:not(.nowPlayingBarCurrentTime) { display: none !important; } .nowPlayingBarRight { bottom: 10px; } .nowPlayingBar, .nowPlayingImage img { height: 70px; } .nowPlayingBarPositionContainer { left: 70px; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider paper-progress { height: 3px !important; } .nowPlayingBarPositionSlider #sliderKnob { top: -15px !important; } .toggleRepeatButton { display: none; } } @media all and (min-width: 800px) { .nowPlayingBarRight .pauseButton { display: none; } .nowPlayingBarRight .unpauseButton { display: none; } } @media all and (max-width: 600px) { .nowPlayingBarCurrentTime { display: none; } }