define(['jqmwidget'], function () { (function ($, undefined) { var props = { "animation": {}, "transition": {} }, testElement = document.createElement("a"), vendorPrefixes = ["", "webkit-", "moz-", "o-"]; $.each(["animation", "transition"], function (i, test) { // Get correct name for test var testName = (i === 0) ? test + "-" + "name" : test; $.each(vendorPrefixes, function (j, prefix) { if ([$.camelCase(prefix + testName)] !== undefined) { props[test]["prefix"] = prefix; return false; } }); // Set event and duration names for later use props[test]["duration"] = $.camelCase(props[test]["prefix"] + test + "-" + "duration"); props[test]["event"] = $.camelCase(props[test]["prefix"] + test + "-" + "end"); // All lower case if not a vendor prop if (props[test]["prefix"] === "") { props[test]["event"] = props[test]["event"].toLowerCase(); } }); // Remove the testElement $(testElement).remove(); // Animation complete callback $.fn.animationComplete = function (callback, type, fallbackTime) { var timer, duration, that = this, eventBinding = function () { // Clear the timer so we don't call callback twice clearTimeout(timer); callback.apply(this, arguments); }, animationType = (!type || type === "animation") ? "animation" : "transition"; // If a fallback time was not passed set one if (fallbackTime === undefined) { // Make sure the was not bound to document before checking .css if ($(this).context !== document) { // Parse the durration since its in second multiple by 1000 for milliseconds // Multiply by 3 to make sure we give the animation plenty of time. duration = parseFloat( $(this).css(props[animationType].duration) ) * 3000; } // If we could not read a duration use the default if (duration === 0 || duration === undefined || isNaN(duration)) { duration = $.fn.animationComplete.defaultDuration; } } // Sets up the fallback if event never comes timer = setTimeout(function () { $(that).off(props[animationType].event, eventBinding); callback.apply(that); }, duration); // Bind the event return $(this).one(props[animationType].event, eventBinding); }; // Allow default callback to be configured on mobileInit $.fn.animationComplete.defaultDuration = 1000; })(jQuery); (function ($, undefined) { $.widget("mobile.panel", { options: { animate: true, theme: null, position: "left", dismissible: true, display: "overlay", //accepts reveal, push, overlay swipeClose: true, positionFixed: true }, _parentPage: null, _page: null, _modal: null, _panelInner: null, _wrapper: null, _create: function () { var el = this.element, parentPage = el.closest(".ui-page, [data-role='page']"); // expose some private props to other methods $.extend(this, { _parentPage: (parentPage.length > 0) ? parentPage : false, _openedPage: null, _page: this._getPage, _panelInner: this._getPanelInner() }); if (this.options.display !== "overlay") { this._getWrapper(); } this._addPanelClasses(); // if animating, add the class to do so if (!!this.options.animate) { this.element.addClass("ui-panel-animate"); } this._bindUpdateLayout(); this._bindCloseEvents(); this._bindLinkListeners(); this._bindPageEvents(); if (!!this.options.dismissible) { this._createModal(); } this._bindSwipeEvents(); }, _getPanelInner: function () { var panelInner = this.element[0].querySelector("." + "ui-panel-inner"); if (!panelInner) { panelInner = this.element.children().wrapAll("
").parent(); } else { panelInner = $(panelInner); } return panelInner; }, _createModal: function () { var self = this, target = self._parentPage ? self._parentPage.parent() : self.element.parent(); self._modal = $("") .on("mousedown", function () { self.close(); }) .appendTo(target); }, _getPage: function () { var page = this._openedPage || this._parentPage || $(".ui-page-active"); return page; }, _getWrapper: function () { var wrapper = this._page().find("." + "ui-panel-wrapper"); if (wrapper.length === 0) { wrapper = this._page().children(".ui-header:not(.ui-header-fixed), .ui-content:not(.ui-popup), .ui-footer:not(.ui-footer-fixed)") .wrapAll("") .parent(); } this._wrapper = wrapper; }, _getPosDisplayClasses: function (prefix) { return prefix + "-position-right " + prefix + "-display-" + this.options.display; }, _getPanelClasses: function () { var panelClasses = "ui-panel" + " " + this._getPosDisplayClasses("ui-panel") + " " + "ui-panel-closed" + " " + "ui-body-" + (this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : "inherit"); if (!!this.options.positionFixed) { panelClasses += " " + "ui-panel-fixed"; } return panelClasses; }, _addPanelClasses: function () { this.element.addClass(this._getPanelClasses()); }, _handleCloseClick: function (event) { if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) { this.close(); } }, _bindCloseEvents: function () { }, _positionPanel: function (scrollToTop) { var self = this, panelInnerHeight = self._panelInner.outerHeight(), expand = panelInnerHeight > (window.innerHeight || $(window).height()); if (expand || !self.options.positionFixed) { if (expand) { self._unfixPanel(); } if (scrollToTop) { this.window[0].scrollTo(0, $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll); } } else { self._fixPanel(); } }, _bindFixListener: function () { this._on($(window), { "resize": "_positionPanel" }); }, _unbindFixListener: function () { this._off($(window), "resize"); }, _unfixPanel: function () { if (!!this.options.positionFixed) { this.element.removeClass("ui-panel-fixed"); } }, _fixPanel: function () { if (!!this.options.positionFixed) { this.element.addClass("ui-panel-fixed"); } }, _bindUpdateLayout: function () { var self = this; self.element.on("updatelayout", function (/* e */) { if (self._open) { self._positionPanel(); } }); }, _bindLinkListeners: function () { this._on("body", { "click a": "_handleClick" }); }, _handleClick: function (e) { var link, panelId = this.element.attr("id"); if (e.currentTarget.href.split("#")[1] === panelId && panelId !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); link = $(; if (link.hasClass("ui-btn")) { link.addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass);"panelopen panelclose", function () { link.removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass); }); } this.toggle(); } }, _bindSwipeEvents: function () { var self = this, area = self._modal ? self.element.add(self._modal) : self.element; // on swipe, close the panel if (!!self.options.swipeClose) { if (self.options.position === "left") { area.on("swipeleft.panel", function (/* e */) { self.close(); }); } else { area.on("swiperight.panel", function (/* e */) { self.close(); }); } } }, _bindPageEvents: function () { var self = this; this.document // Close the panel if another panel on the page opens .on("panelbeforeopen", function (e) { if (self._open && !== self.element[0]) { self.close(); } }) // On escape, close? might need to have a target check too... .on("keyup.panel", function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27 && self._open) { self.close(); } }); if (!this._parentPage && this.options.display !== "overlay") { this._on(this.document, { "pageshow": function () { this._openedPage = null; this._getWrapper(); } }); } // Clean up open panels after page hide if (self._parentPage) { this.document.on("pagehide", "[data-role='page']", function () { if (self._open) { self.close(true); } }); } else { this.document.on("pagebeforehide", function () { if (self._open) { self.close(true); } }); } }, // state storage of open or closed _open: false, _pageContentOpenClasses: null, _modalOpenClasses: null, open: function (immediate) { if (!this._open) { var self = this, o = self.options, _openPanel = function () { self._off(self.document, "panelclose"); self._page().data("panel", "open"); if (!!o.animate && o.display !== "overlay") { self._wrapper.addClass("ui-panel-animate"); } if (!immediate && !!o.animate) { (self._wrapper || self.element) .animationComplete(complete, "transition"); } else { setTimeout(complete, 0); } if (o.theme && o.display !== "overlay") { self._page().parent() .addClass("ui-panel-page-container" + "-themed " + "ui-panel-page-container" + "-" + o.theme); } self.element .removeClass("ui-panel-closed") .addClass("ui-panel-open"); self._positionPanel(true); self._pageContentOpenClasses = self._getPosDisplayClasses("ui-panel-page-content"); if (o.display !== "overlay") { self._page().parent().addClass("ui-panel-page-container"); self._wrapper.addClass(self._pageContentOpenClasses); } self._modalOpenClasses = self._getPosDisplayClasses("ui-panel-dismiss") + " " + "ui-panel-dismiss-open"; if (self._modal) { self._modal .addClass(self._modalOpenClasses) .height(Math.max(self._modal.height(), self.document.height())); } }, complete = function () { // Bail if the panel was closed before the opening animation has completed if (!self._open) { return; } if (o.display !== "overlay") { self._wrapper.addClass("ui-panel-page-content" + "-open"); } self._bindFixListener(); self._trigger("open"); self._openedPage = self._page(); }; self._trigger("beforeopen"); if (self._page().data("panel") === "open") { self._on(self.document, { "panelclose": _openPanel }); } else { _openPanel(); } self._open = true; } }, close: function (immediate) { if (this._open) { var self = this, o = this.options, _closePanel = function () { self.element.removeClass("ui-panel-open"); if (o.display !== "overlay") { self._wrapper.removeClass(self._pageContentOpenClasses); } if (!immediate && !!o.animate) { (self._wrapper || self.element) .animationComplete(complete, "transition"); } else { setTimeout(complete, 0); } if (self._modal) { self._modal .removeClass(self._modalOpenClasses) .height(""); } }, complete = function () { if (o.theme && o.display !== "overlay") { self._page().parent().removeClass("ui-panel-page-container" + "-themed " + "ui-panel-page-container" + "-" + o.theme); } self.element.addClass("ui-panel-closed"); if (o.display !== "overlay") { self._page().parent().removeClass("ui-panel-page-container"); self._wrapper.removeClass("ui-panel-page-content" + "-open"); } if (!!o.animate && o.display !== "overlay") { self._wrapper.removeClass("ui-panel-animate"); } self._fixPanel(); self._unbindFixListener(); self._page().removeData("panel"); self._trigger("close"); self._openedPage = null; }; self._trigger("beforeclose"); _closePanel(); self._open = false; } }, toggle: function () { this[this._open ? "close" : "open"](); }, _destroy: function () { var otherPanels, o = this.options, multiplePanels = ($("body > :mobile-panel").length + $.mobile.activePage.find(":mobile-panel").length) > 1; if (o.display !== "overlay") { // remove the wrapper if not in use by another panel otherPanels = $("body > :mobile-panel").add($.mobile.activePage.find(":mobile-panel")); if (otherPanels.not(".ui-panel-display-overlay").not(this.element).length === 0) { this._wrapper.children().unwrap(); } if (this._open) { this._page().parent().removeClass("ui-panel-page-container"); if (o.theme) { this._page().parent().removeClass("ui-panel-page-container" + "-themed " + "ui-panel-page-container" + "-" + o.theme); } } } if (!multiplePanels) {"panelopen panelclose"); } if (this._open) { this._page().removeData("panel"); } this._panelInner.children().unwrap(); this.element .removeClass([this._getPanelClasses(), "ui-panel-open", "ui-panel-animate"].join(" ")) .off("swipeleft.panel swiperight.panel") .off("panelbeforeopen") .off("panelhide") .off("keyup.panel") .off("updatelayout"); if (this._modal) { this._modal.remove(); } } }); })(jQuery); });