define(['historyManager', 'focusManager', 'browser', 'layoutManager', 'inputManager', 'dom', 'css!./dialoghelper.css', 'scrollStyles'], function (historyManager, focusManager, browser, layoutManager, inputManager, dom) { var globalOnOpenCallback; function enableAnimation() { if (browser.animate) { return true; } if (browser.edge) { return true; } return false; } function removeCenterFocus(dlg) { if ( { if (dlg.classList.contains('smoothScrollX')) { centerFocus(dlg, true, false); } else if (dlg.classList.contains('smoothScrollY')) { centerFocus(dlg, false, false); } } } function dialogHashHandler(dlg, hash, resolve) { var self = this; self.originalUrl = window.location.href; var activeElement = document.activeElement; var removeScrollLockOnClose = false; function onHashChange(e) { var isBack = self.originalUrl == window.location.href; if (isBack || !isOpened(dlg)) { window.removeEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); } if (isBack) { self.closedByBack = true; closeDialog(dlg); } } function onBackCommand(e) { if (e.detail.command == 'back') { self.closedByBack = true; closeDialog(dlg); e.preventDefault(); } } function onDialogClosed() { if (!isHistoryEnabled(dlg)) {, onBackCommand); } window.removeEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); removeBackdrop(dlg); dlg.classList.remove('opened'); if (removeScrollLockOnClose) { document.body.classList.remove('noScroll'); } if (!self.closedByBack && isHistoryEnabled(dlg)) { var state = history.state || {}; if (state.dialogId == hash) { history.back(); } } if ( { activeElement.focus(); } if (dlg.getAttribute('data-removeonclose') != 'false') { removeCenterFocus(dlg); var dialogContainer = dlg.dialogContainer; if (dialogContainer) { dialogContainer.parentNode.removeChild(dialogContainer); dlg.dialogContainer = null; } else { dlg.parentNode.removeChild(dlg); } } //resolve(); // if we just called history.back(), then use a timeout to allow the history events to fire first setTimeout(function () { resolve({ element: dlg, closedByBack: self.closedByBack }); }, 1); } dlg.addEventListener('close', onDialogClosed); var center = !dlg.classList.contains('dialog-fixedSize'); if (center) { dlg.classList.add('centeredDialog'); } dlg.classList.remove('hide'); addBackdropOverlay(dlg); dlg.classList.add('opened'); if (dlg.getAttribute('data-lockscroll') == 'true' && !document.body.classList.contains('noScroll')) { document.body.classList.add('noScroll'); removeScrollLockOnClose = true; } animateDialogOpen(dlg); if (isHistoryEnabled(dlg)) { historyManager.pushState({ dialogId: hash }, "Dialog", hash); window.addEventListener('popstate', onHashChange); } else { inputManager.on(dlg, onBackCommand); } } function addBackdropOverlay(dlg) { var backdrop = document.createElement('div'); backdrop.classList.add('dialogBackdrop'); var backdropParent = dlg.dialogContainer || dlg; backdropParent.parentNode.insertBefore(backdrop, backdropParent); dlg.backdrop = backdrop; // Doing this immediately causes the opacity to jump immediately without animating setTimeout(function () { backdrop.classList.add('dialogBackdropOpened'); }, 0); dom.addEventListener((dlg.dialogContainer || backdrop), 'click', function (e) { if (!isParent(dlg, { close(dlg); } }, { passive: true }); } function isParent(parent, child) { while (child) { if (child == parent) { return true; } child = child.parentNode; } return false; } function isHistoryEnabled(dlg) { return dlg.getAttribute('data-history') == 'true'; } function open(dlg) { if (globalOnOpenCallback) { globalOnOpenCallback(dlg); } var parent = dlg.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.removeChild(dlg); } var dialogContainer = document.createElement('div'); dialogContainer.classList.add('dialogContainer'); dialogContainer.appendChild(dlg); dlg.dialogContainer = dialogContainer; document.body.appendChild(dialogContainer); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { new dialogHashHandler(dlg, 'dlg' + new Date().getTime(), resolve); }); } function isOpened(dlg) { //return dlg.opened; return !dlg.classList.contains('hide'); } function close(dlg) { if (isOpened(dlg)) { if (isHistoryEnabled(dlg)) { history.back(); } else { closeDialog(dlg); } } } function scaleUp(elem, onFinish) { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'scale(0)', offset: 0 }, { transform: 'none', offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.entry.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = onFinish; } function slideUp(elem, onFinish) { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'translate3d(0,30%,0)', opacity: 0, offset: 0 }, { transform: 'none', opacity: 1, offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.entry.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = onFinish; } function fadeIn(elem, onFinish) { var keyframes = [ { opacity: '0', offset: 0 }, { opacity: '1', offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.entry.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing).onfinish = onFinish; } function scaleDown(elem) { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'none', opacity: 1, offset: 0 }, { transform: 'scale(0)', opacity: 0, offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.exit.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing); } function fadeOut(elem) { var keyframes = [ { opacity: '1', offset: 0 }, { opacity: '0', offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.exit.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing); } function slideDown(elem, onFinish) { var keyframes = [ { transform: 'none', opacity: 1, offset: 0 }, { transform: 'translate3d(0,30%,0)', opacity: 0, offset: 1 }]; var timing = elem.animationConfig.entry.timing; return elem.animate(keyframes, timing); } function closeDialog(dlg) { if (!dlg.classList.contains('hide')) { dlg.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('closing', { bubbles: false, cancelable: false })); var onAnimationFinish = function () { focusManager.popScope(dlg); dlg.classList.add('hide'); if (dlg.close) { dlg.close(); } else { dlg.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('close', { bubbles: false, cancelable: false })); } }; if (!dlg.animationConfig || !dlg.animate) { onAnimationFinish(); return; } var animation; if ( == 'fadeout') { animation = fadeOut(dlg); } else if ( == 'scaledown') { animation = scaleDown(dlg); } else if ( == 'slidedown') { animation = slideDown(dlg); } else { onAnimationFinish(); return; } animation.onfinish = onAnimationFinish; } } function animateDialogOpen(dlg) { var onAnimationFinish = function () { focusManager.pushScope(dlg); if (dlg.getAttribute('data-autofocus') == 'true') { focusManager.autoFocus(dlg); } }; if (!dlg.animationConfig || !dlg.animate) { onAnimationFinish(); return; } if ( == 'fadein') { fadeIn(dlg, onAnimationFinish); } else if ( == 'scaleup') { scaleUp(dlg, onAnimationFinish); } else if ( == 'slideup') { slideUp(dlg, onAnimationFinish); } } function shouldLockDocumentScroll(options) { if (options.lockScroll != null) { return options.lockScroll; } if (options.size == 'fullscreen') { return true; } if (options.size) { return true; } return browser.touch; } function removeBackdrop(dlg) { var backdrop = dlg.backdrop; if (backdrop) { dlg.backdrop = null; backdrop.classList.remove('dialogBackdropOpened'); setTimeout(function () { backdrop.parentNode.removeChild(backdrop); }, 300); } } function centerFocus(elem, horiz, on) { require(['scrollHelper'], function (scrollHelper) { var fn = on ? 'on' : 'off'; scrollHelper.centerFocus[fn](elem, horiz); }); } function createDialog(options) { options = options || {}; // If there's no native dialog support, use a plain div // Also not working well in samsung tizen browser, content inside not clickable // Just go ahead and always use a plain div because we're seeing issues overlaying absoltutely positioned content over a modal dialog var dlg = document.createElement('div'); dlg.classList.add('focuscontainer'); dlg.classList.add('hide'); if (shouldLockDocumentScroll(options)) { dlg.setAttribute('data-lockscroll', 'true'); } if (options.enableHistory !== false && historyManager.enableNativeHistory()) { dlg.setAttribute('data-history', 'true'); } // without this safari will scroll the background instead of the dialog contents // but not needed here since this is already on top of an existing dialog // but skip it in IE because it's causing the entire browser to hang // Also have to disable for firefox because it's causing select elements to not be clickable if (options.modal !== false) { dlg.setAttribute('modal', 'modal'); } if (options.autoFocus !== false) { dlg.setAttribute('data-autofocus', 'true'); } var defaultEntryAnimation = 'scaleup'; var entryAnimation = options.entryAnimation || defaultEntryAnimation; var defaultExitAnimation = 'scaledown'; var exitAnimation = options.exitAnimation || defaultExitAnimation; // If it's not fullscreen then lower the default animation speed to make it open really fast var entryAnimationDuration = options.entryAnimationDuration || (options.size !== 'fullscreen' ? 180 : 280); var exitAnimationDuration = options.exitAnimationDuration || (options.size !== 'fullscreen' ? 180 : 280); dlg.animationConfig = { // scale up 'entry': { name: entryAnimation, node: dlg, timing: { duration: entryAnimationDuration, easing: 'ease-out' } }, // fade out 'exit': { name: exitAnimation, node: dlg, timing: { duration: exitAnimationDuration, easing: 'ease-out', fill: 'both' } } }; // too buggy in IE, not even worth it if (!enableAnimation()) { dlg.animationConfig = null; } dlg.classList.add('dialog'); if (options.scrollX) { dlg.classList.add('smoothScrollX'); if ( { centerFocus(dlg, true, true); } } else if (options.scrollY !== false) { dlg.classList.add('smoothScrollY'); if ( { centerFocus(dlg, false, true); } } if (options.removeOnClose) { dlg.setAttribute('data-removeonclose', 'true'); } if (options.size) { dlg.classList.add('dialog-fixedSize'); dlg.classList.add('dialog-' + options.size); } return dlg; } return { open: open, close: close, createDialog: createDialog, setOnOpen: function (val) { globalOnOpenCallback = val; } }; });