export MACHINE_LEARNING_CACHE_FOLDER=/tmp/model_cache export MACHINE_LEARNING_MIN_FACE_SCORE=0.034 # returns 1 face per request; setting this to 0 blows up the number of faces to the thousands export MACHINE_LEARNING_MIN_TAG_SCORE=0.0 export PID_FILE=/tmp/locust_pid export LOG_FILE=/tmp/gunicorn.log export HEADLESS=false export HOST= export CONCURRENCY=4 export NUM_ENDPOINTS=3 export PYTHONPATH=app gunicorn app.main:app --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker \ --bind $HOST --daemon --error-logfile $LOG_FILE --pid $PID_FILE while true ; do echo "Loading models..." sleep 5 if cat $LOG_FILE | grep -q -E "startup complete"; then break; fi done # "users" are assigned only one task, so multiply concurrency by the number of tasks locust --host http://$HOST --web-host \ --run-time 120s --users $(($CONCURRENCY * $NUM_ENDPOINTS)) $(if $HEADLESS; then echo "--headless"; fi) if [[ -e $PID_FILE ]]; then kill $(cat $PID_FILE); fi