"ThisWizardWillGuideYou":"Den h\u00e4r guiden hj\u00e4lper dig att g\u00f6ra de f\u00f6rsta inst\u00e4llningarna. F\u00f6r att b\u00f6rja var v\u00e4nlig v\u00e4lj \u00f6nskat spr\u00e5k.",
"TellUsAboutYourself":"Ber\u00e4tta om dig sj\u00e4lv",
"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater":"Flera anv\u00e4ndare kan skapas senare i Kontrollpanelen.",
"UserProfilesIntro":"Emby includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"AWindowsServiceHasBeenInstalled":"En Windows-tj\u00e4nst har installerats.",
"WindowsServiceIntro1":"Emby Server normally runs as a desktop application with a tray icon, but if you prefer to run it as a background service, it can be started from the windows services control panel instead.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2":"If using the windows service, please note that it cannot be run at the same time as the tray icon, so you'll need to exit the tray in order to run the service. The service will also need to be configured with administrative privileges via the control panel. When running as a service, you will need to ensure that the service account has access to your media folders.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Emby has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish<\/b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard<\/b>.",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction":"Ta fram bildrutor ur videofiler",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp":"Dessa anv\u00e4nds f\u00f6r objekt som saknar bilder och d\u00e4r vi inte hittar n\u00e5gra vid s\u00f6kning p\u00e5 Internet. Detta g\u00f6r att den f\u00f6rsta genoms\u00f6kningen av biblioteket tar lite l\u00e4ngre tid, men ger en snyggare presentation.",
"LabelEnableChapterImageExtractionForMovies":"Ta fram kapitelbildrutor ur filmfiler",
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs as a nightly scheduled task, although this is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping":"Aktivera automatisk koppling av portar",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp":"UPnP m\u00f6jligg\u00f6r automatisk inst\u00e4llning av din router s\u00e5 att du enkelt kan n\u00e5 Media Browser fr\u00e5n Internet. Detta kanske inte fungerar med alla routrar.",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp":"To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Emby Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelPinCode":"Pin code:",
"OptionHideWatchedContentFromLatestMedia":"Hide watched content from latest media",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp":"Supply your own ssl certificate .pfx file. If omitted, the server will create a self-signed certificate.",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Identifiera arkivfiler som media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp":"Om aktiverad, kommer filer med .rar och .zip f\u00f6rl\u00e4ngningar att uppt\u00e4ckas som mediefiler.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName":"Username or email:",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp":"This is your Emby online account username or email.",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMovies":"Enable enhanced movie displays",
"LabelEnableEnhancedMoviesHelp":"When enabled, movies will be displayed as folders to include trailers, extras, cast & crew, and other related content.",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Aktivera \u00e5tkomst fr\u00e5n alla enheter",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Aktivera \u00e5tkomst till alla kanaler",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Enable access to all libraries",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"OptionDefaultSubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles are loaded based on the default and forced flags in the embedded metadata. Language preferences are considered when multiple options are available.",
"MaxParentalRatingHelp":"Inneh\u00e5ll med h\u00f6gre gr\u00e4ns visas ej f\u00f6r den h\u00e4r anv\u00e4ndaren.",
"LibraryAccessHelp":"Ange vilka mediamappar den h\u00e4r anv\u00e4ndaren ska ha tillg\u00e5ng till. Administrat\u00f6rer har r\u00e4ttighet att redigera alla mappar i metadatahanteraren.",
"ChannelAccessHelp":"V\u00e4lj kanaler att dela med denna anv\u00e4ndare. Administrat\u00f6rer kan redigera alla kanaler med hj\u00e4lp av metadatahanteraren.",
"DevBuildWarning":"Utvecklingsversioner \u00e4r \"bleeding edge\". Dessa kommer ut ofta och \u00e4r otestade. Appen kanske kraschar och vissa delar kanske inte alls fungerar.",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevices":"Till\u00e5t fj\u00e4rrstyrning av delade enheter",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevicesHelp":"DLNA-enheter betraktas som delade tills en anv\u00e4ndare b\u00f6rjar kontrollera den.",
"OptionAllowLinkSharing":"Allow social media sharing",
"OptionAllowLinkSharingHelp":"Only web pages containing media information are shared. Media files are never shared publicly. Shares are time-limited and will expire based on your server sharing settings.",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp":"Detta g\u00f6r att Media Browser startas med aktivitetsf\u00e4ltsikon n\u00e4r Windows startas. F\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda Windows-tj\u00e4nsten, avmarkera detta och starta tj\u00e4nsten fr\u00e5n kontrollpanelen. M\u00e4rk att tj\u00e4nsten inte kan k\u00f6ras samtidigt som aktivitetsf\u00e4ltsikonen s\u00e5 f\u00f6r att k\u00f6ra tj\u00e4nsten m\u00e5ste ikonen st\u00e4ngas.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"Denna mapp inneh\u00e5ller tillf\u00e4lliga filer som anv\u00e4nds vid omkodning. Ange en plats f\u00f6r dessa, eller l\u00e4mna blankt f\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda f\u00f6rvald plats.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesFanartHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to fanart.tv. Existing images will not be replaced. This will cause library scans to take longer and will result in more disk activity.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheMovieDB.org. Existing images will not be replaced. This will cause library scans to take longer and will result in more disk activity.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheTVDB.com. Existing images will not be replaced. This will cause library scans to take longer and will result in more disk activity.",
"LabelFanartApiKeyHelp":"Requests to fanart without a personal API key return results that were approved over 7 days ago. With a personal API key that drops to 48 hours and if you are also a fanart VIP member that will further drop to around 10 minutes.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Emby recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Antal dagars tabl\u00e5 att h\u00e4mta",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"H\u00e4mtning av en l\u00e4ngre periods tabl\u00e5 ger m\u00f6jlighet att boka inspelningar och se program l\u00e4ngre fram i tiden, men ger l\u00e4ngre nedladdningstid. \"Auto\" v\u00e4ljer baserat p\u00e5 antalet kanaler.",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"S\u00f6kv\u00e4gsutbyte betyder att en plats p\u00e5 servern kopplas till en lokal fils\u00f6kv\u00e4g p\u00e5 en klient. P\u00e5 s\u00e5 s\u00e4tt f\u00e5r klienten direkt tillg\u00e5ng till material p\u00e5 servern och kan spela upp det direkt via n\u00e4tverket utan att f\u00f6rbruka serverresurser f\u00f6r str\u00f6mning och omkodning.",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLogging":"Aktivera loggning av fel fr\u00e5n omkodning",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLoggingHelp":"Detta resulterar i mycket stora loggfiler och rekommenderas bara vid fels\u00f6kning.",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp":"L\u00e4gg till eller ta bort filmer, tv-serier, album, b\u00f6cker eller spel du vill gruppera inom den h\u00e4r samlingen.",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp":"Det h\u00e4r namnet anv\u00e4nds f\u00f6r att identifiera servern, om det l\u00e4mnas tomt kommer datorns namn att anv\u00e4ndas.",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Emby apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Help ensure the continued development of this project by purchasing Emby Premiere. A portion of all income will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"PleaseUpdateManually":"Var god st\u00e4ng av servern och uppdatera manuellt.",
"NewServerVersionAvailable":"A new version of Emby Server is available!",
"ServerUpToDate":"Emby Server is up to date",
"LabelComponentsUpdated":"F\u00f6ljande komponenter har installerats eller uppdaterats:",
"MessagePleaseRestartServerToFinishUpdating":"V\u00e4nligen starta om servern f\u00f6r att slutf\u00f6ra uppdateringarna.",
"LabelDownMixAudioScale":"H\u00f6j niv\u00e5n vid nedmixning av ljud",
"LabelDownMixAudioScaleHelp":"H\u00f6j niv\u00e5n vid nedmixning. S\u00e4tt v\u00e4rdet till 1 f\u00f6r att beh\u00e5lla den ursprungliga niv\u00e5n.",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp":"Anger vilket anv\u00e4ndarbibliotek som skall visas p\u00e5 anslutna enheter. Denna inst\u00e4llning kan \u00e4ndras p\u00e5 enhetsbasis med hj\u00e4lp av en enhetsprofiler.",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp":"Avkodarprofiler best\u00e4mmer begr\u00e4nsningarna hos en enhet n\u00e4r den spelar upp olika kodningstyper. Om en begr\u00e4nsning \u00e4r aktuell kommer inneh\u00e5llet att kodas om, \u00e4ven om kodningstypen sig \u00e4r inst\u00e4lld f\u00f6r direkt avspelning.",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp":"Beh\u00e5llareprofiler best\u00e4mmer begr\u00e4nsningarna hos en enhet n\u00e4r den spelar upp olika filformat. Om en begr\u00e4nsning \u00e4r aktuell kommer inneh\u00e5llet att kodas om, \u00e4ven om formatet i sig \u00e4r inst\u00e4llt f\u00f6r direkt avspelning.",
"LabelUserLibraryHelp":"V\u00e4lj vilken anv\u00e4ndares bibliotek som skall visas p\u00e5 enheten. L\u00e4mna detta tomt f\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda standardbiblioteket.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders":"Visa alla mappar som vanliga lagringsmappar",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp":"Om aktiverad representeras alla mappar i DIDL som \"object.container.storageFolder\" i st\u00e4llet f\u00f6r en mera specifik typ, t ex \"object.container.person.musicArtist\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems":"Visa alla videor som objekt utan specifikt format",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp":"Om aktiverad representeras alla videor i DIDL som \"object.item.videoItem\" i st\u00e4llet f\u00f6r en mera specifik typ, t ex \"object.item.videoItem.movie\".",
"LabelSupportedMediaTypes":"Mediaformat som st\u00f6ds:",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl":"B\u00e4dda in omslagsbilder i Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp":"Vissa enheter f\u00f6redrar den h\u00e4r metoden att ta fram omslagsbilder. Andra kanske avbryter avspelningen om detta val \u00e4r aktiverat.",
"LabelAlbumArtPN":"PN f\u00f6r omslagsbilder:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp":"Det PN som anv\u00e4nds f\u00f6r omslagsbilder, inom attributet dlna:profileID hos upnp:albumArtURI. Vissa klienter kr\u00e4ver ett specifikt v\u00e4rde, oavsett bildens storlek.",
"LabelIconMaxHeightHelp":"H\u00f6gsta uppl\u00f6sning hos ikoner som visas via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIdentificationFieldHelp":"En skiftl\u00e4gesok\u00e4nslig delstr\u00e4ng eller regex-uttryck.",
"HeaderProfileServerSettingsHelp":"These values control how Emby Server will present itself to the device.",
"LabelMaxBitrate":"H\u00f6gsta bithastighet:",
"LabelMaxBitrateHelp":"Ange en h\u00f6gsta bithastighet i bandbreddsbegr\u00e4nsade milj\u00f6er, eller i fall d\u00e4r enheten har sina egna begr\u00e4nsningar.",
"HeaderIdentificationCriteriaHelp":"Var god skriv in minst ett identifieringskriterium",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfileHelp":"Ange direktuppspelningsprofiler f\u00f6r att indikera vilka format enheten kan spela upp utan omkodning.",
"HeaderTranscodingProfileHelp":"Ange omkodningsprofiler f\u00f6r att indikera vilka format som ska anv\u00e4ndas d\u00e5 omkodning kr\u00e4vs.",
"HeaderResponseProfileHelp":"Svarsprofiler \u00e4r ett s\u00e4tt att anpassa den information som s\u00e4nds till enheten d\u00e5 olika typer av media spelas upp.",
"LabelXDlnaCap":"X-Dlna cap:",
"LabelXDlnaCapHelp":"Anger inneh\u00e5llet i elementet X_DLNACAP i namnutrymmet urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0.",
"LabelXDlnaDoc":"X-Dlna doc:",
"LabelXDlnaDocHelp":"Anger inneh\u00e5llet i elementet X_DLNADOC i namnutrymmet urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0.",
"OptionEnableM2tsModeHelp":"Aktivera m2ts-l\u00e4ge n\u00e4r omkodning sker till mpegts.",
"OptionEstimateContentLength":"Upskattad inneh\u00e5llsl\u00e4ngd vid omkodning",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscoding":"Meddela att servern st\u00f6djer bytebaserad s\u00f6kning vid omkodning",
"OptionReportByteRangeSeekingWhenTranscodingHelp":"Detta kr\u00e4vs f\u00f6r vissa enheter som inte kan utf\u00f6ra tidss\u00f6kning p\u00e5 ett tillfredsst\u00e4llande s\u00e4tt.",
"HeaderSubtitleDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can search for missing subtitles, and download them using a subtitle provider such as OpenSubtitles.org.",
"HeaderDownloadSubtitlesFor":"Ladda ner undertexter f\u00f6r:",
"MessageNoChapterProviders":"Installera ett kapiteltill\u00e4gg s\u00e5som ChapterDb f\u00f6r att ge fler kapitelfunktioner.",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent":"Hoppa \u00f6ver om videon redan inneh\u00e5ller grafiska undertexter",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp":"Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery and decrease the likelihood of video transcoding.",
"HeaderChapterDownloadingHelp":"When Emby scans your video files it can download friendly chapter names from the internet using chapter plugins such as ChapterDb.",
"LabelPlayDefaultAudioTrack":"Anv\u00e4nd det f\u00f6rvalda ljudsp\u00e5ret oavsett spr\u00e5k",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Det finns inga filmf\u00f6rslag f\u00f6r tillf\u00e4llet. Efter att ha sett ett antal filmer kan du \u00e5terkomma hit f\u00f6r att se dina f\u00f6rslag.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Samlingar g\u00f6r det m\u00f6jligt att avnjuta personliga grupperingar av filmer, serier, Album, b\u00f6cker och spel. Klicka p\u00e5 knappen + f\u00f6r att b\u00f6rja skapa samlingar.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Spellistor l\u00e5ter dig skapa listor med inneh\u00e5ll att spela upp i ordning. F\u00f6r att l\u00e4gga till objekt i spellistor, h\u00f6gerklicka eller tryck-och-h\u00e5ll och v\u00e4lj \"l\u00e4gg till i spellista\".",
"LabelEnableChannelContentDownloadingFor":"Aktivera nedladdning av inneh\u00e5ll f\u00f6r dessa kanaler:",
"LabelEnableChannelContentDownloadingForHelp":"Vissa kanaler till\u00e5ter nedladdning av material f\u00f6re visning. Aktivera detta d\u00e5 bandbredden \u00e4r begr\u00e4nsad f\u00f6r att h\u00e4mta material vid tider med l\u00e5g belastning. H\u00e4mtningen styrs av den schemalagda aktiviteten \"Nedladdning till kanaler\".",
"LabelChannelDownloadPath":"Plats f\u00f6r lagring av nedladdat kanalinneh\u00e5ll:",
"LabelChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Ange anpassad plats om s\u00e5 \u00f6nskas. L\u00e4mna tomt f\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda en intern programdatamapp.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Radera inneh\u00e5ll efter (dagar):",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Nedladdat inneh\u00e5ll \u00e4ldre \u00e4n s\u00e5 raderas. Det \u00e4r fortfarande tillg\u00e4ngligt via str\u00f6mning fr\u00e5n Internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installera kanaler, t ex Trailers och Vimeo, via till\u00e4ggskatalogen.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Emby includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser":"Sync user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Emby Server and Nfo files.",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInline":"Display channels inline within my views",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInlineHelp":"If enabled, channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopiera extrafanart till extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"N\u00e4r bilder h\u00e4mtas fr\u00e5n Internet kan de sparas i b\u00e5de extrafanart- och extrathumbs-mapparna f\u00f6r att ge maximal kompatibilitet med Kodi-skins.",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Emby Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Emby account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataFor":"Ladda ner biografi och bilder f\u00f6r:",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataForHelp":"Aktivering av extrafunktioner g\u00f6r att mera information visas men g\u00f6r genoms\u00f6kning av biblioteket l\u00e5ngsammare.",
"LabelDisplayFoldersView":"Vy som visar vanliga lagringsmappar",
"EasyPasswordHelp":"Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Emby apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPassword":"Enable in-network sign in with my easy pin code",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Emby apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"LinkLearnMoreAboutSubscription":"Learn about Emby Premiere",
"MessagePluginRequiresSubscription":"This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription after the 14 day free trial.",
"MessagePremiumPluginRequiresMembership":"This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription in order to purchase after the 14 day free trial.",
"XmlDocumentAttributeListHelp":"Dessa attribut till\u00e4mpas p\u00e5 rotelementet i alla xml-svar.",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Spara metadata och bilder som dolda filer",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extrahera kapitelbildrutor vid genoms\u00f6kning av biblioteket",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"Om aktiverat extraheras kapitelbildrutor n\u00e4r videor importeras vid genoms\u00f6kning av biblioteket. Om avaktiverat kommer extrahering att ske vid schemalagd kapitelbildrutebehandling, f\u00f6r att snabba upp den regelbundna genoms\u00f6kningen av biblioteket.",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp":"Connect this local user to an online Emby account to enable easy sign-in access from any Emby app without having to know the server ip address.",
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp":"Visa knappar f\u00f6r att spela upp inneh\u00e5ll i externa uppspelare. Detta ar enbart tillg\u00e4ngligt p\u00e5 enheter som st\u00f6djer url-scheman, i allm\u00e4nhet Android och iOS. Externa uppspelare har normalt ej st\u00f6d f\u00f6r fj\u00e4rrkontroll eller \u00e5terupptagande.",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp":"Biol\u00e4get g\u00f6r ditt vardagsrum till en biograf genom m\u00f6jligheten att visa trailers och egna vinjetter innan filmen b\u00f6rjar.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSubscriptionHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active Emby Premiere subscription and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"LabelCameraUploadPathHelp":"Select a custom upload path, if desired. If unspecified a default folder will be used. If using a custom path it will also need to be added in the library setup area.",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolder":"Skapa en undermapp f\u00f6r varje enhet",
"LabelCreateCameraUploadSubfolderHelp":"S\u00e4rskilda mappar f\u00f6r varje enhet kan anges p\u00e5 sidan \"Enheter\" genom att klicka p\u00e5 resp. enhet.",
"LabelCustomDeviceDisplayNameHelp":"Ange ett anpassat enhetsnamn. L\u00e4mna blankt f\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda det namn enheten sj\u00e4lv rapporterar.",
"OptionPlayUnwatchedTrailersOnly":"Spela endast osedda trailers",
"HeaderTrailerReelHelp":"Starta en trailer rulle f\u00f6r att spela en l\u00e5ng spellista med trailers.",
"MessageNoTrailersFound":"No trailers found. Install the Trailer channel to enhance your movie experience by adding a library of internet trailers.",
"HeaderNewUsers":"New Users",
"ButtonSignUp":"Registrera dig",
"ButtonForgotPassword":"Forgot password",
"OptionDisableUserPreferences":"Inaktivera tillg\u00e5ng till anv\u00e4ndarinst\u00e4llningar",
"OptionDisableUserPreferencesHelp":"Om aktiverad, kommer endast administrat\u00f6rer att kunna konfigurera anv\u00e4ndarprofilbilder, l\u00f6senord och spr\u00e5kinst\u00e4llningar.",
"HeaderSelectServer":"V\u00e4lj Server",
"MessageNoServersAvailableToConnect":"Inga servrar finns tillg\u00e4ngliga f\u00f6r att ansluta till. Om du har blivit inbjuden att dela en server, se till att acceptera den nedan eller genom att klicka p\u00e5 l\u00e4nken i e-postmeddelandet.",
"TitleNewUser":"Ny Anv\u00e4ndare",
"ButtonConfigurePassword":"Configure Password",
"HeaderDashboardUserPassword":"User passwords are managed within each user's personal profile settings.",
"HeaderLibraryAccess":"Library Access",
"HeaderChannelAccess":"Channel Access",
"HeaderLatestItems":"Latest Items",
"LabelSelectLastestItemsFolders":"Include media from the following sections in Latest Items",
"HeaderShareMediaFolders":"Share Media Folders",
"MessageGuestSharingPermissionsHelp":"Most features are initially unavailable to guests but can be enabled as needed.",
"LabelNewUserNameHelp":"Usernames can contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-), underscores (_), apostrophes ('), and periods (.)",
"LabelTagFilterAllowModeHelp":"If allowed tags are used as part of a deeply nested folder structure, content that is tagged will require parent folders to be tagged as well.",
"HeaderThisUserIsCurrentlyDisabled":"This user is currently disabled",
"MessageReenableUser":"See below to reenable",
"LabelEnableInternetMetadataForTvPrograms":"Download internet metadata for:",
"OptionEnableTranscodingThrottleHelp":"Throttling will automatically adjust transcoding speed in order to minimize server cpu utilization during playback.",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimitHelp":"An optional streaming bitrate limit for all out of network clients. This is useful to prevent clients from requesting a higher bitrate than your internet connection can handle.",
"LabelSelectViewStylesHelp":"If enabled, views will be built with metadata to offer categories such as Suggestions, Latest, Genres, and more. If disabled, they'll be displayed with simple folders.",
"HeaderWelcomeToEmby":"Welcome to Emby",
"EmbyIntroMessage":"With Emby you can easily stream videos, music and photos to smart phones, tablets and other devices from your Emby Server.",
"TextConnectToServerManually":"Connect to server manually",
"LabelTranscodingThreadCountHelp":"Select the maximum number of threads to use when transcoding. Reducing the thread count will lower cpu usage but may not convert fast enough for a smooth playback experience.",
"MessageActiveSubscriptionRequiredSeriesRecordings":"An active Emby Premiere subscription is required in order to create automated series recordings.",
"OptionEnableVideoFrameAnalysis":"Enable frame by frame video analysis",
"OptionEnableVideoFrameAnalysisHelp":"Extract detailed information about videos that can be used to make transcoding as efficient as possible. This will cause library scans to take longer.",
"LabelCodecIntrosPathHelp":"A folder containing video files. If an intro video file name matches the video codec, audio codec, audio profile, or a tag, then it will be played prior to the main feature.",
"OptionConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormat":"Automatically convert recordings to a streaming friendly format",
"OptionConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormatHelp":"Recordings will be converted on the fly to MP4 for easy playback on your devices.",
"FeatureRequiresEmbyPremiere":"This feature requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"OptionDownloadImagesInAdvanceHelp":"By default, most secondary images are only downloaded when requested by an Emby app. Enable this option to download all images in advance, as new media is imported.",
"Delete":"Ta bort",
"DeleteImage":"Ta bort bild",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"MessagePleaseSupportProject":"Please support Emby.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta bort den h\u00e4r bilden?",
"FileReadCancelled":"Inl\u00e4sningen av filen har avbrutits.",
"FileNotFound":"Kan inte hitta filen.",
"FileReadError":"Ett fel intr\u00e4ffade vid inl\u00e4sningen av filen.",
"DeleteUser":"Ta bort anv\u00e4ndare",
"DeleteUserConfirmation":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill radera denna anv\u00e4ndare?",
"PasswordResetHeader":"Reset Password",
"PasswordResetComplete":"L\u00f6senordet har \u00e5terst\u00e4llts.",
"PinCodeResetComplete":"The pin code has been reset.",
"PasswordResetConfirmation":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill \u00e5terst\u00e4lla l\u00f6senordet?",
"PinCodeResetConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to reset the pin code?",
"HeaderPinCodeReset":"Reset Pin Code",
"PasswordSaved":"L\u00f6senordet har sparats.",
"PasswordMatchError":"L\u00f6senordet och bekr\u00e4ftelsen m\u00e5ste \u00f6verensst\u00e4mma.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdateLevelForPlugins":"Automatic update level for plugins:",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Det gick inte att starta Chromecast. Kontrollera att enheten \u00e4r ansluten till det tr\u00e5dl\u00f6sa n\u00e4tverket.",
"MessageErrorLoadingSupporterInfo":"There was an error loading Emby Premiere information. Please try again later.",
"MessageLinkYourSupporterKey":"Link your Emby Premiere key with up to {0} Emby Connect members to enjoy free access to the following apps:",
"HeaderConfirmRemoveUser":"Remove User",
"MessageConfirmRemoveConnectSupporter":"Are you sure you wish to remove additional Emby Premiere benefits from this user?",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task and does not require any manual effort. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"An active Emby Premiere subscription provides additional benefits such as access to sync, premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"LabelSyncNoTargetsHelp":"It looks like you don't currently have any apps that support sync.",
"HeaderWelcomeToProjectServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Emby Server Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToProjectWebClient":"Welcome to Emby",
"ButtonTakeTheTour":"Ta en rundtur",
"HeaderWelcomeBack":"Welcome back!",
"ButtonTakeTheTourToSeeWhatsNew":"Take the tour to see what's new",
"MessageNoSyncJobsFound":"Inga synkjobb hittades. Skapa synkjobb med hj\u00e4lp av Synk-knapparna som finns i hela gr\u00e4nssnittet.",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown":"(avbr\u00f6ts eftersom servern st\u00e4ngdes av)",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan":"Senast k\u00f6rd {0}, tog {1}",
"HeaderDeleteTaskTrigger":"Ta bort aktivitetsutl\u00f6sare",
"MessageDeleteTaskTrigger":"Vill du ta bort denna aktivitetsutl\u00f6sare?",
"MessageNoPluginsInstalled":"Inga till\u00e4gg har installerats.",
"MessageNoPluginsDueToAppStore":"To manage plugins, please use the Emby web app.",
"LabelVersionInstalled":"{0} installerade",
"LabelNumberReviews":"{0} recensioner",
"HeaderPlaybackError":"Playback Error",
"MessagePlaybackErrorNotAllowed":"You're currently not authorized to play this content. Please contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorNoCompatibleStream":"No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorRateLimitExceeded":"Your playback rate limit has been exceeded. Please contact your system administrator for details.",
"MessagePlaybackErrorPlaceHolder":"The content chosen is not playable from this device.",
"HeaderSelectAudio":"V\u00e4lj ljudsp\u00e5r",
"HeaderSelectSubtitles":"V\u00e4lj undertexter",
"ButtonMarkForRemoval":"Remove from device",
"ButtonUnmarkForRemoval":"Cancel removal from device",
"MessageConfirmResetTuner":"Vill du verkligen \u00e5terst\u00e4lla den h\u00e4r mottagaren? Alla aktiva uppspelare och inspelningar kommer att avbrytas utan f\u00f6rvarning.",
"ButtonCancelSeries":"Avbryt serieinspelning",
"LabelAnytime":"N\u00e4r som helst",
"StatusRecording":"Inspelning p\u00e5g\u00e5r",
"StatusWatching":"Visning p\u00e5g\u00e5r",
"StatusRecordingProgram":"Spelar in {0}",
"StatusWatchingProgram":"Spelar upp {0}",
"HeaderSplitMedia":"Dela upp media",
"MessageConfirmSplitMedia":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill dela upp dessa media i separata objekt?",
"MessageChromecastConnectionError":"Your Chromecast receiver is unable to connect to your Emby Server. Please check their connections and try again.",
"MessagePleaseSelectOneItem":"Var god v\u00e4lj minst ett objekt.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Var god v\u00e4lj minst tv\u00e5 objekt.",
"MessageTheSelectedItemsWillBeGrouped":"The selected videos will be grouped into one virtual item. Emby apps will automatically choose which version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"HeaderConfirmProfileDeletion":"Bekr\u00e4fta radering av profil",
"MessageConfirmProfileDeletion":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta bort den h\u00e4r profilen?",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePath":"V\u00e4lj plats f\u00f6r serverns cache",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPath":"V\u00e4lj plats f\u00f6r mellanlagring vid omkodning",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePath":"V\u00e4lj plats f\u00f6r ImagesByName",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPath":"V\u00e4lj plats f\u00f6r metadatalagring",
"HeaderSelectServerCachePathHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange plats f\u00f6r serverns cache. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"HeaderSelectTranscodingPathHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange plats f\u00f6r omkodarens mellanlagring. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"HeaderSelectImagesByNamePathHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange plats f\u00f6r ImagesByName-mappen. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"HeaderSelectMetadataPathHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange plats f\u00f6r lagring av metadata. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPath":"V\u00e4lj plats f\u00f6r lagring av nedladdat kanalinneh\u00e5ll",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange plats f\u00f6r lagring av cache f\u00f6r kanaler. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"LabelChapterDownloaders":"H\u00e4mtare av kapitelinformation:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Aktivera och rangordna dina h\u00e4mtare baserat p\u00e5 prioritet. L\u00e4gre prioriterade h\u00e4mtare anv\u00e4nds endast f\u00f6r att fylla i saknad information.",
"HeaderLatestChannelMedia":"Senaste nytt i Kanaler",
"ButtonOrganizeFile":"Katalogisera fil",
"ButtonDeleteFile":"Radera fil",
"HeaderOrganizeFile":"Katalogisera fil",
"HeaderDeleteFile":"Radera fil",
"StatusSkipped":"Ej behandlad",
"MessageFileWillBeDeleted":"Denna fil kommer att raderas:",
"MessageSureYouWishToProceed":"Vill du forts\u00e4tta?",
"MessageDuplicatesWillBeDeleted":"Dessutom kommer f\u00f6ljande dubbletter att raderas:",
"MessageFollowingFileWillBeMovedFrom":"F\u00f6ljande fil kommer att flyttas fr\u00e5n:",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolder":"V\u00e4lj mapp att bevaka",
"HeaderSelectWatchFolderHelp":"Bl\u00e4ddra fram till eller ange s\u00f6kv\u00e4gen till den bevakade mappen. Katalogen m\u00e5ste vara tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r skrivning.",
"OrganizePatternResult":"Resultat: {0}",
"AutoOrganizeError":"Error Organizing File",
"FileOrganizeManually":"Organize File",
"ErrorOrganizingFileWithErrorCode":"There was an error organizing the file. Error code: {0}.",
"HeaderRestart":"Starta om",
"HeaderShutdown":"St\u00e4ng av",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Emby Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"Are you sure you wish to shutdown Emby Server?",
"ValueItemCount":"{0} objekt",
"ValueItemCountPlural":"{0} objekt",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable":"En ny version av {0} finns tillg\u00e4nglig!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload":"Version {0} finns tillg\u00e4nglig f\u00f6r h\u00e4mtning.",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"V\u00e4lj s\u00f6kv\u00e4g till media",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"N\u00e4tverkss\u00f6kv\u00e4gar kan anges manuellt om \"N\u00e4tverk\" inte hittar dina enheter. T ex {0} eller {1}.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerBSDInstruction":"For BSD, you may need to configure storage within your FreeNAS Jail in order to allow Emby to access it.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerLinuxInstruction":"For Linux, you must grant the Emby system user at least read access to your storage locations.",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"\u00d6ppna i ny flik",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Omedelbar mix",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Ett fel uppstod vid uppspelning av videon.",
"MessageEnsureOpenTuner":"V\u00e4nligen kontrollera att det finns en ledig mottagare.",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp":"To change the type, please remove and rebuild the library with the new type.",
"MessagePleaseRestart":"V\u00e4nligen starta om f\u00f6r att slutf\u00f6ra uppdateringarna.",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage":"Please refresh this page to receive new updates from Emby Server.",
"MessageSettingsSaved":"Inst\u00e4llningarna har sparats.",
"ButtonMyProfile":"Min profil",
"ButtonMyPreferences":"Mina inst\u00e4llningar",
"MessageBrowserDoesNotSupportWebSockets":"Den h\u00e4r webbl\u00e4saren st\u00f6djer inte web sockets. F\u00f6r att f\u00e5 en b\u00e4ttre upplevelse, prova en nyare webbl\u00e4sare, t ex Chrome, Firefox, IE10+, Safari (iOS) eller Opera.",
"LabelInstallingPackage":"Installerar {0}",
"LabelPackageInstallCompleted":"Installationen av {0} slutf\u00f6rdes.",
"LabelPackageInstallFailed":"Installationen av {0} misslyckades.",
"LabelPackageInstallCancelled":"Installationen av {0} avbr\u00f6ts.",
"TabAutoOrganize":"Katalogisera automatiskt",
"HeaderSelectPlayer":"Select Player",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm":"F\u00f6r b\u00e4sta resultat med Internet Explorer, installera uppspelningstill\u00e4gget WebM.",
"HeaderAddToPlaylist":"L\u00e4gg till i Spellista",
"LabelMetadataReadersHelp":"Rangordna dina lokala metadatak\u00e4llor i prioritetsordning. F\u00f6rst hittade fil l\u00e4ses in.",
"LabelMetadataDownloaders":"H\u00e4mtare av metadata:",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp":"Aktivera och rangordna dina h\u00e4mtare baserat p\u00e5 prioritet. L\u00e4gre prioriterade h\u00e4mtare anv\u00e4nds endast f\u00f6r att fylla i saknad information.",
"LabelMetadataSaversHelp":"V\u00e4lj de filformat du vill anv\u00e4nda f\u00f6r att spara dina metadata.",
"LabelImageFetchers":"H\u00e4mtare av bilder:",
"LabelImageFetchersHelp":"Aktivera och rangordna dina h\u00e4mtare baserat p\u00e5 prioritet.",
"ButtonQueueAllFromHere":"K\u00f6a alla fr o m h\u00e4r",
"ButtonPlayAllFromHere":"Spela upp alla fr o m h\u00e4r",
"LabelPathSubstitutionHelp":"Tillval: S\u00f6kv\u00e4gsutbyte betyder att en plats p\u00e5 servern kopplas till en lokal fils\u00f6kv\u00e4g p\u00e5 en klient. P\u00e5 s\u00e5 s\u00e4tt f\u00e5r klienten direkt tillg\u00e5ng till material p\u00e5 servern och kan spela upp det direkt via n\u00e4tverket.",
"FolderTypeUnset":"Unset (mixed content)",
"DeathDateValue":"D\u00f6d: {0}",
"BirthDateValue":"F\u00f6dd: {0}",
"HeaderLatestReviews":"Senaste recensioner",
"HeaderPluginInstallation":"Installation av till\u00e4gg",
"MessageAlreadyInstalled":"Den h\u00e4r versionen \u00e4r redan installerad.",
"MessageTrialExpired":"Provperioden f\u00f6r den h\u00e4r funktionen \u00e4r avslutad",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn":"Provperioden f\u00f6r den h\u00e4r funktionen avslutas om {0} dag(ar)",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"Detta till\u00e4gg m\u00e5ste installeras inifr\u00e5n den app det skall anv\u00e4ndas i.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Pris: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageChangeRecurringPlanConfirm":"After completing this transaction you will need to cancel your previous recurring donation from within your PayPal account. Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountAdded":"Emby Account Added",
"MessageEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"WebClientTourContent":"Se nytillkommet inneh\u00e5ll, kommande avsnitt m m. De gr\u00f6na ringarna anger hur m\u00e5nga ej visade objekt som finns.",
"WebClientTourMovies":"Se filmer, trailers och mycket mera p\u00e5 vilken enhet som helst som har en webbl\u00e4sare",
"WebClientTourMouseOver":"H\u00e5ll muspekaren \u00f6ver en affisch f\u00f6r att se den viktigaste informationen",
"WebClientTourTapHold":"Tryck-och-h\u00e5ll eller h\u00f6gerklicka p\u00e5 en affisch f\u00f6r att f\u00e5 upp en inneh\u00e5llsmeny",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Klicka p\u00e5 \"\u00e4ndra\" f\u00f6r att \u00f6ppna metadatahanteraren",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Skapa enkelt spellistor och snabbmixar och spela upp dem p\u00e5 valfri enhet",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Skapa dina egna samlingsboxar",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Emby apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Emby app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Utforma webbklientens utseende enligt egna \u00f6nskem\u00e5l",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Anpassa fondbilder, ledmotiv och externa uppspelare",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"Webbklienten fungerar perfekt p\u00e5 smarta telefoner och surfplattor...",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Emby apps",
"WebClientTourMySync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Ha ett trevligt bes\u00f6k",
"DashboardTourDashboard":"Via serverns kontrollpanel kan du \u00f6vervaka din server och alla anv\u00e4ndare. Du kommer alltid att kunna veta vem som g\u00f6r vad och var de \u00e4r.",
"DashboardTourHelp":"In-app help provides easy buttons to open wiki pages relating to the on-screen content.",
"DashboardTourUsers":"Skapa enkelt anv\u00e4ndarkonton f\u00f6r dina v\u00e4nner och familj, alla med sina egna beh\u00f6righeter, biblioteks \u00e5tkomst, f\u00f6r\u00e4ldrakontroll och mycket mer.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode":"Biol\u00e4get g\u00f6r ditt vardagsrum till en biograf genom m\u00f6jligheten att visa trailers och egna vinjetter innan filmen b\u00f6rjar.",
"DashboardTourChapters":"Ta fram kapitelbildrutor fr\u00e5n videofiler f\u00f6r att f\u00e5 en snyggare presentation.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles":"H\u00e4mta automatiskt undertexter f\u00f6r dina videor p\u00e5 alla spr\u00e5k.",
"DashboardTourPlugins":"Installera till\u00e4gg s\u00e5som Internetvideokanaler, live-TV, metadatah\u00e4mtare och mycket mer.",
"DashboardTourNotifications":"Skicka automatiskt meddelanden om serverh\u00e4ndelser till din mobiltelefon, e-post och mycket mer.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks":"Hantera enkelt tidskr\u00e4vande uppgifter med hj\u00e4lp av schemalagda aktiviteter. Best\u00e4m n\u00e4r de skall k\u00f6ras, och hur ofta.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Emby Server dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourSync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageRefreshQueued":"Uppdatering k\u00f6ad",
"HeaderUploadImage":"Upload Image",
"DeviceLastUsedByUserName":"Senast anv\u00e4nd av {0}",
"HeaderDeleteDevice":"Ta bort enhet",
"DeleteDeviceConfirmation":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta bort den h\u00e4r enheten? Den kommer att dyka upp igen n\u00e4sta g\u00e5ng en anv\u00e4ndare kopplar upp sig med den.",
"LabelEnableCameraUploadForHelp":"Uploads will occur automatically in the background when signed into Emby.",
"ErrorMessageStartHourGreaterThanEnd":"Sluttiden m\u00e5ste vara senare \u00e4n starttiden.",
"ButtonLibraryAccess":"Library access",
"ButtonParentalControl":"Parental control",
"HeaderInvitationSent":"Invitation Sent",
"MessageInvitationSentToUser":"An email has been sent to {0}, inviting them to accept your sharing invitation.",
"MessageInvitationSentToNewUser":"An email has been sent to {0} inviting them to sign up with Emby.",
"HeaderConnectionFailure":"Connection Failure",
"MessageUnableToConnectToServer":"We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again.",
"ButtonSelectServer":"Select Server",
"MessagePluginConfigurationRequiresLocalAccess":"To configure this plugin please sign in to your local server directly.",
"MessageLoggedOutParentalControl":"Access is currently restricted. Please try again later.",
"DefaultErrorMessage":"There was an error processing the request. Please try again later.",
"MessageContactAdminToResetPassword":"Please contact your system administrator to reset your password.",
"MessageForgotPasswordInNetworkRequired":"Please try again within your home network to initiate the password reset process.",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileCreated":"The following file has been created on your server and contains instructions on how to proceed:",
"MessageForgotPasswordFileExpiration":"The reset pin will expire at {0}.",
"MessageInvalidForgotPasswordPin":"An invalid or expired pin was entered. Please try again.",
"MessagePasswordResetForUsers":"Passwords have been removed for the following users. To login, sign in with a blank password.",
"HeaderInviteGuest":"Invite Guest",
"ButtonLinkMyEmbyAccount":"Link my account now",
"MessageConnectAccountRequiredToInviteGuest":"In order to invite guests you need to first link your Emby account to this server.",
"SyncMedia":"Synkronisera Media",
"HeaderCancelSyncJob":"Cancel Sync",
"CancelSyncJobConfirmation":"Cancelling the sync job will remove synced media from the device during the next sync process. Are you sure you wish to proceed?",
"MessagePleaseSelectDeviceToSyncTo":"Please select a device to sync to.",
"MessageSyncJobCreated":"Sync job created.",
"LabelSyncTo":"Sync to:",
"LabelSyncJobName":"Sync job name:",
"OptionAutomaticallySyncNewContent":"Synkronisera automatiskt nytt inneh\u00e5ll",
"OptionAutomaticallySyncNewContentHelp":"New content added to will be automatically synced to the device.",
"OptionSyncUnwatchedVideosOnly":"Synkronisera endast osedda videos",
"OptionSyncUnwatchedVideosOnlyHelp":"Endast osedda videos kommer att synkroniseras, och videos kommer att tas bort fr\u00e5n enheten n\u00e4r de har tittats p\u00e5.",
"LabelItemLimit":"Item limit:",
"LabelItemLimitHelp":"Optional. Set a limit to the number of items that will be synced.",
"MessageBookPluginRequired":"Requires installation of the Bookshelf plugin",
"MessageGamePluginRequired":"Requires installation of the GameBrowser plugin",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp":"Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"EmbyIntroDownloadMessage":"To download and install Emby Server visit {0}.",
"ButtonNewServer":"New Server",
"MyDevice":"My Device",
"HeaderUnlockApp":"Unlock App",
"HeaderUnlockSync":"Unlock Emby Sync",
"MessageUnlockAppWithPurchaseOrSupporter":"Unlock this feature with a small one-time purchase, or with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageUnlockAppWithSupporter":"Unlock this feature with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"MessageToValidateSupporter":"If you have an active Emby Premiere subscription, simply sign into the app once using your Wifi connection within your home network.",
"MessagePaymentServicesUnavailable":"Payment services are currently unavailable. Please try again later.",
"MessagePleaseSignInLocalNetwork":"Before proceeding, please ensure that you're connected to your local network using a Wifi or LAN connection.",
"ButtonUnlockWithPurchase":"Unlock with Purchase",
"ButtonUnlockPrice":"Unlock {0}",
"MessageLiveTvGuideRequiresUnlock":"The Live TV Guide is currently limited to {0} channels. Click the unlock button to learn how to enjoy the full experience.",
"OptionEnableFullscreen":"Enable Fullscreen",
"HeaderGroupVersions":"Group Versions",
"HeaderSaySomethingLike":"Say Something Like...",
"ButtonTryAgain":"Try Again",
"HeaderYouSaid":"You Said...",
"MessageWeDidntRecognizeCommand":"We're sorry, we didn't recognize that command.",
"MessageIfYouBlockedVoice":"If you denied voice access to the app you'll need to reconfigure before trying again.",
"MessageNoItemsFound":"No items found.",
"ButtonManageServer":"Manage Server",
"ButtonEditSubtitles":"Edit subtitles",
"ButtonViewArtist":"View artist",
"ButtonViewAlbum":"View album",
"ErrorMessagePasswordNotMatchConfirm":"The password and password confirmation must match.",
"ErrorMessageUsernameInUse":"The username is already in use. Please choose a new name and try again.",
"ErrorMessageEmailInUse":"The email address is already in use. Please enter a new email address and try again, or use the forgot password feature.",
"MessageThankYouForConnectSignUp":"Thank you for signing up for Emby Connect. An email will be sent to your address with instructions on how to confirm your new account. Please confirm the account and then return here to sign in.",
"ButtonShareHelp":"Share a web page containing media information with social media. Media files are never shared publicly.",
"MessageConfirmDeleteTunerDevice":"Are you sure you wish to delete this device?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteGuideProvider":"Are you sure you wish to delete this guide provider?",
"HeaderDeleteProvider":"Delete Provider",
"HeaderAddProvider":"Add Provider",
"ErrorAddingTunerDevice":"There was an error adding the tuner device. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorSavingTvProvider":"There was an error saving the TV provider. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorGettingTvLineups":"There was an error downloading tv lineups. Please ensure your information is correct and try again.",
"MessageCreateAccountAt":"Create an account at {0}",
"ErrorPleaseSelectLineup":"Please select a lineup and try again. If no lineups are available, then please check that your username, password, and postal code is correct.",
"HeaderTryEmbyPremiere":"Try Emby Premiere",
"ButtonBecomeSupporter":"Get Emby Premiere",
"ButtonClosePlayVideo":"Close and play my media",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode":"Did you know that with Emby Premiere, you can enhance your experience with features like Cinema Mode?",
"MessageDidYouKnowCinemaMode2":"Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"AlreadyPaidHelp1":"If you already paid to install an older version of Media Browser for Android, you don't need to pay again in order to activate this app. Click OK to send us an email at {0} and we'll get it activated for you.",
"AlreadyPaidHelp2":"Got Emby Premiere? Just cancel this dialog, sign into the app from within your home WIFI network, and it will be unlocked automatically.",
"ButtonForYou":"For You",
"ButtonNowPlaying":"Now Playing",
"ButtonViewNewApp":"View new app",
"HeaderEmbyForAndroidHasMoved":"Emby for Android has moved!",
"MessageEmbyForAndroidHasMoved":"Emby for Android has moved to a new home in the app store. Please consider checking out the new app. You may continue to use this app for as long as you wish.",
"TextPleaseEnterYourEmailAddressForSubscription":"Please enter your e-mail address.",
"LoginDisclaimer":"Emby is designed to help you manage your personal media library, such as home videos and photos. Please see our terms of use. The use of any Emby software constitutes acceptance of these terms.",
"TermsOfUse":"Terms of use",
"HeaderTryMultiSelect":"Try Multi-Select",
"TryMultiSelectMessage":"To edit multiple media items, just click and hold any poster and select the items you want to manage. Try it!",
"NumLocationsValue":"{0} folders",
"ButtonAddMediaLibrary":"Add Media Library",
"ButtonManageFolders":"Manage folders",
"HeaderTryDragAndDrop":"Try Drag and Drop",
"TryDragAndDropMessage":"To re-arrange playlist items, just drag and drop. Try it!",
"HeaderTryMicrosoftEdge":"Try Microsoft Edge",
"MessageTryMicrosoftEdge":"For a better experience on Windows 10, try the new Microsoft Edge Browser.",
"HeaderTryModernBrowser":"Try a Modern Web Browser",
"MessageTryModernBrowser":"For a better experience on Windows, try a modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Opera.",
"ErrorAddingListingsToSchedulesDirect":"There was an error adding the lineup to your Schedules Direct account. Schedules Direct only allows a limited number of lineups per account. You may need to log into the Schedules Direct website and remove others listings from your account before proceeeding.",
"PleaseAddAtLeastOneFolder":"Please add at least one folder to this library by clicking the Add button.",
"ErrorAddingMediaPathToVirtualFolder":"There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Emby Server process has access to that location.",
"ErrorRemovingEmbyConnectAccount":"There was an error removing the Emby Connect account. Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount1":"There was an error adding the Emby Connect account. Have you created an Emby account? Sign up at {0}.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount2":"Please ensure the Emby account has been activated by following the instructions in the email sent after creating the account. If you did not receive this email then please send an email to {0} from the email address used with the Emby account.",
"PleaseConfirmPluginInstallation":"Please click OK to confirm you've read the above and wish to proceed with the plugin installation.",
"MessagePluginInstallDisclaimer":"Plugins built by Emby community members are a great way to enhance your Emby experience with additional features and benefits. Before installing, please be aware of the effects they may have on your Emby Server, such as longer library scans, additional background processing, and decreased system stability.",
"ButtonPlayOneMinute":"Play one minute",
"ThankYouForTryingEnjoyOneMinute":"Please enjoy one minute of playback. Thank you for trying Emby.",
"HeaderTryPlayback":"Try Playback",
"HeaderBenefitsEmbyPremiere":"Benefits of Emby Premiere",
"MobileSyncFeatureDescription":"Sync your media to your smart phones and tablets for easy offline access.",
"CoverArtFeatureDescription":"Cover Art creates fun covers and other treatments to help you personalize your media images.",
"HeaderMobileSync":"Mobile Sync",
"HeaderCloudSync":"Cloud Sync",
"CloudSyncFeatureDescription":"Sync your media to the cloud for easy backup, archiving, and converting.",
"HeaderFreeApps":"Free Emby Apps",
"FreeAppsFeatureDescription":"Enjoy free access to select Emby apps for your devices.",
"CinemaModeFeatureDescription":"Cinema Mode gives you the true cinema experience with trailers and custom intros before the feature.",
"HardwareAccelerationWarning":"Enabling hardware acceleration may cause instability in some environments. If you have difficulty playing video after enabling this, you'll need to change the setting back to Auto.",
"OptionEnableAnonymousUsageReportingHelp":"Allow Emby to collect anonymous data such as installed plugins, the version numbers of your Emby apps, etc. This information is only used for the purpose of improving the software."