(function () { function show(options) { // items // positionTo // showCancel // title // If any items have an icon, give them all an icon just to make sure they're all lined up evenly var renderIcon = options.items.filter(function (o) { return o.ironIcon == 'check'; }).length; if (renderIcon) { for (var i = 0, length = options.items.length; i < length; i++) { var option = options.items[i]; switch (option.ironIcon) { case 'check': option.name = '• ' + option.name; break; default: option.name = ' ' + option.name; break; } } } var innerOptions = { 'title': options.title, 'buttonLabels': options.items.map(function (i) { return i.name; }) }; // Show cancel unless the caller explicitly set it to false if (options.showCancel !== false) { innerOptions.addCancelButtonWithLabel = Globalize.translate('ButtonCancel'); } // Depending on the buttonIndex, you can now call shareViaFacebook or shareViaTwitter // of the SocialSharing plugin (https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin) window.plugins.actionsheet.show(innerOptions, function (index) { if (options.callback) { // Results are 1-based if (index >= 1 && options.items.length >= index) { options.callback(options.items[index - 1].id); } } }); } window.ActionSheetElement = { show: show }; })();