define(['paper-dialog', 'scale-up-animation', 'fade-out-animation', 'fade-in-animation'], function () { function paperDialogHashHandler(dlg, hash, resolve, lockDocumentScroll) { var self = this; self.originalUrl = window.location.href; var activeElement = document.activeElement; function onHashChange(e) { var isBack = self.originalUrl == window.location.href; if (isBack || !dlg.opened) { window.removeEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); } if (isBack) { self.closedByBack = true; dlg.close(); } } function onDialogClosed() { if (lockDocumentScroll !== false) { Dashboard.onPopupClose(); } window.removeEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); if (!self.closedByBack) { var state = history.state || {}; if (state.dialogId == hash) { history.back(); } } activeElement.focus(); if (dlg.getAttribute('data-removeonclose') == 'true') { dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } //resolve(); // if we just called history.back(), then use a timeout to allow the history events to fire first setTimeout(function () { resolve({ element: dlg, closedByBack: self.closedByBack }); }, 1); } dlg.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', onDialogClosed);; if (lockDocumentScroll !== false) { Dashboard.onPopupOpen(); } var state = { dialogId: hash, navigate: false }; history.pushState(state, "Dialog", hash); jQuery.onStatePushed(state); window.addEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); } function open(dlg) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { new paperDialogHashHandler(dlg, 'dlg' + new Date().getTime(), resolve); }); } function close(dlg) { if (dlg.opened) { history.back(); } } function onDialogOpened(e) { //Emby.FocusManager.autoFocus(, true); } function createDialog(options) { options = options || {}; var dlg = document.createElement('paper-dialog'); dlg.setAttribute('with-backdrop', 'with-backdrop'); dlg.setAttribute('role', 'alertdialog'); // without this safari will scroll the background instead of the dialog contents // but not needed here since this is already on top of an existing dialog // but skip it in IE because it's causing the entire browser to hang // Also have to disable for firefox because it's causing select elements to not be clickable if (!browserInfo.msie && !browserInfo.mozilla) { if (options.modal !== false) { dlg.setAttribute('modal', 'modal'); } } // seeing max call stack size exceeded in the debugger with this dlg.setAttribute('noAutoFocus', 'noAutoFocus'); // These don't seem to perform well on mobile var defaultEntryAnimation = ? 'fade-in-animation' : 'scale-up-animation'; dlg.entryAnimation = options.entryAnimation || defaultEntryAnimation; dlg.exitAnimation = 'fade-out-animation'; dlg.animationConfig = { // scale up 'entry': { name: options.entryAnimation || defaultEntryAnimation, node: dlg, timing: { duration: options.entryAnimationDuration || 300, easing: 'ease-out' } }, // fade out 'exit': { name: 'fade-out-animation', node: dlg, timing: { duration: options.exitAnimationDuration || 400, easing: 'ease-in' } } }; if (options.size != 'auto') { dlg.classList.add('popupEditor'); if (options.size == 'small') { dlg.classList.add('small-paper-dialog'); } else if (options.size == 'medium') { dlg.classList.add('medium-paper-dialog'); } else { dlg.classList.add('fullscreen-paper-dialog'); } } var theme = options.theme || 'b'; dlg.classList.add('ui-body-' + theme); dlg.classList.add('background-theme-' + theme); dlg.classList.add('smoothScrollY'); if (options.removeOnClose) { dlg.setAttribute('data-removeonclose', 'true'); } return dlg; } function positionTo(dlg, elem) { var windowHeight = $(window).height(); // If the window height is under a certain amount, don't bother trying to position // based on an element. if (windowHeight >= 540) { var pos = $(elem).offset(); += elem.offsetHeight / 2; pos.left += elem.offsetWidth / 2; // Account for margins -= 24; pos.left -= 24; // Account for popup size - we can't predict this yet so just estimate -= $(dlg).height() / 2; pos.left -= $(dlg).width() / 2; // Account for scroll position -= $(window).scrollTop(); pos.left -= $(window).scrollLeft(); // Avoid showing too close to the bottom = Math.min(, windowHeight - 300); pos.left = Math.min(pos.left, $(window).width() - 300); // Do some boundary checking = Math.max(, 0); pos.left = Math.max(pos.left, 0); = 'fixed'; = pos.left + 'px'; = + 'px'; } } window.PaperDialogHelper = { open: open, close: close, createDialog: createDialog, positionTo: positionTo }; return PaperDialogHelper; });