'name': 'golangci-lint' 'on': 'push': 'tags': - 'v*' 'branches': - '*' 'pull_request': 'jobs': 'golangci': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'golangci-lint' 'uses': 'golangci/golangci-lint-action@v2.3.0' 'with': # This field is required. Don't set the patch version to always use # the latest patch version. 'version': 'v1.32' 'eslint': 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'uses': 'actions/checkout@v2' - 'name': 'Install modules' 'run': 'npm --prefix client ci' - 'name': 'Run ESLint' 'run': 'npm --prefix client run lint' 'notify': 'needs': - 'golangci' - 'eslint' # Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request # from a fork. 'if': "${{ github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository }}" 'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest' 'steps': - 'name': 'Conclusion' 'uses': 'technote-space/workflow-conclusion-action@v1' - 'name': 'Send Slack notif' 'uses': '8398a7/action-slack@v3' 'with': 'status': '${{ env.WORKFLOW_CONCLUSION }}' 'fields': 'repo, message, commit, author' 'env': 'GITHUB_TOKEN': '${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL': '${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}'