(function ($, window, undefined) { var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/; $.extend($.mobile, { // Namespace used framework-wide for data-attrs. Default is no namespace // Retrieve an attribute from an element and perform some massaging of the value getAttribute: function (element, key) { var data; element = element.jquery ? element[0] : element; if (element && element.getAttribute) { data = element.getAttribute("data-" + key); } // Copied from core's src/data.js:dataAttr() // Convert from a string to a proper data type try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test(data) ? JSON.parse(data) : data; } catch (err) { } return data; } }); })(jQuery, this); (function ($, undefined) { /*! * jQuery UI Core c0ab71056b936627e8a7821f03c044aec6280a40 * http://jqueryui.com * * Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://api.jqueryui.com/category/ui-core/ */ (function ($, undefined) { // $.ui might exist from components with no dependencies, e.g., $.ui.position $.ui = $.ui || {}; $.extend($.ui, { version: "c0ab71056b936627e8a7821f03c044aec6280a40", keyCode: { BACKSPACE: 8, COMMA: 188, DELETE: 46, DOWN: 40, END: 35, ENTER: 13, ESCAPE: 27, HOME: 36, LEFT: 37, PAGE_DOWN: 34, PAGE_UP: 33, PERIOD: 190, RIGHT: 39, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9, UP: 38 } }); // deprecated $.ui.ie = !!/msie [\w.]+/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); })(jQuery); $.widget("mobile.slider", $.extend({ initSelector: "input[type='range']:not([data-role='none'])", widgetEventPrefix: "slide", options: { theme: null, trackTheme: null, corners: true, mini: false, highlight: false }, _create: function () { // TODO: Each of these should have comments explain what they're for var self = this, control = this.element, trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme || $.mobile.getAttribute(control[0], "theme"), trackThemeClass = trackTheme ? " ui-bar-" + trackTheme : " ui-bar-inherit", cornerClass = (this.options.corners || control.data("corners")) ? " ui-corner-all" : "", miniClass = (this.options.mini || control.data("mini")) ? " ui-mini" : "", cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), isToggleSwitch = (cType === "select"), isRangeslider = control.parent().is(":jqmData(role='rangeslider')"), selectClass = (isToggleSwitch) ? "ui-slider-switch" : "", controlID = control.attr("id"), $label = $("[for='" + controlID + "']"), labelID = $label.attr("id") || controlID + "-label", min = !isToggleSwitch ? parseFloat(control.attr("min")) : 0, max = !isToggleSwitch ? parseFloat(control.attr("max")) : control.find("option").length - 1, step = window.parseFloat(control.attr("step") || 1), domHandle = document.createElement("a"), handle = $(domHandle), domSlider = document.createElement("div"), slider = $(domSlider), valuebg = this.options.highlight && !isToggleSwitch ? (function () { var bg = document.createElement("div"); bg.className = "ui-slider-bg " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass; return $(bg).prependTo(slider); })() : false, options, wrapper, j, length, i, optionsCount, origTabIndex, side, activeClass, sliderImg; $label.attr("id", labelID); this.isToggleSwitch = isToggleSwitch; domHandle.setAttribute("href", "#"); domSlider.setAttribute("role", "application"); domSlider.className = [this.isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset " : "ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset ", selectClass, trackThemeClass, cornerClass, miniClass].join(""); domHandle.className = "ui-slider-handle"; domSlider.appendChild(domHandle); handle.attr({ "role": "slider", "aria-valuemin": min, "aria-valuemax": max, "aria-valuenow": this._value(), "aria-valuetext": this._value(), "title": this._value(), "aria-labelledby": labelID }); $.extend(this, { slider: slider, handle: handle, control: control, type: cType, step: step, max: max, min: min, valuebg: valuebg, isRangeslider: isRangeslider, dragging: false, beforeStart: null, userModified: false, mouseMoved: false }); if (isToggleSwitch) { // TODO: restore original tabindex (if any) in a destroy method origTabIndex = control.attr("tabindex"); if (origTabIndex) { handle.attr("tabindex", origTabIndex); } control.attr("tabindex", "-1").focus(function () { $(this).blur(); handle.focus(); }); wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.className = "ui-slider-inneroffset"; for (j = 0, length = domSlider.childNodes.length; j < length; j++) { wrapper.appendChild(domSlider.childNodes[j]); } domSlider.appendChild(wrapper); // slider.wrapInner( "
" ); // make the handle move with a smooth transition handle.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"); options = control.find("option"); for (i = 0, optionsCount = options.length; i < optionsCount; i++) { side = !i ? "b" : "a"; activeClass = !i ? "" : " " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass; sliderImg = document.createElement("span"); sliderImg.className = ["ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-", side, activeClass].join(""); sliderImg.setAttribute("role", "img"); sliderImg.appendChild(document.createTextNode(options[i].innerHTML)); $(sliderImg).prependTo(slider); } self._labels = $(".ui-slider-label", slider); } // monitor the input for updated values control.addClass(isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider-switch" : "ui-slider-input"); this._on(control, { "change": "_controlChange", "keyup": "_controlKeyup", "blur": "_controlBlur", "mouseup": "_controlVMouseUp" }); slider.bind("mousedown", $.proxy(this._sliderVMouseDown, this)) .bind("click", false); // We have to instantiate a new function object for the unbind to work properly // since the method itself is defined in the prototype (causing it to unbind everything) this._on(document, { "mousemove": "_preventDocumentDrag" }); this._on(slider.add(document), { "mouseup": "_sliderVMouseUp" }); slider.insertAfter(control); // wrap in a div for styling purposes if (!isToggleSwitch && !isRangeslider) { wrapper = this.options.mini ? "
" : "
"; control.add(slider).wrapAll(wrapper); } // bind the handle event callbacks and set the context to the widget instance this._on(this.handle, { "mousedown": "_handleVMouseDown", "keydown": "_handleKeydown", "keyup": "_handleKeyup" }); this.handle.bind("click", false); //this._handleFormReset(); this.refresh(undefined, undefined, true); }, _setOptions: function (options) { if (options.theme !== undefined) { this._setTheme(options.theme); } if (options.trackTheme !== undefined) { this._setTrackTheme(options.trackTheme); } if (options.corners !== undefined) { this._setCorners(options.corners); } if (options.mini !== undefined) { this._setMini(options.mini); } if (options.highlight !== undefined) { this._setHighlight(options.highlight); } if (options.disabled !== undefined) { this._setDisabled(options.disabled); } this._super(options); }, _controlChange: function (event) { // if the user dragged the handle, the "change" event was triggered from inside refresh(); don't call refresh() again if (this._trigger("controlchange", event) === false) { return false; } if (!this.mouseMoved) { this.refresh(this._value(), true); } }, _controlKeyup: function (/* event */) { // necessary? this.refresh(this._value(), true, true); }, _controlBlur: function (/* event */) { this.refresh(this._value(), true); }, // it appears the clicking the up and down buttons in chrome on // range/number inputs doesn't trigger a change until the field is // blurred. Here we check thif the value has changed and refresh _controlVMouseUp: function (/* event */) { this._checkedRefresh(); }, // NOTE force focus on handle _handleVMouseDown: function (/* event */) { this.handle.focus(); }, _handleKeydown: function (event) { var index = this._value(); if (this.options.disabled) { return; } // In all cases prevent the default and mark the handle as active switch (event.keyCode) { case $.ui.keyCode.HOME: case $.ui.keyCode.END: case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP: case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN: case $.ui.keyCode.UP: case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN: case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: event.preventDefault(); if (!this._keySliding) { this._keySliding = true; this.handle.addClass("ui-state-active"); /* TODO: We don't use this class for styling. Do we need to add it? */ } break; } // move the slider according to the keypress switch (event.keyCode) { case $.ui.keyCode.HOME: this.refresh(this.min); break; case $.ui.keyCode.END: this.refresh(this.max); break; case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP: case $.ui.keyCode.UP: case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT: this.refresh(index + this.step); break; case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN: case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN: case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT: this.refresh(index - this.step); break; } }, // remove active mark _handleKeyup: function (/* event */) { if (this._keySliding) { this._keySliding = false; this.handle.removeClass("ui-state-active"); /* See comment above. */ } }, _sliderVMouseDown: function (event) { // NOTE: we don't do this in refresh because we still want to // support programmatic alteration of disabled inputs if (this.options.disabled || !(event.which === 1 || event.which === 0 || event.which === undefined)) { return false; } if (this._trigger("beforestart", event) === false) { return false; } this.dragging = true; this.userModified = false; this.mouseMoved = false; if (this.isToggleSwitch) { this.beforeStart = this.element[0].selectedIndex; } this.refresh(event); this._trigger("start"); return false; }, _sliderVMouseUp: function () { if (this.dragging) { this.dragging = false; if (this.isToggleSwitch) { // make the handle move with a smooth transition this.handle.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"); if (this.mouseMoved) { // this is a drag, change the value only if user dragged enough if (this.userModified) { this.refresh(this.beforeStart === 0 ? 1 : 0); } else { this.refresh(this.beforeStart); } } else { // this is just a click, change the value this.refresh(this.beforeStart === 0 ? 1 : 0); } } this.mouseMoved = false; this._trigger("stop"); return false; } }, _preventDocumentDrag: function (event) { // NOTE: we don't do this in refresh because we still want to // support programmatic alteration of disabled inputs if (this._trigger("drag", event) === false) { return false; } if (this.dragging && !this.options.disabled) { // this.mouseMoved must be updated before refresh() because it will be used in the control "change" event this.mouseMoved = true; if (this.isToggleSwitch) { // make the handle move in sync with the mouse this.handle.removeClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"); } this.refresh(event); // only after refresh() you can calculate this.userModified this.userModified = this.beforeStart !== this.element[0].selectedIndex; return false; } }, _checkedRefresh: function () { if (this.value !== this._value()) { this.refresh(this._value()); } }, _value: function () { return this.isToggleSwitch ? this.element[0].selectedIndex : parseFloat(this.element.val()); }, _reset: function () { this.refresh(undefined, false, true); }, refresh: function (val, isfromControl, preventInputUpdate) { // NOTE: we don't return here because we want to support programmatic // alteration of the input value, which should still update the slider var self = this, parentTheme = $.mobile.getAttribute(this.element[0], "theme"), theme = this.options.theme || parentTheme, themeClass = theme ? " ui-btn-" + theme : "", trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme || parentTheme, trackThemeClass = trackTheme ? " ui-bar-" + trackTheme : " ui-bar-inherit", cornerClass = this.options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "", miniClass = this.options.mini ? " ui-mini" : "", left, width, data, tol, pxStep, percent, control, isInput, optionElements, min, max, step, newval, valModStep, alignValue, percentPerStep, handlePercent, aPercent, bPercent, valueChanged; self.slider[0].className = [this.isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider ui-slider-switch ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset" : "ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset", trackThemeClass, cornerClass, miniClass].join(""); if (this.options.disabled || this.element.prop("disabled")) { this.disable(); } // set the stored value for comparison later this.value = this._value(); if (this.options.highlight && !this.isToggleSwitch && this.slider.find(".ui-slider-bg").length === 0) { this.valuebg = (function () { var bg = document.createElement("div"); bg.className = "ui-slider-bg " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass; return $(bg).prependTo(self.slider); })(); } this.handle.addClass("ui-btn" + themeClass + " ui-shadow"); control = this.element; isInput = !this.isToggleSwitch; optionElements = isInput ? [] : control.find("option"); min = isInput ? parseFloat(control.attr("min")) : 0; max = isInput ? parseFloat(control.attr("max")) : optionElements.length - 1; step = (isInput && parseFloat(control.attr("step")) > 0) ? parseFloat(control.attr("step")) : 1; if (typeof val === "object") { data = val; // a slight tolerance helped get to the ends of the slider tol = 8; left = this.slider.offset().left; width = this.slider.width(); pxStep = width / ((max - min) / step); if (!this.dragging || data.pageX < left - tol || data.pageX > left + width + tol) { return; } if (pxStep > 1) { percent = ((data.pageX - left) / width) * 100; } else { percent = Math.round(((data.pageX - left) / width) * 100); } } else { if (val == null) { val = isInput ? parseFloat(control.val() || 0) : control[0].selectedIndex; } percent = (parseFloat(val) - min) / (max - min) * 100; } if (isNaN(percent)) { return; } newval = (percent / 100) * (max - min) + min; //from jQuery UI slider, the following source will round to the nearest step valModStep = (newval - min) % step; alignValue = newval - valModStep; if (Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step) { alignValue += (valModStep > 0) ? step : (-step); } percentPerStep = 100 / ((max - min) / step); // Since JavaScript has problems with large floats, round // the final value to 5 digits after the decimal point (see jQueryUI: #4124) newval = parseFloat(alignValue.toFixed(5)); if (typeof pxStep === "undefined") { pxStep = width / ((max - min) / step); } if (pxStep > 1 && isInput) { percent = (newval - min) * percentPerStep * (1 / step); } if (percent < 0) { percent = 0; } if (percent > 100) { percent = 100; } if (newval < min) { newval = min; } if (newval > max) { newval = max; } this.handle.css("left", percent + "%"); this.handle[0].setAttribute("aria-valuenow", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).attr("value")); this.handle[0].setAttribute("aria-valuetext", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).text()); this.handle[0].setAttribute("title", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).text()); if (this.valuebg) { this.valuebg.css("width", percent + "%"); } // drag the label widths if (this._labels) { handlePercent = this.handle.width() / this.slider.width() * 100; aPercent = percent && handlePercent + (100 - handlePercent) * percent / 100; bPercent = percent === 100 ? 0 : Math.min(handlePercent + 100 - aPercent, 100); this._labels.each(function () { var ab = $(this).hasClass("ui-slider-label-a"); $(this).width((ab ? aPercent : bPercent) + "%"); }); } if (!preventInputUpdate) { valueChanged = false; // update control"s value if (isInput) { valueChanged = parseFloat(control.val()) !== newval; control.val(newval); } else { valueChanged = control[0].selectedIndex !== newval; control[0].selectedIndex = newval; } if (this._trigger("beforechange", val) === false) { return false; } if (!isfromControl && valueChanged) { control.trigger("change"); } } }, _setHighlight: function (value) { value = !!value; if (value) { this.options.highlight = !!value; this.refresh(); } else if (this.valuebg) { this.valuebg.remove(); this.valuebg = false; } }, _setTheme: function (value) { this.handle .removeClass("ui-btn-" + this.options.theme) .addClass("ui-btn-" + value); var currentTheme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : "inherit", newTheme = value ? value : "inherit"; this.control .removeClass("ui-body-" + currentTheme) .addClass("ui-body-" + newTheme); }, _setTrackTheme: function (value) { var currentTrackTheme = this.options.trackTheme ? this.options.trackTheme : "inherit", newTrackTheme = value ? value : "inherit"; this.slider .removeClass("ui-body-" + currentTrackTheme) .addClass("ui-body-" + newTrackTheme); }, _setMini: function (value) { value = !!value; if (!this.isToggleSwitch && !this.isRangeslider) { this.slider.parent().toggleClass("ui-mini", value); this.element.toggleClass("ui-mini", value); } this.slider.toggleClass("ui-mini", value); }, _setCorners: function (value) { this.slider.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", value); if (!this.isToggleSwitch) { this.control.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", value); } }, _setDisabled: function (value) { value = !!value; this.element.prop("disabled", value); this.slider .toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", value) .attr("aria-disabled", value); this.element.toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", value); } }, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset)); })(jQuery); (function ($, undefined) { $.widget("mobile.rangeslider", $.extend({ options: { theme: null, trackTheme: null, corners: true, mini: false, highlight: true }, _create: function () { var $el = this.element, elClass = this.options.mini ? "ui-rangeslider ui-mini" : "ui-rangeslider", _inputFirst = $el.find("input").first(), _inputLast = $el.find("input").last(), _label = $el.find("label").first(), _sliderWidgetFirst = $.data(_inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider") || $.data(_inputFirst.slider().get(0), "mobile-slider"), _sliderWidgetLast = $.data(_inputLast.get(0), "mobile-slider") || $.data(_inputLast.slider().get(0), "mobile-slider"), _sliderFirst = _sliderWidgetFirst.slider, _sliderLast = _sliderWidgetLast.slider, firstHandle = _sliderWidgetFirst.handle, _sliders = $("
").appendTo($el); _inputFirst.addClass("ui-rangeslider-first"); _inputLast.addClass("ui-rangeslider-last"); $el.addClass(elClass); _sliderFirst.appendTo(_sliders); _sliderLast.appendTo(_sliders); _label.insertBefore($el); firstHandle.prependTo(_sliderLast); $.extend(this, { _inputFirst: _inputFirst, _inputLast: _inputLast, _sliderFirst: _sliderFirst, _sliderLast: _sliderLast, _label: _label, _targetVal: null, _sliderTarget: false, _sliders: _sliders, _proxy: false }); this.refresh(); this._on(this.element.find("input.ui-slider-input"), { "slidebeforestart": "_slidebeforestart", "slidestop": "_slidestop", "slidedrag": "_slidedrag", "slidebeforechange": "_change", "blur": "_change", "keyup": "_change" }); this._on({ "mousedown": "_change" }); this._on(this.element.closest("form"), { "reset": "_handleReset" }); this._on(firstHandle, { "mousedown": "_dragFirstHandle" }); }, _handleReset: function () { var self = this; //we must wait for the stack to unwind before updateing other wise sliders will not have updated yet setTimeout(function () { self._updateHighlight(); }, 0); }, _dragFirstHandle: function (event) { //if the first handle is dragged send the event to the first slider $.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").dragging = true; $.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").refresh(event); $.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider")._trigger("start"); return false; }, _slidedrag: function (event) { var first = $(event.target).is(this._inputFirst), otherSlider = (first) ? this._inputLast : this._inputFirst; this._sliderTarget = false; //if the drag was initiated on an extreme and the other handle is focused send the events to //the closest handle if ((this._proxy === "first" && first) || (this._proxy === "last" && !first)) { $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").dragging = true; $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").refresh(event); return false; } }, _slidestop: function (event) { var first = $(event.target).is(this._inputFirst); this._proxy = false; //this stops dragging of the handle and brings the active track to the front //this makes clicks on the track go the the last handle used this.element.find("input").trigger("mouseup"); this._sliderFirst.css("z-index", first ? 1 : ""); }, _slidebeforestart: function (event) { this._sliderTarget = false; //if the track is the target remember this and the original value if ($(event.originalEvent.target).hasClass("ui-slider-track")) { this._sliderTarget = true; this._targetVal = $(event.target).val(); } }, _setOptions: function (options) { if (options.theme !== undefined) { this._setTheme(options.theme); } if (options.trackTheme !== undefined) { this._setTrackTheme(options.trackTheme); } if (options.mini !== undefined) { this._setMini(options.mini); } if (options.highlight !== undefined) { this._setHighlight(options.highlight); } if (options.disabled !== undefined) { this._setDisabled(options.disabled); } this._super(options); this.refresh(); }, refresh: function () { var $el = this.element, o = this.options; if (this._inputFirst.is(":disabled") || this._inputLast.is(":disabled")) { this.options.disabled = true; } $el.find("input").slider({ theme: o.theme, trackTheme: o.trackTheme, disabled: o.disabled, corners: o.corners, mini: o.mini, highlight: o.highlight }).slider("refresh"); this._updateHighlight(); }, _change: function (event) { if (event.type === "keyup") { this._updateHighlight(); return false; } var self = this, min = parseFloat(this._inputFirst.val(), 10), max = parseFloat(this._inputLast.val(), 10), first = $(event.target).hasClass("ui-rangeslider-first"), thisSlider = first ? this._inputFirst : this._inputLast, otherSlider = first ? this._inputLast : this._inputFirst; if ((this._inputFirst.val() > this._inputLast.val() && event.type === "mousedown" && !$(event.target).hasClass("ui-slider-handle"))) { thisSlider.blur(); } else if (event.type === "mousedown") { return; } if (min > max && !this._sliderTarget) { //this prevents min from being greater then max thisSlider.val(first ? max : min).slider("refresh"); this._trigger("normalize"); } else if (min > max) { //this makes it so clicks on the target on either extreme go to the closest handle thisSlider.val(this._targetVal).slider("refresh"); //You must wait for the stack to unwind so first slider is updated before updating second setTimeout(function () { otherSlider.val(first ? min : max).slider("refresh"); $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.focus(); self._sliderFirst.css("z-index", first ? "" : 1); self._trigger("normalize"); }, 0); this._proxy = (first) ? "first" : "last"; } //fixes issue where when both _sliders are at min they cannot be adjusted if (min === max) { $.data(thisSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", 1); $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", 0); } else { $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", ""); $.data(thisSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", ""); } this._updateHighlight(); if (min >= max) { return false; } }, _updateHighlight: function () { var min = parseInt($.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.get(0).style.left, 10), max = parseInt($.data(this._inputLast.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.get(0).style.left, 10), width = (max - min); this.element.find(".ui-slider-bg").css({ "margin-left": min + "%", "width": width + "%" }); }, _setTheme: function (value) { this._inputFirst.slider("option", "theme", value); this._inputLast.slider("option", "theme", value); }, _setTrackTheme: function (value) { this._inputFirst.slider("option", "trackTheme", value); this._inputLast.slider("option", "trackTheme", value); }, _setMini: function (value) { this._inputFirst.slider("option", "mini", value); this._inputLast.slider("option", "mini", value); this.element.toggleClass("ui-mini", !!value); }, _setHighlight: function (value) { this._inputFirst.slider("option", "highlight", value); this._inputLast.slider("option", "highlight", value); }, _setDisabled: function (value) { this._inputFirst.prop("disabled", value); this._inputLast.prop("disabled", value); }, _destroy: function () { this._label.prependTo(this.element); this.element.removeClass("ui-rangeslider ui-mini"); this._inputFirst.after(this._sliderFirst); this._inputLast.after(this._sliderLast); this._sliders.remove(); this.element.find("input").removeClass("ui-rangeslider-first ui-rangeslider-last").slider("destroy"); } }, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset)); })(jQuery); (function ($, undefined) { var popup; function getPopup() { if (!popup) { popup = $("
", { "class": "ui-slider-popup ui-shadow ui-corner-all" }); } return popup.clone(); } $.widget("mobile.slider", $.mobile.slider, { options: { popupEnabled: false, showValue: false }, _create: function () { this._super(); $.extend(this, { _currentValue: null, _popup: null, _popupVisible: false }); this._setOption("popupEnabled", this.options.popupEnabled); this._on(this.handle, { "mousedown": "_showPopup" }); this._on(this.slider.add(this.document), { "mouseup": "_hidePopup" }); this._refresh(); }, // position the popup centered 5px above the handle _positionPopup: function () { var dstOffset = this.handle.offset(); this._popup.offset({ left: dstOffset.left + (this.handle.width() - this._popup.width()) / 2, top: dstOffset.top - this._popup.outerHeight() - 5 }); }, _setOption: function (key, value) { this._super(key, value); if (key === "showValue") { this.handle.html(value && !this.options.mini ? this._value() : ""); } else if (key === "popupEnabled") { if (value && !this._popup) { this._popup = getPopup() .addClass("ui-body-" + (this.options.theme || "a")) .hide() .insertBefore(this.element); } } }, // show value on the handle and in popup refresh: function () { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this._refresh(); }, _refresh: function () { var o = this.options, newValue; if (o.popupEnabled) { // remove the title attribute from the handle (which is // responsible for the annoying tooltip); NB we have // to do it here as the jqm slider sets it every time // the slider's value changes :( this.handle.removeAttr("title"); } newValue = this._value(); if (newValue === this._currentValue) { return; } this._currentValue = newValue; if (o.popupEnabled && this._popup) { this._positionPopup(); this._popup.html(newValue); } if (o.showValue && !this.options.mini) { this.handle.html(newValue); } }, _showPopup: function () { if (this.options.popupEnabled && !this._popupVisible) { this.handle.html(""); this._popup.show(); this._positionPopup(); this._popupVisible = true; } }, _hidePopup: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.popupEnabled && this._popupVisible) { if (o.showValue && !o.mini) { this.handle.html(this._value()); } this._popup.hide(); this._popupVisible = false; } } }); })(jQuery);