"AllowOnTheFlySubtitleExtractionHelp":"Embedded subtitles can be extracted from videos and delivered to clients in plain text in order to help prevent video transcoding. On some systems this can take a long time and cause video playback to stall during the extraction process. Disable this to have embedded subtitles burned in with video transcoding when they are not natively supported by the client device.",
"AllowRemoteAccess":"Allow remote connections to this Jellyfin Server.",
"AllowRemoteAccessHelp":"If unchecked, all remote connections will be blocked.",
"AllowedRemoteAddressesHelp":"Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that will be allowed to connect remotely. If left blank, all remote addresses will be allowed.",
"AlwaysPlaySubtitles":"Always play subtitles",
"AlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded regardless of the audio language.",
"BurnSubtitlesHelp":"Determines if the server should burn in subtitles when converting video depending on the subtitle format. Avoiding burning in subtitles will improve server performance. Select Auto to burn image based formats (VOBSUB, PGS, SUB/IDX, etc) and certain ASS/SSA subtitles.",
"ChangingMetadataImageSettingsNewContent":"Changes to metadata or artwork downloading settings will only apply to new content added to your library. To apply the changes to existing titles, you'll need to refresh their metadata manually.",
"ChannelAccessHelp":"Select the channels to share with this user. Administrators will be able to edit all channels using the metadata manager.",
"ChannelNameOnly":"Channel {0} only",
"ChannelNumber":"Channel number",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp":"Create a custom profile to target a new device or override a system profile.",
"DateAdded":"Date added",
"DatePlayed":"Date played",
"DeathDateValue":"Died: {0}",
"DefaultErrorMessage":"There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"DefaultMetadataLangaugeDescription":"These are your defaults and can be customized on a per-library basis.",
"DefaultSubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles are loaded based on the default and forced flags in the embedded metadata. Language preferences are considered when multiple options are available.",
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this device? It will reappear the next time a user signs in with it.",
"DeleteImage":"Delete Image",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this image?",
"DeleteMedia":"Delete media",
"DeleteUser":"Delete User",
"DeleteUserConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this user?",
"DetectingDevices":"Detecting devices",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"DirectStreamHelp1":"The media is compatible with the device regarding resolution and media type (H.264, AC3, etc), but is in an incompatible file container (mkv, avi, wmv, etc). The video will be re-packaged on the fly before streaming it to the device.",
"EnableStreamLoopingHelp":"Enable this if live streams only contain a few seconds of data and need to be continuously requested. Enabling this when not needed may cause problems.",
"ErrorAddingListingsToSchedulesDirect":"There was an error adding the lineup to your Schedules Direct account. Schedules Direct only allows a limited number of lineups per account. You may need to log into the Schedules Direct website and remove others listings from your account before proceeding.",
"ErrorAddingMediaPathToVirtualFolder":"There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Jellyfin Server process has access to that location.",
"ErrorAddingTunerDevice":"There was an error adding the tuner device. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorAddingXmlTvFile":"There was an error accessing the XmlTV file. Please ensure the file exists and try again.",
"ErrorDeletingItem":"There was an error deleting the item from Jellyfin Server. Please check that Jellyfin Server has write access to the media folder and try again.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd":"End time must be greater than the start time.",
"ErrorPleaseSelectLineup":"Please select a lineup and try again. If no lineups are available, then please check that your username, password, and postal code is correct.",
"ErrorSavingTvProvider":"There was an error saving the TV provider. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, resource intensive, and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"FFmpegSavePathNotFound":"We're unable to locate FFmpeg using the path you've entered. FFprobe is also required and must exist in the same folder. These components are normally bundled together in the same download. Please check the path and try again.",
"H264CrfHelp":"The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality (at the expense of higher file sizes). Sane values are between 18 and 28. The default for x264 is 23, so you can use this as a starting point.",
"H264EncodingPresetHelp":"Choose a faster value to improve performance, or a slower value to improve quality.",
"HDPrograms":"HD programs",
"HandledByProxy":"Handled by reverse proxy",
"HardwareAccelerationWarning":"Enabling hardware acceleration may cause instability in some environments. Ensure that your operating system and video drivers are fully up to date. If you have difficulty playing video after enabling this, you'll need to change the setting back to Auto.",
"HeaderAccessSchedule":"Access Schedule",
"HeaderAccessScheduleHelp":"Create an access schedule to limit access to certain hours.",
"HeaderActiveDevices":"Active Devices",
"HeaderActiveRecordings":"Active Recordings",
"HeaderAddScheduledTaskTrigger":"Add Trigger",
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Add to Collection",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist":"Add to Playlist",
"HeaderAddUpdateImage":"Add/Update Image",
"HeaderAddUser":"Add User",
"HeaderAdditionalParts":"Additional Parts",
"HeaderAlbumArtists":"Album Artists",
"HeaderAllowMediaDeletionFrom":"Allow Media Deletion From",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an API key in order to communicate with Jellyfin Server. Keys are issued by logging in with a Jellyfin account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating":"Block items with no or unrecognized rating information:",
"HeaderCancelRecording":"Cancel Recording",
"HeaderCancelSeries":"Cancel Series",
"HeaderCastAndCrew":"Cast & Crew",
"HeaderCastCrew":"Cast & Crew",
"HeaderChannelAccess":"Channel Access",
"HeaderChapterImages":"Chapter Images",
"HeaderCodecProfile":"Codec Profile",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp":"Codec profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific codecs. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the codec is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp":"Container profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific formats. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the format is configured for direct play.",
"HttpsRequiresCert":"To enable secure connections, you will need to supply a trusted SSL certificate, such as Let's Encrypt. Please either supply a certificate, or disable secure connections.",
"ImportFavoriteChannelsHelp":"If enabled, only channels that are marked as favorite on the tuner device will be imported.",
"ImportMissingEpisodesHelp":"If enabled, information about missing episodes will be imported into your Jellyfin database and displayed within seasons and series. This may cause significantly longer library scans.",
"InstallingPackage":"Installing {0}",
"InstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ItemCount":"{0} items",
"Label3DFormat":"3D format:",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown":"(Aborted by server shutdown)",
"LabelAccessDay":"Day of week:",
"LabelAccessEnd":"End time:",
"LabelAccessStart":"Start time:",
"LabelAirDays":"Air days:",
"LabelAirTime":"Air time:",
"LabelAirsAfterSeason":"Airs after season:",
"LabelAirsBeforeEpisode":"Airs before episode:",
"LabelAirsBeforeSeason":"Airs before season:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp":"PN used for album art, within the dlna:profileID attribute on upnp:albumArtURI. Some devices require a specific value, regardless of the size of the image.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeight":"Album art max height:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeightHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidth":"Album art max width:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidthHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAutomaticallyRefreshInternetMetadataEvery":"Automatically refresh metadata from the internet:",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddress":"Bind to local network address:",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddressHelp":"Optional. Override the local IP address to bind the http server to. If left empty, the server will bind to all availabile addresses. Changing this value requires restarting Jellyfin Server.",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayNameHelp":"Supply a custom display name or leave empty to use the name reported by the device.",
"LabelCustomRating":"Custom rating:",
"LabelDashboardTheme":"Server dashboard theme:",
"LabelDateAdded":"Date added:",
"LabelDateAddedBehavior":"Date added behavior for new content:",
"LabelDateAddedBehaviorHelp":"If a metadata value is present it will always be used before either of these options.",
"LabelDateTimeLocale":"Date time locale:",
"LabelDeathDate":"Death date:",
"LabelDefaultScreen":"Default screen:",
"LabelDefaultUser":"Default user:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp":"Determines which user library should be displayed on connected devices. This can be overridden for each device using profiles.",
"LabelDropImageHere":"Drop image here, or click to browse.",
"LabelDropShadow":"Drop shadow:",
"LabelDynamicExternalId":"{0} Id:",
"LabelEasyPinCode":"Easy pin code:",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl":"Embed album art in Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp":"Some devices prefer this method for obtaining album art. Others may fail to play with this option enabled.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap":"Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Attempt to automatically map the public port to the local port via UPnP. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"Generate chapter images when videos are imported during the library scan. Otherwise, they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"Use the easy pin code to sign in to clients within your local network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred metadata downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"LabelMetadataPath":"Metadata path:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp":"Specify a custom location for downloaded artwork and metadata.",
"LabelMetadataReaders":"Metadata readers:",
"LabelMetadataReadersHelp":"Rank your preferred local metadata sources in order of priority. The first file found will be read.",
"LabelMetadataSavers":"Metadata savers:",
"LabelMetadataSaversHelp":"Choose the file formats to save your metadata to.",
"LabelNotificationEnabled":"Enable this notification",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Number of days of guide data to download:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Downloading more days worth of guide data provides the ability to schedule out further in advance and view more listings, but it will also take longer to download. Auto will choose based on the number of channels.",
"LabelOptionalNetworkPathHelp":"If this folder is shared on your network, supplying the network share path can allow Jellyfin apps on other devices to access media files directly.",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimitHelp":"An optional per-stream bitrate limit for all out of network devices. This is useful to prevent devices from requesting a higher bitrate than your internet connection can handle. This may result in increased CPU load on your server in order to transcode videos on the fly to a lower bitrate.",
"LabelRuntimeMinutes":"Run time (minutes):",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata":"Save artwork into media folders",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp":"Saving artwork into media folders will put them in a place where they can be easily edited.",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan":"Last ran {0}, taking {1}.",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresent":"Skip if the default audio track matches the download language",
"LabelSkipIfAudioTrackPresentHelp":"Uncheck this to ensure all videos have subtitles, regardless of audio language.",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent":"Skip if the video already contains embedded subtitles",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp":"Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery and decrease the likelihood of video transcoding.",
"LabelTranscodingThreadCountHelp":"Select the maximum number of threads to use when transcoding. Reducing the thread count will lower CPU usage but may not convert fast enough for a smooth playback experience.",
"LabelXDlnaDocHelp":"Determines the content of the X_DLNADOC element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelYourFirstName":"Your first name:",
"LabelYoureDone":"You're Done!",
"LabelZipCode":"Zip Code:",
"LabelffmpegPath":"FFmpeg path:",
"LabelffmpegPathHelp":"The path to the ffmpeg application file, or folder containing ffmpeg.",
"LanNetworksHelp":"Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that will be considered on local network when enforcing bandwidth restrictions. If set, all other IP addresses will be considered to be on the external network and will be subject to the external bandwidth restrictions. If left blank, only the server's subnet is considered to be on the local network.",
"LaunchWebAppOnStartup":"Launch the web interface when starting the server",
"LaunchWebAppOnStartupHelp":"Open the web client in your default web browser when the server initially starts. This will not occur when using the restart server function.",
"MessageConfirmRemoveMediaLocation":"Are you sure you wish to remove this location?",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Jellyfin Server?",
"MessageConfirmRevokeApiKey":"Are you sure you wish to revoke this api key? The application's connection to Jellyfin Server will be abruptly terminated.",
"MessageContactAdminToResetPassword":"Please contact your system administrator to reset your password.",
"MessageCreateAccountAt":"Create an account at {0}",
"MessageDeleteTaskTrigger":"Are you sure you wish to delete this task trigger?",
"MessageDirectoryPickerBSDInstruction":"For BSD, you may need to configure storage within your FreeNAS Jail in order to allow Jellyfin to access it.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerLinuxInstruction":"For Linux on Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, or Ubuntu, you must grant the service user at least read access to your storage locations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, and Albums. Click the + button to start creating collections.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoPluginsInstalled":"You have no plugins installed.",
"MessagePasswordResetForUsers":"The following users have had their passwords reset. They can now sign in with the pin codes that were used to perform the reset.",
"MessagePlayAccessRestricted":"Playback of this content is currently restricted. Please contact your server administrator for more information.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata":"Please ensure downloading of internet metadata is enabled.",
"MessagePleaseWait":"Please wait. This may take a minute.",
"MessagePluginConfigurationRequiresLocalAccess":"To configure this plugin please sign in to your local server directly.",
"MessagePluginInstallDisclaimer":"Plugins built by Jellyfin community members are a great way to enhance your Jellyfin experience with additional features and benefits. Before installing, please be aware of the effects they may have on your Jellyfin Server, such as longer library scans, additional background processing, and decreased system stability.",
"MessageUnableToConnectToServer":"We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp":"Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled":"You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MetadataManager":"Metadata Manager",
"MetadataSettingChangeHelp":"Changing metadata settings will affect new content that is added going forward. To refresh existing content, open the detail screen and click the refresh button, or perform bulk refreshes using the metadata manager.",
"OptionAllowAudioPlaybackTranscoding":"Allow audio playback that requires transcoding",
"OptionAllowBrowsingLiveTv":"Allow Live TV access",
"OptionAllowContentDownloading":"Allow media downloading and syncing",
"OptionAllowLinkSharing":"Allow social media sharing",
"OptionAllowLinkSharingHelp":"Only web pages containing media information are shared. Media files are never shared publicly. Shares are time-limited and will expire after {0} days.",
"OptionAllowManageLiveTv":"Allow Live TV recording management",
"OptionAllowMediaPlayback":"Allow media playback",
"OptionAllowMediaPlaybackTranscodingHelp":"Restricting access to transcoding may cause playback failures in Jellyfin apps due to unsupported media formats.",
"OptionAllowRemoteControlOthers":"Allow remote control of other users",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevices":"Allow remote control of shared devices",
"OptionAllowSyncTranscoding":"Allow media downloading and syncing that requires transcoding",
"OptionAllowUserToManageServer":"Allow this user to manage the server",
"OptionAllowVideoPlaybackRemuxing":"Allow video playback that requires conversion without re-encoding",
"OptionAllowVideoPlaybackTranscoding":"Allow video playback that requires transcoding",
"OptionAutomaticallyGroupSeries":"Automatically merge series that are spread across multiple folders",
"OptionAutomaticallyGroupSeriesHelp":"If enabled, series that are spread across multiple folders within this library will be automatically merged into a single series.",
"OptionDownloadImagesInAdvanceHelp":"By default, most images are only downloaded when requested by a Jellyfin app. Enable this option to download all images in advance, as new media is imported. This may cause significantly longer library scans.",
"OptionHideUser":"Hide this user from login screens",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionLoginAttemptsBeforeLockoutHelp":"A value of zero means inheriting the default of three attempts for normal users and five for administrators. Setting this to -1 will disable the feature.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders":"Display all folders as plain storage folders",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp":"If enabled, all folders are represented in DIDL as \"object.container.storageFolder\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.container.person.musicArtist\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems":"Display all videos as plain video items",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp":"If enabled, all videos are represented in DIDL as \"object.item.videoItem\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.item.videoItem.movie\".",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding":"Report that the server supports byte seeking when transcoding",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp":"This is required for some devices that don't time seek very well.",
"OptionRequirePerfectSubtitleMatch":"Only download subtitles that are a perfect match for my video files",
"OptionRequirePerfectSubtitleMatchHelp":"Requiring a perfect match will filter subtitles to include only those that have been tested and verified with your exact video file. Unchecking this will increase the likelihood of subtitles being downloaded, but will increase the chances of mistimed or incorrect subtitle text.",
"OptionResElement":"res element",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHiddenHelp":"Changing this will apply to new metadata saved going forward. Existing metadata files will be updated the next time they are saved by Jellyfin Server.",
"PleaseRestartServerName":"Please restart Jellyfin Server - {0}.",
"PleaseSelectTwoItems":"Please select at least two items.",
"PluginInstalledMessage":"The plugin has been successfully installed. Jellyfin Server will need to be restarted for changes to take effect.",
"PreferEmbeddedTitlesOverFileNames":"Prefer embedded titles over filenames",
"PreferEmbeddedTitlesOverFileNamesHelp":"This determines the default display title when no internet metadata or local metadata is available.",
"PreferredNotRequired":"Preferred, but not required",
"ProductionLocations":"Production locations",
"QueueAllFromHere":"Queue all from here",
"RecentlyWatched":"Recently watched",
"RecommendationBecauseYouLike":"Because you like {0}",
"RecommendationBecauseYouWatched":"Because you watched {0}",
"RecommendationDirectedBy":"Directed by {0}",
"RecommendationStarring":"Starring {0}",
"RecordSeries":"Record series",
"RecordingCancelled":"Recording cancelled.",
"RecordingPathChangeMessage":"Changing your recording folder will not migrate existing recordings from the old location to the new. You'll need to move them manually if desired.",
"RecordingScheduled":"Recording scheduled.",
"RefreshDialogHelp":"Metadata is refreshed based on settings and internet services that are enabled in the Jellyfin Server dashboard.",
"ServerNameIsRestarting":"Jellyfin Server - {0} is restarting.",
"ServerNameIsShuttingDown":"Jellyfin Server - {0} is shutting down.",
"ServerRestartNeededAfterPluginInstall":"Jellyfin Server will need to be restarted after installing a plugin.",
"ServerUpdateNeeded":"This Jellyfin Server needs to be updated. To download the latest version, please visit {0}",
"SettingsSaved":"Settings saved.",
"SettingsWarning":"Changing these values may cause instability or connectivity failures. If you experience any problems, we recommend changing them back to default.",
"ShowAdvancedSettings":"Show advanced settings",
"ShowIndicatorsFor":"Show indicators for:",
"ShowTitle":"Show title",
"ShowYear":"Show year",
"SimultaneousConnectionLimitHelp":"The maximum number of allowed simultaneous streams. Enter 0 for no limit.",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibrary":"Don't record episodes that are already in my library",
"SkipEpisodesAlreadyInMyLibraryHelp":"Episodes will be compared using season and episode numbers, when available.",
"SubtitleAppearanceSettingsDisclaimer":"These settings will not apply to graphical subtitles (PGS, DVD, etc) or ASS/SSA subtitles that embed their own styles.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Jellyfin has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish</b> to view the <b>Dashboard</b>.",
"XmlTvPathHelp":"A path to an XML TV file. Jellyfin will read this file and periodically check it for updates. You are responsible for creating and updating the file.",