"MoreUsersCanBeAddedLater":"T\u00f6bb felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3t a vez\u00e9rl\u0151pultban adhatsz hozz\u00e1.",
"UserProfilesIntro":"Emby includes built-in support for user profiles, enabling each user to have their own display settings, playstate and parental controls.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Emby has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish<\/b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard<\/b>.",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfService":"K\u00e9rlek fogadd el a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00e9s felt\u00e9teleket \u00e9s az adatv\u00e9delmi szab\u00e1lyzatot a folytat\u00e1shoz.",
"OptionIAcceptTermsOfService":"Elfogadom a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1si felt\u00e9teleket",
"LabelAddConnectSupporterHelp":"To add a user who isn't listed, you'll need to first link their account to Emby Connect from their user profile page.",
"LabelPinCode":"Pin k\u00f3d:",
"OptionHideWatchedContentFromLatestMedia":"Hide watched content from latest media",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp":"Ha enged\u00e9lyezve van a f\u00e1jlok .rar vagy .zip kiterjeszt\u00e9ssel m\u00e9dia f\u00e1jlk\u00e9nt lesznek kezelve.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName":"Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3n\u00e9v vagy e-mail c\u00edm:",
"LabelEnterConnectUserNameHelp":"Ez a Emby online fi\u00f3kod felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3neve vagy e-mail c\u00edme",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se minden eszk\u00f6zr\u0151l",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se minden csatorn\u00e1hoz",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Hozz\u00e1f\u00e9r\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se minden k\u00f6nyvt\u00e1rhoz",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasonsHelp":"Ezt enged\u00e9lyezni kell az Emby Szerver be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sban l\u00e9v\u0151 TV k\u00f6nyvt\u00e1rak eset\u00e9ben is.",
"ImportMissingEpisodesHelp":"If enabled, information about missing episodes will be imported into your Emby database and displayed within seasons and series. This may cause significantly longer library scans.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitles":"Mindig mutassa a feliratokat",
"OptionDefaultSubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles are loaded based on the default and forced flags in the embedded metadata. Language preferences are considered when multiple options are available.",
"OptionOnlyForcedSubtitlesHelp":"Only subtitles marked as forced will be loaded.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles matching the language preference will be loaded regardless of the audio language.",
"OptionNoSubtitlesHelp":"Subtitles will not be loaded by default.",
"ImageUploadAspectRatioHelp":"1:1 m\u00e9retar\u00e1ny aj\u00e1nlott. Csak JPG\/PNG.",
"MessageNothingHere":"Nincs itt semmi.",
"MessagePleaseEnsureInternetMetadata":"K\u00e9rlek ellen\u0151rizd hogy az Internetes metaadat let\u00f6lt\u00e9s enged\u00e9lyezve van.",
"AlreadyPaidHelp1":"If you already paid to install an older version of Media Browser for Android, you don't need to pay again in order to activate this app. Click OK to send us an email at {0} and we'll get it activated for you.",
"AlreadyPaidHelp2":"Got Emby Premiere? Just cancel this dialog, setup Emby Premiere in your Emby Server Dashboard under Help -> Emby Premiere, and it will be unlocked automatically.",
"VisitProjectWebsiteLong":"Visit the Emby Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"OptionHideUser":"Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 elrejt\u00e9se a bejelentkez\u00e9si k\u00e9perny\u0151n",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionAllowLinkSharingHelp":"Only web pages containing media information are shared. Media files are never shared publicly. Shares are time-limited and will expire after {0} days.",
"PismoMessage":"Utilizing Pismo File Mount through a donated license.",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage":"Utilizing Tangible Solutions Java\/C# converters through a donated license.",
"PleaseSupportOtherProduces":"Please support other free products we utilize:",
"VersionNumber":"Verzi\u00f3 {0}",
"OptionRelease":"Official Release",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestart":"Automatikus \u00fajraind\u00edt\u00e1s enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se a szervernek a friss\u00edt\u00e9sek telep\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9hez",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestartHelp":"A szerver csak akkor indul \u00fajra ha nincs felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i tev\u00e9kenys\u00e9g",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp":"This will start the tray icon on windows startup. To start the windows service, uncheck this and run the service from the windows control panel. Please note that you cannot run both at the same time, so you will need to exit the tray icon before starting the service.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"OptionOtherVideos":"Egy\u00e9b Vide\u00f3k",
"LabelFanartApiKey":"Personal api key:",
"LabelFanartApiKeyHelp":"Requests to fanart without a personal API key return images that were approved over 7 days ago. With a personal API key that drops to 48 hours and if you are also a fanart VIP member that will further drop to around 10 minutes.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow Emby apps to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"OptionRecordOnAllChannels":"Record on all channels",
"OptionRecordAnytime":"Record at any time",
"OptionRecordOnlyNewEpisodes":"Record only new episodes",
"HeaderActiveRecordings":"Active Recordings",
"HeaderLatestRecordings":"Latest Recordings",
"OptionRecordSeries":"Record Series",
"TitleLiveTV":"\u00c9l\u0151 TV",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Number of days of guide data to download:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Downloading more days worth of guide data provides the ability to schedule out further in advance and view more listings, but it will also take longer to download. Auto will choose based on the number of channels.",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType":"Customize for media type:",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Az Emby ford\u00edt\u00e1sa egy folyamatban l\u00e9v\u0151 project.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Learn how you can contribute.",
"LabelCustomCss":"Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber":"Local http port number:",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's http server should bind to.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort":"Public http port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local http port.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort":"Public https port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local https port.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"If enabled, the server will report an https url to Emby apps as it's external address.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"Local https port number:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Emby's https server should bind to.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap":"Automatikus port mapping enged\u00e9lyez\u00e9se",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Attempt to automatically map the public port to the local port via UPnP. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"External domain:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Emby apps will use it when connecting remotely. This field is required when used with a custom ssl certificate.",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Help ensure the continued development of this project by purchasing Emby Premiere. A portion of all income will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"DonationNextStep":"Once complete, please return and enter your Emby Premiere key, which you will receive by email.",
"AutoOrganizeHelp":"Auto-organize monitors your download folders for new files and moves them to your media directories.",
"OptionEnableEpisodeOrganization":"Enable new episode organization",
"LabelWatchFolder":"Watch folder:",
"LabelWatchFolderHelp":"The server will poll this folder during the 'Organize new media files' scheduled task.",
"LabelBlastMessageIntervalHelp":"Determines the duration in seconds between server alive messages.",
"LabelDefaultUser":"Default user:",
"LabelDefaultUserHelp":"Determines which user library should be displayed on connected devices. This can be overridden for each device using profiles.",
"LabelUserLibraryHelp":"Select which user library to display to the device. Leave empty to inherit the default setting.",
"OptionPlainStorageFolders":"Display all folders as plain storage folders",
"OptionPlainStorageFoldersHelp":"If enabled, all folders are represented in DIDL as \"object.container.storageFolder\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.container.person.musicArtist\".",
"OptionPlainVideoItems":"Display all videos as plain video items",
"OptionPlainVideoItemsHelp":"If enabled, all videos are represented in DIDL as \"object.item.videoItem\" instead of a more specific type, such as \"object.item.videoItem.movie\".",
"LabelSupportedMediaTypes":"Supported Media Types:",
"TabDirectPlay":"Direct Play",
"HeaderProfileInformation":"Profile Information",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidl":"Embed album art in Didl",
"LabelEmbedAlbumArtDidlHelp":"Some devices prefer this method for obtaining album art. Others may fail to play with this option enabled.",
"LabelAlbumArtPN":"Album art PN:",
"LabelAlbumArtHelp":"PN used for album art, within the dlna:profileID attribute on upnp:albumArtURI. Some devices require a specific value, regardless of the size of the image.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidth":"Album art max width:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxWidthHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeight":"Album art max height:",
"LabelAlbumArtMaxHeightHelp":"Max resolution of album art exposed via upnp:albumArtURI.",
"LabelIconMaxWidth":"Icon max width:",
"LabelIconMaxWidthHelp":"Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIconMaxHeight":"Icon max height:",
"LabelIconMaxHeightHelp":"Max resolution of icons exposed via upnp:icon.",
"LabelIdentificationFieldHelp":"A case-insensitive substring or regex expression.",
"HeaderProfileServerSettingsHelp":"These values control how Emby Server will present itself to the device.",
"LabelMusicStreamingTranscodingBitrateHelp":"Specify a max bitrate when streaming music",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests":"Ignore transcode byte range requests",
"OptionIgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequestsHelp":"If enabled, these requests will be honored but will ignore the byte range header.",
"LabelFriendlyName":"Friendly name",
"LabelManufacturerUrl":"Manufacturer url",
"LabelModelName":"Model name",
"LabelModelNumber":"Model number",
"LabelModelDescription":"Model description",
"LabelModelUrl":"Model url",
"LabelSerialNumber":"Serial number",
"LabelDeviceDescription":"Device description",
"HeaderIdentificationCriteriaHelp":"Enter at least one identification criteria.",
"HeaderDirectPlayProfileHelp":"Add direct play profiles to indicate which formats the device can handle natively.",
"HeaderTranscodingProfileHelp":"Add transcoding profiles to indicate which formats should be used when transcoding is required.",
"HeaderContainerProfileHelp":"Container profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific formats. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the format is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderCodecProfileHelp":"Codec profiles indicate the limitations of a device when playing specific codecs. If a limitation applies then the media will be transcoded, even if the codec is configured for direct play.",
"HeaderResponseProfileHelp":"Response profiles provide a way to customize information sent to the device when playing certain kinds of media.",
"LabelXDlnaCap":"X-Dlna cap:",
"LabelXDlnaCapHelp":"Determines the content of the X_DLNACAP element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelXDlnaDoc":"X-Dlna doc:",
"LabelXDlnaDocHelp":"Determines the content of the X_DLNADOC element in the urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0 namespace.",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresent":"Skip if the video already contains embedded subtitles",
"LabelSkipIfGraphicalSubsPresentHelp":"Keeping text versions of subtitles will result in more efficient delivery and decrease the likelihood of video transcoding.",
"LabelEnableThemeSongsHelp":"Ha enged\u00e9lyezve van, a f\u0151c\u00edm dalok a h\u00e1tt\u00e9rben j\u00e1tsz\u00f3dnak le a k\u00f6nyvt\u00e1r b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u00e9se k\u00f6zben.",
"LabelEnableBackdropsHelp":"Ha enged\u00e9lyezve van, akkor a h\u00e1tt\u00e9rk\u00e9pek a k\u00f6nyvt\u00e1r b\u00f6ng\u00e9sz\u00e9se k\u00f6zben n\u00e9h\u00e1ny oldal h\u00e1tter\u00e9ben jelennek meg.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"MessageNoPlaylistItemsAvailable":"This playlist is currently empty.",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences":"Edit this user's profile, image and personal preferences.",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality":"Preferred internet channel quality:",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp":"In a low bandwidth environment, limiting quality can help ensure a smooth streaming experience.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Emby includes native support for Nfo metadata files. To enable or disable Nfo metadata, use the Metadata tab to configure options for your media types.",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnablePathSubstitutionHelp":"Enables path substitution of image paths using the server's path substitution settings.",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInline":"Display channels as media folders",
"OptionDisplayChannelsInlineHelp":"If enabled, channels will be displayed directly alongside other media libraries. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels folder.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display movie collections. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"HeaderBrandingHelp":"Customize the appearance of Emby to fit the needs of your group or organization.",
"LabelLoginDisclaimer":"Login disclaimer:",
"LabelLoginDisclaimerHelp":"This will be displayed at the bottom of the login page.",
"HeaderApiKeysHelp":"External applications are required to have an Api key in order to communicate with Emby Server. Keys are issued by logging in with an Emby account, or by manually granting the application a key.",
"OptionDisplayFolderView":"Display a folder view to show plain media folders",
"OptionDisplayFolderViewHelp":"If enabled, Emby apps will display a Folders category alongside your media library. This is useful if you'd like to have plain folder views.",
"EasyPasswordHelp":"Your easy pin code is used for offline access with supported Emby apps, and can also be used for easy in-network sign in.",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPassword":"Enable in-network sign in with my easy pin code",
"LabelInNetworkSignInWithEasyPasswordHelp":"If enabled, you'll be able to use your easy pin code to sign in to Emby apps from inside your home network. Your regular password will only be needed away from home. If the pin code is left blank, you won't need a password within your home network.",
"LabelDisplaySpecialsWithinSeasons":"Display specials within seasons they aired in",
"OptionNoTrailer":"Nincs El\u0151zetes",
"LabelAirDays":"Air days:",
"LabelAirTime":"Air time:",
"HeaderMediaInfo":"M\u00e9dia Inf\u00f3",
"HeaderPhotoInfo":"Photo Info",
"LabelSelectVersionToInstall":"V\u00e1laszd ki a verzi\u00f3t a telep\u00edt\u00e9shez:",
"LinkLearnMoreAboutSubscription":"Learn about Emby Premiere",
"MessagePluginRequiresSubscription":"This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription after the 14 day free trial.",
"MessagePremiumPluginRequiresMembership":"This plugin will require an active Emby Premiere subscription in order to purchase after the 14 day free trial.",
"XmlDocumentAttributeListHelp":"These attributes are applied to the root element of every xml response.",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelConnectGuestUserName":"Their Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserName":"Emby username or email address:",
"LabelConnectUserNameHelp":"Connect this local user to an online Emby account to enable easy sign-in access from any Emby app without having to know the server ip address.",
"ButtonLearnMoreAboutEmbyConnect":"Learn more about Emby Connect",
"CinemaModeConfigurationHelp":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMovies":"Include trailers from movies in my library",
"OptionUpcomingMoviesInTheaters":"Include trailers from new and upcoming movies",
"LabelLimitIntrosToUnwatchedContent":"Only play trailers from unwatched content",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSubscriptionHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active Emby Premiere subscription and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelCustomIntrosPath":"Custom intros path:",
"LabelCustomIntrosPathHelp":"A folder containing video files. A video will be randomly selected and played after trailers.",
"LabelCameraUploadPathHelp":"Select a custom upload path. This will override any default settings set in the Camera Upload section. If left blank, a default folder will be used. If using a custom path it will also need to be added in the library setup area.",
"MessageNoServersAvailableToConnect":"No servers are available to connect to. If you've been invited to share a server, make sure to accept it below or by clicking the link in the email.",
"TitleNewUser":"New User",
"ButtonConfigurePassword":"Configure Password",
"HeaderDashboardUserPassword":"User passwords are managed within each user's personal profile settings.",
"OptionEnableTranscodingThrottleHelp":"Throttling will automatically adjust transcoding speed in order to minimize server cpu utilization during playback.",
"LabelRemoteClientBitrateLimitHelp":"An optional per-stream bitrate limit for all out of network devices. This is useful to prevent devices from requesting a higher bitrate than your internet connection can handle. This may result in increased CPU load on your server in order to transcode videos on the fly to a lower bitrate.",
"LabelTranscodingThreadCountHelp":"Select the maximum number of threads to use when transcoding. Reducing the thread count will lower cpu usage but may not convert fast enough for a smooth playback experience.",
"LabelSyncPath":"Synced content path:",
"OptionSyncOnlyOnWifi":"Sync only on Wifi",
"OptionSyncLosslessAudioOriginal":"Sync lossless audio at original quality",
"HeaderUpcomingForKids":"Upcoming for Kids",
"HeaderSetupLiveTV":"Setup Live TV",
"LabelTunerType":"Tuner type:",
"HeaderSetupTVGuide":"Setup TV Guide",
"LabelDataProvider":"Data provider:",
"OptionSendRecordingsToAutoOrganize":"Automatically organize recordings into existing series folders in other libraries",
"SelectCameraUploadServers":"Upload camera photos to the following servers:",
"LabelDisplayName":"Display name:",
"LabelCodecIntrosPath":"Codec intros path:",
"LabelCodecIntrosPathHelp":"A folder containing video files. If an intro video file name matches the video codec, audio codec, audio profile, or a tag, then it will be played prior to the main feature.",
"OptionConvertRecordingsToStreamingFormat":"Automatically convert recordings to a streaming friendly format",
"OptionDownloadImagesInAdvanceHelp":"By default, most images are only downloaded when requested by an Emby app. Enable this option to download all images in advance, as new media is imported. This may cause significantly longer library scans.",
"DeleteImage":"Delete Image",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Emby.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"Are you sure you wish to delete this image?",
"FileReadCancelled":"The file read has been canceled.",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"An active Emby Premiere subscription provides additional benefits such as access to Emby DVR, offline media, premium plugins, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerBSDInstruction":"For BSD, you may need to configure storage within your FreeNAS Jail in order to allow Emby to access it.",
"MessageDirectoryPickerLinuxInstruction":"For Linux on Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse, or Ubuntu, you must grant the Emby system user at least read access to your storage locations.",
"LabelMetadataDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred metadata downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"This plugin must be installed from with in the app you intend to use it in.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Price: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"You are registered for this feature, and will be able to continue using it with an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"HeaderEmbyAccountAdded":"Emby Account Added",
"MessageEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingEmbyAccountAdded":"The Emby account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"The web client works great on smartphones and tablets...",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Emby apps",
"WebClientTourMySync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Enjoy your stay",
"DashboardTourDashboard":"The server dashboard allows you to monitor your server and your users. You'll always know who is doing what and where they are.",
"DashboardTourHelp":"In-app help provides easy buttons to open wiki pages relating to the on-screen content.",
"DashboardTourUsers":"Easily create user accounts for your friends and family, each with their own permissions, library access, parental controls and more.",
"DashboardTourCinemaMode":"Cinema mode brings the theater experience straight to your living room with the ability to play trailers and custom intros before the main feature.",
"DashboardTourChapters":"Enable chapter image generation for your videos for a more pleasing presentation while viewing.",
"DashboardTourSubtitles":"Automatically download subtitles for your videos in any language.",
"DashboardTourPlugins":"Install plugins such as internet video channels, live tv, metadata scanners, and more.",
"DashboardTourNotifications":"Automatically send notifications of server events to your mobile device, email and more.",
"DashboardTourScheduledTasks":"Easily manage long running operations with scheduled tasks. Decide when they run, and how often.",
"DashboardTourMobile":"The Emby Server dashboard works great on smartphones and tablets. Manage your server from the palm of your hand anytime, anywhere.",
"DashboardTourSync":"Sync your personal media to your devices for offline viewing.",
"BookLibraryHelp":"Audio and text books are supported",
"MessageGamePluginRequired":"Requires installation of the GameBrowser plugin",
"MessageUnsetContentHelp":"Content will be displayed as plain folders. For best results use the metadata manager to set the content types of sub-folders.",
"SyncJobItemStatusRemovedFromDevice":"Removed from device",
"ErrorMessagePasswordNotMatchConfirm":"The password and password confirmation must match.",
"ErrorMessageUsernameInUse":"The username is already in use. Please choose a new name and try again.",
"ErrorMessageEmailInUse":"The email address is already in use. Please enter a new email address and try again, or use the forgot password feature.",
"MessageThankYouForConnectSignUp":"Thank you for signing up for Emby Connect. An email will be sent to your address with instructions on how to confirm your new account. Please confirm the account and then return here to sign in.",
"MessageThankYouForConnectSignUpNoValidation":"Thank you for signing up for Emby Connect! You will now be asked to login with your Emby Connect information.",
"MessageConfirmDeleteTunerDevice":"Are you sure you wish to delete this device?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteGuideProvider":"Are you sure you wish to delete this guide provider?",
"HeaderDeleteProvider":"Delete Provider",
"ErrorAddingTunerDevice":"There was an error adding the tuner device. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorSavingTvProvider":"There was an error saving the TV provider. Please ensure it is accessible and try again.",
"ErrorGettingTvLineups":"There was an error downloading tv lineups. Please ensure your information is correct and try again.",
"MessageCreateAccountAt":"Create an account at {0}",
"ErrorPleaseSelectLineup":"Please select a lineup and try again. If no lineups are available, then please check that your username, password, and postal code is correct.",
"LoginDisclaimer":"Emby is designed to help you manage your personal media library, such as home videos and photos. Please see our terms of use. The use of any Emby software constitutes acceptance of these terms.",
"ErrorAddingListingsToSchedulesDirect":"There was an error adding the lineup to your Schedules Direct account. Schedules Direct only allows a limited number of lineups per account. You may need to log into the Schedules Direct website and remove others listings from your account before proceeeding.",
"PleaseAddAtLeastOneFolder":"Please add at least one folder to this library by clicking the Add button.",
"ErrorAddingMediaPathToVirtualFolder":"There was an error adding the media path. Please ensure the path is valid and the Emby Server process has access to that location.",
"ErrorRemovingEmbyConnectAccount":"There was an error removing the Emby Connect account. Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again.",
"ErrorAddingEmbyConnectAccount3":"The Emby account is already linked to an existing local user. An Emby account can only be linked to one local user at a time.",
"PleaseConfirmPluginInstallation":"Please click OK to confirm you've read the above and wish to proceed with the plugin installation.",
"MessagePluginInstallDisclaimer":"Plugins built by Emby community members are a great way to enhance your Emby experience with additional features and benefits. Before installing, please be aware of the effects they may have on your Emby Server, such as longer library scans, additional background processing, and decreased system stability.",
"HardwareAccelerationWarning":"Enabling hardware acceleration may cause instability in some environments. Ensure that your operating system and video drivers are fully up to date. If you have difficulty playing video after enabling this, you'll need to change the setting back to Auto.",
"OptionEnableAnonymousUsageReportingHelp":"Allow Emby to collect anonymous data such as installed plugins, the version numbers of your Emby apps, etc. This information is only used for the purpose of improving the software.",
"LabelFileOrUrl":"File or url:",
"OptionEnableForAllTuners":"Enable for all tuner devices",
"LabelOptionalM3uUrl":"M3U url (optional):",
"LabelOptionalM3uUrlHelp":"Some devices support an M3U channel listing.",
"TabResumeSettings":"Resume Settings",
"DrmChannelsNotImported":"Channels with DRM will not be imported.",
"OptionRequirePerfectSubtitleMatchHelp":"Requiring a perfect match will filter subtitles to include only those that have been tested and verified with your exact video file. Unchecking this will increase the likelihood of subtitles being downloaded, but will increase the chances of mistimed or incorrect subtitle text.",
"DownloadImagesInAdvanceWarning":"Downloading all images in advance will result in longer library scan times.",
"MetadataSettingChangeHelp":"Changing metadata settings will affect new content that is added going forward. To refresh existing content, open the detail screen and click the refresh button, or perform bulk refreshes using the metadata manager.",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveAudio":"Preserve original audio when converting recordings (when possible)",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveAudioHelp":"This will provide better audio but may require transcoding during playback on some devices.",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveVideo":"Preserve original video when converting recordings",
"OptionConvertRecordingPreserveVideoHelp":"This may provide better video quality but will require transcoding during playback on some devices.",
"AddItemToCollectionHelp":"Add items to collections by searching for them and using their right-click or tap menus to add them to a collection.",
"HeaderHealthMonitor":"Health Monitor",
"HealthMonitorNoAlerts":"There are no active alerts.",
"RecordingPathChangeMessage":"Changing your recording folder will not migrate existing recordings from the old location to the new. You'll need to move them manually if desired.",
"VisualLoginFormHelp":"Select a user or sign in manually",
"LabelSportsCategories":"Sports categories:",
"XmlTvSportsCategoriesHelp":"Programs with these categories will be displayed as sports programs. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"LabelNewsCategories":"News categories:",
"XmlTvNewsCategoriesHelp":"Programs with these categories will be displayed as news programs. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"LabelKidsCategories":"Children's categories:",
"XmlTvKidsCategoriesHelp":"Programs with these categories will be displayed as programs for children. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"LabelMovieCategories":"Movie categories:",
"XmlTvMovieCategoriesHelp":"Programs with these categories will be displayed as movies. Separate multiple with '|'.",
"XmlTvPathHelp":"A path to an xml tv file. Emby will read this file and periodically check it for updates. You are responsible for creating and updating the file.",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddress":"Bind to local network address:",
"LabelBindToLocalNetworkAddressHelp":"Optional. Override the local IP address to bind the http server to. If left empty, the server will bind to all availabile addresses. Changing this value requires restarting Emby Server.",
"TitleHostingSettings":"Hosting Settings",
"SettingsWarning":"Changing these values may cause instability or connectivity failures. If you experience any problems, we recommend changing them back to default.",
"MapChannels":"Map Channels",
"LabelffmpegPath":"FFmpeg path:",
"LabelffmpegVersion":"FFmpeg version:",
"LabelffmpegPathHelp":"The path to the ffmpeg application file, or folder containing ffmpeg.",
"SetupFFmpeg":"Setup FFmpeg",
"SetupFFmpegHelp":"Emby may require a library or application to convert certain media types. There are many different applications available, however, Emby has been tested to work with ffmpeg. Emby is in no way affiliated with ffmpeg, its ownership, code or distribution.",
"UnzipFFmpegFile":"Unzip the downloaded file to a folder of your choice.",
"MarkFFmpegExec":"If you are running Linux or OSX, you will need to locate the ffmpeg and ffprobe files and mark them as executable. This is needed to grant Emby permission to execute them.",
"OptionUseSystemInstalledVersion":"Use system installed version",
"OptionUseMyCustomVersion":"Use a custom version",
"FFmpegSavePathNotFound":"We're unable to locate FFmpeg using the path you've entered. FFprobe is also required and must exist in the same folder. These components are normally bundled together in the same download. Please check the path and try again.",
"XmlTvPremiere":"By default, Emby will import {0} hours of guide data. Importing unlimited data requires an active Emby Premiere subscription.",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHiddenHelp":"Changing this will apply to new metadata saved going forward. Existing metadata files will be updated the next time they are saved by Emby Server.",
"EnablePhotos":"Enable photos",
"EnablePhotosHelp":"Photos will be detected and displayed alongside other media files.",
"LabelMaxAudioFileBitrateHelp":"Audio files with a higher bitrate will be converted by Emby Server. Select a higher value for better quality, or a lower value to conserve local storage space.",
"LabelVaapiDevice":"VA API Device:",
"LabelVaapiDeviceHelp":"This is the render node that is used for hardware acceleration.",
"HowToConnectFromEmbyApps":"How to Connect from Emby apps",
"H264EncodingPresetHelp":"Choose a faster value to improve performance, or a slower value to improve quality.",
"LabelH264Crf":"H264 encoding CRF:",
"H264CrfHelp":"The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality (at the expense of higher file sizes). Sane values are between 18 and 28. The default for x264 is 23, so you can use this as a starting point.",
"LabelOptionalNetworkPathHelp":"If this folder is shared on your network, supplying the network share path can allow Emby apps on other devices to access media files directly.",
"ErrorAddingXmlTvFile":"There was an error accessing the XmlTV file. Please ensure the file exists and try again.",
"OptionAutomaticallyGroupSeries":"Automatically merge series that are spread across multiple folders",
"OptionAutomaticallyGroupSeriesHelp":"If enabled, series that are spread across multiple folders within this library will be automatically merged into a single series.",
"MessagePremiereStatusGood":"You have a {0} Emby Premiere plan and your device usage is well within your limit.",
"MessagePremiereStatusClose":"You have a {0} Emby Premiere plan, but your device usage is close to the limit.",
"MessagePremiereExtendedPlans":"Consider an {0}extended device plan{1}",
"MessagePremiereStatusOver":"You have a {0} Emby Premiere plan, but you are over your device limit!",
"ListItemPremiereSub":"{0} subscription purchased via {2} expires {1}",
"LabelClickToCancel":"Click to cancel this subscription",
"LabelCancelInfo":"You can manage this subscription directly with {0}",
"LabelAlreadyCanceled":"This subscription has been canceled. Key will remain valid until expiration.",
"HeaderCancelSub":"Cancel Emby Premiere",
"MessageConfirmSubCancel":"NO, Please don't go... You will miss out on all the great features of Emby Premiere!",
"ButtonCancelSub":"I know, cancel it anyway",
"ButtonDontCancelSub":"Keep Emby Premiere",
"MessageSubCancelReqSent":"An email has been sent to the owner of the key. Please follow the instructions in that email to complete the cancellation of this subscription. We hope to see you back soon!",
"MessageSubCancelError":"Something went wrong trying to cancel. Please send an email to {0} and we'll get you squared away.",
"LabelAlreadyCancelled":"This subscription has been cancelled. You will not be charged again but the features will work until the date above.",
"AllowOnTheFlySubtitleExtraction":"Allow subtitle extraction on the fly",
"AllowOnTheFlySubtitleExtractionHelp":"Embedded subtitles can be extracted from videos and delivered to Emby apps in plain text in order to help prevent video transcoding. On some systems this can take a long time and cause video playback to stall during the extraction process. Disable this to have embedded subtitles burned in with video transcoding when they are not natively supported by the client device.",