define([], function () { function autoFocus(view, defaultToFirst) { var element = view.querySelector('*[autofocus]'); if (element) { focus(element); } else if (defaultToFirst !== false) { element = getFocusableElements(view)[0]; if (element) { focus(element); } } } function focus(element) { var tagName = element.tagName; if (tagName == 'PAPER-INPUT' || tagName == 'PAPER-DROPDOWN-MENU' || tagName == 'EMBY-DROPDOWN-MENU') { element = element.querySelector('input') || element; } try { element.focus(); } catch (err) { console.log('Error in focusManager.autoFocus: ' + err); } } var focusableTagNames = ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON', 'A', 'PAPER-BUTTON', 'PAPER-INPUT', 'PAPER-TEXTAREA', 'PAPER-ICON-BUTTON', 'PAPER-FAB', 'PAPER-CHECKBOX', 'PAPER-ICON-ITEM', 'PAPER-MENU-ITEM', 'PAPER-DROPDOWN-MENU', 'EMBY-DROPDOWN-MENU']; var focusableContainerTagNames = ['BODY', 'PAPER-DIALOG', 'DIALOG']; var focusableQuery = focusableTagNames.join(',') + ',.focusable'; function isFocusable(elem) { if (focusableTagNames.indexOf(elem.tagName) != -1) { return true; } if (elem.classList && elem.classList.contains('focusable')) { return true; } return false; } function focusableParent(elem) { while (!isFocusable(elem)) { elem = elem.parentNode; if (!elem) { return null; } } return elem; } function isFocusableElementValid(elem) { if (elem.disabled) { return false; } if (elem.getAttribute('tabindex') == "-1") { return false; } // if (elem.offsetParent === null) { return false; } return true; } function getFocusableElements(parent) { var elems = (parent || document).querySelectorAll(focusableQuery); var focusableElements = []; for (var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; if (isFocusableElementValid(elem)) { focusableElements.push(elem); } } return focusableElements; } function isFocusContainer(elem, direction) { if (focusableContainerTagNames.indexOf(elem.tagName) != -1) { return true; } if (direction < 2) { if (elem.classList.contains('focuscontainer-x')) { return true; } } else if (direction == 3) { if (elem.classList.contains('focuscontainer-down')) { return true; } } return false; } function getFocusContainer(elem, direction) { while (!isFocusContainer(elem, direction)) { elem = elem.parentNode; if (!elem) { return document.body; } } return elem; } function getWindowData(win, documentElement) { return { pageYOffset: win.pageYOffset, pageXOffset: win.pageXOffset, clientTop: documentElement.clientTop, clientLeft: documentElement.clientLeft }; } function getOffset(elem, windowData) { var box = { top: 0, left: 0 }; // Support: BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone) // If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error if (elem.getBoundingClientRect) { box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } return { top: + windowData.pageYOffset - windowData.clientTop, left: box.left + windowData.pageXOffset - windowData.clientLeft }; } function getViewportBoundingClientRect(elem, windowData) { var offset = getOffset(elem, windowData); var posY = - windowData.pageXOffset; var posX = offset.left - windowData.pageYOffset; var width = elem.offsetWidth; var height = elem.offsetHeight; return { left: posX, top: posY, width: width, height: height, right: posX + width, bottom: posY + height }; } function nav(activeElement, direction) { activeElement = activeElement || document.activeElement; if (activeElement) { activeElement = focusableParent(activeElement); } var container = activeElement ? getFocusContainer(activeElement, direction) : document.body; if (!activeElement) { autoFocus(container, true); return; } var focusableContainer = parentWithClass(activeElement, 'focusable'); var doc = activeElement.ownerDocument; var windowData = getWindowData(doc.defaultView, doc.documentElement); var rect = getViewportBoundingClientRect(activeElement, windowData); var focusableElements = []; var focusable = container.querySelectorAll(focusableQuery); for (var i = 0, length = focusable.length; i < length; i++) { var curr = focusable[i]; if (curr == activeElement) { continue; } // Don't refocus into the same container if (curr == focusableContainer) { continue; } if (!isFocusableElementValid(curr)) { continue; } var elementRect = getViewportBoundingClientRect(curr, windowData); switch (direction) { case 0: // left if (elementRect.left >= rect.left) { continue; } if (elementRect.right == rect.right) { continue; } break; case 1: // right if (elementRect.right <= rect.right) { continue; } if (elementRect.left == rect.left) { continue; } break; case 2: // up if ( >= { continue; } if (elementRect.bottom >= rect.bottom) { continue; } break; case 3: // down if (elementRect.bottom <= rect.bottom) { continue; } if ( <= { continue; } break; default: break; } focusableElements.push({ element: curr, clientRect: elementRect }); } var nearest = getNearestElements(focusableElements, rect, direction); if (nearest.length) { var nearestElement = nearest[0].node; // See if there's a focusable container, and if so, send the focus command to that var nearestElementFocusableParent = parentWithClass(nearestElement, 'focusable'); if (nearestElementFocusableParent && nearestElementFocusableParent != nearestElement && activeElement) { if (parentWithClass(activeElement, 'focusable') != nearestElementFocusableParent) { nearestElement = nearestElementFocusableParent; } } focus(nearestElement); } } function parentWithClass(elem, className) { while (!elem.classList || !elem.classList.contains(className)) { elem = elem.parentNode; if (!elem) { return null; } } return elem; } function intersectsInternal(a1, a2, b1, b2) { return (b1 >= a1 && b1 <= a2) || (b2 >= a1 && b2 <= a2); } function intersects(a1, a2, b1, b2) { return intersectsInternal(a1, a2, b1, b2) || intersectsInternal(b1, b2, a1, a2); } var enableDebugInfo = false; function getNearestElements(elementInfos, options, direction) { if (enableDebugInfo) { removeAll(); } // Get elements and work out x/y points var cache = [], point1x = parseFloat(options.left) || 0, point1y = parseFloat( || 0, point2x = parseFloat(point1x + options.width - 1) || point1x, point2y = parseFloat(point1y + options.height - 1) || point1y, // Shortcuts to help with compression min = Math.min, max = Math.max; var sourceMidX = options.left + (options.width / 2); var sourceMidY = + (options.height / 2); // Loop through all elements and check their positions for (var i = 0, length = elementInfos.length; i < length; i++) { var elementInfo = elementInfos[i]; var elem = elementInfo.element; var off = elementInfo.clientRect, x = off.left, y =, x2 = x + off.width - 1, y2 = y + off.height - 1; var intersectX = intersects(point1x, point2x, x, x2); var intersectY = intersects(point1y, point2y, y, y2); var midX = off.left + (off.width / 2); var midY = + (off.height / 2); var distX; var distY; var distX2; var distY2; switch (direction) { case 0: // left distX = distX2 = Math.abs(point1x - Math.min(point1x, x2)); distY = intersectY ? 0 : Math.abs(sourceMidY - midY); distY2 = Math.abs(sourceMidY - midY); break; case 1: // right distX = distX2 = Math.abs(point2x - Math.max(point2x, x)); distY = intersectY ? 0 : Math.abs(sourceMidY - midY); distY2 = Math.abs(sourceMidY - midY); break; case 2: // up distY = distY2 = Math.abs(point1y - Math.min(point1y, y2)); distX = intersectX ? 0 : Math.abs(sourceMidX - midX); distX2 = Math.abs(sourceMidX - midX); break; case 3: // down distY = distY2 = Math.abs(point2y - Math.max(point2y, y)); distX = intersectX ? 0 : Math.abs(sourceMidX - midX); distX2 = Math.abs(sourceMidX - midX); break; default: break; } if (enableDebugInfo) { addDebugInfo(elem, distX, distY); } var distT = Math.sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY); var distT2 = Math.sqrt(distX2 * distX2 + distY2 * distY2); cache.push({ node: elem, distX: distX, distY: distY, distT: distT, distT2: distT2 }); } cache.sort(sortNodesT); //if (direction >= 2) { // cache.sort(sortNodesX); //} else { // cache.sort(sortNodesY); //} return cache; } function addDebugInfo(elem, distX, distY) { var div = elem.querySelector('focusInfo'); if (!div) { div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('focusInfo'); elem.appendChild(div); if (getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue('position') == 'static') { = 'relative'; } = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0'; = 'white'; = 'red'; = '2px'; } div.innerHTML = Math.round(distX) + ',' + Math.round(distY); } function removeAll() { var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.focusInfo'); for (var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++) { elems[i].parentNode.removeChild(elems[i]); } } function sortNodesX(a, b) { var result = a.distX - b.distX; if (result == 0) { return a.distT - b.distT; } return result; } function sortNodesT(a, b) { var result = a.distT - b.distT; if (result == 0) { return a.distT2 - b.distT2; } return result; } function sortNodesY(a, b) { var result = a.distY - b.distY; if (result == 0) { return a.distT - b.distT; } return result; } return { autoFocus: autoFocus, focus: focus, focusableParent: focusableParent, getFocusableElements: getFocusableElements, moveLeft: function (sourceElement) { nav(sourceElement, 0); }, moveRight: function (sourceElement) { nav(sourceElement, 1); }, moveUp: function (sourceElement) { nav(sourceElement, 2); }, moveDown: function (sourceElement) { nav(sourceElement, 3); } }; });