$.ajaxSetup({ crossDomain: true, error: function (event) { Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); if (!Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors) { setTimeout(function () { var msg = event.getResponseHeader("X-Application-Error-Code") || Dashboard.defaultErrorMessage; Dashboard.showError(msg); }, 500); } } }); if ($.browser.msie) { // This is unfortuantely required due to IE's over-aggressive caching. // https://github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser/issues/179 $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); } $.support.cors = true; $(document).one('click', WebNotifications.requestPermission); var Dashboard = { jQueryMobileInit: function () { // Page //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.theme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.headerTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.contentTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.page.prototype.options.footerTheme = "a"; //$.mobile.button.prototype.options.theme = "c"; $.mobile.listview.prototype.options.dividerTheme = "b"; $.mobile.popup.prototype.options.theme = "c"; //$.mobile.collapsible.prototype.options.contentTheme = "a"; }, getCurrentUser: function () { if (!Dashboard.getUserPromise) { Dashboard.getUserPromise = ApiClient.getUser(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()).fail(Dashboard.logout); } return Dashboard.getUserPromise; }, validateCurrentUser: function (page) { Dashboard.getUserPromise = null; if (Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()) { Dashboard.getCurrentUser(); } page = page || $.mobile.activePage; var header = $('.header', page); if (header.length) { // Re-render the header header.remove(); Dashboard.ensureHeader(page); } }, getCurrentUserId: function () { var userId = localStorage.getItem("userId"); if (!userId) { var autoLoginUserId = getParameterByName('u'); if (autoLoginUserId) { userId = autoLoginUserId; localStorage.setItem("userId", userId); } } return userId; }, setCurrentUser: function (userId) { localStorage.setItem("userId", userId); ApiClient.currentUserId(userId); Dashboard.getUserPromise = null; }, logout: function () { localStorage.removeItem("userId"); Dashboard.getUserPromise = null; ApiClient.currentUserId(null); window.location = "login.html"; }, showError: function (message) { $.mobile.loading('show', { theme: "e", text: message, textonly: true, textVisible: true }); setTimeout(function () { $.mobile.loading('hide'); }, 2000); }, alert: function (message) { $.mobile.loading('show', { theme: "e", text: message, textonly: true, textVisible: true }); setTimeout(function () { $.mobile.loading('hide'); }, 2000); }, updateSystemInfo: function (info) { var isFirstLoad = !Dashboard.lastSystemInfo; Dashboard.lastSystemInfo = info; Dashboard.ensureWebSocket(info); if (!Dashboard.initialServerVersion) { Dashboard.initialServerVersion = info.Version; } if (info.HasPendingRestart) { Dashboard.hideDashboardVersionWarning(); Dashboard.showServerRestartWarning(); } else { Dashboard.hideServerRestartWarning(); if (Dashboard.initialServerVersion != info.Version) { Dashboard.showDashboardVersionWarning(); } } if (isFirstLoad) { Dashboard.showFailedAssemblies(info.FailedPluginAssemblies); } Dashboard.showInProgressInstallations(info.InProgressInstallations); }, showFailedAssemblies: function (failedAssemblies) { for (var i = 0, length = failedAssemblies.length; i < length; i++) { var assembly = failedAssemblies[i]; var html = ''; var index = assembly.lastIndexOf('\\'); if (index != -1) { assembly = assembly.substring(index + 1); } html += ''; html += assembly + " failed to load."; html += ''; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ html: html }); } }, showInProgressInstallations: function (installations) { installations = installations || []; for (var i = 0, length = installations.length; i < length; i++) { var installation = installations[i]; var percent = installation.PercentComplete || 0; if (percent < 100) { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(installation, "progress"); } } if (installations.length) { Dashboard.ensureInstallRefreshInterval(); } else { Dashboard.stopInstallRefreshInterval(); } }, ensureInstallRefreshInterval: function () { if (!Dashboard.installRefreshInterval) { if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { ApiClient.sendWebSocketMessage("SystemInfoStart", "0,350"); } Dashboard.installRefreshInterval = 1; } }, stopInstallRefreshInterval: function () { if (Dashboard.installRefreshInterval) { if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpen()) { ApiClient.sendWebSocketMessage("SystemInfoStop"); } Dashboard.installRefreshInterval = null; } }, cancelInstallation: function (id) { ApiClient.cancelPackageInstallation(id).always(Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer); }, showServerRestartWarning: function () { var html = 'Please restart Media Browser Server to finish updating.'; html += ''; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ id: "serverRestartWarning", html: html, forceShow: true, allowHide: false }); }, hideServerRestartWarning: function () { $('#serverRestartWarning').remove(); }, showDashboardVersionWarning: function () { var html = 'Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.'; html += ''; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ id: "dashboardVersionWarning", html: html, forceShow: true, allowHide: false }); }, reloadPage: function () { window.location.href = window.location.href; }, hideDashboardVersionWarning: function () { $('#dashboardVersionWarning').remove(); }, showFooterNotification: function (options) { var removeOnHide = !options.id; options.id = options.id || "notification" + new Date().getTime() + parseInt(Math.random()); var parentElem = $('#footerNotifications'); var elem = $('#' + options.id, parentElem); if (!elem.length) { elem = $('

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'; html += '
'; html += '

' + title + '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += message; html += '
'; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; $(document.body).append(html); $('#confirmFlyout').popup({ history: false }).trigger('create').popup("open").on("popupafterclose", function () { if (callback) { callback(this.confirm == true); } $(this).off("popupafterclose").remove(); }); }, refreshSystemInfoFromServer: function () { ApiClient.getSystemInfo().done(function (info) { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(info); }); }, restartServer: function () { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = true; Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); ApiClient.performPendingRestart().done(function () { setTimeout(function () { Dashboard.reloadPageWhenServerAvailable(); }, 250); }).fail(function () { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = false; }); }, reloadPageWhenServerAvailable: function (retryCount) { ApiClient.getSystemInfo().done(function (info) { // If this is back to false, the restart completed if (!info.HasPendingRestart) { Dashboard.reloadPage(); } else { Dashboard.retryReload(retryCount); } }).fail(function () { Dashboard.retryReload(retryCount); }); }, retryReload: function (retryCount) { setTimeout(function () { retryCount = retryCount || 0; retryCount++; if (retryCount < 10) { Dashboard.reloadPageWhenServerAvailable(retryCount); } else { Dashboard.suppressAjaxErrors = false; } }, 500); }, showUserFlyout: function () { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (user) { var html = '
'; html += 'Close'; html += '
'; html += '

' + user.Name + '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

'; var imageUrl = user.PrimaryImageTag ? ApiClient.getUserImageUrl(user.Id, { height: 400, tag: user.PrimaryImageTag, type: "Primary" }) : "css/images/userflyoutdefault.png"; html += ''; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; $(document.body).append(html); $('#userFlyout').popup().trigger('create').popup("open").on("popupafterclose", function () { $(this).off("popupafterclose").remove(); }); }); }, selectDirectory: function (options) { options = options || {}; options.header = options.header || "Select Media Path"; options.instruction = options.instruction || "Browse to or enter the folder containing the media. Network paths (UNC) are recommended for optimal playback performance."; var html = ''; $($.mobile.activePage).append(html); var popup = $('#popupDirectoryPicker').popup().trigger('create').on("popupafteropen", function () { $('#popupDirectoryPicker input:first', this).focus(); }).popup("open").on("popupafterclose", function () { $('form', this).off("submit"); $(this).off("click").off("popupafterclose").remove(); }).on("click", ".lnkDirectory", function () { var path = this.getAttribute('data-path'); Dashboard.refreshDirectoryBrowser(path); }); var txtCurrentPath = $('#txtDirectoryPickerPath', popup); if (options.path) { txtCurrentPath.val(options.path); } $('form', popup).on('submit', function () { if (options.callback) { options.callback($('#txtDirectoryPickerPath', this).val()); } return false; }); Dashboard.refreshDirectoryBrowser(txtCurrentPath.val()); }, refreshDirectoryBrowser: function (path) { var page = $.mobile.activePage; Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); var promise; if (path === "Network") { promise = ApiClient.getNetworkDevices(); } else if (path) { promise = ApiClient.getDirectoryContents(path, { includeDirectories: true }); } else { promise = ApiClient.getDrives(); } promise.done(function (folders) { $('#txtDirectoryPickerPath', page).val(path || ""); var html = ''; if (path) { var parentPath = path; if (parentPath.endsWith('\\')) { parentPath = parentPath.substring(0, parentPath.length - 1); } var lastIndex = parentPath.lastIndexOf('\\'); parentPath = lastIndex == -1 ? "" : parentPath.substring(0, lastIndex); if (parentPath.endsWith(':')) { parentPath += "\\"; } if (parentPath == '\\') { parentPath = "Network"; } html += '
  • ..
  • '; } for (var i = 0, length = folders.length; i < length; i++) { var folder = folders[i]; html += '
  • ' + folder.Name + '
  • '; } if (!path) { html += '
  • Network
  • '; } $('#ulDirectoryPickerList', page).html(html).listview('refresh'); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); }).fail(function () { $('#txtDirectoryPickerPath', page).val(""); $('#ulDirectoryPickerList', page).html('').listview('refresh'); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); }); }, getPluginSecurityInfo: function () { if (!Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); // Don't let this blow up the dashboard when it fails $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: ApiClient.getUrl("Plugins/SecurityInfo"), dataType: 'json', error: function () { // Don't show normal dashboard errors } }).done(function (result) { deferred.resolveWith(null, [[result]]); }); Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise = deferred; } return Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise; }, resetPluginSecurityInfo: function () { Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfoPromise = null; }, ensureHeader: function (page) { if (!$('.headerButtons', page).length) { var isLoggedIn = Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(); if (isLoggedIn) { Dashboard.getCurrentUser().done(function (user) { Dashboard.renderHeader(page, user); }); } else { Dashboard.renderHeader(page); } } }, renderHeader: function (page, user) { var headerHtml = ''; var isLibraryPage = page.hasClass('libraryPage'); var header = $('.header', page); if (!header.length) { headerHtml += '
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    '; header.append(headerHtml); Search.onSearchRendered(header); Dashboard.getPluginSecurityInfo().done(function (pluginSecurityInfo) { if (pluginSecurityInfo.IsMBSupporter) { $('').insertBefore('.btnTools', header); } }); }, ensureToolsMenu: function (page) { if (!page.hasClass('type-interior')) { return; } var sidebar = $('.toolsSidebar', page); if (!sidebar.length) { var html = '
    '; html += '


    '; html += ''; // content-secondary html += '
    '; $(page).append(html); } }, getToolsMenuLinks: function (page) { var pageElem = page[0]; return [{ name: "Dashboard", href: "dashboard.html", selected: pageElem.id == "dashboardPage" }, { name: "Default Media Library", href: "library.html", selected: pageElem.id == "mediaLibraryPage" && !getParameterByName('userId') }, { name: "Metadata", href: "metadata.html", selected: pageElem.id == "metadataConfigurationPage" || pageElem.id == "advancedMetadataConfigurationPage" || pageElem.id == "metadataImagesConfigurationPage" }, { name: "Plugins", href: "plugins.html", selected: page.hasClass("pluginConfigurationPage") }, { name: "User Profiles", href: "userprofiles.html", selected: page.hasClass("userProfilesConfigurationPage") || (pageElem.id == "mediaLibraryPage" && getParameterByName('userId')) }, { name: "Client Settings", href: "clientsettings.html", selected: pageElem.id == "clientSettingsPage" }, { name: "Advanced", href: "advanced.html", selected: pageElem.id == "advancedConfigurationPage" }, { name: "Scheduled Tasks", href: "scheduledtasks.html", selected: pageElem.id == "scheduledTasksPage" || pageElem.id == "scheduledTaskPage" }, { name: "Help", href: "support.html", selected: pageElem.id == "supportPage" || pageElem.id == "logPage" || pageElem.id == "supporterPage" || pageElem.id == "supporterKeyPage" || pageElem.id == "aboutPage" }]; }, ensureWebSocket: function (systemInfo) { if (!("WebSocket" in window)) { // Not supported by the browser return; } if (ApiClient.isWebSocketOpenOrConnecting()) { return; } systemInfo = systemInfo || Dashboard.lastSystemInfo; ApiClient.openWebSocket(systemInfo.WebSocketPortNumber); $(ApiClient).on("websocketmessage", Dashboard.onWebSocketMessageReceived); }, onWebSocketMessageReceived: function (e, data) { var msg = data; if (msg.MessageType === "LibraryChanged") { Dashboard.processLibraryUpdateNotification(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "UserDeleted") { Dashboard.validateCurrentUser(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "SystemInfo") { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "RestartRequired") { Dashboard.updateSystemInfo(msg.Data); } else if (msg.MessageType === "UserUpdated") { Dashboard.validateCurrentUser(); var user = msg.Data; if (user.Id == Dashboard.getCurrentUserId()) { $('.currentUsername').html(user.Name); } } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationCompleted") { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "completed"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationFailed") { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "failed"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstallationCancelled") { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "cancelled"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "PackageInstalling") { Dashboard.showPackageInstallNotification(msg.Data, "progress"); Dashboard.refreshSystemInfoFromServer(); } else if (msg.MessageType === "ScheduledTaskEnded") { Dashboard.showTaskCompletionNotification(msg.Data); } }, showTaskCompletionNotification: function (result) { var html = ''; if (result.Status == "Completed") { html += ''; return; } else if (result.Status == "Cancelled") { html += ''; return; } else { html += ''; } html += ''; html += result.Name + " " + result.Status; html += ''; var timeout = 0; if (result.Status == 'Cancelled') { timeout = 2000; } Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ html: html, id: result.Id, forceShow: true, timeout: timeout }); }, showPackageInstallNotification: function (installation, status) { var html = ''; if (status == 'completed') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'cancelled') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'failed') { html += ''; } else if (status == 'progress') { html += ''; } html += ''; if (status == 'completed') { html += installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version + ' installation completed'; } else if (status == 'cancelled') { html += installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version + ' installation was cancelled'; } else if (status == 'failed') { html += installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version + ' installation failed'; } else if (status == 'progress') { html += 'Installing ' + installation.Name + ' ' + installation.Version; } html += ''; if (status == 'progress') { var percentComplete = Math.round(installation.PercentComplete || 0); html += ''; html += '' + percentComplete + '%'; html += ''; if (percentComplete < 100) { var btnId = "btnCancel" + installation.Id; html += ''; } } var timeout = 0; if (status == 'cancelled') { timeout = 2000; } var forceShow = status != "progress"; var allowHide = status != "progress" && status != 'cancelled'; Dashboard.showFooterNotification({ html: html, id: installation.Id, timeout: timeout, forceShow: forceShow, allowHide: allowHide }); }, processLibraryUpdateNotification: function (data) { if (Dashboard.newItemTimeout) { clearTimeout(Dashboard.newItemTimeout); } Dashboard.newItemTimeout = setTimeout(Dashboard.onNewItemTimerStopped, 60000); }, onNewItemTimerStopped: function () { ApiClient.getItems(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), { Recursive: true, Limit: 2, Filters: "IsNotFolder", SortBy: "DateCreated", SortOrder: "Descending", ImageTypes: "Primary" }).done(function (result) { var items = result.Items; for (var i = 0, length = Math.min(items.length, 2) ; i < length; i++) { var item = items[i]; var data = { title: "New " + item.Type, body: item.Name, timeout: 5000 }; var imageTags = item.ImageTags || {}; if (imageTags.Primary) { data.icon = ApiClient.getImageUrl(item.Id, { width: 100, tag: imageTags.Primary, type: "Primary" }); } WebNotifications.show(data); } }); Dashboard.newItemTimeout = null; }, ensurePageTitle: function (page) { if (!page.hasClass('type-interior')) { return; } var pageElem = page[0]; if (pageElem.hasPageTitle) { return; } var parent = $('.content-primary', page); if (!parent.length) { parent = $('.ui-content', page)[0]; } $(parent).prepend("

    " + (document.title || " ") + "

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