define(['appSettings', 'loading', 'apphost', 'iapManager', 'events', 'shell', 'globalize', 'dialogHelper', 'connectionManager', 'layoutManager', 'emby-button'], function (appSettings, loading, appHost, iapManager, events, shell, globalize, dialogHelper, connectionManager, layoutManager) { var currentDisplayingProductInfos = []; var currentDisplayingResolve = null; function alertText(options) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { require(['alert'], function (alert) { alert(options).then(resolve, reject); }); }); } function showInAppPurchaseInfo(subscriptionOptions, unlockableProductInfo, dialogOptions) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { require(['listViewStyle', 'formDialogStyle'], function () { showInAppPurchaseElement(subscriptionOptions, unlockableProductInfo, dialogOptions, resolve, reject); currentDisplayingResolve = resolve; }); }); } function validateFeature(feature, options) { options = options || {}; console.log('validateFeature: ' + feature); return iapManager.isUnlockedByDefault(feature).catch(function () { var unlockableFeatureCacheKey = 'featurepurchased-' + feature; if (appSettings.get(unlockableFeatureCacheKey) == '1') { return Promise.resolve(); } var unlockableProduct = iapManager.getProductInfo(feature); if (unlockableProduct) { var unlockableCacheKey = 'productpurchased-' +; if (unlockableProduct.owned) { // Cache this to eliminate the store as a possible point of failure in the future appSettings.set(unlockableFeatureCacheKey, '1'); appSettings.set(unlockableCacheKey, '1'); return Promise.resolve(); } if (appSettings.get(unlockableCacheKey) == '1') { return Promise.resolve(); } } var unlockableProductInfo = unlockableProduct ? { enableAppUnlock: true, id:, price: unlockableProduct.price, feature: feature } : null; return iapManager.getSubscriptionOptions().then(function (subscriptionOptions) { if (subscriptionOptions.filter(function (p) { return p.owned; }).length > 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } // Get supporter status return connectionManager.getRegistrationInfo(iapManager.getAdminFeatureName(feature), connectionManager.currentApiClient()).catch(function () { var dialogOptions = { title: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderUnlockFeature'), feature: feature }; if (options.showDialog === false) { return Promise.reject(); } return showInAppPurchaseInfo(subscriptionOptions, unlockableProductInfo, dialogOptions); }); }); }); } function cancelInAppPurchase() { var elem = document.querySelector('.inAppPurchaseOverlay'); if (elem) { dialogHelper.close(elem); } } function clearCurrentDisplayingInfo() { currentDisplayingProductInfos = []; currentDisplayingResolve = null; } function showExternalPremiereInfo() { shell.openUrl(''); } function centerFocus(elem, horiz, on) { require(['scrollHelper'], function (scrollHelper) { var fn = on ? 'on' : 'off'; scrollHelper.centerFocus[fn](elem, horiz); }); } function showInAppPurchaseElement(subscriptionOptions, unlockableProductInfo, dialogOptions, resolve, reject) { cancelInAppPurchase(); // clone currentDisplayingProductInfos = subscriptionOptions.slice(0); if (unlockableProductInfo) { currentDisplayingProductInfos.push(unlockableProductInfo); } var dlg = dialogHelper.createDialog({ size: 'fullscreen-border', removeOnClose: true, scrollY: false }); dlg.classList.add('formDialog'); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '

'; html += '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

'; if (unlockableProductInfo) { html += globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#MessageUnlockAppWithPurchaseOrSupporter'); } else { html += globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#MessageUnlockAppWithSupporter'); } html += '

'; html += '

'; html += globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#MessageToValidateSupporter'); html += '

'; var hasProduct = false; for (var i = 0, length = subscriptionOptions.length; i < length; i++) { hasProduct = true; html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; } if (unlockableProductInfo) { hasProduct = true; var unlockText = globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#ButtonUnlockWithPurchase'); if (unlockableProductInfo.price) { unlockText = globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#ButtonUnlockPrice', unlockableProductInfo.price); } html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; } html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; if (subscriptionOptions.length) { html += '

' + globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderBenefitsEmbyPremiere') + '

'; html += '
'; html += getSubscriptionBenefits().map(getSubscriptionBenefitHtml).join(''); html += '
'; } if (dialogOptions.feature == 'playback') { html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; dlg.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(dlg); var i, length; var btnPurchases = dlg.querySelectorAll('.btnPurchase'); for (i = 0, length = btnPurchases.length; i < length; i++) { btnPurchases[i].addEventListener('click', onPurchaseButtonClick); } btnPurchases = dlg.querySelectorAll('.buttonPremiereInfo'); for (i = 0, length = btnPurchases.length; i < length; i++) { btnPurchases[i].addEventListener('click', showExternalPremiereInfo); } dlg.querySelector('.btnRestorePurchase').addEventListener('click', function () { restorePurchase(unlockableProductInfo); }); loading.hide(); var rejected = false; function onCloseButtonClick() { var onConfirmed = function () { rejected = true; dialogHelper.close(dlg); }; if (dialogOptions.feature == 'playback') { alertText({ text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#ThankYouForTryingEnjoyOneMinute'), title: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderTryPlayback') }).then(onConfirmed); } else { onConfirmed(); } } var btnCloseDialogs = dlg.querySelectorAll('.btnCloseDialog'); for (i = 0, length = btnCloseDialogs.length; i < length; i++) { btnCloseDialogs[i].addEventListener('click', onCloseButtonClick); } dlg.classList.add('inAppPurchaseOverlay'); if ( { centerFocus(dlg.querySelector('.formDialogContent'), false, true); } () { if ( { centerFocus(dlg.querySelector('.formDialogContent'), false, false); } clearCurrentDisplayingInfo(); if (rejected) { reject(); } }); } function getSubscriptionBenefits() { var list = []; list.push({ name: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderFreeApps'), icon: 'check', text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#FreeAppsFeatureDescription') }); if (appHost.supports('sync')) { list.push({ name: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderOfflineDownloads'), icon: 'file_download', text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderOfflineDownloadsDescription') }); } list.push({ name: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#CoverArt'), icon: 'photo', text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#CoverArtFeatureDescription') }); list.push({ name: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderCinemaMode'), icon: 'movie', text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#CinemaModeFeatureDescription') }); list.push({ name: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HeaderCloudSync'), icon: 'sync', text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#CloudSyncFeatureDescription') }); return list; } function getSubscriptionBenefitHtml(item) { var enableLink = appHost.supports('externalpremium'); var html = ''; var cssClass = "listItem"; cssClass += ' listItem-button'; if ( { cssClass += ' listItem-focusscale'; } if (enableLink) { html += ''; } return html; } function onPurchaseButtonClick() { var featureId = this.getAttribute('data-featureid'); if (this.getAttribute('data-email') == 'true') { getUserEmail().then(function (email) { iapManager.beginPurchase(featureId, email); }); } else { iapManager.beginPurchase(featureId); } } function restorePurchase(unlockableProductInfo) { var dlg = dialogHelper.createDialog({ size: 'fullscreen-border', removeOnClose: true, scrollY: false }); dlg.classList.add('formDialog'); var html = ''; html += '
'; html += ''; html += '

'; html += iapManager.getRestoreButtonText(); html += '

'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '

'; html += globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#HowDidYouPay'); html += '

'; html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; if (unlockableProductInfo) { html += '

'; html += ''; html += '

'; } html += '
'; html += '
'; dlg.innerHTML = html; document.body.appendChild(dlg); loading.hide(); if ( { centerFocus(dlg.querySelector('.formDialogContent'), false, true); } dlg.querySelector('.btnCloseDialog').addEventListener('click', function () { dialogHelper.close(dlg); }); dlg.querySelector('.btnRestoreSub').addEventListener('click', function () { dialogHelper.close(dlg); alertText({ text: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#MessageToValidateSupporter'), title: 'Emby Premiere' }); }); var btnRestoreUnlock = dlg.querySelector('.btnRestoreUnlock'); if (btnRestoreUnlock) { btnRestoreUnlock.addEventListener('click', function () { dialogHelper.close(dlg); iapManager.restorePurchase(); }); } () { if ( { centerFocus(dlg.querySelector('.formDialogContent'), false, false); } }); } function getUserEmail() { if (connectionManager.isLoggedIntoConnect()) { var connectUser = connectionManager.connectUser(); if (connectUser && connectUser.Email) { return Promise.resolve(connectUser.Email); } } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { require(['prompt'], function (prompt) { prompt({ label: globalize.translate('sharedcomponents#LabelEmailAddress') }).then(resolve, reject); }); }); } function onProductUpdated(e, product) { if (product.owned) { var resolve = currentDisplayingResolve; if (resolve && currentDisplayingProductInfos.filter(function (p) { return ==; }).length) { cancelInAppPurchase(); resolve(); } } } function showPremiereInfo() { return iapManager.getSubscriptionOptions().then(function (subscriptionOptions) { var dialogOptions = { title: 'Emby Premiere', feature: 'sync' }; return showInAppPurchaseInfo(subscriptionOptions, null, dialogOptions); }); } events.on(iapManager, 'productupdated', onProductUpdated); return { validateFeature: validateFeature, showPremiereInfo: showPremiereInfo }; });