define(['appSettings', 'datetime', 'jQuery', 'actionsheet', 'emby-slider', 'emby-button'], function (appSettings, datetime, $, actionsheet) { function getDeviceProfile(serverAddress, deviceId, item, startPositionTicks, maxBitrate, mediaSourceId, audioStreamIndex, subtitleStreamIndex) { var bitrateSetting = appSettings.maxStreamingBitrate(); var profile = {}; profile.MaxStreamingBitrate = bitrateSetting; profile.MaxStaticBitrate = 100000000; profile.MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate = 192000; profile.DirectPlayProfiles = []; profile.DirectPlayProfiles.push({ Container: 'm4v,3gp,ts,mpegts,mov,xvid,vob,mkv,wmv,asf,ogm,ogv,m2v,avi,mpg,mpeg,mp4,webm,wtv,dvr-ms', Type: 'Video' }); profile.DirectPlayProfiles.push({ Container: 'aac,mp3,mpa,wav,wma,mp2,ogg,oga,webma,ape,opus,flac', Type: 'Audio' }); profile.TranscodingProfiles = []; profile.TranscodingProfiles.push({ Container: 'mkv', Type: 'Video', AudioCodec: 'aac,mp3,ac3', VideoCodec: 'h264', Context: 'Streaming' }); profile.TranscodingProfiles.push({ Container: 'mp3', Type: 'Audio', AudioCodec: 'mp3', Context: 'Streaming', Protocol: 'http' }); profile.ContainerProfiles = []; profile.CodecProfiles = []; // Subtitle profiles // External vtt or burn in profile.SubtitleProfiles = []; profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'srt', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'subrip', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'ass', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'ssa', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'pgs', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'pgssub', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'dvdsub', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'vtt', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'sub', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'idx', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.SubtitleProfiles.push({ Format: 'smi', Method: 'Embed' }); profile.ResponseProfiles = []; return profile; } var currentMediaSource; var currentItem; var basePlayerState; var progressInterval; function getVideoStreamInfo(item) { var deviceProfile = getDeviceProfile(); var startPosition = 0; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { MediaPlayer.tryStartPlayback(deviceProfile, item, startPosition, function (mediaSource) { playInternalPostMediaSourceSelection(item, mediaSource, startPosition).then(resolve); }); }); } function playInternalPostMediaSourceSelection(item, mediaSource, startPosition) { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); currentItem = item; currentMediaSource = mediaSource; basePlayerState = { PlayState: { } }; return MediaPlayer.createStreamInfo('Video', item, mediaSource, startPosition).then(function (streamInfo) { var currentSrc = streamInfo.url; var audioStreamIndex = getParameterByName('AudioStreamIndex', currentSrc); if (audioStreamIndex) { basePlayerState.PlayState.AudioStreamIndex = parseInt(audioStreamIndex); } basePlayerState.PlayState.SubtitleStreamIndex = self.currentSubtitleStreamIndex; basePlayerState.PlayState.PlayMethod = getParameterByName('static', currentSrc) == 'true' ? 'DirectStream' : 'Transcode'; basePlayerState.PlayState.LiveStreamId = getParameterByName('LiveStreamId', currentSrc); basePlayerState.PlayState.PlaySessionId = getParameterByName('PlaySessionId', currentSrc); basePlayerState.PlayState.MediaSourceId = mediaSource.Id; basePlayerState.PlayState.CanSeek = false; basePlayerState.NowPlayingItem = MediaPlayer.getNowPlayingItemForReporting(item, mediaSource); return streamInfo; }); } function getPlayerState(positionTicks) { var state = basePlayerState; state.PlayState.PositionTicks = Math.round(positionTicks); return state; } function onPlaybackStart() { var state = getPlayerState(); var info = { ItemId: state.NowPlayingItem.Id, NowPlayingItem: state.NowPlayingItem }; info = $.extend(info, state.PlayState); ApiClient.reportPlaybackStart(info); // This is really just a ping to let the server know we're still playing progressInterval = setInterval(function () { onPlaybackProgress(null); }, 10000); showPostPlayMenu(currentItem); } function onPlaybackProgress(positionTicks) { var state = getPlayerState(positionTicks); var info = { ItemId: state.NowPlayingItem.Id, NowPlayingItem: state.NowPlayingItem }; info = $.extend(info, state.PlayState); ApiClient.reportPlaybackProgress(info); } function onPlaybackStopped(positionTicks) { var state = getPlayerState(positionTicks); var stopInfo = { ItemId: state.NowPlayingItem.Id, MediaSourceId: state.PlayState.MediaSourceId, PositionTicks: state.PlayState.PositionTicks }; if (state.PlayState.LiveStreamId) { stopInfo.LiveStreamId = state.PlayState.LiveStreamId; } if (state.PlayState.PlaySessionId) { stopInfo.PlaySessionId = state.PlayState.PlaySessionId; } if (progressInterval) { clearInterval(progressInterval); progressInterval = null; } // Make sure this is after progress reports have stopped setTimeout(function () { ApiClient.reportPlaybackStopped(stopInfo); }, 1000); } function showPostPlayMenu(item) { require(['jqmpopup', 'jqmlistview'], function () { $('.externalPlayerPostPlayFlyout').popup("close").remove(); var html = '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; var autoMarkWatched = item.RunTimeTicks; if (item.RunTimeTicks && item.RunTimeTicks >= 3000000000) { autoMarkWatched = false; html += ''; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

' + Globalize.translate('LabelResumePoint') + '

'; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; } html += ''; html += '
'; html += '
'; $(document.body).append(html); var elem = $('.externalPlayerPostPlayFlyout').popup({}).trigger('create').popup("open").on("popupafterclose", function () { $(this).off("popupafterclose").remove(); })[0]; $('#selectMarkAs', elem).on('change', function () { if (this.value == '2') { elem.querySelector('.fldResumePoint').classList.remove('hide'); } else { elem.querySelector('.fldResumePoint').classList.add('hide'); } }).trigger('change'); $('.btnDone', elem).on('click', function () { var position = 0; var playstateOption = $('#selectMarkAs', elem).val(); if (playstateOption == '2') { var pct = $(".playstateSlider", elem).val(); var ticks = item.RunTimeTicks * (Number(pct) * .01); position = ticks; } else if (autoMarkWatched || playstateOption == '0') { position = currentMediaSource.RunTimeTicks; } else if (playstateOption == '1') { position = 0; } onPlaybackStopped(position); $('.externalPlayerPostPlayFlyout').popup("close").remove(); }); $(".playstateSlider", elem).on("change", function (e) { var pct = $(this).val(); var time = item.RunTimeTicks * (Number(pct) * .01); var tooltext = datetime.getDisplayRunningTime(time); $('.sliderValue', elem).html(tooltext); }); }); } function showMenuForItem(item, players) {{ items: players }).then(function (id) { var player = players.filter(function (p) { return == id; })[0]; if (player) {, '_blank'); onPlaybackStart(); } }); } function showPlayMenu(itemId) { var userId = Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(); ApiClient.getItem(userId, itemId).then(function (item) { getVideoStreamInfo(item).then(function (streamInfo) { setTimeout(function () { ExternalPlayer.showPlayerSelectionMenu(item, streamInfo.url, streamInfo.mimeType); }, 500); }); }); } function getExternalPlayers(url, mimeType) { var players = [ { name: 'Vlc', url: 'vlc://' + url, id: 'vlc', ironIcon: 'airplay' } ]; return Promise.resolve(players); } function showPlayerSelectionMenu(item, url, mimeType) { ExternalPlayer.getExternalPlayers(url, mimeType).then(function (players) { showMenuForItem(item, players); }); } window.ExternalPlayer = { showMenu: showPlayMenu, onPlaybackStart: onPlaybackStart, getExternalPlayers: getExternalPlayers, showPlayerSelectionMenu: showPlayerSelectionMenu }; });