(function ($, document, window, FileReader, escape) { var currentItem; function getBaseRemoteOptions() { var options = {}; options.itemId = currentItem.Id; return options; } function reload(page, item) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); if (item) { reloadItem(page, item); } else { ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), currentItem.Id).done(function (item) { reloadItem(page, item); }); } } function reloadItem(page, item) { currentItem = item; ApiClient.getRemoteImageProviders(getBaseRemoteOptions()).done(function (providers) { if (providers.length) { $('.lnkBrowseAllImages', page).removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.lnkBrowseAllImages', page).addClass('hide'); } ApiClient.getItemImageInfos(currentItem.Id).done(function (imageInfos) { renderStandardImages(page, item, imageInfos, providers); renderBackdrops(page, item, imageInfos, providers); renderScreenshots(page, item, imageInfos, providers); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); }); }); } function renderImages(page, item, images, imageProviders, elem) { var html = ''; for (var i = 0, length = images.length; i < length; i++) { var image = images[i]; html += '
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' + image.ImageType + '

'; } var height = 150; html += '
'; html += '
'; if (image.Width && image.Height) { html += '

' + image.Width + ' X ' + image.Height + '

'; } else { html += '


'; } html += '
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'; html += '
'; html += '
'; } elem.innerHTML = html; $('.btnSearchImages', elem).on('click', function () { showImageDownloader(page, this.getAttribute('data-imagetype')); }); $('.btnDeleteImage', elem).on('click', function () { var type = this.getAttribute('data-imagetype'); var index = this.getAttribute('data-index'); index = index == "null" ? null : parseInt(index); Dashboard.confirm(Globalize.translate('DeleteImageConfirmation'), Globalize.translate('HeaderDeleteImage'), function (result) { if (result) { ApiClient.deleteItemImage(currentItem.Id, type, index).done(function () { reload(page); }); } }); }); $('.btnMoveImage', elem).on('click', function () { var type = this.getAttribute('data-imagetype'); var index = parseInt(this.getAttribute('data-index')); var newIndex = parseInt(this.getAttribute('data-newindex')); ApiClient.updateItemImageIndex(currentItem.Id, type, index, newIndex).done(function () { reload(page); }); }); } function renderStandardImages(page, item, imageInfos, imageProviders) { var images = imageInfos.filter(function (i) { return i.ImageType != "Screenshot" && i.ImageType != "Backdrop" && i.ImageType != "Chapter"; }); renderImages(page, item, images, imageProviders, page.querySelector('#images')); } function renderBackdrops(page, item, imageInfos, imageProviders) { var images = imageInfos.filter(function (i) { return i.ImageType == "Backdrop"; }).sort(function (a, b) { return a.ImageIndex - b.ImageIndex; }); if (images.length) { $('#backdropsContainer', page).show(); renderImages(page, item, images, imageProviders, page.querySelector('#backdrops')); } else { $('#backdropsContainer', page).hide(); } } function renderScreenshots(page, item, imageInfos, imageProviders) { var images = imageInfos.filter(function (i) { return i.ImageType == "Screenshot"; }).sort(function (a, b) { return a.ImageIndex - b.ImageIndex; }); if (images.length) { $('#screenshotsContainer', page).show(); renderImages(page, item, images, imageProviders, $('#screenshots', page)); } else { $('#screenshotsContainer', page).hide(); } } function showImageDownloader(page, imageType) { require(['components/imagedownloader/imagedownloader'], function () { ImageDownloader.show(currentItem.Id, imageType).done(function (hasChanges) { if (hasChanges) { reload(page); } }); }); } function initEditor(page) { $('.btnOpenUploadMenu', page).on('click', function () { require(['components/imageuploader/imageuploader'], function () { ImageUploader.show(currentItem.Id).done(function (hasChanges) { if (hasChanges) { reload(page); } }); }); }); $('.btnBrowseAllImages', page).on('click', function () { showImageDownloader(page, 'Primary'); }); } function showEditor(itemId) { Dashboard.showLoadingMsg(); ApiClient.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'components/imageeditor/imageeditor.template.html' }).done(function (template) { ApiClient.getItem(Dashboard.getCurrentUserId(), itemId).done(function (item) { var dlg = document.createElement('paper-dialog'); dlg.setAttribute('with-backdrop', 'with-backdrop'); dlg.setAttribute('role', 'alertdialog'); // without this safari will scroll the background instead of the dialog contents dlg.setAttribute('modal', 'modal'); dlg.entryAnimation = 'scale-up-animation'; dlg.exitAnimation = 'fade-out-animation'; dlg.classList.add('fullscreen-editor-paper-dialog'); dlg.classList.add('ui-body-b'); var html = ''; html += '

'; html += ''; html += '
' + item.Name + '
'; html += '

'; html += '
'; html += Globalize.translateDocument(template); html += '
'; dlg.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(dlg); initEditor(dlg); // Has to be assigned a z-index after the call to .open() $(dlg).on('iron-overlay-closed', onDialogClosed); PaperDialogHelper.openWithHash(dlg, 'imageeditor'); var editorContent = dlg.querySelector('.editorContent'); reload(editorContent, item); $('.btnCloseDialog', dlg).on('click', closeDialog); }); }); } function closeDialog() { history.back(); } function onDialogClosed() { $(this).remove(); Dashboard.hideLoadingMsg(); } window.ImageEditor = { show: function (itemId) { require(['components/paperdialoghelper'], function () { Dashboard.importCss('css/metadataeditor.css'); showEditor(itemId); }); } }; })(jQuery, document, window, window.FileReader, escape);