define(['dialogHelper', 'inputManager', 'connectionManager', 'layoutManager', 'focusManager', 'apphost', 'css!./style', 'html!./icons', 'iron-icon-set', 'paper-icon-button-light', 'paper-spinner'], function (dialogHelper, inputmanager, connectionManager, layoutManager, focusManager, appHost) { function getImageUrl(item, options, apiClient) { options = options || {}; options.type = options.type || "Primary"; if (typeof (item) === 'string') { return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item, options); } if (item.ImageTags && item.ImageTags[options.type]) { options.tag = item.ImageTags[options.type]; return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.Id, options); } if (options.type == 'Primary') { if (item.AlbumId && item.AlbumPrimaryImageTag) { options.tag = item.AlbumPrimaryImageTag; return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.AlbumId, options); } //else if (item.AlbumId && item.SeriesPrimaryImageTag) { // imgUrl = ApiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.SeriesId, { // type: "Primary", // width: downloadWidth, // tag: item.SeriesPrimaryImageTag, // minScale: minScale // }); //} //else if (item.ParentPrimaryImageTag) { // imgUrl = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.ParentPrimaryImageItemId, { // type: "Primary", // width: downloadWidth, // tag: item.ParentPrimaryImageTag, // minScale: minScale // }); //} } return null; } function getBackdropImageUrl(item, options, apiClient) { options = options || {}; options.type = options.type || "Backdrop"; options.width = null; delete options.width; options.maxWidth = null; delete options.maxWidth; options.maxHeight = null; delete options.maxHeight; options.height = null; delete options.height; // If not resizing, get the original image if (!options.maxWidth && !options.width && !options.maxHeight && !options.height) { options.quality = 100; } if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { options.tag = item.BackdropImageTags[0]; return apiClient.getScaledImageUrl(item.Id, options); } return null; } function getImgUrl(item, original) { var apiClient = connectionManager.getApiClient(item.ServerId); var imageOptions = {}; if (!original) { imageOptions.maxWidth = screen.availWidth; } if (item.BackdropImageTags && item.BackdropImageTags.length) { return getBackdropImageUrl(item, imageOptions, apiClient); } else { if (item.MediaType == 'Photo' && original) { return apiClient.getUrl("Items/" + item.Id + "/Download", { api_key: apiClient.accessToken() }); } imageOptions.type = "Primary"; return getImageUrl(item, imageOptions, apiClient); } } function getIcon(icon, cssClass, canFocus, autoFocus) { var tabIndex = canFocus ? '' : ' tabindex="-1"'; autoFocus = autoFocus ? ' autofocus' : ''; return ''; } return function (options) { var self = this; var swiperInstance; var dlg; var currentTimeout; var currentIntervalMs; var currentOptions; var currentIndex; function createElements(options) { dlg = dialogHelper.createDialog({ exitAnimationDuration: options.interactive ? 400 : 800, size: 'fullscreen', autoFocus: false }); dlg.classList.add('slideshowDialog'); var html = ''; if (options.interactive) { var actionButtonsOnTop =; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += getIcon('slideshow:keyboard-arrow-left', 'btnSlideshowPrevious slideshowButton', false); html += getIcon('slideshow:keyboard-arrow-right', 'btnSlideshowNext slideshowButton', false); html += '
'; if (actionButtonsOnTop) { if (appHost.supports('filedownload')) { html += getIcon('slideshow:file-download', 'btnDownload slideshowButton', true); } if (appHost.supports('sharing')) { html += getIcon('slideshow:share', 'btnShare slideshowButton', true); } } html += getIcon('slideshow:close', 'slideshowButton btnSlideshowExit', false); html += '
'; if (!actionButtonsOnTop) { html += '
'; html += getIcon('slideshow:pause', 'btnSlideshowPause slideshowButton', true, true); if (appHost.supports('filedownload')) { html += getIcon('slideshow:file-download', 'btnDownload slideshowButton', true); } if (appHost.supports('sharing')) { html += getIcon('slideshow:share', 'btnShare slideshowButton', true); } html += '
'; } html += '
'; } else { html += '

'; } dlg.innerHTML = html; if (options.interactive) { dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowExit').addEventListener('click', function (e) { dialogHelper.close(dlg); }); dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowNext').addEventListener('click', nextImage); dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPrevious').addEventListener('click', previousImage); var btnPause = dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPause'); if (btnPause) { btnPause.addEventListener('click', playPause); } var btnDownload = dlg.querySelector('.btnDownload'); if (btnDownload) { btnDownload.addEventListener('click', download); } var btnShare = dlg.querySelector('.btnShare'); if (btnShare) { btnShare.addEventListener('click', share); } } document.body.appendChild(dlg); () { stopInterval(); dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); }); inputmanager.on(window, onInputCommand); document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); dlg.addEventListener('close', onDialogClosed); if (options.interactive) { loadSwiper(dlg); } } function loadSwiper(dlg) { if (currentOptions.slides) { dlg.querySelector('.swiper-wrapper').innerHTML =''); } else { dlg.querySelector('.swiper-wrapper').innerHTML =''); } require(['swiper'], function (swiper) { swiperInstance = new Swiper(dlg.querySelector('.slideshowSwiperContainer'), { // Optional parameters direction: 'horizontal', loop: options.loop !== false, autoplay: options.interval || 8000, // Disable preloading of all images preloadImages: false, // Enable lazy loading lazyLoading: true, autoplayDisableOnInteraction: false, initialSlide: options.startIndex || 0 }); swiperInstance.on('onLazyImageLoad', onSlideChangeStart); swiperInstance.on('onLazyImageReady', onSlideChangeEnd); if ( { pause(); } else { play(); } }); } function getSwiperSlideHtmlFromItem(item) { return getSwiperSlideHtmlFromSlide({ imageUrl: getImgUrl(item), originalImage: getImgUrl(item, true), //title: item.Name, //description: item.Overview Id: item.Id, ServerId: item.ServerId }); } function onSlideChangeStart(swiper, slide, image) { var spinner = slide.querySelector('paper-spinner'); if (spinner) { = true; } } function onSlideChangeEnd(swiper, slide, image) { var spinner = slide.querySelector('paper-spinner'); if (spinner) { = false; // Remove it because in IE it might just keep in spinning forever spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner); } } function getSwiperSlideHtmlFromSlide(item) { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += ''; html += ''; if (item.title || item.subtitle) { html += '
'; html += '
'; if (item.title) { html += '
'; html += item.title; html += '
'; } if (item.description) { html += '
'; html += item.description; html += '
'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; } html += '
'; return html; } function previousImage() { if (swiperInstance) { swiperInstance.slidePrev(); } else { stopInterval(); showNextImage(currentIndex - 1); } } function nextImage() { if (swiperInstance) { if (options.loop === false) { if (swiperInstance.activeIndex >= swiperInstance.slides.length - 1) { dialogHelper.close(dlg); return; } } swiperInstance.slideNext(); } else { stopInterval(); showNextImage(currentIndex + 1); } } function getCurrentImageInfo() { if (swiperInstance) { var slide = document.querySelector('.swiper-slide-active'); if (slide) { return { url: slide.getAttribute('data-original'), itemId: slide.getAttribute('data-itemid'), serverId: slide.getAttribute('data-serverid') }; } return null; } else { return null; } } function download() { var imageInfo = getCurrentImageInfo(); require(['fileDownloader'], function (fileDownloader) {[imageInfo]); }); } function share() { var imageInfo = getCurrentImageInfo(); require(['sharingmanager'], function (sharingManager) { sharingManager.showMenu(imageInfo); }); } function play() { var btnSlideshowPause = dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPause iron-icon'); if (btnSlideshowPause) { btnSlideshowPause.icon = "slideshow:pause"; } swiperInstance.startAutoplay(); } function pause() { var btnSlideshowPause = dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPause iron-icon'); if (btnSlideshowPause) { btnSlideshowPause.icon = "slideshow:play-arrow"; } swiperInstance.stopAutoplay(); } function playPause() { var paused = dlg.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPause iron-icon').icon != "slideshow:pause"; if (paused) { play(); } else { pause(); } } function onDialogClosed() { var swiper = swiperInstance; if (swiper) {'onLazyImageLoad');'onLazyImageReady'); swiper.destroy(true, true); swiperInstance = null; }, onInputCommand); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); } function startInterval(options) { currentOptions = options; stopInterval(); createElements(options); if (!options.interactive) { currentIntervalMs = options.interval || 8000; showNextImage(options.startIndex || 0, true); } } var _osdOpen = false; function isOsdOpen() { return _osdOpen; } function getOsdBottom() { return dlg.querySelector('.slideshowBottomBar'); } function showOsd() { var bottom = getOsdBottom(); if (bottom) { slideUpToShow(bottom); startHideTimer(); } } function hideOsd() { var bottom = getOsdBottom(); if (bottom) { slideDownToHide(bottom); } } var hideTimeout; function startHideTimer() { stopHideTimer(); hideTimeout = setTimeout(hideOsd, 4000); } function stopHideTimer() { if (hideTimeout) { clearTimeout(hideTimeout); hideTimeout = null; } } function slideUpToShow(elem) { if (!elem.classList.contains('hide')) { return; } _osdOpen = true; elem.classList.remove('hide'); requestAnimationFrame(function () { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'translate3d(0,' + elem.offsetHeight + 'px,0)', opacity: '.3', offset: 0 }, { transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)', opacity: '1', offset: 1 }]; var timing = { duration: 300, iterations: 1, easing: 'ease-out' }; elem.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = function () { focusManager.focus(elem.querySelector('.btnSlideshowPause')); }; }); } function slideDownToHide(elem) { if (elem.classList.contains('hide')) { return; } requestAnimationFrame(function () { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'translate3d(0,0,0)', opacity: '1', offset: 0 }, { transform: 'translate3d(0,' + elem.offsetHeight + 'px,0)', opacity: '.3', offset: 1 }]; var timing = { duration: 300, iterations: 1, easing: 'ease-out' }; elem.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = function () { elem.classList.add('hide'); _osdOpen = false; }; }); } var lastMouseMoveData; function onMouseMove(e) { var eventX = e.screenX || 0; var eventY = e.screenY || 0; var obj = lastMouseMoveData; if (!obj) { lastMouseMoveData = { x: eventX, y: eventY }; return; } // if coord are same, it didn't move if (Math.abs(eventX - obj.x) < 10 && Math.abs(eventY - obj.y) < 10) { return; } obj.x = eventX; obj.y = eventY; showOsd(); } function onInputCommand(e) { switch (e.detail.command) { case 'left': if (!isOsdOpen()) { e.preventDefault(); previousImage(); } break; case 'right': if (!isOsdOpen()) { e.preventDefault(); nextImage(); } break; case 'up': case 'down': case 'select': case 'menu': case 'info': case 'play': case 'playpause': case 'pause': case 'fastforward': case 'rewind': case 'next': case 'previous': showOsd(); break; default: break; } } function showNextImage(index, skipPreload) { index = Math.max(0, index); if (index >= currentOptions.items.length) { index = 0; } currentIndex = index; var options = currentOptions; var items = options.items; var item = items[index]; var imgUrl = getImgUrl(item); var onSrcLoaded = function () { var cardImageContainer = dlg.querySelector('.slideshowImage'); var newCardImageContainer = document.createElement('div'); newCardImageContainer.className = cardImageContainer.className; if (options.cover) { newCardImageContainer.classList.add('cover'); } = "url('" + imgUrl + "')"; newCardImageContainer.classList.add('hide'); cardImageContainer.parentNode.appendChild(newCardImageContainer); if (options.showTitle) { dlg.querySelector('.slideshowImageText').innerHTML = item.Name; } else { dlg.querySelector('.slideshowImageText').innerHTML = ''; } newCardImageContainer.classList.remove('hide'); var onAnimationFinished = function () { var parentNode = cardImageContainer.parentNode; if (parentNode) { parentNode.removeChild(cardImageContainer); } }; if (newCardImageContainer.animate) { var keyframes = [ { opacity: '0', offset: 0 }, { opacity: '1', offset: 1 }]; var timing = { duration: 1200, iterations: 1 }; newCardImageContainer.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = onAnimationFinished; } else { onAnimationFinished(); } stopInterval(); currentTimeout = setTimeout(function () { showNextImage(index + 1, true); }, currentIntervalMs); }; if (!skipPreload) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = onSrcLoaded; img.src = imgUrl; } else { onSrcLoaded(); } } function stopInterval() { if (currentTimeout) { clearTimeout(currentTimeout); currentTimeout = null; } } = function () { startInterval(options); }; self.hide = function () { var dialog = dlg; if (dialog) { dialogHelper.close(dialog); } }; } });