define(['viewcontainer', 'focusManager', 'queryString', 'layoutManager'], function (viewcontainer, focusManager, queryString, layoutManager) { 'use strict'; var currentView; var dispatchPageEvents; viewcontainer.setOnBeforeChange(function (newView, isRestored, options) { var lastView = currentView; if (lastView) { var beforeHideResult = dispatchViewEvent(lastView, 'viewbeforehide', null, true); if (!beforeHideResult) { // todo: cancel } } if (!newView.initComplete) { newView.initComplete = true; var eventDetail = getViewEventDetail(newView, options, false); if (options.controllerFactory) { // Use controller method var controller = new options.controllerFactory(newView, eventDetail.detail.params); } if (!options.controllerFactory || dispatchPageEvents) { dispatchViewEvent(newView, 'viewinit'); } } dispatchViewEvent(newView, 'viewbeforeshow', isRestored); }); function onViewChange(view, options, isRestore) { var lastView = currentView; if (lastView) { dispatchViewEvent(lastView, 'viewhide'); } currentView = view; var eventDetail = getViewEventDetail(view, options, isRestore); if (!isRestore) { if (options.autoFocus !== false) { focusManager.autoFocus(view); } } else if (! { if (view.activeElement && document.body.contains(view.activeElement) && focusManager.isCurrentlyFocusable(view.activeElement)) { focusManager.focus(view.activeElement); } else { focusManager.autoFocus(view); } } view.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('viewshow', eventDetail)); if (dispatchPageEvents) { view.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('pageshow', eventDetail)); } } function dispatchViewEvent(view, eventName, isRestored, isCancellable) { var eventResult = view.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail: { type: view.getAttribute('data-type'), isRestored: isRestored }, bubbles: true, cancelable: isCancellable || false })); if (dispatchPageEvents) { view.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName.replace('view', 'page'), { detail: { type: view.getAttribute('data-type'), isRestored: isRestored }, bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); } return eventResult; } function getViewEventDetail(view, options, isRestore) { var url = options.url; var state = options.state; var index = url.indexOf('?'); var params = index === -1 ? {} : queryString.parse(url.substring(index + 1)); return { detail: { type: view.getAttribute('data-type'), params: params, isRestored: isRestore, state: options.state, // The route options options: options.options || {} }, bubbles: true, cancelable: false }; } function resetCachedViews() { // Reset all cached views whenever the skin changes viewcontainer.reset(); } document.addEventListener('skinunload', resetCachedViews); //events.on(connectionManager, 'localusersignedin', resetCachedViews); //events.on(connectionManager, 'localusersignedout', resetCachedViews); function ViewManager() { } ViewManager.prototype.loadView = function (options) { var lastView = currentView; // Record the element that has focus if (lastView) { lastView.activeElement = document.activeElement; } if (options.cancel) { return; } viewcontainer.loadView(options).then(function (view) { onViewChange(view, options); }); }; ViewManager.prototype.tryRestoreView = function (options, onViewChanging) { if (options.cancel) { return Promise.reject({ cancelled: true }); } // Record the element that has focus if (currentView) { currentView.activeElement = document.activeElement; } return viewcontainer.tryRestoreView(options).then(function (view) { onViewChanging(); onViewChange(view, options, true); }); }; ViewManager.prototype.currentView = function () { return currentView; }; ViewManager.prototype.dispatchPageEvents = function (value) { dispatchPageEvents = value; }; return new ViewManager(); });